Wednesday, January 9, 2019

These are not your grandfather's Democrats

Personally, I don't care for either Ben & Jerry version. TD
Jim Daws  "The Democrats' obstinate refusal to fund a physical barrier on our southern border is the starkest illustration yet that they are no longer a political party dedicated to the protection and prosperity of the United States.  The party has been captured by cultural Marxists who are radically hostile to America's founding principles, its history, and its people.  It's no exaggeration to recognize the reality that the Democratic Party is engaged in an ideological war against the historic American nation, which the party's members despise.

Photo added, TD
"Post-Civil War Democrats fashioned themselves as champions of America's working classes and defenders the freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights.  Those Democrats were patriotic and believed that while the founders' promise had yet to be fully realized, their ideals of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were profound and sacred truths.*

"That all changed beginning with the cultural revolution of the 1960s, as cultural Marxists began their long march to take over America's universities, media, courts, and popular culture.  These Democrats fancied themselves revolutionaries who believed that because of its flaws, America was irredeemable.  Their motto was "tear it all down."  While tattered remnants of those old-style Democrats survive on the margins, they are no longer an animating force within the party.

"If you think I exaggerate, consider how the Democrats turned their backs on labor unions, once the surest path to the middle class for men and women who worked with their hands and backs.  The Dems threw unions under the bus in favor of radical environmentalists who oppose coal mining, oil drilling, and pipelines. Those high-paying jobs were sacrificed by the Democrats to the false god of global warming.  The jobs and fossil fuel production didn't vanish, mind you – they just moved overseas, beyond the reach of American workers." . . . Read more... 

* They were indeed, except for the Dixiecrats who fathered the KKK and the Jim Crow laws.

On a scale of one to ten, last night Trump was a seven and Pelosi/Schumer were a zero

Thomas Lifson  "I thought that President Trump’s first Oval Office address last night was very good, but not a home run. (Transcript here, video embedded below.)  But compared to the disastrous response from Democrat leaders Pelosi and Schumer, it was a grand slam.

"A clown-car moment" with the 
Schumer Scowl
On substance, the president was a nine on a scale of one to ten, nearly perfect. His focus was on the practical issues right away: the lack of facilities to handle the families that have come to predominate the flow, and the vast quantities of drugs that come into the country.  The  humanitarian crisis is undeniable, and the Democrat/Media complex have already done plenty to bring home the suffering caused by the attractive nuisance of a border that is perceived as porous. The  Democrats’ habit of emoting over the human tragedies at the border was converted into a support for the notion of a crisis, in a neat bit of political jujitsu.  
. . . 
"The contrast provided by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer was dramatic. The substance was mediocre at best, and the style went into negative point territory." . . . 

Trump address on border security overshadowed by social media reaction to Dem ‘rebuttal’  "President Trump delivered a trenchant, effective address from the Oval Office on Tuesday night, the first of his presidency. He did not declare a state of emergency in the speech, but he appeared to lay the groundwork for such a declaration.

"After the major networks deliberated anxiously on Monday whether to even air the speech — with CNN’s Don Lemon proposing to broadcast it only after a delay, so network newsrooms could “prebut” it — the seriousness and fine quality of the speech might even have been something of a letdown."

. . . "It’s doubtful that anyone could tell you what Schumer and Pelosi said. But the way they looked – sour, rigid, staged, “creepy” – has launched a thousand memes." . . .
Schumer and Pelosi Response to Trump’s Address Gets the Meme Treatment

Brit Hume

If all that results from his speech tonight is this visual, he wins.

Mark Dice: The Return of Chuck and Nancy- THE REBUTTAL

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Kamala Harris Suggests Being President Is About Gender, Color Of Your Skin

I Love My Freedom  "Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) made a bizarre comment about how America is ready for a president who is a female and woman of color.
"She was on an episode of ABC’s The View on Tuesday making her talking points, which seemed like more of a way to prop herself up and gauge interest in making a run for the 2020 presidency herself.
"Harris spouted off numerous liberal talking points ahead of her likely 2020 presidential run."
 . . . "Some reactions to Harris’ comment about America being ready for a female of color to win the presidency (propping herself up, of course), were clearly against her desire to have people vote on color and gender.
Intelligent people believe that voting in an election should be based on their political views and ideals, not the color of their skin or their gender. That’s called identity politics and it’s not how a successful country is run." . . .

Mika Brzezinski; BAN TRUMP'S ADDRESS! He's A LIAR...

Well, Trump was heard to say al Qaeda was on the run and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.


