Friday, April 27, 2018

Just asking...

Texas Democrat group crops Melania out of THAT viral photo featuring the four former presidents and first ladies . . .

UK Daily Mail

Former First Lady and former next president Hillary Clinton was there as well.
"A Democratic Party official in Texas has apologized after he cropped out First Lady Melania Trump from a photo in which she poses with former presidents and their wives at Barbara Bush’s funeral.

"The original photo, which was taken by a spokesperson for former President George H.W. Bush, went viral on Sunday.

"It shows Bush; his son, former President George W. Bush; former first lady Laura Bush; former President Bill Clinton; his wife, Hillary Clinton; former President Barack Obama; his wife, Michelle Obama; and Melania Trump.

"President Donald Trump was conspicuously absent from the photo.

"He stayed home in Florida amidst reports that he was told he was not wanted at Barbara Bush’s funeral." . . .

And here is the "dog ate my homework" excuse given that should be more than adequate for the average Democrat and talk-show viewer:

With James Comey, Bret Baier was, thankfully, NOT Stephen Colbert

Comey Makes Surprising New Claims In Disastrous Fox News Interview
"Former FBI Director James Comey made startling new statements on Thursday during an interview with Fox News host Bret Baier that many instantly said was a disaster for Comey.
"Comey defended sharing his classified memos about conversations with President Donald Trump with his friend, Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman.
“ 'That memo was unclassified then,” Comey told Baier. “It's still unclassified. It's in my book. The FBI cleared that book before it could be published.”
“ 'I didn't consider it part of an FBI file," Comey continued. "It was my personal aid to memoir.' ” span style="font-family: "lato" , sans-serif;">"Notable moments from the interview include:". . .

In his interview with Bret Baier, James Comey’s lies and evasions were stunning
"Oozing charm from every pore, he oiled his way around the floor."  
. . . "The always perspicacious Bret Baier interviewed Comey and the result was almost comical for Comey's dissembling.  He's just released a book, but he knows nothing!  He has nebulous recollections.  He's not sure.  "It's possible"...He thinks.....!   It's not for him to say.... It's his understanding.... He doesn't remember clearly, 'I'm not allowed to say,' and on and on. 
"Comey’s ability to communicate vagueness is stunning. " . . .

Turns out James Comey was a blabbermouth all along

Tour De Force: FNC’s Baier Grills Comey Over Dossier, E-Mail, Leaks in Epic Interview "Former FBI Director and new author James Comey has spent the past 12 days on his book tour promoting A Higher Loyalty, the supposed greatness of Comey himself and the lack thereof on the part of President Trump. 

"However, no prior interview compared to his Thursday hit on the Fox News Channel’s Special Report as host Bret Baier offered a masterfully tough tour de force akin to interviews of yesteryear by the late Tim Russert." . . .
It was soon after that Baier showed his mettle, telling Comey that “you already knew that she had been telling, whatever you want to say, lies, mistruths about this investigation of what — and how she handled those emails” and played a clip of Comey stating just that in congressional testimony in July 2016. 

Byron York: Is Comey telling the truth about his memos?  . . . "Comey made some of the same arguments Thursday night in an interview with Fox News' Bret Baier. "I don't consider what I did with Mr. Richman a leak," Comey said. "I told him about an unclassified conversation with the president."
" 'That's a leak, isn't it?" Baier asked a bit later. "It's not," Comey responded." . . .

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Double Standards of the Mueller Investigation

The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he ignores the actual lawbreakers.

