Friday, February 16, 2018

Comforter in Chief

I want to speak now directly to America's children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused or even scared: I want you to know that you are never alone and you never will be. You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. If you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a faith leader. Answer hate with love; answer cruelty with kindness.

US News and World Report  "What is the correct response to mass shootings? Is it legislation or leadership? At the national level, it should be the kind of consistent, persistent leadership that comes from a clear vision and the right words.

"President Donald Trump displayed an important flash of leadership on Thursday in his address to the nation after the school massacre in Florida. His words were thoughtful, comforting and even inspiring. But playing comforter in chief for the length of a news cycle won't be enough. It is the responsibility of Trump, and of other leaders, to try and make a lasting impact on the culture of a nation that, increasingly, seems emotionally lost.

"Impacting culture with one's words is a tall order. It requires a compelling vision, tremendous communications talent and message discipline.

"Trump's address to the nation contained an outstanding vision – of a world where we "work together to create a culture … that embraces the dignity of life, that creates deep and meaningful human connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors."

"Bingo. This is the real answer to mass shootings, and it can't be done through Congressional hearings, committee markups, votes or signing ceremonies.

"Those words, and indeed Trump's entire statement, also showed us that communications talent is available to the president. It was one of those wonderful scripted moments (versus his spontaneous verbal and written outbursts that skew heavily to the self-indulgent, coarse or mean spirited) where we can see that the president has truly gifted speechwriters.
. . . 
"Another example of communications talent is this section of Trump's address, where he reached out directly to young people who might kill or be killed:" . . .
Text above the link.

The anti-Trump propaganda machine just found a higher gear, no matter how effective this president may be.

Republicans, bad; North Korea, good.  One would think this President had been seen playing golf after this terrible act. TD

Sharyl Attkisson Explains the Origins of the 2016 'Fake News' Narrative in TedX Talk
"When interests are working this hard to shape your opinion, their true goal might just be to add another layer between you and the truth," Attkisson concluded.

Now, on to examples of this subject in a different context from just the past couple of days after the Florida school shooting:

Networks Push Fake News Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill to Buy Guns
"Fresh off their disinformation campaign in the immediate aftermath of the Parkland, Florida school shooting in which they falsely claimedthere had been 18 school shootings this year, the three major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) moved on to another fake news topic they wanted to push on the American people: President Trump and the GOP made it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns.
"The accusation that a bill designed to remove restrictions and allow the mentally ill to purchase guns was passed by the GOP and signed by President Trump had long been debunked. As the National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke wrote over a year ago, what got removed was “in layman’s terms: The rule would have allowed bureaucrats within one of our federal agencies to bar American citizens from exercising a constitutional right — and on the highly questionable grounds that to be incapable of managing one’s finances is, by definition, to be a ‘mental defective.' ’” . . .
. . . "Vega’s snide comments urging a push for gun control came after she bizarrely tried to link the shooting with White House “turmoil” over the Rob Porter domestic abuse scandal."
So very sick of this propaganda. BIZPAC Review has their take on it as well

ABC inexplicably links Florida shooting to Trump in ‘turmoil’ over Robert Porter scandal  "Even in the midst of an unfolding tragedy, the mainstream media looks for ways to take potshots at President Trump." . . .

Via George Alan Cawood at Libnorants

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Grandmother thwarted Washington school shooting by looking at student's journal, cops say

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich
"His Grandmother Saw Something, Then She Said Something" RedState
Fox News  "A student in Washington state was arrested Tuesday after his grandmother called authorities to report "upcoming and credible threats" of a plot in his journal to attack a high school after flipping a coin, officials said.
Red State

"The Everett Police Department said in a news release the grandmother ontacted authorities around 9:30 a.m. and showed police excerpts of the journal, which "detailed plans to shoot students and use homemade explosive devices at ACES High School." Officers were also told by the grandmother that 18-year-old Joshua Alexander O'Connor had a rifle stored in a guitar case, which she discovered after reading the journal.

" 'That would have probably been one of the hardest calls she has probably ever made, but I think that the content of the journal and some of the other evidence in the house was enough that she was alarmed enough," Everett Police Officer Aaron Snell told Q13 News.

"Authorities arrested O'Connor at the school, where he was found carrying marijuana and a knife. During his arrest, the student managed to slip one of his hands out of the handcuffs and tried to run from police, kicking an officer during the attempted escape." . . .

This hits close to home, and what Mr. O’Connor’s grandmother did is probably the best way to prevent mass shootings:  . . . "His grandmother is brave. By turning her grandson in, she risks retribution by Mr. O’Connor if or when he gets out of the slammer. But that’s how it’s done. In recent history, in the county where I live, there have been two other mass shootings, so we’re unfortunately well aware of the “see something, say something” mantra." . . .

