Saturday, September 22, 2018

No matter how low the Democrats go, I'm not ashamed to be a man

Dennis McCarthy   . . . Being the father of a daughter and friend to many women who have experienced improper advances and yes, subtle and not so subtle molestations, I do understand how unpleasant, even horrific, these experiences can be.   As a man, I want to find each and every perpetrator and beat them to a pulp myself.  To me, that is my divine duty; women are precious to me and as a 74 year old big dude that is my charge.

"However, when I listen to all the noise surrounding the Christine Blasey Ford accusations, I feel that I am being drawn into a Kafkaesque novella.  She has surrounded herself with hard core liberal partisans whose only goal is to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation past the drop dead date and the entire proceeding runs out the calendar. These anti-men shriekers, Hirono, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Durbin, Schumer, Joy Behar, and many others, have contempt for men, especially white men. They actually think we have no credibility or even the right to express or defend ourselves, unless we are doctrinaire Democrats.  Any accusation, spurious or not, is to be taken at face value.  I am appalled.  Slow-Joe Biden said this out loud; men should presumed guilty until proven innocent. He obviously lacks any familiarity with the Constitution." . . .

Grassley vs Democrats; the battle lines harden

Kavanaugh Accuser Misses 10PM Deadline, Grassley Grants Demand For One More Day  "Update: Grassley has granted Ford an additional day to decide on next week's testimony. 
"In several late Friday tweets, Grassley wrote:
"Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story  Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u.s ...
Judge Kavanaugh I just granted another extension to Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w the statement she made last week to testify to the senate She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to be indecisive ...
With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor" 

The one sure thing about the Ford accusation against Kavanaugh: Zero proof  . . . "We are told that a woman would never make stuff like that up but we know that is absolutely not true. The fake Duke University rape case and the fake Rolling Stone rape case about a fraternity come to mind. In those cases, the media were also willing to destroy young men’s lives with absolutely zero evidence that the stories were true. But there was an agenda to push that men abuse women so those boys’ lives didn’t matter." . . .
Faculty at Brett Kavanaugh’s Alma Mater Are Demanding Screeching Halt to His Confirmation  . . . "“Fair process requires evidence from all parties with direct knowledge and consultation of experts when evaluating such evidence. In subsequent hearings, all of those who testify, and particularly women testifying about sexual assault, must be treated with respect.' ” . . .  And be sure to buy her book...

. . . “Brett stood out as the most responsible guy who treated us with kindness and respect,” said Megan McCaleb, a former classmate and longtime friend of Kavanaugh.
"McCaleb said Kavanaugh dated her sister and some of her closest friends in school and treated them with respect and decency, to a point he still remains close friends with them today.  . . .
“Your cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the committee is completely inappropriate,” Katz wrote as she demanded an additional day’s delay in giving an answer.
More demagoguery that would have pleased Ted Kennedy. 

Hillary urges the FBI to give Kavanaugh's accuser 'due process' and investigate her sexual assault claim and says the American public 'deserve answers' on the allegations against him
If Judge Kavanaugh and Prof Ford were her husband Bill being charged by, oh, say...pick one: Juanita Broadderick: what would be her depiction by Democrats.
Past history shows that Hillary would make her life torture.  
Hillary Clinton is known as a champion of women and girls, but one woman who says she was raped as a 12-year-old in Arkansas doesn’t think Hillary deserves that honor. This woman says Hillary smeared her and used dishonest tactics to successfully get her attacker off with a light sentence—even though, she claims, Clinton knew he was guilty.
Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the U.S. Senate if Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will not.
Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the U.S. Senate if Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will not.
Well, for starters Bill and Hillary were political allies of Feinstein while Trump is not. And thanks to our school system, news media, and the TV shows we all watch do not expect a tide of indignation from the American populace over the treatment Judge Kavanaugh is getting. TD

Friday, September 21, 2018

Radical sexism in this country, balkanizes our nation further

Democratic Women in Congress Launch Campaign to Recruit More Female Candidates  "A group of female Democratic lawmakers launched an effort Thursday to recruit pro-choice women to run for office, a campaign they tied to efforts to peg 2018 as the second “Year of the Woman.”
Rep. Rose DeLauro

