Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Trump exposed how worthless the press is

*The pattern is now drearily familiar. First, a poorly attributed story will break — say, “Source: Donald Trump Killed Leon Trotsky Back in 1940.”  National Review
Don Surber  "In a delightful column, Charles C.W. Cooke, editor of National Review Online, skewered the Washington press corps, which is broken.
" He blamed not President Donald John Trump for this breakdown. Of course not. President Trump exposed how worthless the press is.
Cooke wrote, "Not since Florence Foster Jenkins [an heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice] have Americans been treated to such an excruciating example of self-delusion. The most vocal among the press corps’ ranks cast themselves openly as firefighters when, at worst, they are pyromaniacs and, at best, they are obsequious asbestos salesmen. 'You never get it right, do you?' Sybil Fawlty told Basil in Fawlty Towers. 'You’re either crawling all over them licking their boots or spitting poison at them like some Benzedrine puff adder.' There is a great deal of space between apologist and bête noire. In the newsrooms of America, that space is empty."
" Befitting his station as a journalist, Cooke exhibited no self-awareness as he ignored the numerous leaps to conclusion that his site recently made, most notably saying the Covington Catholic High boys spit on the cross.

"But his lampoon of the papers was fun." . . .

One must fear a political Party whose voters choose people like this

"Ka-ma-ka-ma-ka-ma-ka-ma-ka-ma-kamaleon: she comes and goes, she comes and goes"  Deuteronomy Jones and the Culture Club

Flipping, flopping, backtracking, Kamala Harris just isn't ready for prime time . . . "Which makes her look pretty wretched and puppety. Did she actually think this 'me-as-president' idea through?
"Doesn't sound like it. You want to propose something crazy and sweeping, you'd better be prepared to defend the idea if you care about your credibility. Yet she backtracked on her proposal for single payer health insurance one day after she made it, to say that, well, no, she didn't really mean to say that everyone's health insurance should be taken away and everyone in the health insurance industry should be put out of work. Because those were the implications of her big campaign proposal, which drew big initial applause from the peanut gallery, and widespread disgust among the more sober-minded public."
"Howie Schultz shot that idea down like a marksman." . . . Read more...

She-who-must-be-feared terrorizes the above source: CNN’s Kaczynski Deletes Tweet About Kamala ‘Backtracking’ After Campaign Pushes Back

An abundance of arrogance  . . . California senator Kamala Harris recently announced her candidacy, defining her campaign for the White House as a fight against President Trump.  During her speech in California, she rambled through her résumé bona fides and then proclaimed that government-run health care is a right.  Apparently, the senator has never read the Bill of Rights.  If she had, she'd know that government-provided health care is not an enumerated right.
"Several days later, the senator minced no words during a televised town hall event in Iowa with CNN host Jake Tapper, formally endorsing Medicare for All.  It's worth noting that the town hall event was by invitation only for a select group of Iowa Democratic Party faithful and a handful of Drake University students.  Sound familiar?" . . . More

2010 Video Shows Kamala Harris Bragging About Threatening Jail for Parents of Truants  Imagine this woman in charge of our healthcare or the IRS. What leverage the government will have over us and the things they will demand will have no limits. Watch the state of California to see how the left governs, where every morning we wake up wondering what Democrats will do to us next; all under the rubric of "what the government is doing for us". TD

The lurch to the far-left has begun.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

When News Stories are about News Stories, Something has Gone Wrong.

Intellectual Takeout

. . . "The regular news story supported today's primary liberal narrative, but the story about the story that ended up completely subsuming the original story, supported the primary conservative narrative.
 "The primary liberal narrative has it that Whites are privileged and racist. The primary conservative narrative is that the liberal media lies to support its narrative--what has come to be called, "Fake News."
 "When it was discovered through a full video viewing of the entire episode that the students were the ones being harassed and that the Native American had served in the Marines during the Vietnam War but did not actually fight in it, the original story crumbled, and the conservative narrative took over. 
 "The original story was White kids behaving badly. The story about the story was the media behaving badly.
 "In fact, the Covington case may become the textbook case of Fake News, the one everyone points to whenever the mainstream media abandons its self-professed principles and reports the news as they would like it to be, and student Nick Sandmann the poster child of the costs of media hate speech.
 "The original--now discredited--story originated in an anonymous Tweet that could never constitute the basis of a story by any responsible news source. But, as New York Times columnist David Brooks has pointed out, "the social media tail wags the mainstream media dog." Otherwise responsible reporters now routinely pass along stories from unvetted tweets if they have been widely retweeted.
 "A lie, when repeated often enough …"
The legacy of the new Democrat Party.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Perfectly Articulates The Post-Shutdown Situation For Democrats

Daily Wire

. . . "First, Graham stated that this may be the best chance for DACA and TPS recipients, and that the ball is now in the Democrats’ court:
The best way to get this thing to conclusion is opening up the government. The bottom line is the TPS recipients who have been here for decades as a result of natural disasters, wars, they're going to begin to lose their legal status this year. You have DACA folks who are in sort of legal limbo. The president is willing to give 1.1 million people a better life if he can get a secure border.
To my Democratic friends, you have voted in the past for wall funding greater than the president's requested. This is the first time in 12 years I've seen a deal where you secure your border and give a better life to the DACA/TPS population. If the Democrats do not work with us, the biggest losers, in my view, are gonna be the TPS/DACA recipients because this president will secure our border through executive action.
"Graham then slammed anyone who claims that the border is secure, given the constant illegal crossings (citing several recent and shocking examples), adding that if the Democratic leadership doesn’t take this opportunity to make a deal, the president will secure the border using "emergency" procedures:" . . .

