Jack Hellner Entire article posted here. Quoting:
Former president Obama actually said the following at his secret MIT speech, according to the transcript obtained by Reason magazine: "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us. I know that seems like a low bar."
It seems as though Obama set a tremendously high bar as to what would embarrass him.
It should have been embarrassing to Obama and his supporters when:
He continually lied by saying you could keep your doctor and your health plan and that premiums would go down when Obamacare passed.
He had a gun-running operation called Fast and Furious, where the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives lost track of over 2,000 guns it allowed to be sold to Mexican drug cartels and people died. Obama claimed he had no idea about the project but claimed executive privilege to hide documents.
His IRS targeted political opponents, violating their free speech and freedom of association rights granted by the Constitution.
He sicced his Justice Department goons on the Little Sisters of the Poor, suing them for daring to believe they had religious freedom.
Planned Parenthood personnel were caught bragging that they crunched and crushed babies for profit. Somehow, Obama, the media, and other Democrats didn't have any empathy for the babies and weren't embarrassed at all about this appalling practice. Nor did they do anything to hold Planned Parenthood accountable, ignoring the law.
He left people to die in Libya while he and Hillary concocted a lie to protect their political power. He even lied to the families of those who died and had Susan Rice continually lie to the public, showing that he and Hillary have zero empathy for those who died and their families. His minions arrested and imprisoned a man they knowingly falsely blamed for an anti-Mohammed video. And people say Trump has no empathy and doesn't discharge his duties as president.
He allowed Russia top get control of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply despite knowing about corrupt practices that manipulated the Russian access to the resources and how dangerous they were. He allowed Hillary and her foundation to get massive kickbacks while being his secretary of state.
He allowed Hillary to continually violate the nation's security laws through her secret and unauthorized private server, situated in some guy's bathroom. He lied when he claimed he didn't know because he actually emailed her at it under a fake name.
He and his administration continually lied to get the Iran deal done and even paid Iran's brutal mullahs a $1.7-billion ransom.
He let officials who worked for him – Attorney General Eric Holder; intelligence majordomos James Clapper and John Brennan; national security adviser Susan Rice; and FBI director James Comey, who committed perjury – off with no repercussions.
He had intelligence agencies illegally spy on thousands of Americans for years.
He had Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch do exactly as they were instructed, even when his orders crossed legal lines. They failed to enforce immigration laws and never seriously investigated Hillary or the IRS.
He continually said he couldn't constitutionally change immigration laws unilaterally and did it anyway.
His attorney general, Lynch, met privately with Bill Clinton a few days before a pretend FBI interview with Hillary, in secret, out on a tarmac in Arizona.
His FBI director exonerated Hillary and her aides with a rigged investigation. It was considered only a disciplinary matter.
He had staffers illegally unmask names and illegally leak conversations of innocent American political opponents caught up in intelligence surveillance dragnets under laws that were designed to protect them.
He had the FBI illegally spy on Donald Trump and his associates based on a fake dossier funded by the Democratic National Committee and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
He wrote regulations as fast as he could on climate change based on inaccurate computer models. An intelligent person would have been ashamed that the global warming fear-mongers continually manipulated data when the data didn't match the predictions, but not Obama. He continually said the science is settled and that people who said in all honesty that the climate had always changed naturally and cyclically should not be listened to. He even had Loretta Lynch threaten legal action against those who dared disagree with him.
It is just so hard to think of any scandals under Obama that he and his supporters should be embarrassed about. I am sure I have left off some.
It is easy to go through eight years and claim no scandals with a complicit media supporting him no matter what he did, along with a compromised and politicized Justice Department that was just as corrupt and partisan as its president.
If I were Obama, I would be embarrassed that I increased spending rapidly, ran up the public debt by $10 trillion, had a Federal Reserve that injected trillions and kept interest rates at near zero, and produced the slowest economic recovery in seventy years. He thinks he did well because the supportive media and Democrats continually told him how smart he was and how well he did.
He's either deluded or lying – again.
End quote.