This column by Mr. Hanson is linked to elsewhere in the  Tunnel Wall. We feel it is a strong enough commentary on leftist journalism and leftist politics that it should stand alone. TD

Victor Davis Hanson  "The country is about to witness an investigatory train wreck.
"In one direction, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation train is looking for any conceivable thing that President Donald Trump’s campaign team might have done wrong in 2016.. . . 
"If so, then the DOJ will have to look at Comey himself and DOJ officials who obstructed a federal court. On at least four occasions, they were not honest about the deeply flawed Christopher Steele dossier being the source of information used in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
"Comey also has said that he predicated the nature of the Clinton email investigation on his assumptions about her chances of winning the presidency — another investigatory abuse.
"The Mueller team is reportedly still looking into the possibility of election-cycle collusion with Russia by Trump officials.
"That track will require Mueller’s DOJ counterparts to look carefully at the Clinton campaign, which paid opposition researcher Steele, a British subject, for dirt on Trump that was produced through collusion with Russian sources.
"Mueller is also said to be investigating whether Trump or his advisers broke laws concerning the release of confidential government information.
"If so, the DOJ may have to indict Comey. He confessed to passing along confidential FBI memos to a friend for the expressed purpose of leaking their contents to the press.
"High-ranking Obama administration officials may also be subject to indictments, given that they may have requested the “unmasking” of American citizens whose communications were intercepted during the surveillance of foreign parties and then leaked the names of those citizens to the press.
"Mueller’s team apparently has assumed that Michael Cohen’s status as Trump’s attorney offers no protections under normal attorney-client privilege protocols.". . . 
Politics have infected these investigations. Trump was seen as a threat to the status quo, and FBI and DOJ lawbreakers were seen as custodians of it.The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he is inadvertently underscoring that actual lawbreakers must be subject to the same standard of justice. Ironically, Mueller’s investigation has reminded America that it is past time to call Comey, McCabe, and a host of Obama-era DOJ and FBI officials to account.For over a year, we have had two standards of legality when there can only be one.A reckoning is near.
Highlights and cropping by TD 

Donald Trump and the Star Chamber of Horrors

What's a star chamber"? . . . "it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded."

By Michael Walsh  "Fifteen months into his administration, Donald Trump remains the object of a dedicated attempt by the Democratic Party, the media, NeverTrump Republicans, and rogue members of the deep state to take him down. From the night he was elected, lifelong members of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party and the embedded bureaucracy have refused to accept the results of a national election, and have instead waged a campaign of “lawfare” against a man they consider an interloper—a situation unique in the annals of American democracy.

"From Hillary Clinton to James Comey to Robert Mueller to Stormy Daniels, to various minor federal judges, to CNN and MSNBC, the list of Trump’s enemies continues to grow.
"Their tactics are breathtakingly simple—and amazingly brazen. As the past year-plus of Robert Mueller’s tedious investigation has proven, there is no very great crime behind Trump’s very great fortune of having been elected the 45th president of the United States. The entire notion of Russian “collusion” (not in itself actionable in the first place) was cooked up in the witches’ cauldron that was Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The resulting brew was liberally dispensed to the cadres of media operatives pretending to be dispassionate reporters in order to assuage the failed candidate’s rage over losing what she thought—what she was assuredby her friends at the CIA and the FBI—was a fixed fight.
"And so the Big Lie—that Trump had collaborated with Vladimir Putin to change the course of an American election—was born." . . .

The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he ignores the actual lawbreakers.  . . . "By charging former national-security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI, Mueller emphasized that even the appearance of false testimony is felonious behavior.
"If that is so, then the DOJ will probably have to charge former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe with perjury or related offenses. A report from the Office of the Inspector General indicates that McCabe lied at least four times to federal investigators." . . .
"Mueller has searched far and wide for wrongdoing but so far has found little. Meanwhile, there is plenty of other wrongdoing already found, but no one seems to be looking at it.
"Flynn, Cohen, and other Trump aides are considered small enough fry to go after. Clinton, Comey, McCabe, and others seem big enough fry to leave alone."

Dr. Ronny Jackson Withdraws as VA Secretary Nominee (Updated)

Legal Insurrection

Jackson described the allegations against him as “false and fabricated.”

