Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New Poll Has Some Interesting Responses on Whether Bill Clinton is a Sexual Predator

Katie Pavlich  "
Former President Bill Clinton came under fire last week after saying during an interview with NBC News he supports the #MeToo movement, but doesn't plan to ever apologize to Monica Lewinsky. He also heavily implied he was the real victim in the aftermath of the affair because he left the White House in debt.
"But according to a new poll, the majority of Americans aren't buying it and believe Clinton is a sexual predator.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 24% of Likely U.S. Voters consider Clinton a victim of his political opponents. Fifty-three percent (53%) describe the ex-president as a sexual predator instead. Another 24% are undecided. Interestingly, men (55%) are more likely to consider Clinton a predator than women (50%) are. 
"In a recent article for Vanity Fair, Lewinsky questioned the consensual nature of the relationship given the power dynamics at the time.
Now, at 44, I’m beginning (just beginning) to consider the implications of the power differentials that were so vast between a president and a White House intern. I’m beginning to entertain the notion that in such a circumstance the idea of consent might well be rendered moot.(Although power imbalances—and the ability to abuse them—do exist even when the sex has been consensual.)  . . .

Monday, June 11, 2018


A library of Charles Krauthammer's columns published over the years in The Weekly Standard.

The Weekly Standard  "It's with great sorrow that we learned in recent days of the turn in Charles Krauthammer's health. Charles has been a contributing editor at THE WEEKLY STANDARD since the magazine's founding in 1995. We're proud to have published dozens of articles from him over those years. Charles has been more than a good colleague; he's been, for many of us, a friend, a mentor, and a role model. We are thinking of Charles, his wife Robyn and his son Daniel, during this difficult time.
-Stephen F. Hayes

Robert De Niro’s Juvenile Stunt at the Tonys

National Review

"The Tony Awards should have been a celebration of The Band’s Visit, the beautifully underplayed musical about Egyptian musicians striking up fumbling temporary friendships with the residents of a dusty Israeli village, which captured ten awards including Best Musical, and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the spectacular new chapter in the kid-magic saga, which won Best Play and five other trophies.

"Instead, all anyone is talking about is Robert De Niro, whose moronic ad-lib made the front page of the New York Post and was a top trending topic on Twitter this morning. CBS switched off the sound as De Niro, who was on hand to introduce Bruce Springsteen (whose Broadway show this season has also been a huge success) interjected, “I’m gonna say one thing: F*** Trump. It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump’; it’s ‘F*** Trump.'” The audience exploded in applause.

"Broadway depends on tourists for a huge percentage of its ticket sales. Does it really want to broadcast an image of being hostile to the 40 percent or so of the country that supports the president? CBS was obviously prepared for editorializing and allowed nothing of what De Niro said about Trump to be heard by the TV audience. It didn’t just blank out the F word; it blanked out the entire Trump comment because it was completely inappropriate and didn’t belong. This was wise, but alas the public has a way of finding out things.

"The people who should be most furious with De Niro are not Trump or his fans. The people who should be most furious with De Niro are the Tony honorees. This was their big night, the single opportunity they have each year to promote their craft to millions of TV watchers. Instead, De Niro had to unleash a childish, pointless rant and steal their spotlight. Shame on him." . . .

Mairead McArdle: Robert De Niro Busts Out Profane Rant against Trump at Tony Awards  
. . . "The actor, who was presenting an award to Bruce Springsteen, called on listeners to vote in the November midterm elections. “Bruce, you can rock the house like nobody else and even more importantly in these perilous times, you rock the vote, always fighting for, in your own words, truth, transparency and integrity in government,” De Niro said of his good friend. “Boy, do we need that now.” . . .

