I want to speak now directly to America's children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused or even scared: I want you to know that you are never alone and you never will be. You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. If you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a faith leader. Answer hate with love; answer cruelty with kindness.
US News and World Report "What is the correct response to mass shootings? Is it legislation or leadership? At the national level, it should be the kind of consistent, persistent leadership that comes from a clear vision and the right words.
"President Donald Trump displayed an important flash of leadership on Thursday in his address to the nation after the school massacre in Florida. His words were thoughtful, comforting and even inspiring. But playing comforter in chief for the length of a news cycle won't be enough. It is the responsibility of Trump, and of other leaders, to try and make a lasting impact on the culture of a nation that, increasingly, seems emotionally lost.
"Impacting culture with one's words is a tall order. It requires a compelling vision, tremendous communications talent and message discipline.
"Trump's address to the nation contained an outstanding vision – of a world where we "work together to create a culture … that embraces the dignity of life, that creates deep and meaningful human connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors."
"Bingo. This is the real answer to mass shootings, and it can't be done through Congressional hearings, committee markups, votes or signing ceremonies.
"Those words, and indeed Trump's entire statement, also showed us that communications talent is available to the president. It was one of those wonderful scripted moments (versus his spontaneous verbal and written outbursts that skew heavily to the self-indulgent, coarse or mean spirited) where we can see that the president has truly gifted speechwriters.
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"Another example of communications talent is this section of Trump's address, where he reached out directly to young people who might kill or be killed:" . . .
Text above the link.