White House @PressSec says Dr. Jackson remains on duty as White House physician, at least today. "Admiral Jackson is a doctor in the United States Navy assigned to the White House and is here at work today,” she says in statement.

. . . "On Wednesday, The New York Times published an article that contained a summary of allegations against Jackson from 23 former and current colleagues. What got me is that these stem back to 2006 and yet former President Barack Obama and Trump kept him as White House physician:" . . .

Trump warns Senate Democrat will 'have a big price to pay' for disclosing Ronny Jackson allegations

But the amazing thing about this smear campaign against Jackson is the ease with which unsubtantiated allegations are gaining traction.  . . . "The Democrats are using Jackson as a whipping boy because they believe he favors a form of VA privatization, as some in the administration have proposed. He will probably drop out before long, a victim of the partisan times in which we live. "

Happy Hayride

Dr. Ronny Jackson and the Curious Case of Sudden Journalism

American Spectator  "There were any number of news stories that one could have been paying attention to on April 25, 2018. The most entertaining was Kanye West’s brilliant trolling of every liberal breathing.
"French President Emmanuel Macron addressed a joint session of Congress, which must have thrilled the Democrats on Capitol Hill, as every one of them is a raging Francophile.
"The story that the mainstream media seemed most interested in, however, involved Navy Admiral Ronny Jackson, the president’s personal physician and nominee to head the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
"Few had heard of Adm. Jackson until he shared the results of President Trump’s first physical in office. Jackson didn’t just appear on the Washington scene when Trump did though, he was President Obama’s doctor for almost three and a half years.
"No one was interested in Jackson for several years, but now that Trump wants him to have higher profile job the “journalism” knives are out and wrecking him has become a media priority:" . . .

CNN is covering the Ronny Jackson allegations over French President Macron's live address to a joint session of Congress.. . .

. . . "The allegations are so damning and overwhelming that even a casual observer could be prompted to ask, “Why now?”"Adm. Jackson has been a high ranking Naval officer and physician for quite a number of years — surely some of this should have come to light before now. Maybe say… when he was named the personal physician to the most powerful man on Earth and given a full time office the White House."It’s understandable that the Veterans Affairs Committee would dig into Jackson’s background now. However, it is mind-boggling that the litany of grievances wouldn’t appear until they did so."Not everyone close to the situation is buying the “charges”: . . .
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino had this defense of Admiral Jackson. See his video at the link:

"This is a book of trips I took in the Secret Service, where I ran that show and Ronny Jackson was the doctor on that trip for the president. I didn't hear a peep from you fake, phony cowards. You sicko animals...This man was a gentlemen. This man was a patriot." —@dbongino

Warning: Reading this post is known to the State of California to cause. . .

Image by The Earl of Taint. Via American Thinker

What does warning label from California really mean?  . . . "Many consumers have seen a label that says, "This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer." Just how much danger, if any, does the product pose?
"Sheryn Daugherty was quite pleased with her new pair of hiking pants until she read the label saying they contain a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects.

" 'I instantly thought well, why would this even be on the market?" she said.
Daugherty bought the pants in Utah. Why would the state of California have anything to say about what material is used?
" 'One of my friends just joked and said, 'Don't wear them in California and you're good,'" Daugherty said.
"She asked why California apparently is the only state that requires this sort of warning. If a product is dangerous there it's dangerous everywhere, right?
"The warning stems from California's ballot initiative, Proposition 65, passed back in 1986. It requires anyone who manufactures or distributes a product sold in California that contains a material on a list of some 800 chemicals to include a warning label.
"We put her question to Steven Christiansen, an attorney who was practicing environmental law in California when Prop. 65 passed.
" 'They have the authority to impose a fine up to $2,500 per day for violations," he said." . . .

US judge blocks weed-killer warning label in California  . . . "Glyphosate is not restricted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and has been widely used since 1974 to kill weeds while leaving crops and other plants alive." . . .

