Dennis McCarthy . . . Being the father of a daughter and friend to many women who have experienced improper advances and yes, subtle and not so subtle molestations, I do understand how unpleasant, even horrific, these experiences can be. As a man, I want to find each and every perpetrator and beat them to a pulp myself. To me, that is my divine duty; women are precious to me and as a 74 year old big dude that is my charge.
"However, when I listen to all the noise surrounding the Christine Blasey Ford accusations, I feel that I am being drawn into a Kafkaesque novella. She has surrounded herself with hard core liberal partisans whose only goal is to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation past the drop dead date and the entire proceeding runs out the calendar. These anti-men shriekers, Hirono, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Durbin, Schumer, Joy Behar, and many others, have contempt for men, especially white men. They actually think we have no credibility or even the right to express or defend ourselves, unless we are doctrinaire Democrats. Any accusation, spurious or not, is to be taken at face value. I am appalled. Slow-Joe Biden said this out loud; men should presumed guilty until proven innocent. He obviously lacks any familiarity with the Constitution." . . .