"Elect Democratic Women will be chaired by Florida Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel and raise money for female candidates within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees “Red to Blue” program, which seeks to identify and funnel support to candidates with a strong shot of unseating Republican incumbents.
“ 'Diversity *is a cornerstone of our democracy and right now, only 20 percent of Congress is female,” Frankel said. “We need our elected officials to better reflect our country and we can do that by electing more women who will bring different perspectives and experiences, thus making better decisions for American families.' ” . . .  *Diversity meaning, of course NOT a diversity of ideas.
Women’s March, Left Wing Groups Likely Violated IRS Rules With Their Kavanaugh Protests, Non-Profit Status Could Be In Jeopardy  "Left-wing nonprofit groups that orchestrated disruptions during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings likely violated IRS rules, which can result in their loss of tax-exempt status, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation." . . .

Your friends with the masks and bike locks will stand by you!

Liberal, compassionate women of Hollywood speak out. Joy Behar declares “White, Old Men” Are Protecting A “Probably Guilty” Judge Kavanaugh…

Women who hate sexism speak out! Dem. Senator to American men: ‘Just shut up…do the right thing for a change’ — gets hammered by James Woods
"On Tuesday, Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hi., blamed all American men for the brouhaha surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh and unfounded allegations that he groped a young woman at a high school party over 30 years ago.
“ 'Of course it helps that there are women on that committee,” she said when asked about being one of four women on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  “But really, guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

Twitter link here.

The Death Threats Mrs. Kavanaugh Is Getting Will Churn Your Stomach

Daily Caller  "Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley Estes Kavanaugh has received a battery of death threats in recent days, after allegations appeared in the press that the judge sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982.
"The vivid missives are just one iteration of the inflamed rhetoric surrounding Kavanaugh’s nomination to the high court, following Ford’s accusations. The Ford family has similarly been threatened.
“ 'May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell,” one message to Mrs. Kavanaugh read.
Another told Mrs. Kavanaugh to put a bullet in her husband’s skull.
"The Wall Street Journal obtained the emails on Thursday, which were delivered as federal law enforcement is tracking an uptick in threats against Judge Kavanaugh and his family. "The messages were sent to Mrs. Kavanaugh’s work email address. The U.S. Marshals Service is pursuing the matter.
"The Kavanaugh family has drawn intense media attention since Ford’s accusations were publicized Sunday in The Washington Post. Mrs. Kavanaugh delivered cupcakes to a gaggle of reporters stationed outside their home on Tuesday.  . . .

Kathryn Watson   
Per our CBS News cameraman at Kavanaugh's house, his wife handed out cupcakes from Sprinkles to any of the photogs and producers who wanted them.
Collins and Feinstein threatened as well  "Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office has received threats of bodily and sexual harm against staff — some naming specific employees — following Feinstein’s involvement in allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Feinstein is the second woman senator whose office is reporting such threats. The White House said Thursday Kavanaugh and his wife have also received threats.

The office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has also been also receiving ugly calls and emails. Those against Kavanaugh’s nomination have pressured Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Collins, female Senate Republicans who support abortion rights, to vote against his confirmation.

“My office has received some pretty ugly voicemails, threats, terrible things said to my staff,” Collins said in an interview with WVOM in Maine on Wednesday.

Are We on the Verge of Civil War?

The era of bullhorns, bike locks, and beatings in the name of "tolerance".

Victor Davis Hanson

. . . "Something like that ancient divide is now infecting every aspect of American life.

" Americans increasingly are either proud of past U.S. traditions, ongoing reform, and current American exceptionalism, or they insist that the country was hopelessly flawed at its birth and must be radically reinvented to rectify its original sins. 

"No sphere of life is immune to the subsequent politicization: not movies, television, professional sports, late-night comedy, or colleges. Even hurricanes are typically leveraged to advance political agendas. 

"What is causing America to turn differences into these bitter hatreds — and why now? 

"The internet and social media often descend into an electronic lynch mob. In a nanosecond, an insignificant local news story goes viral. Immediately, hundreds of millions of people use it to drum up the evils or virtues of either progressivism or conservatism. 

"Anonymity is a force multiplier of these tensions. Fake online identities provide cover for ever greater extremism — on the logic that no one is ever called to account for his or her words." . . .

