Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bolton’s appointment is a brilliant America first move

Caroline Glick  "President Donald Trump’s decision to appoint former UN Ambassador John Bolton to serve as his National Security Advisor is arguably the most significant single step he has taken to date toward implementing his America First foreign policy.
The news hit America’s enemies and competitors — from Pyongyang to Teheran to Moscow to Beijing — like a wall of bricks Thursday night.
"Early criticisms on the political right of Bolton’s appointment have centered on two points. First, it is argued that Bolton, who has been involved in U.S. foreign policymaking since the Reagan administration, is a creature of the Washington foreign policy swamp.
"While it is true that Bolton is from Washington – or Baltimore, to be precise – and although it is true that he held senior foreign policy positions in both Bush administrations, he has always been a thorn in the side of the establishment rather than a member of that establishment.
"For the better part of three decades, Bolton has bravely held positions that fly in the face of the establishment’s innate preference for appeasement. He was a vocal critic, for example, of then-President Bill Clinton’s disastrous nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.
"The 1994 “Agreed Framework” that Clinton concluded with Pyongyang was touted as a peaceful resolution of the nuclear crisis with North Korea. In exchange for shuttering – but not destroying — its nuclear installations, North Korea received light water reactors from the U.S. and massive economic relief. As Bolton warned it would, North Korea pocketed the concessions and gifts and continued to develop its nuclear weapons. In other words, far from preventing North Korea from developing nuclear weapons, the Agreed Framework preserved the North Korean nuclear program and enabled the regime to develop it effectively with U.S. assistance.
"For his warnings, Bolton has been reviled as a “warmonger” and a “superhawk” by the foreign policy elite, which has gone out if its way to undercut him." . . .

Saturday, March 24, 2018

High School Sophomore Goes Viral For Smacking Down #MarchForOurLives With Simple History Lesson (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit
CJ Pearson, a 15-year-old high school sophomore, is going viral for a history lesson on the Second Amendment directed at his peers who were attending the March For Our Lives.
 "The well-spoken Georgia teen’s video has been viewed nearly 40,000 times.

“Today hundreds of thousands of young people are going to take to the streets to march for gun control because they have been fed this false narrative that the Second Amendment is discardable, the constitution is obsolete and that guns are inherently bad. That argument, that narrative — is B.S.,” Pearson argued.
Pearson explained that he believes young people in his generation are too focused on deciding their political views based on emotion instead of logic and reason.
“ 'My message to my fellow young people is to remember what we learned in history class. Remember Hitler? Joseph Stalin? Even some modern examples — Kim Jong Un and so forth and so on? The people that these regimes have oppressed I am sure would kill to have something like the Second Amendment, and I am sure that the Holocaust would have been a very different thing if those that Hitler sought to oppress had had the means to defend themselves. First they come for our guns, then they come for our liberty,” Pearson explained.
"Pearson stated that in America we have had the privilege of not having dictators like Hitler and Stalin come to power due to our Second Amendment.
“I 'f any leader ever sought to plant the seeds of tyranny in this country they would be met with resistance. Resistance made possible by the Second Amendment. History not learned from is history bound to be repeated, and so when you sit here and argue that the Second Amendment is the worst thing to happen to America and that we need to just throw it out the window — I am going to look you in the eye and say that is B.S.,” Pearson said. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people, and that is a fact.' ” . . .
Emphasis in the original.

VIDEO: David Hogg Delivers Profanity-Ridden Rant

Demagoguery is fine if you're a teen-ager.

National Review

"Seventeen-year-old gun control advocate David Hogg delivered a profanity-laced tirade on the evils of gun owners and Republican lawmakers in a recorded interview posted to YouTube on March 5.
"In the interview, conducted by The Outline, the Parkland shooting survivor describes the National Rifle Association and pro-Second Amendment lawmakers as “f***ers” and accuses them of prioritizing campaign contributions over the lives of children.
“ 'The pathetic f***ers that want to keep killing our children, they could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action because they all still see those dollar signs,” Hogg said before describing the “exhaustion” he’s experienced as a result of his month-long stint as a political activist.
“ 'At this point its like when your old-a** parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage’ and you’re like, ‘Ok give me the f***ing phone’ and you take it and you get it done in one second. Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government because our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy so we have to do it.”TS
"Hogg, who has become the defacto spokesman for the youth gun-control movement, regularly appears on cable news and is featured on the cover of the next issue of Time magazine along with four other Parkland students, all of whom are vocal proponents of increased gun control.
"When asked what specific measures he would implement if given the opportunity, Hogg begins to discuss mental-illness policy before arguing that it’s not his responsibility to formulate solutions: “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17.' ”

The 20 Worst Quotes From Louis Farrakhan, Liberal America's Favorite Racist

Townhall  "David Duke and Richard Spencer have small numbers of fringe supporters and they’re considered to be pariahs on the Right. Just to give you a rough idea of their support, even the unreliable and highly suspect Southern Poverty Law Center estimates that there are only somewhere between 5,000-8,000 KKK members in the United States. In other words, those numbers could be high by a substantial amount. In addition, Duke and Spencer are universally reviled by every mainstream conservative publication and no Republican in Congress wants to be associated with them. In fact, the only reason anyone talks about either of them at all is because the liberal media incessantly builds them up and amplifies their message in an effort to tie them to Republicans who want nothing to do with them. 

