Wednesday, January 9, 2019

These are not your grandfather's Democrats

Personally, I don't care for either Ben & Jerry version. TD
Jim Daws  "The Democrats' obstinate refusal to fund a physical barrier on our southern border is the starkest illustration yet that they are no longer a political party dedicated to the protection and prosperity of the United States.  The party has been captured by cultural Marxists who are radically hostile to America's founding principles, its history, and its people.  It's no exaggeration to recognize the reality that the Democratic Party is engaged in an ideological war against the historic American nation, which the party's members despise.

Photo added, TD
"Post-Civil War Democrats fashioned themselves as champions of America's working classes and defenders the freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights.  Those Democrats were patriotic and believed that while the founders' promise had yet to be fully realized, their ideals of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were profound and sacred truths.*

"That all changed beginning with the cultural revolution of the 1960s, as cultural Marxists began their long march to take over America's universities, media, courts, and popular culture.  These Democrats fancied themselves revolutionaries who believed that because of its flaws, America was irredeemable.  Their motto was "tear it all down."  While tattered remnants of those old-style Democrats survive on the margins, they are no longer an animating force within the party.

"If you think I exaggerate, consider how the Democrats turned their backs on labor unions, once the surest path to the middle class for men and women who worked with their hands and backs.  The Dems threw unions under the bus in favor of radical environmentalists who oppose coal mining, oil drilling, and pipelines. Those high-paying jobs were sacrificed by the Democrats to the false god of global warming.  The jobs and fossil fuel production didn't vanish, mind you – they just moved overseas, beyond the reach of American workers." . . . Read more... 

* They were indeed, except for the Dixiecrats who fathered the KKK and the Jim Crow laws.

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