Schumer mocks Trump as soon as the President opens the Government

Democrats like to tell us what we like and don't like. They'll be the ones to decide that for us.

The dumbest voting bloc in America?

Simon de Hundehutte"Pro-life Christians of all stripes were appalled when earlier this week the New York state legislature made abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy.  In stark contrast to their sadness and consternation, however, the government of New York celebrated like never before: at the tip of Manhattan, the top of the Freedom Tower was lit up pink; and about 25 miles up the Hudson River, the brand new Tappan Zee Bridge (officially known as "Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge," that trophy Governor Andrew Cuomo built with taxpayer money to honor his former-governor father) was lit up in a most spectacular way, also in splashy, in-your-face pink.  The statement was clear: all women in the state -- nay, all women across America -- should be cheering and celebrating this monumental advancement for women the world over.

:But why did this so-called great achievement in human rights take so long?  Couldn't the state government have struck this blow for women much, much earlier?  The answer lies in the fact that, in the election this past fall, enough Republicans were voted out of office to make a solid majority of Democrats who could pass any legislation they dang well pleased.  And so they dang well did.". . . Read more.

*I would say "hundehutte" is German for "doghouse." Is this significant as a pen-name?

 Related post by Simon de Hundehutte:  Voting for the least of three evils
"Seems like every four years, Christians complain that they have to "vote for the lesser of two evils."  And many follow that wonky wisdom by inevitably posing the Big Question: "Whom would Jesus vote for?" When that Jesus-vote question was posited during polite conversation in the 2012 election cycle, I responded, "Oh, Jesus would definitely vote for Obama – if he wanted to punish America.  If He wanted to give America another chance, He'd vote for Romney." Since America is a "free" nation (and God is all about "free choice"), Jesus lets America decide its own fate. Now, in 2016, the cry has risen again that America has to choose between two evils, and Christians on both sides of the political fence are claiming that their candidate is Jesus's choice. However, this election cycle really is different.  There really are not just two, but now three "evils." America has been...(Read Full Post)" . . .

The Don and Nancy show: is this it?

Rich Terrell
Thomas Lifson: Why Trump went for a 21-day suspension of the partial shutdown, and what happens next . . . "I have a guess, based on the fact that Trump has not deployed insulting nicknames for either Schumer or Pelosi. I suspect that in the discussions that led to the agreement to set up a conference committee both sides agreed that another shutdown was in nobody’s interest, and that a compromise would benefit both parties. If I am wrong, the Democrats will be going to the mattresses over a barrier free border, a position that may please Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez but would not help the Dems win in 2020" . . .

National Review is much less optimistic  But they have been the most anti-Trump of conservative blogs.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Global Failure to Teach the Truth About the Holocaust

Legal Insurrection

It’s not just the US suffering from a lack of Holocaust knowledge
"For years, there has been talking and concern about the lack of factual Holocaust knowledge and education in the United States and around the world. Education systems dominated by leftist teachers often antagonistic towards Israel are sometimes loathing to bring up the subject. It’s possible to also blame an easily accessible Internet that leads users down dark rabbit holes of Holocaust conspiracy theories.
"In “The Failure of Holocaust Education in Britain,” Rosie Whitehouse writes:
The current debate over anti-Semitism in Britain’s opposition Labour Party and the views of its leader Jeremy Corbyn have also had a negative impact on Holocaust education in the classroom and made better teacher training even more imperative. Wetherall’s students now ask about Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. “Two to three years ago I would not have had pupils who would have heard the terms,” she said, adding that “the guidelines have not kept up with these changes, leaving teachers ill-equipped to deal with the issue.”
It’s certainly not easy to find out how it got this bad and certainly will be even harder to fix.
"The Azrieli Foundation and Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany just released a report on the lack of Holocaust education in Canada.
Among the findings:
An alarming 52% of millennials cannot name even one concentration camp or ghetto and 62% of millennials did not know that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.
22% of millennials haven’t heard or are not sure if they have heard of the Holocaust.
Nearly one-quarter of all Canadians (23 percent) believe that substantially less than six million Jews were killed (two million or fewer) during the Holocaust, while another near-quarter (24 percent) were unsure of how many were killed.
Nearly six out of ten Canadians (57 percent) say fewer people seem to care about the Holocaust than they used to.
. . .

" I Went To The March For Life. Here's What The Left Won't Tell You"

Photo added by TD
Kassy Dillon  "I spoke to people from all walks of life." 
"Last week, I had the privilege of attending my second March for Life in Washington, D.C., and for the second time I was absolutely blown away by the crowd’s size and energy.
"I spoke to people from all walks of life. I was inspired by their stories and by what led them to travel to our nation’s capital in cold weather to march in slush to show their support for the unborn.
"Watch my interviews with participants of the march below:" 

Related below: This unborn child did clap it's hands once, and not in time to the music as represented. But it's hands did indeed work like hands.

