American Thinker "Since June, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating whether the Russian government and the Trump campaign colluded in an effort to swing the 2016 presidential election in Trump's favor. To help with the task, Mueller assembled a team of seventeen accomplished lawyers, although in September, two of the seventeen were terminated.
"The credibility of the Mueller team depends on the degree to which the public perceives it as being above politics. No reasonable person would think Mueller and his team members lack a political position of some sort, but American society is justified in expecting that each of them will at least maintain the appearance of objectivity and that as a team, they will have a rough balance between left- and right-leaning political views. Mueller's enterprise is "independent" only to the degree that it betrays no sign of favoring one political side over the other.
"What follows is a list of the all the team members in alphabetical order with any public information regarding their political orientation. The likelihood that such a heavily pro-Clinton and anti-Trump team orientation happened by chance is infinitesimally small." . . .
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"Robert Mueller -- the man of great integrity. Really?
As director of the FBI from 2001 until September of 2013, Mueller knew that Tenex (the American subsidiary of the Russian state-owned nuclear umbrella agency, Rosatom) was engaged in illegal activities with the objective of gaining Russian control over American uranium resources. He knew this because . . .
"At least as early as February of 2009, Robert Mueller also knew about a Russian spy ring that was trying to get close to the Clinton State Department for the purpose of influencing its decisions but also to be well positioned in the likely event that Hillary became president. Mueller knew all this. He knew that the Russians were trying to manipulate the Obama administration into approving the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom (and he knew that the Russians were angling to gain influence over Hillary as a potential president)." . . .