Sunday, April 29, 2018

Samantha Power Regrets Obama Admin Seeking Congressional Approval After Syrian “Red Line”

See the source image

Legal Insurrection

"When Obama drew his red line on the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians, few of us believed it.  As it turned out Assad didn’t believe it, either, and dealt a serious blow to the Obama administration and to Obama’s legacy.
"Ultimately, Obama decided to punt by seeking Congressional approval he didn’t need to respond to Syria flouting his red line.  It was a bad move.  Bad.
Since President Trump took office, Assad has reportedly used chemical weapons against his own people twice.  In both instances, Trump responded with missile attacks against Syrian interests, prompting the progressive outlet Vox to note that “Obama’s ‘red line’ fiasco led to Trump bombing Syria.”
"Trump agreed.

If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!
"Power then blamed those who were frequent critics and opponents of Obama for his lack of action in Syria."

I disagree with Power firmly. I do not see one iota of courage in Obama nor any trace of desire to confront America's enemies. From the days before he was inaugurated when he told Russia he would not give defensive weapons to eastern bloc nations threatened by that nation to his last days in office when US ships were harrassed by Iranian assault boats with no response from Obama. 
The man was no more than a socialist organizer and a celebrity groupie adored by women's magazines and TV talk show hosts. The Tunnel Dweller

See the source image

Trump chose wisely, ignoring the White House Correspondents Association hatefest

First this James Woods Calls Michelle Wolf’s WHCD Jokes “a Gift From Heaven”

James Woods
They hate @PressSec Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she represents every aspect of American womanhood that we admire: intelligence, grace, empowerment, patriotism, and beauty. The troll who trashed her at the was too dim to memorize her own “jokes.” She had to read them.

Patricia McCarthy  . . . "Who was this year's host, Michelle Wolf?  A young alleged comedienne cast-off of the Daily Show that no one watches.  Most people who may have tuned into the MSNBC coverage of the correspondents' dinner had never heard of her.  Good call on their part; she has an x-rated mouth.  She is humorless, classless, graceless and an embarrassment to her profession.  She relished insulting people like the fabulous Sarah Sanders while Sarah is sitting in front of her.  Who does this?  Only heroes of the left.  Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer have been doing it for decades.  John Tester did it this past week.  He maligned a good man without a shred of evidence.  Like the fabricated fake "dossier," Tester made it all up to sabotage a good man, Ronny Jackson, for political expediency.  He will suffer the consequences.

"The American people are not remotely as dumb as the DC establishment thinks they are; nor are they as crass.  Most of them, millions of them, did not watch last night's televised abomination, and if they did, were horrified by the smutty tone of the evening.  This is the left exposing itself as the lowlifes they are.  The mystery is why were people like Hugh Hewitt in the audience?  Why did he not get up and leave? 
"Ms. Wolf is attractive to look at but difficult to hear.  Her voice is shrill and whiny.  She sounds like a little girl spewing disgusting, scatological profanity.  Her content is obscene.  Is this what politics have come to?  Apparently so.  This event was broadcast on MSNBC, of course, the network that airs Joe and Mika, Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow.  NBC has no allegiance to the truth or any sense of decorum. " . . .

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kim says he will give up nukes if US promises not to invade

. . . "This sort of quid pro quo is exactly what the US is looking for. The only reason the US would invade the North is if Kim were to threaten us or the South Koreans with nuclear weapons. But he can't threaten us with nukes if he doesn't have any. In short, the US gives up relatively little while Kim gives up nearly everything.
That's why we should be skeptical of this offer. At this time, it's impossible to discern Kim's endgame. There must be some confidence building measures carried out  by Kim before the US would commit to such a course of action. If those steps are taken, we can be reasonably sure that Kim is sincere about giving up his nukes. 
But Kim is nothing if not complicated. Can it really be this simple? A man with zero credibility has just offered to disarm. Caution is still called for until Kim proves with his deeds that he can be trusted.

Rob Schneider: Leftist Politics Are Ruining SNL

Daily Wire  "'Speaking with the New York Daily News, Schneider said that "SNL" made a mistake by deciding to show its political hand so broadly, which was a departure from when he started in the early-90s, alongside such comedic giants like Mike Myers, Chris Rock, and Adam Sandler.

" 'The fun of 'Saturday Night Live' was always you never knew which way they leaned politically," he told the Daily News. "You kind of assumed they would lean more left and liberal, but now the cat's out of the bag they are completely against Trump, which I think makes it less interesting because you know the direction the piece is going."

"Schneider took aim at Alec Baldwin's current portrayal of President Trump in comparison to his former co-star Dana Carvey's portrayal of President H.W. Bush. Beneath the satire, according to Schneider, the latter showed affection for the president while the former only has disdain."