. . . "Anyway, I’m glad that ACES High School shooting won’t be added to the database. At minimum, the prevention of this potential mass shooting will save us from yet another diatribe on Morning Joe on banning semiautomatic rifles."

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

About That White Supremacist Link To The Florida Shooter? Eh, Not So Much

RedState  "Earlier today an internet rumor started that Nikolas Cruz, the young man who murdered 17 students at a Florida high school, was affiliated with some white supremacist militia. Allegedly, he belonged to some group called the “Republic of Florida.” The source of this was the claim by the group’s “captain,” some mope named Jordan Jereb."

"Outlets, like the Daily Beast, ran images like this trying to link the shooter to Trump:

. . . "Then the story started to unravel.’s Zack Beauchamp, who is most famous for discovering a bridge linking Gaza to the West Bank that the Israelis regularly block to f*** with the Palestinians (I am not making this up, read the correction), started asking questions of people who research these groups:

Pence Calls out ABC News, Joy Behar for “Religious Intolerance”

Todd Starnes.
....Vice President Mike Pence delivering a jaw-dropping rebuke of ABC television after “The View” host Joy Behar compared Christianity to mental illness.     “To have ABC maintain a broadcast forum that compared Christianity to mental illness is just wrong,” Pence said Wednesday on C-SPAN. “It is simply wrong for ABC to have a television program that expresses that kind of religious intolerance.”
     Behar’s anti-Christian remarks were in response to a segment on Omarosa Manigault Newman, the reality television star turned White House staffer turned reality television star.
     “As bad as you think Trump is, you would be worried about Pence — everyone that is wishing for impeachment might want to reconsider their life,” Omarosa said in a clip from “Celebrity Big Brother.”
     The vice president said “The View” hosts insulted the “vast majority of the American people who cherish faith.”
      “It demonstrates how out of touch some in the Mainstream Media are with the faith and values of the American people that you could have a major network like ABC permit a forum for invective against religion like that,” he said" . . .
‘The View’ Cuts Off Meghan McCain During Condemnation Of Her Cohosts

. . . "She pointed out to the cohosts that they claim to be tolerant of other people but often don’t extend that tolerance to anyone who thinks differently from them.
“ 'I think we are living in an incredibly divisive times right now,” McCain continued. “As a Republican, I feel like sometimes liberals say, ‘we need to be tolerant to everyone, we need to be tolerant of everyone,’ except pro-lifers, except Trump supporters, except gun owners, except for everyone in the red in the middle of the country.”
“ 'I’m going to stop you because that’s not — that’s not actually true,” Whoopi Goldberg said, cutting McCain off. “And I’m stopping you for a reason.' ”

What Did Comey Tell President Trump about the Steele Dossier?

Andrew C. McCarthy
"The Rice email outlines Obama’s strategy to withhold key details of the Russia investigation."
 "On her way out the White House door and out of her job as national-security adviser, Susan Rice writes an email-to-self. Except it’s not really an email-to-self. It is quite consciously an email for the record. 

"Her term having ended 15 minutes before, Rice was technically back in private life, where private people have private email accounts — even notepads if they want to scratch out a reminder the old-fashioned way. Yet, for at least a few more minutes, Rice still had access to her government email account. She could still generate an official record. That’s what she wanted her brief email to be: the dispositive memorialization of a meeting she was worried about — a meeting that had happened over two weeks earlier, at which, of course, President Obama insisted that everything be done “by the book.” 

"Funny, though: The “by the book” thing about contemporaneous memos is that they are, well, contemporaneous — made at or immediately after the event they undertake to memorialize. They’re written while things are as fresh as they will ever be in one’s mind, before subsequent events motivate the writer to spin a decision, rather than faithfully record it.

" An email written on January 21 to record decisions made on January 5 is not written to memorialize what was decided. It is written to revise the memory of what was decided in order to rationalize what was then done. 

"The Trump–Russia Investigation as of January 5" 

"January 5 was the day President Obama was presented with the ballyhooed report he had ordered to be rushed to completion by multiple intelligence agencies before his administration ended, “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections.” 

Read more.