What does California know that you don’t?  If you wanted to crusade against something without actually doing anything, just propose putting warning labels on stuff. How about one at the San Francisco city limits warning the sidewalks and alleys are known to contain hazardous medical waste? TD

California could require cancer warning labels on coffee at Starbucks, other retailers  . . . "Although the case has been percolating in the courts since 2010, it has gotten little attention." . . .

20 Ridiculously Stupid Warning Labels! Silly breeds silly and these labels are stupid because of the idiotic tort laws in this nation.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

1.Teddy Kennedy's Surprise for Grandma. 2.First Mary Jo Kopechne, Then America.

"I've left a victim to drown! What do I do?"

Ann Coulter  "This week, we'll cover one of the little-
noticed ways mass Third World immigration is making our country more colorful: elder rape.

" Usually the vibrant cultural diversity that immigrants bring runs more along the lines of child rape, drunk driving and food stamp fraud. But our official government policy of importing the Third World also means we're going to have a lot more elder rape, too.

"Thank you, Teddy Kennedy! Something for the seniors.

"I was recently reminded of this aspect of diversity because, a few days ago, jury selection began in the trial of illegal alien Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez and anchor baby Jose Fernando Villagomez for the rape, torture and murder of 64-year-old Marilyn Pharis.

"Pharis was attacked in 2015, just a few weeks after Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal in San Francisco -- a wondrous moment in time when Donald Trump wanted to deport illegals, rather than call them "Dreamers" and give them amnesty.

"Like Steinle's killer, Martinez Ramirez had a lengthy and impressive arrest record in this country, including felony assault with intent to commit sexual assault. A week before his violent home invasion, he was released from jail on drug and weapons charges.

"We don't know the details of the recent attack because the perps have VIP status, requiring the utmost discretion from our media. But based on what is known, the crime sounds pretty gruesome.

"Pharis was attacked at 10 in the morning, at home, sleeping in her own bed, after working a night shift at Vandenberg Air Force Base. According to the dry legal charges and hospital report, she was penetrated with a "foreign object" and beaten with a hammer, leaving her with a broken neck and broken eye sockets. Pharis survived, managed to call the police and was taken to a hospital, where she died eight days later. " . . .

First Mary Jo Kopechne, Then America
. . . Liberals couldn't convince Americans to agree with them, but they happened to notice that the people of most other countries in the world already agreed with them. So Sen. Ted Kennedy's immigration act brought in millions of poverty-stricken foreigners to live off the American taxpayer and bloc-vote for the Democrats. . . . .
"The rapist promised the judge to "stay out of trouble and stay away from people who would put trouble in my way." Like 74-year-old hussies in wheelchairs -- that's trouble with a capital T! Melted by his words, Judge [Christylee] Peck sentenced Doukoure to the 16 months he'd already spent in county lockup, awaiting trial, so he was released immediately and is now well on his way to taking Joy Reid's job at MSNBC."

How can the American citizen voter have anything but contempt for Democrats?

Any good emails lately, Hillary?

‘We’re going to make them own her’: Hillary to become RNC’s weapon for midterm battle  "Hillary Clinton is going to have a leading role in the Republican Party’s 2018 midterm strategy.
"The failed Democratic presidential nominee, whose own party wishes she would return to her home in the woods for a while, doesn’t appear to be going away. And the GOP is betting on that fact to score some major wins in the coming months."
"Republicans hope to use Clinton’s refusal to disappear to their advantage, forcing Democrats to be associated with their failed nominee at every turn." . . .
“If Bill Nelson had his way, Hillary Clinton would be president,” the ad stated. “Florida won’t forget.”

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary’s Deleted Emails Have Been Found, Court Orders Them RELEASED  "WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails will be released to the public in September 2018, in accordance with a court ruling pertaining to the contents of Clinton’s “backup” email device.

"It turns out that fired FBI director James Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device the entire election and never searched it.

