Wednesday, April 25, 2018

"How to Avoid Road Kill and Reduce Psychic Pain"; Prof. Mike Adams stirs the pot yet again

In addition to claiming an absence of pain for the unborn, Parker invokes the concept of pain in order to justify abortion as a positive good. He does this by referring to the procedure as a “palliative solution to psychic pain.” By that, Parker means that abortion is often a source of stress relief for a pregnant woman." . 

Mike Adams  "Abortionist Willie Parker has a difficult time deciding what gives human beings value. He claims that his judgments are grounded in facts. But he justifies performing second trimester abortions by citing the “medical truth” that “Before twenty two weeks, a fetus is not in any way equal to ‘a baby’ or ‘a child.’ It cannot survive outside the uterus because it cannot breathe – not even on a respirator. It cannot form anything like thoughts.” That statement may be grounded in medical truth. But it is also grounded in bad philosophy.

"For most people, the first impulse upon reading such a statement is to explore the specific implications of killing innocent human beings simply because they are unable to survive on their own. But such an exploration is unnecessary, given that Willie Parker actually performs abortions beyond the twenty-two week mark. That is why Parker continues to search for other ways to distinguish between being human in a biological sense, and being a person in a philosophical sense. This leads him to try to identify some characteristic or function that begins to appear after the 25- week mark, beyond which Parker says he will not perform an abortion.

"Parker makes the claim that up until 29 weeks there is a scientific consensus that the unborn “cannot feel anything like pain.” Thus, he advances the idea that physically assaulting an innocent human being is justifiable provided that the victim cannot feel any assault taking place. It is worth noting that many rapists drug their victims and commit sexual assault only after she has passed out and is thus unable to feel anything. Surely, we would never accept “no pain, no crime” as a legitimate defense in a court of law. Nor should we accept it in the court of public opinion." . . .   To be continued.

So does the fetus, in fact, feel pain? A growing body of evidence says yes. The fetus is known to have pain receptors throughout the body by 8 weeks of gestation

Animation shows for first time how Nikolas Cruz carried out Parkland school massacre

Chicago Tribune  "As gunman Nikolas Cruz skulked through Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, a person’s chances of surviving depended largely on where they encountered him.
"One student who came across him on the first floor got away as Cruz loaded his weapon, according to a chilling animation released Tuesday. And all students on the second floor survived. But students and staff on the first and third floors were at Cruz’s mercy, the animation shows.
"The rudimentary video, made by investigators from the Broward Sheriff’s Office, provides the first official account of Cruz’s movements during approximately six minutes and 45 seconds he spent inside the school building. It was played at Tuesday’s first meeting of the state-appointed commission investigating “system failures” related to the Parkland school mass shooting.
"The animation shows Cruz — as a black dot with a line representing the AR-15 rifle he carried — methodically stalking through the building and shooting his victims — students are shown as green dots and school staff as blue dots. As bullets strike each person, the color of the dot that represents them changes to purple for the dead and yellow for the injured." . . .

Timeline of the shooter's actions 

"Gunman Nikolas Cruz prowled the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for six horrible minutes – a flash of terror where life and death became a matter of chance. Interviews, police reports, audio recordings and other records provide 2:19 p.m.
"It is a half hour before roughly 3,500 students and staff are set to stream out of their high school in Parkland. Love and thoughts of dates with sweethearts fill their heads this Valentine’s Day as the clock slowly ticked toward dismissal.

Court rules against Trump's DACA pause

Rich Terrell

Federal judge orders resumption of DACA after 90 day delay  . . . "Trump is not going to win this battle in the federal courts. Only at the Supreme Court will he have a chance. Even there, his immigration rulings have an uncertain future, given some of the straws in the wind we've seen from Judge Gorsuch."

Third judge rules against Trump move to end DACA
. . . "Trump announced in September that he planned to phase out the program, allowing renewals through March 5 of this year but then refusing to issue new permits. The arrangement would have resulted in about 700,000 people having their work permits and quasi-legal status expire over a two-year period. 
"The administration said the move was necessary to head off a lawsuit threatened by conservative state attorneys general who managed to block an expansion of the program under President Barack Obama. Bates, however, made clear on Tuesday that he did not find that to be a credible reason for the wind-down of DACA."

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Man Who Wrestled Gun From Waffle House Shooter Raises More Than $45K For Victims’ Families

The Hill with appreciation to Weasel Zippers

. . . "Shaw created a GoFundMe page to raise money for the victims' families. It had raised nearly twice its $15,000 goal in just 19 hours. As of early Monday evening, the page had raised nearly $46,000.
“ 'Please take the time to donate as all of the proceeds will be given to the families,” the page reads. “Thank you again for your generosity and blessings!”
"More than 800 people have donated so far, with many praising Shaw’s courage in addition to expressing condolences for the victims.
“ 'Thank you for your bravery, Mr. Shaw,” one donor wrote. “You are the future of our country. Please take care of yourself to heal from your traumatic experience, and God bless you.”
"The suspected gunman, 29-year-old Travis Reinking, was captured by police Monday afternoon after a manhunt lasting more than 24 hours.
"The White House praised Shaw’s “heroic actions” during a press briefing Monday." . . .
From Shaw's GoFundMe page

My name is James Shaw Jr. I am creating this page to help the families of the victims from the Shooting that took place at Waffle House in Antioch, TN. Please take the time to donate as all of the proceeds will be given to the families. Thank you again for your generosity and blessings! 

