Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Hillary Still Ain't Over It

Claiming that Hillary Clinton’s candidacy was a step forward for women is like claiming that Donald Trump’s candidacy was a step forward for men. Come on, ladies: You couldn’t find somebody better to represent you? Anybody?
Jim Treacher

"I'm trying to remember a failed presidential candidate before now who made a second career out of whining about losing an election. Sure, Al Gore cried into his Hostess snack cakes for a while after his devastating loss, but then he found much greater success by appointing himself President of the Environment. John Kerry managed to weasel his way into an office for which he was even less suited than his predecessor. John McCain went back to the Senate. And Mitt Romney has had to settle for being incredibly rich and absolutely right about everything he said during the 2012 campaign.

"They all moved on with their lives. They all stopped mewling like a baby who didn't get a cookie before bed. But not Hillary Clinton. The first female major party candidate is also the first to make a job out of losing. She still hasn't forgiven you, America, for rejecting her.

"She spoke at the DNC Women's Leadership Forum this weekend, because of course she did. And she said something truly remarkable.  Nicole Sganga, CBS News:" . . .

Mr. Treacher suggests one certain woman worthy of all the praise and adulation Clinton somehow receives:

I cannot visualize this happening on Ambassador Haley's watch:

Can you picture Ambassador Haley doing this?

More on the shifting of blame for Benghazi to the comic video: 

Bernard Lewis RIP – “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”

Legal Insurrection
"His understanding of Islamism continues to shed light on the war against Jews and Christians: “Both the Saturday people and the Sunday people are now suffering the consequences”' 

"This 2006 profile at The Weekly Standard also provides good background, The Last Orientalist:
IT IS OFTEN SAID THAT the United States isn’t easy on its scholars and public intellectuals–that they are not accorded the prestige and respect that they are given in the Old World. This complaint, usually made by left-wingers struggling against the tide in the United States, isn’t totally without merit. A good literary scholar or classicist in the United States perhaps doesn’t quite have the same social cachet as would a similarly accomplished scholar at Oxford or the Sorbonne. But when scholars do make it in the United States–and there certainly seem to be vastly more European scholars hoping to make it in America than Americans trying to snag a sinecure in Europe–there is simply no comparison in the eminence, influence, and renown that they can achieve. Since arriving in the United States in 1974, the British historian of the Middle East Bernard Lewis has become one of America’s–and thus the world’s–most famous academics.
"For those of us seriously interested in the Middle East–and since 9/11 that has become a rather large crowd–Lewis, who will celebrate his 90th birthday on May 31, has attained a stature in the field and with the general reading public unrivaled by any historian, living or dead, of the Middle East and Islam."  . . .

Dogs Are Part of the Solution, Not the Problem

Jonah Goldberg

. . . Regardless, I think my record as a dog-lover is pretty solid, so I won’t belabor the point. But as much as I love my dogs — and all dog kind — I do not consider dogs to be a substitute for friends, never mind children. I always say that dogs are no alternative for children, but they are very good training for having kids in the sense that they are a serious responsibility. Cats don’t need their humans nearly as much as dogs do. I wrote about all this at considerable length, here." . . .

Just think; these people pursuing President Trump could have been running this nation


GOP Lawmakers Unveil Resolution Officially Calling For Second Special Counsel to Investigate the Investigators  "Fearless warriors in the Freedom Caucus are demanding a second special counsel to investigate the FBI and DOJ because the Justice Department cannot be trusted to investigate themselves." . . .

NYT Columnist Worries Mueller Investigation Actually Helping Trump. . . "Bruni also expressed his concern the Mueller investigation might not find evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.
" 'Trump “knows that if he sets the bar at incontrovertible evidence of him and Putin huddled over a Hillary Clinton voodoo doll, he just might clear it,” the columnist wrote." . . .

National Review: The Collapse of the Collusion Narrative  . . . "The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob was deflated when the Steele dossier was revealed as defamatory lies assembled and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The feeble effort at claiming a boozy conversation between a very junior member of the Trump campaign team and a former Australian politician (who had secured $25 million of Australian government money for the Clinton Foundation) as the source of the investigation has crumbled. The origins were earlier, and Christopher Steele and prominent members of the FBI and CIA shopped his inane and scatological dossier around the media to incite the misplaced belief that there were multiple disinterested sources for its contents." . . .

"Now [Hillary] and her flying monkeys in the FBI, the Mueller problem, and the press attack our president. This is treason."

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Obama-Netflix partnership stirs mad backlash, mass cancellations: ‘Will they be paid in pallets of cash?’

Weasel Zippers posts BPR  "Michelle and Barack Obama have signed a multi-year contract with online-streaming giant Netflix to produce and write documentaries and shows.
"While financial details weren’t disclosed, the bombshell deal begs the question: Will the Obamas be paid in pallets of unmarked bills covertly dropped off in the middle of the night à la Barry’s beloved Iran Nuclear deal?