"On the other hand, the dishonorable Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam is estimated to have somewhere between 20,000-50,000 members. Farrakhan has met with a number of liberal celebrities including Stevie Wonder, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Ice Cube, Chuck D, Ludacris, 50 Cent, DMX, T.I., Busta Rhymes, C Lo Green, Kendrick Lamar, The Game, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Jada Pinkett and Will Smith. Left-wing social media network Twitter, which has made a big deal about publicly pulling the accounts of prominent racists, has allowed Farrakhan’s account to stay up. At least seven Democrats, including “California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green” have taken meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress and there are many other prominent Dems (including Rahm Emanuel) who have cozied up to him. Even former President Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan. Not only did he take a side by side smiling picture with him, the Nation of Islam has actually worked on his political campaigns. " . . .

"All of this is despite Farrakhan openly preaching his hatred of whites, Jews and America for decades. " . . .

Can Trump win back his base after signing the abominable spending bill?

In my book, this was a tactical retreat, not a strategic surrender.It is up to conservatives to determine how great the losses from that retreat will be.  If we stay home in November and hand the House to Nancy Pelosi and maybe even the Senate to Chuck Schumer, and Trump is impeached, will the satisfaction of "teaching him a lesson" compensate for the inevitable results?

Thomas Lifson  "I, too, wish President Trump had vetoed that spending bill that put smiles on the faces of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and permitted them to gloat openly.  The only reason for his cave-in that I find credible is what he said: that the huge spending increase for our now depleted military cannot wait.  Our airplanes and helicopters are falling from the skies, and roughly half of some aircraft models are not airworthy, some of them suffering cannibalization of their parts to keep the rest flying.

"I suspect that his attention now is focused on the pending talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and he absolutely requires a credible threat to use our military.  Iran and other bad actors are watching closely, and military weakness going into those talks would be my priority if the responsibility were on my shoulders.
"But what do we, his base, want to happen?
"Is revenge against Trump worth handing Congress to the Democrats?  Would it be so satisfying to see Trump impeached and therefore punished for allowing half a year of terrible spending to take place?  (This was not even a full-year budget bill.) . . ."
. . . "So what can Trump do?" . . .

But on the other hand...

What just happened? Trump got rolled.  . . . "We all grasp the deadly seriousness of needed funds for our Obama-decimated military, and it is easy to believe that it was Secretary Mattis who begged Trump to sign the bill.  But was beginning to rebuild our armed forces worth the level of wasteful spending in this bill and the indebtedness of the next several generations who have yet to be born?  Hard to know.  We do know that the best defense is a deterrent to war, but the bill Trump signed is a monstrosity for conservatives, a dream come true for progressives who are dedicated to bringing about America's decline.

"As Schumer so gleefully commented, the Democrats have done better under Trump than they did Obama!" . . .  
Ann Coulter was not one bit happy with all this (Video)
"President Schumer"?

Friday, March 23, 2018

Trump issues order supporting ban on many transgender troops, defers to Pentagon on new restrictions

Chicago Tribune

"President Donald Trump issued an order late Friday that supports a ban on many transgender troops, deferring to a new Pentagon plan that essentially cancels a policy adopted by the Obama administration.
"The decision revokes a full ban that Trump issued last summer but disqualifies U.S. troops who have had gender reassignment surgery, as recommended by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
" 'By its very nature, military service requires sacrifice," Mattis wrote in a memo to the president that was released Friday. "The men and women who serve voluntarily accept limitations on their personal liberties — freedom of speech, political activity, freedom of movement — in order to provide the military lethality and readiness necessary to ensure American citizens enjoy their personal freedoms to the fullest extent."
"Current transgender service members who have not undergone reassignment surgery should be allowed to stay, as long as they have been medically stable for 36 consecutive months in their biological sex before joining the military and are able to deploy across the world, Mattis recommended."

Barack Obama is set to earn $1.3million for a whistle-stop speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand

UK Daily Mail

Barack Obama stayed at Sydney's Intercontinental Hotel where a one-night stay can cost up to $2,449. 

Despite Obama having left the Oval Office more than a year ago, roads were still shut down in a military-style operation to ensure Obama's safety.