‘Real Indian’ Running Against Elizabeth Warren Sues After City Tells Him To Stop Calling Her ‘Fake Indian’

Weasel Zippers

"The People’s Republic of Cambridge.
"Via Fox News:
A self-described “real Indian” who is running against Mass. Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren is suing after city officials demanded he take down his signs calling her a “fake Indian.”The upstart independent Senate challenger, Shiva Ayyadurai, on Sunday filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the demand from the city of Cambridge violates his constitutional free speech rights, according to The Washington Times.Since March 17, Ayyadurai’s campaign bus has sported two identical signs picturing himself and a rendition of Warren wearing Indian attire. Emblazoned next to the images are the words: “Only a REAL INDIAN Can Defeat the Fake Indian.”The bus has reportedly been stationed in a parking lot in front of an office building owned by Ayyadurai, who faces exceptionally long odds, for more than a month — just a mile from Warren’s home.

SOCIALISM: Bernie Sanders Wants The Government To Give Everyone A Job

As was said by someone, Bernie went to the Soviet Union for his honeymoon and never left there.
USA News

"Bernie Sanders thinks big government is the solution to everything. Now he wants the government to become the nation’s biggest employer by handing out jobs to any American who wants one. What could go wrong?
The Washington Post reports:
Bernie Sanders to announce plan to guarantee every American a jobSen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will announce a plan for the federal government to guarantee a job paying $15 an hour and health-care benefits to every American worker “who wants or needs one,” embracing the kind of large-scale government works project that Democrats have shied away from in recent decades.Sanders’s jobs guarantee would fund hundreds of projects throughout the United States aimed at addressing priorities such as infrastructure, care giving, the environment, education and other goals. Under the job guarantee, every American would be entitled to a job under one of these projects or receive job training to be able to do so, according to an early draft of the proposal.A representative from Sanders’s office said they had not yet done a cost estimate for the plan or decided how it would be funded, saying they were still crafting the proposal.
"Oh. They don’t know how they’re going to pay for it?" . . .

"We all know Socialism will never work, and here’s another shining example from the liberal paradise that is California: "How California Liberals Mixed Recycling With Socialism – And Ruined It"Los Angeles has a massive problem." . . .
. . . "So, back when recycling was handled by private companies in a competitive bidding system, recycling was gathered two times per week. Now, it takes two weeks to get a single pickup. Trash builds up in basements and parking garages like “rat-infested mountains.” Prices have doubled and service is cut in half." . . .

From The Federalist Papers

Fresno Prof Blames Racism For Backlash Over Barbara Bush Comments

A number of conservatives — among them Ben Shapiro, Christina Sommers and David French — defended Jarrar, saying that no matter how repulsive one found her comments, they should be covered under the protection of the First Amendment.

Daily Caller  "Fresno State University professor Randa Jarrar, in an interview that was published on Tuesday, blamed racism for the backlash she received after attacking former first lady Barbara Bush on Twitter the day she died.
"Jarrar, who is of Egyptian, Greek and Palestinian heritage, told The Cut that she believes her own race was certainly a factor in the response to her comments.
“ 'Women of color routinely have their tone policed, their justified anger painted as hatred, and their criticism of injustice framed as racism toward white people,” Jarrar told The Cut.
"After calling Bush a “racist” and the mother of a “war criminal,” Jarrar received criticism from a number who felt that she had crossed a line and should be fired. She argued back that she was tenured and therefore could not be fired." . . .
Joseph Castro, president of Fresno State, later told the Associated Press that even tenured professors are not immune to the consequences of their actions.

HERO: Meet the Man Who Tackled the Waffle House Shooter

"After suffering a few scrapes on his elbow and being discharged from the hospital, Shaw Jr attended church with his mother." Timothy Meads
Just think; in Tennessee before the civil rights movement, the hero by law would not have even been allowed into this restaurant as a customer. I'm so glad both whites and blacks have now been freed from that millstone, and know this: we are a better nation because of young men like James Shaw. The Tunnel Dweller

Timothy Meads

"Earlier today, a madman with a gun opened fire on a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee. But one hero ran towards the bullets instead of away from them. Police say James Shaw Jr.’s actions saved many lives."

Waffle House Hero Is Healing Through Faith: ‘It Just Made Sense For Me To Go To Church  . . . "Shaw Jr. said he needed a sense of community and love to heal, which lead him to church where he received the loving support of his family and friends.