. . . "Trump is expected to use Tuesday’s Oval Office address to lay out his case for funding a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The president is expected to travel to the southern border on Thursday.
"Tuesday’s speech will represent his first from the Oval Office, and comes as thousands of federal workers face the possibility of not getting a paycheck on Friday due to the partial government shutdown over border wall funding.
"Despite critics' concerns and demands, it appears that all of the networks will air Trump’s address, expected to run for about eight minutes. With the stakes high, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have demanded equal time following the president’s speech for a rebuttal." . . .

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer to Deliver Democrat Response to Trump Address
Chuck is practicing his angry scowl in front of a mirror as we speak.

Above and below by Tony Branco

Dem Rashida Tlaib Unleashes Anti-Semitic Slur Against Congressional Colleagues, Says They Have Dual Loyalties

Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Daily Wire  "Freshman Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is creating fresh controversy in her second week in the House of Representatives, but this time it's over a shocking, anti-Semitic slur leveled at her Congressional colleagues for their support of a bill which would allow local, state, and federal agencies to avoid doing business with entities that support the anti-Israel Boycott-Divestment-Sanction (or BDS) movement.

"Phil Klein in the Washington Examiner reports that Tlaib "charged that supporters [of the anti-BDS] bill" were torn by their "dual loyalty" to both Israel and the United States, and claimed that the bill's supporters "forgot what country they represent."

They forgot what country they represent. This is the U.S. where boycotting is a right & part of our historical fight for freedom & equality. Maybe a refresher on our U.S. Constitution is in order, then get back to opening up our government instead of taking our rights away.

Congressional Democrats Support Discrimination Against Jews?

Media fabricated narrative about conservatives mocking Ocasio-Cortez dance video

I thought it was neat. She's much better at dancing than she is at understanding history and government. TD
Legal Insurrection
Did you hear the one about Republicans trying to shame Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over her college dance video, and being angry about it?
"That claim echoed through many mainstream media outlets late last week into the weekend. But it was a media fabrication, Fake News in the worst, most devious way intended to shape public perception. Multiply this incident by thousands of times, and you can understand how manipulative mainstream media is, and how major news outlets are able to frame a narrative of evil, mean Republicans that influences our politics, particularly among younger people.
I first learned of the video when I saw tweets about the supposed shaming and anger.
I’m pretty sure, but not positive, that it was a Newsweek article I first saw being circulated:
Shortly before the 29-year-old became the youngest congressman ever sworn in to office, several conservative Twitter feeds shared a video of her dancing on a rooftop. The video, featuring her dancing to Phoenix’s “Lisztomania” in an apparent homage to The Breakfast Club, appeared to be taken from Ocasio-Cortez’s time at Boston University.
One Twitter user, whose handle referenced the QAnon conspiracy theory popular among supporters of President Donald Trump, tweeted the video with the accompanying insult: “Here is “America’s favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is…High School video of “Sandy” Ocasio-Cortez.” . . .

"It’s a fun video. Why would Republicans try to shame her with it, and why would they be angry about it?
"They weren’t.
"But that’s not how the media played it.  . . ."

The Political Posturing Of Nancy Pelosi: Redux

Noisy Room

S.M. Sigerson wrote, “A nation which fails to adequately remember salient points of its own history, is like a person with Alzheimer’s. And that can be a social disease of a most destructive nature.” Such is the case with Nancy Pelosi’s retaking of the Speaker’s gavel in her return to the post of Speaker of the House, a position that puts her just once removed from the presidency.
In her first act in reclaiming the Speakership – which has never been done before, Pelosi minions have stated she is set to move several pieces of legislation that would fund the partially-closed government while denying President Trump the $5 Billion he has demanded for a border security system. She is executing an “end-around” on the President.
Mind you, Pelosi will not succeed unless she is joined in passing these pieces of legislation by Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell. Even then, President Trump will have an opportunity to veto the bills. And therein lays the rub.
Pelosi is a political creature empowered by the opportunism of the ratings-starved media, as are all Progressive-Fascists (which are what radical Democrats like Pelosi have become). In creating this end-around, she is attempting to paint President Trump, and to a lesser extent Senate and congressional Republicans, as the one who has “shut-down” government.
Then, she and Chuck Schumer – who combined have been in Federal government for over 50 years, will glom onto the media spotlight and do what they have been so good at doing for the total of their tenures. They will use a complicit media to capture the narrative thus advancing the false notion that somehow a President who is demanding our borders be secure in a post-9/11 world is to blame for Democrat obstruction and a quasi-hobbling of government.
This has nothing to do with honesty debating the merits of a controlled and/or walled border. It has nothing to do with the security of a nation that saw almost 3,000 people slaughtered on September 11, 2001, by 19 Islamofascists who violated immigration law, or the poisoning of our people by the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels. It has everything to do with the Progressive-Fascist’s addiction to ultimate power.
Nancy Pelosi is not a good and kind woman, nor is Chuck Schumer a good and kind man. They are both political puppets to the oligarchic elite; to the globalist billionaires and trillionaires who want to profit from the bleeding of the United States. Pelosi and Schumer have both been paid handsomely for their loyalty; they are both multi-millionaires because of it. That’s not an easy feat on a salary of just $223,500 and $193,400 annually, respectively (yes, Pelosi makes more than Schumer…damn the gender inequality).
Add to this initial volley, myriad false-flag investigations and nuisance hearings into the semantics and inanities of partisan politics and the stage is set for at least the next two years of governmental gridlock in Washington, DC.
Nancy Pelosi is back as Speaker of the House. Progressive-Fascist Democrats are the ones who re-elected her to this position. Let’s all try to remember that when nothing gets done for the next two years and we all are brought to the point of vomiting over politics.
“That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended – civilizations are built up – excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and the cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin.” – C.S. Lewis"  End quote.