While Blaming Trump, There’s One Thing Liberal Media WON’T Tell You About FL Shooter

Mad World News  "In a disgusting twist, the blood in a Florida school after a mass shooting wasn’t even dry before the left started to blame President Donald Trump. Too bad for them, it almost immediately blew up in their faces — and now, we’ve learned the one thing about the Florida shooter that the liberal media doesn’t want anyone to know."
. . . 
"In the meantime, Democrats did what they always do — started calling for gun control. Not ones to let a tragedy go to waste, the bodies of the dead weren’t even cold yet when leftist lawmakers sought to use the deceased as political props. Knowing that people aren’t thinking clearly right now, liberals are hoping to capitalize on emotion when it comes to gun control, as logic and common sense take a back seat.
"Of course, radical leftists immediately began to blame Trump for the horrific incident as well. The Daily Beast thought it was important to note that Cruz had been seen wearing a red “Make American Great Again” hat at some point.
"Ignoring the fact that this guy was clearly deranged and mentally unstable well before President Donald Trump ever came into the picture, liberals are hell-bent on ensuring Trump takes the blame regardless — but there’s one thing the liberal media doesn’t want you to know.

"According to a report recently released by FOX News, Nikolas Cruz had actually followed a few “resistance groups in Syria” on his Instagram page. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he also searched the words “Allahu Akbar” on Google and remarked about it later in a social media post on the same platform."

These are the victims of the Florida high school shooting

Business Insider  "At least 17 people have died after a gunman opened fire on students and staff at a Florida high school on Wednesday.
"Suspect Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old former student, has been charged with attacking Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle.
"Here is what we know so far about the victims, including those who are dead, injured, or who have gone missing in the aftermath.
"All families of the victims have been notified of the deaths, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters on Thursday.
"Business Insider will add to this report as more information becomes available." . . .
"Aaron Feis, a football coach, was shot dead while protecting a student from the shooter."
Aaron Feis, a football coach, was shot dead while protecting a student from the shooter.

. . . 

Discussions on this latest murdering head case

Thomas Lifson:  Florida school shooter in custody may offer an opportunity to explore role of medications in school massacres
. . . "Or...maybe we should examine the widespread use of psychotropic stimulant drugs, such as Ritalin, on male pupils in schools, which began to be used on a  wide scale in 1996.  Particularly when the drug use stops, there may be undesirable consequences.
"I am not suggesting that anyone knows with certainty that there is a relationship, but rather that this is a factor that should be studied closely.  Now that a shooter is alive and capable of talking to authorities, his drug use should be examined, as should the use of pharmaceuticals by other shooters."

This one should offend numerous people:  Teachers At Texas School Have Come Up With A Brilliant Way To Protect Their Students From Shootings


Nothing has hit me as hard as the Sandy Hook children's massacre after which I wrote this:
Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control (Posted here after the terrible Sandy Hook massacre)  
The Tunnel Wall; Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD
NRA influence: Another lying Democrat lie
. . . "You want to talk about influence?  My pick for most at fault is the terrifying and dangerous Democrat indoctrination of our youth, pervasive throughout virtually every industry in America – from media to technology to anti-Second Amendment groups, most notably Everytown for Gun Safety, led by Michael Bloomberg, New York's former mayor.
"If the Democrats and the DMIC who poison our children's minds and lie with impunity don't keep you up at night, what will?" .
"THE Florida school shooter left a chilling comment on a YouTube video about another mass shooting last year promising a copycat attack, it has been claimed."
From 2017: Mass shooters want fame. Here's why we should stop giving it to them.  . . . " 'While there's a spike in shootings following an incident, there's an even bigger spike in reported plots," Newman said. "This is because people are vigilant and come forward with their suspicions and concerns." 
"So how can the press cover these events and not give killers the attention they may crave?" . . .
CNN Trashes Trump Response to Shootiing

It Would Have Been Nice If The FBI Had Interviewed Nikolas Cruz After He Announced His Intentions…  . . . "But we don’t arrest people for criminal thoughts. It takes criminal action to get you off the streets.
"In a better world there would be a way to intervene in the life of a Nikolas Cruz before he ends the lives of others. But this case shows we don’t have a competent enough authority to identify a Nikolas Cruz much less to give him the help he needs. The FBI had him on a silver platter and couldn’t stop him." . . .

Charles Krauthammer in 2017 wrote: "Obama Shows His True Colors as He Leaves Office"

National Review
With no reason to suppress his more radical instincts any longer, the president embraced them on his way out the door.
"Barack Obama did not go out quietly. His unquiet final acts were overshadowed, in part by a successor who refused to come in quietly, and in part by Obama’s own endless, sentimental farewell tour. But there was nothing nostalgic or sentimental about Obama’s last acts. Two of them were simply shocking.
Photo added

" Perhaps we should have known. At the 2015 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, he joked about whether he had a bucket list: “Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.” 