Read of the day: Sharyl Attkisson knocks one out of the park with devastating analogy

Thomas Lifson  "Sometimes an analogy is the best way to change minds.  Commitment to one side in a debate can lock minds into a framework.  But take the same principles and apply them to an analogous situation where the locked in prejudices don't apply, and the blinders can fall away.
"That is exactly what Ms. Attkisson has done with a column in The Hill.  She takes on the ridiculous reasoning applied to justifying the FBI spying on the Trump campaign and applies it to bank robbery.  She begins:
Once upon a time, the FBI said some thugs planned to rob a bank in town.  Thugs are always looking to rob banks.  They try all the time.  But at this particular time, the FBI was hyper-focused on potential bank robberies in this particular town.
The best way to prevent the robbery – which is the goal, after all – would be for the FBI to alert all the banks in town.  "Be on high alert for suspicious activity," the FBI could tell the banks.  "Report anything suspicious to us.  We don't want you to get robbed."
Instead, in this fractured fairytale, the FBI followed an oddly less effective, more time-consuming, costlier approach.  It focused on just one bank.  And, strangely, it picked the bank that was least likely to be robbed because nobody thought it would ever get elected president – excuse me, I mean, because it had almost no cash on hand.  (Why would robbers want to rob the bank with no cash?)
Stranger still, this specially-selected bank the FBI wanted to protect above all others happened to be owned by a man who was hated inside and outside the FBI.
So, to protect this bank owned by the guy the FBI hated, the FBI secretly examined a list of bank employees and identified a few it claimed would be likely to help robbers – or, at least, would not stop a robbery.  How did it select these targets?  By profiling them based on their pasts.
These particular bank employees, the FBI said, were chosen because they worked long ago with customers who might have known bank robbers in the past – maybe not the particular robbers planning a bank robbery this time, but different people who knew people who were thought to have robbed banks in the past ... or, perhaps, people who thought of robbing banks at some point but never got around to it. 
"It gets even better, making the absurdities of the justifications for the spying obvious.  Read the whole thing."

Gennifer Flowers: Why Bill Cosby And Not Bill Clinton?; "He's Not A[s] Good Of Liar As He Used To Be"

"Gennifer Flowers, who had a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton before he was president, revealed Tuesday night to FOX News' Laura Ingraham that her tryst, in hindsight, "was definitely sexual harassment."

"Flowers also said Clinton's health problems have hindered his abilities to tell lies like he used to be able to.

"Well, my first impression was he is not as good of a liar as he used to be," she said of his controversial interview with NBC's Craig Melvin that was on aired on Today. "He’s not on his game where that’s concerned. And I think Bill is afraid."

" 'He's nervous. That's why he is acting that way, and, you know, probably, he has some health problems and it has affected his ability to respond as well as he used to be, and tell lies as good as he used to," Flowers added.

"Flowers also asked if Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein are facing legal ramifications why not Bill Clinton." . . .
Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed
The former president's comments are shocking, and particularly tone-deaf in the era of #MeToo.
. . . "Clinton’s comments seem to suggest that he believes there was a time in which doing anything against someone’s will was acceptable or normal. 
"Clinton also defended ousted Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), who resigned from the U.S. Senate amid sexual harassment allegations. Clinton said, as part of his comments on Franken, that “maybe I’m just an old-fashioned person.' ” . . .

Hypocrisy and the left

Elise Cooper  "Obstruction, resistance, and lewdness are the leftists' approach.  No matter what President Trump does, he will always be criticized.

"The Democrats and mainstream media say President Trump is anti-women.  Yet Samantha Bee calls Ivanka the "C"-word.  The Democrats and mainstream media say they are in favor of diversity, yet late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel rolled footage of the first lady reading a children's book, and the audience laughed at her accent.  When she read, "... ask lots of questions about this and that," the audience laughed louder.  For further comic effect, Kimmel repeated, "About dees and dat."
Video added by TD
"The Democrats and mainstream media call President Trump a warmonger after his statement about North Korea being met with fire and fury; many had the attitude of Representative David Cicilline, D-Rhode Island, who said in a tweet, "This is not a time for escalating rhetoric that threatens to bring the world to the brink of war."  But now they criticize him for his diplomatic moves.  Even Bill Maher argues against the liberal trashing of this meeting by cable news networks, quoting one of them as saying, "Well, we'll just be giving Kim the respect he and his family has [sic] always craved."
"Anyone who looks at the picture of Merkel and Trump being circulated by the left sees their insincerity.  I wonder, if it was reversed, if people would accuse him of bullying her.  The way she is leaning forward with a stern face, hands on the table, and Trump sitting down.  I guess the Germans forgot that even though they were so brutal, the U.S. was still willing to help them to become an economic power.  Why is she not being accused of bullying?  President Trump only wanted a complete removal of the trade barriers and a fair playing ground.  But when have the Germans ever been fair?
"It is all about hating President Trump and the first family.  Hypocrisy seems to be the Democrats' and the leftist media's middle name. "
The author writes for American Thinker.  She has done book reviews and author interviews and has written a number of national security, political, and foreign policy articles.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Krauthammer Is Dying With Dignity While Liberals Are Living With None