Another Twitter user admonished, “Boycott Netflix or cancel your Netflix subscription. Besides the Obama Deal, Netflix hired Susan Rice, who was the NSA Director in the Obama Admin. She was in charge during the 2012 attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya that left 4 American Patriots Dead.”

Goodbye, Netflix  . . . "Given that I'm a conservative, one might be inclined to believe that my choice to leave Netflix is predicated upon the company's most recent decision to partner with Barack and Michelle Obama's new company, called "Higher Ground Productions," to produce loads of new content.  In a way, I guess that's correct.  But this choice by Netflix has not alone led me to this decision.  Rather, this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back – the latest in a series of indicators that the network has become little more than a propaganda arm for radical left-wing political actors." . . .

"Allow me to lay out the evidence."  . . . 
. . . "Netflix can continue expanding its role as a propaganda arm for radical leftists if it pleases.  But it'll be doing it without my money moving forward."

2016: James O’Keefe Confronts Katie Couric for Deceptively Editing Gun Video

Project Veritas
. . . Couric can be heard in the interview asking activists from the group, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?”
The documentary then shows the activists sitting silently for nine awkward seconds, unable to provide an answer. It then cuts to the next scene…
…However, raw audio of the interview between Katie Couric and the activists provided to the Washington Free Beacon shows the scene was deceptively edited. Instead of silence, Couric’s question is met immediately with answers from the activists. A back and forth between a number of the league’s members and Couric over the issue of background checks proceeds for more than four minutes after the original question is asked.
"In this new video, James O’Keefe confronts Katie Couric’s use of deceptive editing in her gun documentary. He explains that you can’t trust the mainstream media when they falsely accuse journalists like O’Keefe of selectively editing videos, but then actually deceptively edit and manipulate video to deceive the public. O’Keefe argues that the mainstream media needs to be held to the same standards to which they hold him." . . .

Media Favor California Solar Mandate That Will Cost $10K Per Home

MRC "California is king when it comes to environmental regulations, but the latest decision to mandate solar panels comes at a high price. For homeowners.

"Those costs of freedom of choice and almost $10,000 higher construction expenses per home didn’t matter much to California’s proponents of solar panels or the liberal media which downplayed costs and critics when they mentioned them at all.
"Many California’s already struggle to afford housing and more regulations will increase prices yet CBS This Morning co-anchor Gayle King declared that it sounded like a “win-win for everybody” on May 9. And The New York Times led with affirming language calling California “a leader and trendsetter in its clean-energy goals” and referred to the latest regulation “a giant step” for those goals on May 10. That story also quoted three times as many quotes proponents as critics (6 to 2)
"The Los Angeles Times unabashedly supported the rule. Its editorial board wrote “Of course California should require solar panels on new homes” on May 11, and a columnist also promoted the requirements saying “Here’s why Big Brother is on to something” on May 21." . . .
“Cost estimates by builders, however, which include the mandate’s additional requirement of more efficient appliances, lighting, windows and insulation, are $30,000 in higher construction costs,” Ohanian and Temzelides wrote.
Bear in mind these solar panels will be "construction grade" materials. The most economical available with a questionable life span, much like the windows in new construction for example. TD 

Why on Earth would Yale invite Hillary Clinton, the whiniest woman on the planet to speak at its commencement?

This woman's speeches, like Michelle Obama's, have the goal of turning us against each other while they hold our coats. TD

Hillary Clinton and the fall of Yale and Harvard  "Why on Earth would Yale invite Hillary Clinton, the whiniest woman on the planet to speak at its commencement?  Did the administrators not have advance knowledge of her psychosis?  Her address to Yale grads was all about her: her loss, her anger at those who did not vote for her.  She is, without a doubt, the sorest of sore losers." . . . "If Hillary's speech at Yale and her award from Harvard are the standard for excellence and achievement these days, no one should let his sons or daughters go to either of those universities.  They have lost all sense of what excellence and achievement are, and if they don't know what it is, they cannot teach it.  If they are willing to sacrifice their own prestige to honor a self-serving, power-hungry political hack, they do not deserve the pleasure of anyone's sons' and daughters' presence on their campuses."   Emphasis mine, TD

Hillary’s whiny Yale commencement speech "I’ve heard my share of commencement speeches both live and via C-SPAN. Typically, speakers offer words of encouragement and advice to graduates. Rags to riches stories aren’t commonly told these days, but commencement speakers often recount tales of achievement against the odds, sometimes by the speaker, sometimes not.

"I once heard a commencement speech devoted to heaping praise on the college president (Jim Kim of Dartmouth). That was an outlier, though.
"I’ve never heard a commencement speech in which the speaker whined about a defeat and provided updates on how she was coping with it. But that is what Hillary Clinton offered graduates of Yale in her commencement speech yesterday." . . .
. . . "To promote such “understanding,” Hillary pulled a gag, playing off the tradition of people wearing odd hats to graduation at Yale:
. . .  “I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Clinton said, whipping out a Russian hat.