"Turns out, he wasn’t kidding. Commuting the sentence of Chelsea Manning, one of the great traitors of our time, is finger-in-the-eye willfulness. Obama took 28 years off the sentence of a soldier who stole and then released through WikiLeaks almost half a million military reports plus another quarter-million State Department documents. 

"The cables were embarrassing; the military secrets were almost certainly deadly. They jeopardized the lives not just of American soldiers on two active fronts — Iraq and Afghanistan — but of locals who were, at great peril, secretly aiding and abetting us. After Manning’s documents release, the Taliban “went on a killing spree” (according to intelligence sources quoted by Fox News) of those who fit the description of individuals working with the United States. 

"Moreover, we will be involved in many shadowy conflicts throughout the world. Locals will have to choose between us and our enemies. Would you choose a side that is so forgiving of a leaker who betrays her country — and you?" . . .
 Full article

Behind the portrait of Barack Obama

The Daily Caller reported that in 2015, the Village Voice described Wiley's selection of male street models as "predatory" and "perverse."  An art blog, Mr. Sawyer's Opus, described Wiley's themes of gay culture and his habit of filling the backgrounds and frame designs of many of his works with dozens of spermatozoa.
Cindy Simpson  "The selection of the artists painting the Obamas' new portraits commissioned for the Smithsonian revealed much more than two pieces of "art."

"One would surely think that the chosen artists of the former president and first lady of the United States would have been carefully vetted – for quality of work, appropriateness of artistic style for the venue, and reputation in the community.

. . . "That "something extra" is apparently the calling card of the artist.  And, fittingly, the provocative nature of such a selection is also the calling card of Obama.
"Of course, in all the mainstream media gushing about the painting and its painter, a disturbing career history and reputation were left unquestioned.  With just a little research, it's not difficult to discover.
"In a 2012 piece on Wiley in New York Magazine, the very first paragraph described a painting in his studio that "stands out: a tall, elegant black woman in a long blue dress – the canvas is enormous, eight feet by ten feet – calmly staring down the viewer.  In one hand, she holds a knife.  In the other, a cleanly severed brunette female head.  'It's sort of a play on the "kill whitey" thing,' Wiley says.' " . . .

American Silliness 2-15-2018

What?! Sony Had To Issue An 
Apology Because A Food Allergy Scene Triggered Some Peter Rabbit Viewers  . . . "Political correctness is literally making us an insane people. In the new film, Peter Rabbit, the little creatures reportedly fling blueberries at Mr. McGregor, the guy who ate Peter’s dad, because he’s allergic and needs to use an EpiPen. Well, some viewers got very upset with this scene, as they felt it denigrated the serious nature of food allergies. An apology was issued . . ." Naturally.

This Leftist Sent The Single Stupidest Tweet In Human History About 'Black Panther.' It's Incredible.  "On Monday, senior editor and “planetary evangelist” for The Planetary Society Emily Lakdawalla got herself into a Twitter mess over her suggestion that she skip the opening weekend of Black Panther." . . .
So, as a white person she was unworthy of attending that movie!
. . . "First off, it’s difficult to believe that many black people expect white people not to go to the theater, or that they care if they do. Second, why would Leftists stand for re-segregating theaters, this time out of respect for black people? Third, if Black Panther is such an important statement about race, why shouldn’t white people see it and be challenged and changed? But ideas have now taken a back seat to identity politics." . . . 
 Elizabeth Warren Doubles Down On Claim That She Has Native American Heritage  "Senator Elizabeth Warren made a surprise appearance at the National Congress of American Indians Wednesday morning, forcefully responding to President Trump’s derisively calling her “Pocahontas” and addressing her claims of Native American heritage more directly — and far more expansively — than she ever has before."

Target: Happy Valentine’s Day To My “Person!” (Left)

The Most Politically Correct Valentine's Day Card  . . . "The hilarious message inside the card mocks the PC times in which we live. The card reads: “Please accept with no obligation my nonsexually harassing, potentially platonic Valentine"s regards as a token of my/our love, lust or friendship within a relationship that we may or may not choose to be monogamous, whilst understanding that the romantic sentiment that it signifies does in no way guarantee the success or progression of the said relationship over any length of time. The sender reserves the right to remain anonymous." . . .

California High School Bans ‘Outdated And Racially Offensive’ National Anthem From Rallies . . . "She said the decision was made when students learned about the third verse, which includes the line “No refuge could save the hireling and slave / From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,” during planning for the winter rally. It applies for the rest of the school year." . . .

He will likely be the prosecution witness in the trial of those people who continue to "misgender" this guy. Or pictured being. TD