Derek Hunter in Townhall
At the end of his life, Charles Krauthammer will leave this world with the grace and dignity few of us could show, even on our best day. It’s a shame that many on the other team don’t have a best day in them, or even a decent one.

"Some people die with bravery, grace, and dignity while others live with none of those attributes.

"This truth was on full display Friday when Washington Post columnist and Fox News star Charles Krauthammer announced to the world what I’d heard in whispers for a couple of weeks – he was dying, he only has a few weeks left to live. The outpouring of love and admiration that followed was, no doubt, comforting for him and his family in this awful time.

"But, as has become all too common in the social media age, some liberals couldn’t let a day, or even an hour pass with them simply acting like normal, decent human beings, or at least confining their vile nature to their heads and small circle of troll-like friends. Not one hour.

"Liberal writer Barrett Brown took the opportunity to plug an anti-Krauthammer piece he’d written in Vanity Fair back in 2009, because he thought the world needed to know. On Twitter he added, “Here’s a summary I wrote for Vanity Fair of Krauthammer’s ongoing failure, from 1998 on, to get a single thing right about the subject on which he was inexplicably deemed an “expert”. His impending death will make the world a safer, more competent place.”

"Brown then went on a justification spree, with each excuse more pathetic than the last. People confident in their actions aren’t compelled to explain them to strangers pointing out how inhuman they were.

"Not to be outdone, human dumpster fire Oliver Willis, who writes for something called Share Blue (which reads like the modern English language version of Der Stürmer), went on a tweet storm, complaining, “death doesnt (sic) make a very bad guy a good guy.”

"Share Blue was founded by the same person who founded Media Matters, Oliver’s previous employer, alleged cocaine aficionado David Brock. That means he does this for a living and, outside of fascistic progressive fever dream factories, he’s otherwise unemployable." . . . Full article...

Auntie Maxine assembly flops

Legal Insurrection  "More evidence is streaming in that the anti-Trump Blue Wave may not be as big as predicted.
"Today’s data point comes from the social media stream of “Mad” Maxine Waters, the quasi-lucid, vitriolic Congresswoman from California.  Last Sunday, she hosted an event targeted for millennials, which attracted a vast crowd of….11.
Young people have stayed away in droves from a tweet-a-thon with their ‘fearless champion Auntie Maxine’ in an embarrassing snub to the so-called ‘influencer’.
Maxine Waters, 79, organised a ‘Meet & Greet Tweet-a-thon’ in an attempt to show how popular, and in touch she is with millennials.
The event was billed as a ‘coming together to amplify congresswoman Walters’ voice and highlight her ‘many achievements throughout her career’.
Young people were asked to join ‘top social media influencers for a tweet-a-thon in support of Auntie Maxine… come energized and ready to get out the vote’.
But it was a lonely-looking Waters taking to the microphone at Sunday’s event, as a video posted on her Twitter account showed just 11 millennials in attendance.

Sarah Sanders To CNN Producer: Congratulations, Once Again, You’re Wrong

Daily Caller  "White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called out a CNN producer for fake news about the G7 Summit on Saturday.

"The saga started when Dan Scavino, an assistant to the president, tweeted out a behind-the-scenes photo of “negotiations” at the annual summit.