Don Lemon Would Like Trump’s Speech To Be Delayed, Please And Thank You

Chicks On The Right  "It’s funny. Liberals constantly try to say that conservatives are anti-transparency and anti-free press. Meanwhile, here they are, trying to conjure up ways for the American people to miss President Trump’s big address on the border crisis tonight.
Case in point.
"Don Lemon actually believes it would be a good idea for networks to deliberately delay Trump’s speech so people miss it. We can’t have people CHOOSING to tune in and hear Trump for themselves. MSM must “protect” the American people from Trump’s lies!
@donlemon suggests that President @realDonaldTrump's speech be delayed so it can be edited and kept from Americans.— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) January 8, 2019
"So in Lemon’s mind, playing Trump’s address live is akin to promoting “propaganda.” They shouldn’t play it live, because by the time the rebuttals come out, it will be too late. People will believe the lies.
"That’s why MSM should delay playing his speech. It’s for the people. They want to “protect” us from Trump.
"Holy mother of nanny state, Don."

The Electoral College Must Remain

Moreover, Cohen's proposal would likely be rejected by smaller states because it could invalidate the importance of their votes and dissuade people from voting.  It could also allow a small number of densely populated cities to determine the outcome of an election.

American Thinker  "Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., recently introduced a proposed constitutional amendment that would eliminate the Electoral College.  This was obviously done in response to the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election despite winning nearly 3 million more votes than President Trump.  According to Cohen, the Electoral College is outdated and distorting.
"In a recent Fox News article, Cohen was quoted as saying, "Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office.  More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators.  It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President."
Cohen's position is clearly partisan, will almost certainly fail, and will face stiff resistance from many smaller states.
"According to HistoryCentral, "[t]he Electoral College was created for two reasons.  The first purpose was to create a buffer between population and the selection of a President.  The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states."  The first reason revolved around the possibility that a candidate could manipulate public opinion to such a great extent that it would lead him to secure the presidency.  In other words, the Founders did not believe that the citizens could make the right decision on their own.  Therefore, the electorate served as a system of checks and balances.  This does not appear to be as much of a concern today.
"The second reason, however, is still relevant.  Generally speaking, the number of electorates  in a given state directly correlates to the number of congressional representatives in the state.  The minimum number of electorates for a given state is three.  Therefore, the "value" of a vote in a smaller state with a lower population would "count" more than it would in a state with a higher population.  For example, if a state had 90,000 votes and had three electorates, each electorate would represent 30,000 votes.  On the other hand, a large state with 10,000,000 votes and 54 electorates would mean that each electorate would represent approximately 185,000 votes.  Therefore, this system was initially used to appease the smaller states.
"Moreover, Cohen's proposal would likely be rejected by smaller states because it could invalidate the importance of their votes and dissuade people from voting.  It could also allow a small number of densely populated cities to determine the outcome of an election." . . .  
Never entrust the heritage nor the governing of our nation to this crop of Democrats!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Why the sketch of Jazmine Barnes' alleged killer didn't match the suspects in her death

What to make of this? Knew the Killers were Black Men, Killer Was Online Friend
"Picture of Jazmine Barnes Killer Ironic Her mother was Facebook friends with her daughters own killer."The mother knew damn well he killed her and blames the white man. "Sick and Twisted."
. . . "The original reports from the family who witnessed the shooting death of Jasmine described the shooter as a “white male in his 30s.” 
. . . "And police sent out a drawing of the shooter based on the family’s description." . . .
Julian Gill, Houston Chronicle  "While two suspects have been identified in the shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes, many people are still questioning why the initial sketch of the possible suspect looked completely different.
"Barnes' killing on Dec. 30 near a Walmart parking lot sparked outrage and sadness across the country. The girl was riding in a car with her mother and three sisters when a gunman opened fire, shooting her in the head.
"National figures, like activist and writer Shaun King, pleaded with the public to help find her killer. As King continuously upped the reward for finding the suspect, hundreds of tips started pouring in, he said.Last Thursday, the Harris County Sheriff's Office released a sketch of the suspect showing a thinly built white male in his 30s or 40s with sunken cheeks and a stubble beard. At the time, police said they believed the shooter fled the area in a red pickup truck.
"Activists claimed that the child's death could have been racially motivated. However, the person now charged in the child's death, Eric Black Jr., is a 20-year-old black man who was arrested while driving a different car on Saturday.
"Black reportedly told police that he and a second black male suspect, partially identified in court as Larry Woodruffe, mistook Barnes' vehicle for another. Woodruffe has not been formally charged in the child's death, but court records indicate he was arrested on a drug possession charge Sunday." . . .