Except for Clinton victims, the feminist cause MUST come before constitutional law or due process. Lynching is permitted for liberals to commit

How little it takes to destroy a man's reputation.

Sen. Gillbrand: Asking Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Testify ‘Is Silencing Her’ "Giving Christine Blasey Ford the opportunity to testify about her unsubstantiated accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is, somehow, silencing her, Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) declared Wednesday night.
"Refusing to launch an FBI investigation into Ford’s claims is also “silencing her,” Sen. Gillibrand said in a tweet:
“Denying Dr. Ford an FBI investigation is silencing her. Forcing her into a sham hearing is silencing her. And pushing through Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is silencing her.” . . .  
Dear Juanita Broaddrick  . . . "No sympathy is expressed for Kavanaugh's wife and two daughters or where he is going to go to get his reputation back.  How about a "Dear Mrs. Kavanaugh" letter expressing regret to her and her daughters for the slime her husband is being dragged through over charges that are less specific than most sightings of Bigfoot?
"Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick [right] never got a letter expressing sympathy for her ordeal, nor did any of the other "bimbo eruptions" wife Hillary took care of with scathing attacks and organized threats and harassment.  She has an idea: if Ford does not want to testify, Broaddrick is quite willing to show up and tell the Senate Judiciary Committee just what credible charges of assault look like:" . . .

Life is good for Democrats.

Attention: Senator Hirono  . . . "The oft-repeated claims by some of our leading Democrat female politicians and media pundits that if a woman claims sexual abuse, it must be true fly in the face of common sense and human experience.  The proposition that a woman would not lie about such an event is the height of gullibility or stupidity, or simply based on the desire to produce an outcome to coincide with a personal agenda.  Money, power, hatred, jealousy, revenge, and even political ideology are all powerful motivators and cannot be disregarded, especially in cases of "she said, he said."

J'accuse as the New Legal Standard  "Two and a half centuries of legal precedent in the United States is based on the assumption of "innocent until proven guilty."  The law provides for due process, protection against unreasonable search and seizure, trial by a jury of one's peers, and other measures preventing conviction based solely on an accusation." . . .

Time to call out Democrats for the liars they are  . . . "It's time for every Republican to declare that it's a sad day that we can't trust a woman claiming to have been assaulted because of the nonstop lying by Democrats on every issue under the Sun.  We need to shout from the rooftops that the clearly political staging of Blasey Ford's claim undermines the public's trust in women who were in fact assaulted, and as such, Democrats are working hard to undermine women.

"We will not win if we continue to act as though modern Democrats with their fake news media propaganda are good people.  Because if we don't stand up and shout out the truth, the average American won't comprehend the mendacity of the Democrat politicians."

For Kavanaugh fight, news media toss their standards in the trash

Washington Examiner  . . . "A substantial number of major news outlets are not rising to the occasion. Under pressure from not least the opposed forces of their ideological agenda on the one hand and the importance of the nomination on the other, they are losing their cool, abandoning standards, and showing bias more than usual.

"Instead of chasing down conclusive leads and hounding the facts behind allegations that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in the early 1980s, reporters are gorging rumors, gossip, and lurid innuendo.
"Perhaps it’s because editors fear Kavanaugh will overturn the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide. Perhaps reporters fear Kavanaugh will push any number of conservative issues while on the court. Whatever the reason, much of the coverage has been atrocious, unprofessional, and below what should be the standards of self-respecting newsrooms.
" 'Accuser's schoolmate says she recalls hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident," NBC News trumpeted on Wednesday and Thursday. The casual reader would believe that someone had corroborated the accusation against Kavanaugh. Instead, the piece was based on a tweet, which was later retracted, by a woman who admits, "I do not have first-hand knowledge of the incident."
"NPR followed up on the schoolmate's claim, reporting that she says she has “no idea” if the assault happened or not. That misleading and suggestive NBC News headline is still drawing in duped readers, popping up on social media and Google News homepages." . . .

Only the People Can End This Democratic Horror Show

Conrad Black
It is impossible for the Democrats to plumb more profound depths than those they have in accusing President Trump of causing hurricanes while being responsible for thousands of hurricane-related deaths in Puerto Rico, even as they impugn a Supreme Court nominee at five minutes to midnight because of an uncorroborated, and vehemently denied, drunken grope 36 years ago.