Never forget who the bad guys are: reading list of the things they do and about those who stand up to them

Kanye West Is Forcing Liberals To Check Their Artistic Privilege  

"The rapper has always been crass and annoying. But now he's the "wrong kind" of crass and annoying."

"Of all the weird fallout that’s come from Kanye West announcing his love for Donald Trump on Twitter, the reaction that perplexes me the most is the idea that sudden knowledge of his political opinions has rendered his music bad. Here’s a tweet from Democratic activist Scott Dworkin that’s pretty representative of the general sentiment:

"I will never buy another @kanyewest album ever again. I think this publicity stunt of his support for Trump is downright despicable. Kanye can go to hell.— Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 26, 2018" . . .

Otto Warmbier's Parents Sue North Korea for Wrongful Death  . . . "Based on those tests and their observations, they concluded that he was severely brain damaged and that his condition was unrecoverable. They also concluded that his extensive loss of brain tissue was caused by an earlier hypoxic-ischemic brain injury caused by the cessation or severe reduction of blood flow to the brain" . . .

Declassified Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied About Dossier Leaks To CNN   The Federalist, via Lucianne; 
Original Article     "Buried within a newly declassified congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections is a shocking revelation: former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government briefings about it to CNN, he also may have lied to Congress about the matter. In one of the findings within the 253-page report, the House intelligence committee wrote that Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract a few months."

Apparently Brokaw did not sexually harrass Rachael Maddow, Andrea Mitchell, Maria Shriver and Kelly O’Donnell

Brokaw Fallout: #MeToo Morphs From “Believe the Accusers” to “Believe the Famous Women Trashing the Accusers”
. . . "The question now is what happens to the #MeToo movement?  If we can’t believe Brokaw’s two accusers, whom can we believe?  Just those public figures the progressive media and its allies write letters to defend?  Is #MeToo dead?  Is #MeToo entering a new phase in which the warlock hunt can be mitigated by sufficient testimony by (leftist) colleagues who don’t address the accusations at all?  And who don’t explain why they are ignoring the accusers?  Isn’t that the problem many of these very women touted as the breeding ground for covering up inappropriate sexual behavior?" . . .

Kennedy Lied, People Died and were Enslaved—and the Media Covered it Up (the Sequel)  . . . "Alas! Now we’re back in traditional media/Hollywood Kennedy hagiography mode. I refer to this week’s Netflix’s release of “Bobby Kennedy for President.” This documentary by leftist director and Kennedy adoring fan Dawn Porter features interviews with leftists and adoring Kennedy fans Rep. John Lewis, Dolores Huerta and Harry Belafonte—speaking of whom: 

“If you believe in justice! If you believe in democracy! If you believe in people's rights! if you believe in the harmony of all humankind—then you have no choice but to back Fidel Castro as long as it takes!”(An exultant Harry Belafonte in Havana while hob-knobbing with the mass-murdering, warmongering racist whose apartheid regime jailed and tortured the longest suffering black political prisoners in modern history.)" . . .

No, Criticizing Trump Is Not the Ticket to Fame and Fortune  "Yesterday, several writers were fired from RedState. All of them were fierce Trump critics. While some Trump critics remain at the site, no Trump supporters were fired.

"A common reaction to this news goes like this: No problem! Trump haters can get a job anywhere they want! They can just go to ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, LAT, CNN, or any number of other places! The claim is made that opposing Trump is somehow a resume enhancer."

WATCH: Diamond & Silk Square Off With Sheila Jackson Lee – And It Gets Ugly . . . "As a little bonus, we get to see Shiela’s contempt for the Chair when she explicitly ignores his instructions that her time has expired, and she keeps asking questions anyway.
"The only rules Radicals care about, apparently, are Alinsky’s." . . .

German Kippah Rallies

The Dry Bones Blog

"According to the Times of Israel: German Jews, non-Jews hold kippah-wearing protest against wave of anti-Semitism 2,000 march in German cities a day after Jewish leader warns against wearing religious symbols for fear of attack; one small protest cancelled after participants assaulted/

"BERLIN, Germany — non-Jewish Germans joined with Jews wearing kippahs at several protests across Germany on Wednesday in a sign of solidarity after a spate of shocking anti-Semitic incidents, raising pointed questions about Berlin’s ability to protect its burgeoning Jewish community seven decades after the Holocaust.

"One day after the head of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, warned against wearing religious symbols on city streets for fear of attack, some 150 protesters came to a rally in the eastern German city of Erfurt and hundreds more were expected later in the day in Berlin, Cologne and Potsdam.

“ 'We must never allow anti-Semitism to become commonplace in Germany again,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told the daily Tagesspiegel ahead of a “Berlin Wears Kippa” event where Jews and non-Jews will wear the traditional skullcap in a shared show of defiance.