“ 'I just went to church just so I could begin kind of like the healing process and kind of persevere through this situation,” he said. “And I just wanted to be around, you know, some love. My fraternal brothers came to support me. My family was there to support me. The church was there to support me.”

Robert Mueller, Dry hole: "An unsuccessful venture, especially an exploratory oil well that produces no oil."

Dry hole
Rich Terrell
Mueller's harassment of Hannity may be criminal  . . . "Mueller is a real fascist who uses the power of the state to attack individuals. He lead the anthrax attack investigation that targeted the wrong man, and harassed him so viciously that taxpayers had to pay the victim of Mueller's abuse $5.8 million.
"President George Walker Bush should have fired him. Instead, he let this bonehead keep his job.
"That taught Mueller nothing.
"A criminal investigation of the Mule might." . . .

President Trump: guilty until proven innocent  "Byron York describes the new standard for evaluating wild allegations against President Trump: Have they been disproved?:"  Sure worked for Harry Reid, didn't it?

VDH: Revolution and Worse to Come  . . . "Robert Mueller and his “dream team” were long ago supposed to have discovered proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia. A year later, they have found nothing much to do with this mandate. Then the alternative scent was obstruction of justice. Then the chase took another detour to follow some sort of fraud or racketeering. Now the FBI is reduced to raiding Trump’s lawyer in an effort to root out the real story on Stormy Daniels. One wonders what might have happened had Michael Cohen panicked and destroyed 30,000 emails before Mueller seized his computers. No matter, Mueller’s legal army presses on, even as it leaves its own wounded on the battlefield, as resignations, reassignments, and retirements for improper conduct decimate the Obama-era FBI and DOJ hierarchies." . . .

Mueller Found a Very Dishonest Way to Shroud His Investigation in Secrecy

Our PC Culture Just Got Even More Ridiculous

Bernard Goldberg

Our PC Culture Just Got Even More Ridiculous

"Every now and then a news item pops up that is so ridiculous that you figure it's just got to be fake news, somebody's idea of a joke. You check the calendar to make sure it's not April Fools' Day. And when you realize it isn't, you come to understand that in our hypersensitive culture, a news story can be factual, accurate and preposterous all at the same time. 

"Which brings us to the TV play-by-play man for the Oklahoma City Thunder, a team in the National Basketball Association. The announcer, Brian Davis, was calling a game in which the team's star player, Russell Westbrook, was having another spectacular game. He had just made a pass setting up a basket -- one of a stunning 19 assists he made in the game -- when Davis put an exclamation point on the Westbrook pass, saying Westbrook was playing "out of his cotton-pickin' mind." 

"Davis is white and Westbrook is black, in case you haven't figured that out. And in case you have absolutely no knowledge of history, slaves once upon a time picked cotton in the South. 

"So reparations for the ugly past had to be paid, more than 150 years after slavery ended. How? By taking what passes for the moral high ground. The Thunder suspended Davis for one game. No fooling. 

"Never mind that cotton pickin' is a term used in the South by a lot of old white guys and old black guys as a genteel replacement for a harsher words, like damn. 
. . . "The term has ugly racial connotations mainly for those who look in all sorts of places for supposed ugly racial connotations." 

Never Forget Maxine Waters Embraced the Thug Who Slammed Concrete on Reginald Denny’s Head

Waters did not learn a thing from the experience. She went on to describe the LA Race Riots as, quote, “a rebellion, and in ways understandable.” Including, apparently, the part about smashing people’s brains in for being the wrong color. Yep, that’s the Democratic Party’s new expert on race relations.

Independent Sentinel  "NEVER FORGET that Maxine Waters embraced Damien Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at truck driver 

"Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over this innocent man’s battered body. Maxine Waters even visited Damien Williams’ mother to offer her support.
Williams was sent to prison on a single felony charge of mayhem, but when his accomplices got off, Waters joined in the celebration.
"Damien Williams was released a few years later and went on to murder somebody else. Also, no surprise, he was a member of the Crips." . . .

She’s the Democrat Party’s new “rock star”. She’s Auntie Maxine, the moral authority of the Party. This is the woman who doesn’t even live in the hellhole she’s been responsible for over the past three decades. She lives in a nearby mansion.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Our revered free press

Conrad Black: America is being mocked by the shallow bias of its free press  
Anti-Trump mainstream media in the U.S., joined by their fatuously chirping Canadian counterparts, are failing the general public
. . . "But we will get the politicians we deserve. When will we get media we deserve? This is a burning question for the whole West. Until it is answered, a free press is undervalued and accordingly vulnerable. The recently exposed abuses of Facebook and other tech giants and the U.S. president’s successful use of Twitter are symptoms of the problem."

America is being mocked by the shallow bias of its free press

. . . "Desperately unoriginal and mouthy occupants of late-night purported comedy — Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Chelsea Handler — imagine that shouting rehashed denigrations of the president and his family are amusing. It is a bore; it isn’t working, and history moves on." . . .