"She should have pulled out an earlier Hillary prop — her “Russia reset” button." . . .

At Starbucks we are really, really nice people, living in fear of social Justice warriors

The Starbucks Incident Promotes Weaponization of Phony Racism
. . . "Starbucks gets what it deserves for being so stridently politically correct, but I don’t believe the Starbucks incident had anything to do with racism. " . . .

Starbucks's new homeless policy doesn't pass the smell test  . . . "When a brand fails to discriminate, to encourage only those who are in its prime customer base, it tells its customers that this is not the right kind of business for them.  Starbucks has always been about appealing to an upper-middle-class crowd.  Serving as a magnet for smelly homeless people teeming with lice and maggots will drive away its prime audience.

"Any person of average intelligence instinctively knows this.  But it is apparent that Mr. Schultz and the management at Starbucks are so wedded to doctrinaire liberalism that they are blind to common sense.  How long before they are out of a job, and Starbucks cafés disappear faster than Blockbuster Video?"

Suicidal Overcompensation in Germany

"When Obama withdrew U.S. protection, Europe suddenly became vulnerable to Putin and jihad." 
I feel it is ironic that German guilt from WW2 would cause Germans  to welcome a culture that deeply hates Jews and served Hitler's armies during that war. They took well to the "Final Solution" and even today chant that Hitler was right. Rich Terrell photosnark
American Thinker, 2016  . . . "Today, Angela Merkel's Germany is making another suicidal gesture by opening the borders to tens of thousands of predatory, war-indoctrinated jihadis – young men of military age, who have been taught to despise, hate, and beat up anybody outside their own Muslim sect.  They are indoctrinated in war theology – the last major war theology on Earth.  Merkel and the EU have drifted into this suicidal fiasco by mistake – but they still refuse to admit it.
. . . 
"Today Angela Merkel and the EU preach peace, peace, but they stupidly let in 50 million easily indoctrinated Muslims – so there will be no peace.  Isaiah (48:22) was right again.  The Swedes, Germans, and French still yearn for that Napoleonic absolutism, and the EU is always frantically denying that it plans to become another Roman Empire.
Methinks they do protest too much.
After Hitler and the Holocaust, West Germany had a long period of stability, under American defense guarantees, and many West Germans repented of the most disastrous mass regression in European history, the Nazi period.
. . . Still – Angela Merkel overcompensated to an insane extreme when she opened Europe's borders to the closest thing to the Nazis since Hitler. This is a madness of Europe's political elites.
ISIS is not at all different from the sadistic mass murders committed by the Nazis and by Stalin.  War ideologies are pretty much the same; only the uniforms, the hats, and the flags change.

Chaos of D-Day revealed in newly released photographs taken from RAF reconnaissance planes that flew over the beaches as allies fought their way ashore

UK Daily Mail  "The extent of D-Day chaos has been revealed in these newly released photographs taken from the RAF reconnaissance planes that flew over the Normandy beaches as allied troops fought their way ashore.

"Taken 1000 feet above the coastline of northern France on June 6, 1944, the dramatic black and white images capture the moment thousands of troops arrived on the beaches as part of the largest seaborne invasion force in history, and have been released to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

"The rarely seen photographs show a number of small ships laden with troops ready to storm the coastline at Sword, Omaha, Juno, and Gold beaches, while larger naval vessels wait further back - providing much needed support to those engaged in the battle that would pave the way for victory over Nazi Germany the following year."

Pictured below: "This aerial view of allied forces arriving at Omaha Beach on D-Day, where US Army troops, supported by the U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy, fought to secure a beachhead between Port-en-Bessin and Vire River, coming up against opposition from the German 352nd Infantry Division"

Visible and disturbing in this photo is the tremendous waste of lives and materiel. The beach became so cluttered with destroyed vehicles the incoming waves had difficulty landing.  See the photos here.

The damage on Omaha at ground level shown in this site:
We haven’t seen these before! 45 mind blowing images of D-Day!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Starbucks Is About To Woke Their Way Out Of Business

"There’s a new policy in place at Starbucks and it has nothing to do with the size of your Grand Chunkachino or whether they spell your name correctly on your cup. The coffee giant has been under increasing pressure from the media and social justice advocates after recent incidents resulting in charges of racism, insensitivity and nearly everything else under the sun. After holding a series of training sessions nationally, the company will now instruct its local managers to make the stores open to anyone who wants to use the restroom or simply hang out there whether they make a purchase or not."
. . . 
"Whatever happened when two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia was obviously handled poorly, but that’s just one store. A certain amount of common sense is required at the local management level to handle such things on a case by case basis. If the company felt that better crafted rules and improved training were required to prevent a repeat of that incident that would be understandable. But now they seem to be going overboard in the opposite direction." . . .

The Starbucks Incident Promotes Weaponization of Phony Racism
. . . "Starbucks gets what it deserves for being so stridently politically correct, but I don’t believe the Starbucks incident had anything to do with racism." . . .