Dem. Rep. Denies Responsibility for Mistakenly Labeling Girl’s Murder ‘Hate Crime’
"Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) refused to take responsibility Sunday for labeling the murder of a seven-year-old African-American girl a “hate crime” before sufficient evidence materialized to support the claim.
"Jackson Lee, who encouraged the public to treat Jazmine Barnes’s murder as a hate crime during a rally days after her death, claimed Sunday that her earlier statements, made before the police arrested and charged an African-American man with the murder, were not irresponsible.
"While addressing a crowd of hundreds gathered near the Houston, Texas street where Barnes was shot and killed on December 30, Jackson Lee urged her audience to call the murder a hate crime, citing eyewitness accounts that suggested a white man was responsible.
"On Sunday, Houston Police arrested and charged Eric Black, a 20-year-old African-American man, with the killing. Asked at a news conference Sunday afternoon whether her initial characterization of the murder as a hate crime was irresponsible, Jackson Lee responded, “absolutely not.” . . .
Suspects Arrested in Murder of 7-Year-Old Jazmine Barnes, But Questions About Media's Behavior Remain

Vermont Newspaper: We ‘Beg’ Sanders Not to Run in 2020

WFB  "A Vermont newspaper is urging Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) not to run for president in 2020: "In fact, we beg him not to."  

"Another Sanders run would hurt the state of Vermont and the Democratic Party at large, argued the editorial, which appeared in The Barre Montpelier Times Argus on Jan. 5. 

"The newspaper endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016.

""We have repeatedly hit the senator on where his loyalties lay: Vermont or a bigger calling? We have asked him to make a choice, which he would argue was his recent re-election to Congress," the editorial board wrote. "But in his previous run for the presidency, Sanders, an independent who ran for the White House as a Democrat, missed dozens of votes that likely would have helped Vermonters."

"The editorial also accused Sanders of caring more about cable news limelight than his own constituents and expressed fear that another presidential run might split the Democratic voting base.

""For us, this comes down to principle over ego," the board said. "It is one thing to start a revolution, but at a certain point you need to know when to step out of the way and let others carry the water for you." . . .

"Sanders has inspired a younger generation to campaign for "rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure; reversing climate change; creating worker co-ops; growing the trade-union movement; raising the minimum wage; pay equity for women workers; trade policies that benefit American workers; making college affordable for all; taking on Wall Street; health care as a human right; protecting the most vulnerable Americans; and tax reform," the board said. But, as a candidate, the senator is "exhausting.' " . . .

The Coming Democratic Disillusion

Rich Terrell
Smiling at Republicans
Control of the House isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  . . . "Actually, the victories of the 110th Congress were much more modest: a minimum-wage increase, lobbying reform, and a ban of incandescent light bulbs. Health care had to wait for a subsequent Congress and a Democratic president. So did withdrawal from Iraq — though retreat didn’t work out as planned, and America returned, in much smaller numbers, in 2014. The history of Nancy Pelosi’s tenure as speaker is a reminder of the limitations and tenuousness of political victories (and defeats).

"I suspect Pelosi is aware of this lesson. I doubt her caucus is. More than a quarter of them are freshmen, many are young, and two are self-avowed democratic socialists. They are inclined to believe history began
Taunting TEA Partiers
when Barack Obama entered Mile High Stadium in Denver. It’s an impression encouraged by cable news, which spent the run-up to Pelosi’s investiture celebrating the youth, diversity, and ambition of the House Democratic freshmen. And yet, for all the talk of Allison Spanberger and the “Badass Caucus,” of how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib “aren’t going to take no for an answer,” of grand plans for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All, there remains the inescapable reality of power. Democrats don’t really have it. Indeed, they have even less than the last time Pelosi became speaker." . . .

Child Yells Out ‘Boring!’ During 78-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi’s Acceptance Speech
. . . “ 'If the House wasn’t a joke before, it legit is a joke now,” one reader wrote. “What an embarrassment.' ” . . .