Tom Fitton Threatens FOIA Lawsuit to Uncover How CNN Was Tipped Off on Roger Stone Raid

The Gateway Pundit  "CNN claimed it was a hunch that led them to Stone’s house — their gut instinct is so good that they just happened to know the FBI was going to arrest Roger Stone Friday morning.
"Even the local reporters had no clue the FBI was going to raid Stone’s house.

"At least six FBI vehicles and approximately 27 officers stormed Roger Stone’s home in Fort Lauderdale. The KGB FBI agents were dressed in tactical vests with large weapons. They were wearing night vision glasses.
"This is a new low for the FBI.
"The Judge released Stone on a very low bond which proves the FBI raid was abusive and excessive.
"On Friday, President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton threatened a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to get to the bottom of how CNN was tipped off to the raid.

Roger Stone Indicted in Mueller Probe; CNN was there to cover it

National Review


. . . "Mueller’s team accused Stone of making “multiple false statements” to the House Intelligence Committee about his connection to WikiLeaks and his communications with the Trump campaign about it. During the 2016 campaign season, WikiLeaks released internal emails and documents stolen from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee by Russian operatives.
Stone is also accused of attempting to influence another Mueller witness, Randy Credico, who communicated with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 campaign season.

“ 'They found no Russian collusion or they would have charged him with it,” said Stone’s attorney, Grant Smith. “Roger intends to fight these trumped up baseless charges that have nothing to do with the original intent of the special counsel’s investigation.”

"Smith insisted that Stone did not have access to any of the stolen materials published by WikiLeaks ahead of their release, and said Stone’s false statements were not malicious but resulted from gaps in his memory." . . .

CNN Just Happened To Show Up At 5 AM At Roger Stone’s House For FBI Raid Because Of Reporter’s ‘Instinct’
. . . "So they just happened to know they would show up then so he arrives at 4 a.m. to wait? Uh huh. Looks an awful lot like FBI leaking for political effect. This after all the other questions about the investigation to begin with, including using Democratic opposition research and Steele who was in the pay of the Democrats to help challenge the election.
"Via Twitchy:  . . ."

OK, Just how DID CNN learn about the Stone arrest?
. . . “ 'Seriously the CNN footage at Stone’s house is fishy,” John Podhoretz of the New York Post wrote.

"Tony Shaffer, a retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, went a step further and claimed that CNN had “special access to the raid,” calling the footage a “dramatic set up allowed by the FBI' .”

While I am fully capable of sour grapes toward the anti-Trump forces, we do have ample reason to attach CNN to any efforts against this president. I fully expect this to continue against any Republican president in the future now that this is a new, vindictive Democrat Party. TD

Sarah Sanders asks the correct question after Stone's indictment:

Sarah Sanders: When Will The FBI Surround The Homes Of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper?
"Great question. Although I think she means false statements to FBI (Clinton), false statements to Congress (Clapper, Comey)."

"Maxine Waters goes after banks. Good" Good?

I suspect Maxine's wealth will multiply greatly over these next two years.

Don Surber  . . . "Politico reported, "Big banks are bracing for their CEOs to be called to testify soon at what could be an intense House hearing led by new Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, sources familiar with the matter said.

 " 'The details of the hearing, anticipated
to happen by this spring, have not been finalized, but lawmakers and bank representatives are expecting it.

" 'The banks that are seen as likely to be invited to participate include JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Spokespeople for several of the banks declined to comment, and others didn't respond.

" 'In a preview of the kind of tone the lenders should expect to face, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told Politico he wanted to hear from the executives 'why we bail them out and can't experience any meaningful support from them in times of trouble.'"

"The banks got in bed with Democrats. Maybe Democrats will pass laws that protect the banks from competition like they did with Dodd-Frank Act, and maybe the banks will give Waters and Cleaver cheap loans like they did with Dodd and Frank. In fact, I will bet on it." . . .

Maxine Waters' Extreme Agenda  "There's trouble ahead for banks, Wall Street, and upscale suburbs. Not to mention President Trump. Elections have consequences. One of the biggest is that firebrand Congresswoman Maxine Waters is the new head of the powerful House Financial Services Committee. That gives her power over banking, the securities and insurance industries, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"Egging her on to pursue a far-left agenda will be new committee members like self-styled Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , "motherf***er"-shouting Rashida Tlaib,  Elizabeth Warren acolyte Katie Porter and radical Ayanna Pressley.
. . .
"That's Waters' distorted interpretation of what happened. In fact, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Congress used the Community Reinvestment Act and anti-discrimination laws to coerce banks into making mortgage loans to low-income borrowers with lousy credit ratings and, in some cases, no down payment. The idea was to promote minority home ownership. But when the borrowers couldn't pay, lawmakers turned on the banks, accusing them of predatory lending. Waters is poised to repeat that failed experiment." . . .