"Barack Obama is set to rake in $1.3 million for a whistle-stop speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand.

"The former US President has already raked in thousands for an appearance at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney. 

"After a one-day stop-over in Australia, Obama boarded a plane to New Zealand where he spent three days on engagements, meeting dignitaries and playing golf.  

"Next on his one-week tour is Japan and Singapore, and he is expected to earn seven figures for his work." . . .

Is California Governor Jerry Brown Mentally Ill?

Get this, folks: Americans are spending almost a billion dollars a year on auto insurance for illegals.  Brown is gifting illegals billions in welfare and housing while his constituents cannot find a place to live.
Lloyd Marcus  . . . "So I guess, according to leftists' perverse way of thinking, that Trump must be crazy, along with the 63 million Americans who voted for him.

"Meanwhile, leftists are ignoring glaring reasons to question the sanity of California's governor, Jerry Brown.  The entire country is talking about the collapse of California due to decades of insane liberal policies.  And what is Governor Brown's response?  He implemented hundreds more destructive liberal rules, regulations, and giveaways to illegals.  An article listing the top ten stupidest new California laws includes "Single-User Restrooms," "Controlling Cow Flatulence," "Legalizing Child Prostitution," and "Felons Voting." 
"Governor Brown signed a new law making California a sanctuary state, doubling down on his bizarre quest to undermine American citizens.  In essence, Brown gave federal law, President Trump, and legal California residents his middle finger.  Numerous California families have suffered devastating losses of family members killed by illegals with long felony records who have been deported several times and welcomed back with open arms by Brown.  One mom whose son was killed by an illegal with two DUIs and two felonies said Brown should be arrested for treason.  Isn't it reasonable to question Brown's sanity?
"Liberal governing has transformed beautiful California into the poverty capital of America with the worst quality of life.  Crazy taxes, crazy high cost of living, and crazy overreaching regulations have crushed the middle class, forcing the middle class to exit the Sunshine State.  All that is left in California are illegals feeding at the breast of the state, rapidly growing massive homeless tent cities, and the mega-rich.  Would a sane governor take pride in causing this to happen to his state?" . . .

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hillary in India: A Sari Spectacle

See the source image

Doris O'Brien  "One of my liberal friends admitted to me recently that there is a certain virtue to losing gracefully. She was referencing her disappointment with the mean-spirited salvos Hillary Clinton delivered during her recent visit to India, an outburst closer to being disgraceful than full of grace.

"I’ve been trying to figure Hillary out for almost a half century, ever since I found myself part of an alumnae audience listening to the Wellesley Class of 1969’s graduation spokesperson -- known then as Hillary Rodham -- erupt in condescending anger at the commencement’s guest speaker. Even all those years ago, it was apparent that she was not sensitive to the feelings of anyone with whose worldview she disagreed. Hence the lamentable manner in which sanctimonious Hillary directed her scorn at Republican U.S. senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts.
"If consistency counts, let it at least be said that Hillary remains as blatantly insensitive now as she was then. More than ever, she is blinded by self-interest, and deafened by the roar of ambition.
"Throughout her long public presence, Hillary has been less heedful of messing up opportunities than in missing out on them. She often seems oblivious to what people think of her as long as they think of her. Yet what can she possibly gain at this point from her unappealing, attention- seeking tirades?" . . .

See the source image

Slate Writer Apologizes for Asserting Austin Bomber Was White Supremacist

National Review

"Jamelle Bouie, the chief political correspondent for Slate, suggested in a Monday tweet that the individual responsible for the scourge of bombings in Austin, Texas was a “white supremacist,” hours after two white men were injured in one of the explosions.
Emboldened white supremacists are murdering people, attempting to murder people and radicalizing folks who also murder people and it is staggering that it is barely a national story. 
"The alleged bomber, 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt, blew himself up Wednesday morning as police closed in on his vehicle. He is thought to have been responsible for five bombings in or near Austin."

Former Police Officer's Visit to Son's School Opened His Eyes to 'Stage One of Brainwashing' Kids

IJR  "During a visit to his son's school, former police officer Brandon Tatum noticed the American flag was missing.
"In a video posted to YouTube, Tatum explained that given where his son goes to school, he expected a very liberal environment and shared the first thing he saw.

"While he didn't make any physical indication of his displeasure because he didn't want to embarrass his son or make a scene in front of little kids, in his mind, he thought:
“This is stage one of brainwashing our young people to desensitize them to American values. This is one of the most diverse schools that I've ever seen. I mean, kids from all walks of life are in this school and for them to devalue the American flag in the classroom was just shocking to me.”

WATCH: Dashcam Video Shows Horrific Florida Bridge Collapse That Killed 6