"Thanks to the work citizen researcher Larry Kawa, the coverage of Big League Politics, the determined congressional work of Rep. Ron DeSantis, and the lawyers of Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch, a court ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss orders the State Department to hand over the contents of the backup device by September 2018, right before the midterm elections." . . .

Hat tip to Chris Salcedo, WBAP Dallas

James Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device The Whole Time
See the source image
Cartoon added TD
. . . “ 'I don’t know what it suggests. The State Department now has it. We know that the State Department has not gone through it. Five disks of information. It may have been six, the number changed,” Bekesha said. “They said there are thousands of records on whatever was turned over from the Datto device and eventually they will get around to reviewing those records and getting them to us in response to our FOIA.”
“ 'Until the State Department releases the information, we will not know: what was on there that Hillary Clinton did not turn over? What did Huma Abedin not turn over? Are there emails from Chelsea Clinton on the server?,” Bekesha said. Judicial Watch continues to find new Hillary Clinton emails on a regular basis.
"Citizen researcher Larry Kawa, who brought the case to Judicial Watch, told Big League Politics that the device contains “everything.' ” . . .

Hillary Clinton's beaten wives of the press

Any questions as to why the public, which should be the press's top priority instead of Hillary, no longer trusts the press?
Monica Showalter  "Any cop can tell you the scenario: wife-beater beats up wife, bruised up wife calls the cops, cops come over, and then wife decides she really loves her abusive husband and turns on the cops instead of the wife-beater, refusing to press charges, wasting the cops' time.  Pathetic co-dependency works like this, and some states have actually made it a crime to back off from pressing charges and refusing to cooperate in the prosecution of obvious abusers.
. . . "Then there's Hillary Clinton and her adoring co-dependent press, the relationship of whom was amply described by Amy Chozick in her fawning, unintentionally interesting new bookChasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling." . . .

Buy tickets for Hillary's upcoming tour appearances  "View the Hillary Clinton 2018 2019 schedule, stay up-to-date on the latest Hillary Clinton tour information, browse and buy tickets! Front Row has tickets to all Hillary Clinton events.
"All Events by Date
"There are no tickets available for Hillary Clinton at this time. Please enter your contact information below and the Front Row Tickets team will contact you as soon as Hillary Clinton tickets become available."
No trace here of the cost per ticket or if there is a female discount. TD
2017: VIP TICKETS FOR HILLARY CLINTON'S BOOK TOUR COST OVER $2,000  Those who wish[ed] to attend Clinton's book tour appearances will apparently have to dish out a fair amount of money. 

Hillary Clinton Schedule and Appearances   She even sells out Down Under!
216-419 NZ dollars + .71 US dollar currently

Maybe you'll get to ask a question like this. Naaaa:

Mass shooters and madness

Personal Liberty

Waffle House

. . . "In order to open fire in the Waffle House, Reinking strolled past multiple laws, multiple law enforcement officers and a parent/guardian who obviously wavered between “disinterested” and “criminally negligent.” Two agencies of the Federal government had him, on at least one occasion, within shooting distance of the Oval Office. The locals in the Land of Lincoln, where gun laws are among the most restrictive in the nation, handed Travis’s weapons back to his old man, who handed them back to his son.
"An individual known to be not only mentally ill, but violently so, strolled past every roadblock — short of outright national confiscation — we’ve been told to believe will stop horrors like the one which unfolded near Nashville. And for those of you who might respond by saying nationwide confiscation is the answer, I would point you east. Good luck telling the victims of the Bataclan theater massacre that they’re not dead, not to mention the hundreds of victims of monsters who reacted to gun bans by arming up with blades, bombs and box trucks to slaughter their victims.
"Just like the attacks in Parkland, Charleston, Aurora and Columbine, the legal apparatus in place to keep guys like Travis Reinking, Dylann Roof, James Holmes, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from unleashing their inner demons on the rest of us failed at every level." . . .