"More than 2,000 people — Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists — put on kippas in a show of solidarity in Berlin." . . .

Why Do We Wear a Kippah?  "The tradition to wear a kippah is not derived from any biblical passage. Rather, it is a custom which evolved as a sign of our recognition that there is Someone “above” us who watches our every act." . . .

The ex-husband of Barbara Bush-basher Prof. Randa Jarrar speaks out

Thomas Lifson  "Randa Jarrar, the Fresno State University tenured professor who demonized Barbara Bush shortly after her death and mocked her critics by pointing out that she has tenure and cannot be fired from her six-figure job shaping young minds, ought to become a poster child for the depths to which academia has sunk.  Her status is under review according to university officials, no doubt worried about alumni giving declining, so there is a decent possibility that she will become acause célèbre on the left, should she lose her job.  More attention on her would be perfect, as far as I am concerned.

"In my opinion, the many hardworking scholars of integrity still remaining in the ivory towers of America (yes, they do exist) are surrendering to and being overwhelmed by lesser minds, deranged with political correctness, and filled with hate toward the society they supposedly serve, and by which they are lavishly subsidized, directly with tax funds and indirectly with tax deductibility for donations.  In the current atmosphere on campus, people like Jarrar are able to be not simply accepted, but rewarded with tenure and other perks unimaginable to mainstream Americans.
"An account by a man purporting to be Professor Jarrar's ex-husband, verified by a search of public records as to the marriage and the birth of a child, was published on Milo Yiannopoulos's site Dangerous.  It amounts to a case study in the sort of person who can rise to the near top of a state-owned and subsidized institution of higher education.  I do not recommend it to the faint of heart, but for those who do not mind briefly entering the mire, it is enlightening as to just the sort of person she appears to be.  Of course, an ex-spouse tends to be quite bitter, so that grain of salt must be attached.  Nevertheless, remember that the sons and daughters of America are being entrusted to people who may not merit that consideration." . . .

"Diamond & Silk Testify Before Congress And All Hell Breaks Loose"

"As reported by CBN News, the women slammed Facebook for censorship in a prepared statement that read: "Facebook along with other social media sites have taken aggressive actions to silence conservative voices such as ourselves by deliberately restricting and weaponizing our page with algorithms that censored and suppress our free speech...We've also noticed how someone with a liberal point of view that spewed hate against the President can garner up to 19 million views with only 539,000 followers, yet we have 1.2 million followers and only received 13,000 views on our video."

Trump supporters discuss whether the social network is trying to silence conservatives on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

Daily Wire
"If the shoe was on the other foot and Mark Zuckerberg was a conservative and we were liberals, all fences and all chains would have broke loose."
"On Thursday, social media sensations known as Diamond and Silk appeared before Congress to testify about alleged censorship and discrimination practiced by Facebook, and all hell broke loose.

"In one tense exchange, the two women went toe-to-toe with Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, who dismissed the women's concerns and slammed them for "bashing Facebook" while making "a ton of money" on the platform.

"Diamond and Silk refuted the claim and said they were merely bringing the issue of censorship of conservatives "to the light" and had not in fact made a ton of money because of said censorship. The women claim they were effectively demonetized for six months.

" 'You still selling merchandise," contended Rep. Johnson.

"The women then went off on the congressman, suggesting his indifference over the issue was rooted in partisanship. If they were liberal and Facebook had a conservative bias, they suggested, there would be hell to pay." . . .

Roseanne supports Diamond and Silk

Democrats' outrageous charges against former VA nominee begin to unravel

Happy Hayride
Rick Moran  . . . "Ronny Jackson never knew what hit him.
"The Democrats and the media really did a number on him. Not one single allegation was corroborated. The report that he was an abusive boss was based on a couple of disgruntled employees. It didn't matter that they may have had an ax to grind, the allegations were published as if they were the truth anyway.
"Besides, being mean to people should not disqualify a nominee.
"I want to say this is a classic smear campaign, except I don't recall any other example of media malpractice were unnamed or anonymous sources and uncorroborated smears were all thrown out there as if they were the gospel truth. This was a planned hit directed not so much against Jackson but against Trump.
"And the media comes out looking a lot worse than the president."

The grotesque record of Democrats and the press of smearing the blameless
Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana), other Democrats, and the media, should be embarrassed that they destroyed Jackson's life. But they don't care. Take a look at this which ran in the Washington Post:

" This . . . tells us why we have to fight and why, even though the Republicans have failed us many times, letting the Democrats take over the House or the Senate, or both, would be a disaster of unparalleled magnitude."

Declassified Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied About Dossier Leaks To CNN

The Federalist
A newly declassified report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections reveals that former intelligence chief James Clapper lied to Congress about information he shared with CNN on the infamous Steele dossier.