. . . "The claim that the president’s policies have aggravated hurricanes is reserved to the demonstrably insane in the nether regions of Sandersism. This might work for the precociously spent meteor, Bronx congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to accompany her theory that universal health care would end the need for funerals.

"The Kavanaugh affair is, to cite that Lincolnian pillar of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Cory Booker (D-N.J.), the Spartacus moment of all the Democrats. They can all claim to lead a slave revolt against the tyranny of the Constitution, the service and retention of which is all that Judge Kavanaugh and his supporters are seeking.

"There has already been ample reference to the fact that Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) waited tactically to the last minute before raising this matter of Kavanaugh’s alleged drunken grope of a fellow high school student 36 years ago, of which the senator became aware in July. Neither in public nor private hearings nor in a private one-hour meeting did she bother to raise the subject. Kavanaugh denies it, no one corroborates it, no illegality is alleged, no subsequent claimants of like behavior have come forward, and scores of women who have known the judge for decades have attested to his irreproachable behavior and character.

"It is nonsense; many men have done such a thing, and so have many women, and it absolutely does not, in itself, even if the incident happened, disqualify this nominee or anyone else, at this remove in time, from any office, even in the celibate clergy." . . .

How significant will those unclassified documents be?

If Democrats take back Congress, forget it. Why are Democrats not repulsed by the likes of Hillary and Obama? TD

Rich Terrell
Schiff Calls Trump's Declassification of Russia Probe Documents a 'Clear Abuse of Power'  . . . " 'With respect to some of these materials, I have been previously informed by the FBI and Justice Department that they would consider their release a red line that must not be crossed as they may compromise sources and methods,” he claimed. “This is evidently of no consequence to a President who cares about nothing about the country and everything about his narrow self-interest.”
"Republicans praised the move, arguing that it would create more transparency around the investigation." . . .

Looking for those declassified documents? Don't hold your breath. . . . "All this may sound like good news for Lady Justice and finally allowing the American people to see the origin of the never-ending Russian collusion investigation.  Then one remembers the ultimate fate of recently requested evidence concerning investigations involving Hillary Clinton's illegal private server and the IRS's illegal targeting of conservative groups.  

"In those cases, months of investigations and hearings on the part of Congress painstakingly uncovered mind-blowing criminal activity by Hillary Clinton and the IRS.  The American people rightfully anticipated the hammer of justice.  But the only hammer that fell was the one used to smash all of Clinton's mobile devices, while all other requested and subpoenaed evidence involving Clinton and the IRS scandal was lost, erased, or destroyed. 

"So regarding investigations of the recent past, the blatant destruction of evidence was apparently the right move because it allowed Clinton to focus on running for president and allowed IRS director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner to enjoy a handsome retirement package. " . . .

CNN's Anderson Cooper show didn't quite get the answers on the Kavanaugh case from a group of women they were hoping to get. Other women resist the left as well.

See also this: For Kavanaugh fight, news media toss their standards in the trash
This sets the tone for the next article and video where the CNN reporter argues with the ladies over their opinions.

When the puppets won't cooperate: CNN surprised by women's reaction to Kavanaugh case  
Always keep in mind the shared goal CNN has with "Ford's known left-wing and pro-abortion activism." TD
"It's always tough when the puppets don't behave.
"So it seemed when CNN interviewed five women and found that all five supported the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
"The female interviewer, who was with Anderson Cooper's AC360° team, found that much to her surprise, the Republican women just didn't keep to the script and ended up arguing with them.
"Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra posted on Twitter with merriment the frustrating exchange:" . . .   (Apologies for the poor video quality)

. . . "To see CNN frustrated that its script was not going according to plan is entertaining stuff, indeed.  You can just see those thought bubbles asking how that bunch got past the producers."

Reagan McCarthy:  Women's March Equates Republicans' Handling of Kavanaugh Hearings With Misogyny  . . .  "Dr. Ford disclosed her alleged story to Senator Diane Feinstein, a ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, back in July when Judge Kavanaugh was initially nominated to the high court by President Trump. Rather than making any attempt to handle this charge made by Dr. Ford, and afford her the right to be heard, Feinstein chose to sit on the letter until after Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings.