"CNN producer Greg Hughes, apparently unhappy that the photo showed a number of world leaders gathering around President Trump, insisted that the photo was just “clever visual messaging” and claimed without evidence that the event was a “group signing.”

"Pretty clever visual messaging here from the White House — taking some kind of group signing event and framing it instead to show President Trump seemingly holding court,” Hughes tweeted.

"Sanders hit back hard at Hughes, tweeting, “Congratulations! Once again you are wrong.”

“There was no ‘some kind of group signing’ taking place,” she wrote. “It was all negotiations. We were there. You were not.”

"Sanders finished by asking if the CNN producer would retract his “‘clever’ and completely inaccurate tweet.”  . . .   Via Weasel Zippers

John McCain viciously undermines Trump to world leaders in absolutely inexcusable message to our allies

Senator, this is how you will be remembered.

BPR   "Poor John McCain. The Arizona senator, who’s battling terminal brain cancer, thinks someone died and made him the leader of the free world.

"Proving that he’s determined to be a thorn in President Trump’s side even on his deathbed, McCain once again tried to undermine the billionaire by slamming the tariffs Trump slapped on China and Canada (you know, like the ones they charge on American goods).

"Senator McCain tweeted during the G7 Summit: “To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization and supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”

"For the record, a senator does not make U.S. trade policy, nor does he speak for all Americans.

"McCain was reacting to President Trump’s controversial announcement that the U.S. will impose tariffs on some imports from Canada and China to make up for the decades-long trade deficit with the two countries.

"Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese president Xi Jinping responded by imposing retaliatory tariffs.
To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.
. . .  

What If Liberal Journalists Decided To Dox You For Thoughts On Social Media They Don’t Like

Weasel Zippers
So far I have only seen this done by liberals. Conservatives, let's keep it that way. Although it seems very tempting to "DOX" someone who has done that to others. TD

"It happened to a woman on Twitter who had 220,000 followers. Was very supportive of Trump and critical of Islamic extremism. Because the Huff Po decided they didn’t like what she said they hunted her down, doxxed her, went to her husband’s job and got him fired, named her brother and where his family’s business was, all to sic a social media mob on her. Extremely scary and troubling stuff. Yet they still see nothing wrong with it and the Huff Po supports the reporter.
Via Fox News:
Doxing is bad, just ask journalists who … do doxing. Wired describes doxing as “the distribution of someone’s personal information across the internet against their will.” It’s become an awful tool of online combat. It can result in threats and job loss. It’s been used by extremists of almost every political stripe.
Lately, it’s become a tool of so-called journalism. The Daily Beast used it to target the daughters of conservative Pamela Geller. This time it was used both by and against HuffPost staff. Reporter Luke O’Brien went digging into the woman behind a popular Twitter account with about 220,000 followers.
O’Brien’s subsequent article didn’t just attack the author of the account. It went after her family. Here’s the unsubtle headline: “Trump’s Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec.” Only at the time he wasn’t “ousted.” . . .
The story mentioned the woman’s husband who worked for pro wrestling’s WWE by name. O’Brien didn’t stop at targeting the man’s wife. He went after the man’s employer, asking for comment about the Twitter account.

When will Colorado apologize to the owner of Masterpiece Cake?

In this case, the Court ruled that the government of Colorado's enforcement arm for civil rights was bigoted, unfair, and arbitrary. If that doesn't warrant an apology, what does?
Rick Moran  "Will the state of Colorado apologize to Masterpiece Cake owner Jack Phillips for putting him through years of bureaucratic hell? The Colorado government has an obligation in this case to try and make right a tremendous wrong they visited upon one of their citizens. This is especially true given the narrow nature of the Supreme Court's ruling last week.
The court may have ducked whether a religious baker has a First Amendment right to refuse to craft a custom cake for a same sex wedding. It did not shrink, though, from the question of whether Colorado provided the hapless Christian a fair hearing.
The court concluded that Colorado failed. Colorado, the justices asserted, owed the baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, “an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor.” Yet, the justices determined, “When the Colorado Civil Rights Commission considered this case, it did not do so with the religious neutrality that the Constitution requires.” . . .
See the source image