"Buried within a newly declassified congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections is a shocking revelation: former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government briefings about it to CNN, he also may have lied to Congress about the matter.
"In one of the findings within the 253-page report, the House intelligence committee wrote that Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract a few months later.  
“Clapper flatly denied ‘discussing[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,'” the committee found.
"When asked directly whether he had ever discussed the dossier with any journalists, Clapper replied that he had not, according to a transcript of the proceedings:" . . .

We have highlighted the revelation of the House Intelligence Committee report that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper leaked the Steele Dossier to Jake Tapper/CNN, lied about it to the committee, and then went on the CNN payroll to continue the anti-Trump hatefest. At the Weekly Standard, Eric Felten sketches out the ramifications of Clapper’s treachery. Based on his reading of the Comey memos, Felten speculates reasonably that it resulted in the appointment of the Special Counsel (i.e., the Mueller Switch Project).

Related: Comey’s Memos Indicate Dossier Briefing Of Trump Was A Setup
Newly released memos from former FBI director James Comey indicate that an early 2017 briefing for Trump on the contents of an unverified dossier was part of a setup to enable media to report on the the most salacious details of the dossier.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Alfie Evans Foreshadows a Dark American Future

National Review
"Yes, it could happen here."

"How? How does a nation reach a point where it will essentially kidnap a child from a loving, functioning family, yank that same child off life support, deny him care as he unexpectedly fights to stay alive, and then block attempts by a foreign government to rescuehim and provide him top-notch care free of charge? How does a great civilization sink to such barbarism and tyranny? 

"There are two stories one could tell — one about policy, the other about philosophy. The policy story traces events like the nationalization of health care, the evolution of family law, and changing doctrines of individual liberty. It is far less important. Policy flows from philosophy, and the philosophy of government is the central reason for the monstrous injustice in Great Britain. 

"The scary thing is that the same philosophy could well bring the same injustice to the United States. Let’s back up a bit — all the way to July 1776. That’s the month when the members of the second Continental Congress signed a Declaration stating the fundamental founding principle of a new republic: that “all men are created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” including “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Critically, the Declaration of Independence also stressed that governments are instituted “to secure these rights.” [Emphasis added.]" . . . 
Alfie Evans Priest Reportedly Kicked Out Of Hospital For Telling Them God Was Watching  "Not welcome at Alder Hey Hospital is apparently common sense, empathy, and now God.
"According to the Life Site, an Italian newspaper claims that an Italian priest sent to look over baby Alfie Evans, who is currently fighting for his life despite the doctors’ best hopes that he’d have died by now." . . .

Obama's Top Foreign Policy Aide Is Eating Some Serious Crow Over North & South Korea Peace Talks

"If there’s one thing about the Trump administration, it’s that there’s never a dull moment. Also, there are a lot of moments that you can file under “not under Obama” concerning domestic and foreign policy. We’ve all but defeated ISIS. Millions of working and middle class families benefited from the tax reform package in December, the economic growth has been better than originally projected, a better job-creating and investing climate has been created, and now peace has broken out on the Korean peninsula. Or at least that’s what’s been announced. The Korean War will officially end, a peace treaty is to be signed, and the peninsula will be nuclear-free (via NYT):
The leaders of North and South Korea agreed on Friday to work to remove all nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula and, within the year, pursue talks with the United States to declare an official end to the Korean War, which ravaged the two nations from 1950 to 1953.
. . .
 "And whom can we thank for brining North Korea to the bargaining table? Well, that would be President Donald J. Trump—and that’s not conservative media saying this; it’s the South Koreans. CNN, the network so anti-Trump that they couldn’t accurately report on him feeding koi fish, added that South Korea’s foreign minister had this to say:
South Korea's foreign minister has said she believes President Donald Trump is largely responsible for bringing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table.
Speaking ahead of Friday's historic summit between the leaders of North and South Korea, Kang Kyung-wha told CNN that the US President had played a significant role in bringing the two sides together.
"Clearly, credit goes to President Trump," . . .
President Trump is not too quick to pat himself on the back; 
Trump Wary on NKorea's Nuke Offer: 'They Seem to Be Acting Positively'
. . . "When a reporter noted that Trump was more hopeful than in the past, he responded: "I'd like to be optimistic, but maybe this has gone further than anyone has taken it before. 
" 'This should have been handled a long ago. This should have been handled over years by many different administrations, not now." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
To bring this about our president must have supreme confidence in his nation, it's military, and in the rightness of this cause. No president who is ashamed of America could have ever had the steel spine it takes to confront evil in this world. As Barack Obama showed us for eight years.
When Trump and Kim meet, do not expect to see our president to bow before him or any despot.  TD