"Still, left-wing interest groups frame Senate Republicans, who invited Dr. Ford to testify in any capacity in which she felt comfortable, as the villians. The Senate GOP proposed that the committee hear from both Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford in the interest of due process and transparency for the public. This was not enough for far-left groups such as NARAL, Planned Parenthood and the Women’s March. Particularly, the Women’s March, framed the GOP’s push for Judge Kavanaugh to have the opportunity to defend himself, and Dr. Ford to be able tell her story, as misogyny:" . . .
. . . "Despite what these interest groups may think, the Judicial System does not presume guilt. The United States was built on the principle of presumed innocence until guilt is proven. These groups would rather see a man who has served the public for 30 years, with a stellar record of intelligence and integrity in his jurisprudence, have his life and career  ruined before his guilt is proven, rather than conduct a fair investigation for these allegations."

Allie Stuckey: Before Believing Kavanaugh's Accuser   . . ."A personal rendering of Ford’s account published by the Washington Post is certainly more credible than the vague allusion to a possible accusation published by Feinstein. But, unfortunately, one woman’s uncorroborated story released in the midst of a heated partisan fight in which Democrats have already demonstrated an  aversion to facts  can not be taken at face value. Before believing Kavanaugh’s accuser, there are a few aspects of this scenario that should give us pause." . . . 
'The Left's View'

Cory Booker Called Out For ‘Groping’ Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says

Where are those same angry Democrat congresswomen we saw on TV this week? Is it sexism when you attack men with these words?

Weasel Zippers

"What happens in New Jersey, stays in New Jersey unless the liberal Star-Ledger newspaper calls you out for your hypocrisy. Did Spartacus grope women?
New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.
The senator, who urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to first let the FBI conduct an investigation after California professor Christine Blasey Ford accused the high court nominee of sexual assault over 35 years ago, once wrote an article detailing an instance where he groped a female friend.
“New Year’s Eve 1984 I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss. As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next ‘move’ as if it were a chess game,” Booker wrote in the student-run Stanford Daily newspaper in 1992.
“With the ‘Top Gun’ slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark,’” he continued, without explaining what he meant by “mark.”

Ted Cruz takes on the Hollywood favorite, O'Rourke

Beto O'Rourke supports Colin Kaepernick (Video) "Beto" would have us think that supporters of Cruz are not aware and as caring about the civil rights struggle as the left. He speaks with soft, velvety demagoguery in this video just as when the liberals claim we hate immigrants when we try to stop illegal immigration. TD

Get Ready for the First Cruz-O’Rourke Debate  "Texas senator Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke will have the first of three debates on Friday night.

"Both men face something of a catch-22 from the relatively recent close poll results. On paper, Cruz should be a solid favorite. He’s led all of the polls since the race began except one. This week Quinnipiac put him ahead by nine points. No Democrat has won a statewide race in Texas since 1994, and four years ago, no Democratic statewide candidate surpassed 40 percent. The last heavily hyped Democratic candidate running statewide, gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, finished with 38.9 percent. All of the polling shows the current Republican governor, Greg Abbott, winning reelection by a wide margin.

"The one factor that could seriously endanger Cruz would be complacency among Texas Republicans; if enough GOP-leaning voters think, “Cruz will be fine, this is a deep-red state . . .” then O’Rourke could actually pull off the upset. (Just ask Massachusetts Democrat Martha Coakley how much a candidate can rely on her state’s traditional partisan lean.) In fact, both of O’Rourke’s big political victories in his career, in Democratic primaries for the El Paso City Council and Congress, came in large part from him out-hustling a comfortable incumbent." . . .  (Emphasis mine, TD)

Judd Apatow Hosting Hollywood Fundraiser for Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke
. . . "Apatow’s event with O’Rourke comes as the Senate hopeful faces intense backlash for telling a town hall audience member who questioned his support for illegal immigration that illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico are today’s cotton pickers." . . .

. . . "Also, despite a litany of upset fans, country music star Willie Nelson tarnished his Texas star in the minds of many by announcing that he was set to headline a concert fundraiser for the liberal Democrat.
"Several other La La Land denizens also jumped to the Democrat’s support after his anthem protesting video wowed liberals everywhere."