Thursday, April 11, 2019

What sort of people want Democrats to rule this nation?

Democrats would turn this nation into California where every day we would awaken, wondering what our government is going to do to us that day. TD

Rich Terrell

Pelosi should have known better   . . . "What we are seeing is the consequences of cultivating Trump Derangement Syndrome.   
"From Sandy O's ignorance about economics to the lady in Minnesota calling people "white nationalists" to the "we are going to impeach the Mother....." lady from Minnesota, this is what happens when you allow crazy people into your party.
"Not long ago, serious Democrats would have told these ladies to leave the party and run as socialists or whatever.   Instead, these ladies were warmly embraced and  now we have Speaker Pelosi trying to discipline the undisciplined.
"I can feel the speaker's pain.   She created this mess and now she has to deal with it.   In the meantime, the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can't get enough of this fiasco."
Sharpton, Reparations, and the Democrats  . . . "Sharpton, who has become wealthy through his shakedown of corporate America, will now attempt to scam the ultimate mark -- the taxpayers of the United States of America. And Democratic presidential candidates are all in. At his conference, Sharpton asked the candidates if they supported the reparations bill. They all said yes, including the very white, Robert Francis O’Rourke, who goes by “Beto”, the Mexican nickname for Robert, the very white U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.,) who self-identifies as a Cherokee Indian, and the very white Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) who, after doing so poorly with black voters in 2016, has now flipped and favors reparations.
. . . Another Democratic presidential candidate, Julian Castro, said the U.S., “will never truly heal until we address the original sin of slavery.” The truth is America has done that many times over. It’s long since time to move on. " . . .
Watch how slippery Democrat politician Gillibrand diverts this subject to easier topics.

234 House Democrats, 2 Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete On Girls’ Sports Teams . . . "Reps. John Katko of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania are the only House Republicans to co-sponsor the bill."
. . . "two male runners have dominated girls’ high school track. A female competitor called the male runners’ advantage “demoralizing.' ”
Truly Awful People  "There isn’t a week that goes by where liberals don’t find new ways to demonstrate just how awful they are and why they should not be anywhere near the levers of power. This week has been full of so many examples that it’s worth looking at a few.' . . .

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff May Be No More. . . "Gaetz appeared on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to explain why he filed the resolution.

“ 'I have filed legislation today, sent to the House, that Adam Schiff needs to be removed from the Intelligence Committee, because how are the rest of us supposed to be able to rely on a man, who you just showed, lied to the American people when he said that there was not spying? Or when he lied and said that there was actual evidence of collusion or clear evidence of collusion?” Gaetz began." . . .

President Trump pulling up the drawbridge on goodies for illegals

Why are people like this being allowed in at all, while legal immigrants to the states must wait ten years and pay thousands of dollars in costs? Zelaya treated her entry to the states for exactly the price she paid for it - which was nothing.
 Monica Showalter  "With the wall still in the works, President Trump isn't sitting idle as 1.5 million illegal migrants prepare to storm the U.S. border this year.  He's moving swiftly to get some kind of handle on the migrant surge by strengthening the U.S.'s loophole-filled system of laws that have made immigrating here illegally more attractive to would-be migrants than following U.S. law.  He's pulling up the drawbridge.

"OANN reports that Trump's new package of measures, which should be complete by this summer, may just be the invisible architecture to deter illegal immigration as effectively as a wall.  With the migrant surge forming, it can't come soon enough.  OANN reports:
President Trump is preparing to make some dramatic changes to immigration policies.  He has reportedly directed top White House officials to take a more aggressive stance on immigration.  This comes as record-high numbers of immigrants are reaching the southern border, pushing Customs and Border Protection to its breaking point.
Some of the changes include a new way of analyzing asylum claims by comparing the person's fears to the actual conditions of their home country.
Regulatory changes will also make it harder for "difficult or low-skilled" immigrants to enter the country, while making it easier for high-skilled immigrants who will likely be self sufficient.
Additionally, the government will also be allowed to hold migrant children longer than the current 20-day limit. . . .  Full article

Bernie Sanders Is Wrong: Felons Shouldn’t Vote from Prison

National Review

"Giving criminals more of a say in elections is morally wrong — and a political disaster for Republicans to boot."

. . . "For both parties, this is not only a moral issue but also a political one. The push to enfranchise felons started after George W. Bush narrowly edged out Al Gore by 537 votes in the 2000 Florida presidential election. While felons weren’t legally able to vote in that election, thousands still cast their ballots. It was clear that felon votes could make a decisive difference, and Democrats took notice.
"Florida’s 1.5 million felons constitute a substantial voting bloc. Even if felons would vote at rates of only 15 to 20 percent, they still represent 225,000 to 300,000 potential votes. In the 2018 Senate race, Republican Rick Scott received only 10,033 more votes than Democrat Bill Nelson. Republican Ron DeSantis beat Democrat Andrew Gillum in the governor’s race by 32,463 votes. Felons could easily erase Republicans’ razor-thin advantage in Florida.
"In the last election, a ballot referendum did in fact enfranchise Florida felons who have left prison. Since that time, according to presidential adviser Jared Kushner, “We’ve had more ex-felons register as Republicans than Democrats.” But his comments are likely based more on wishful thinking than on actual data. Florida doesn’t provide a breakdown of registrations by criminal status.
"University of Florida professor David Smith conducted a small survey of 61 Floridians who had identified themselves in the media as felons. Thirty-nine were registered: 25 as Democrats, ten without a party affiliation, and four as Republicans." . . .

What’s Worse Than 'Creepy Uncle Joe'

I dread the man's candidacy because this would open the old Democrat-caused wounds suffered by Justice Clarence Thomas. TD

Trevor Thomas  . . . Whether Biden runs, or whether he gets the nomination, the efforts against him remind us that Democrats remain blind to the real problems within their party.
For example, far worse than space-invading Biden is biology-denying Biden. Recall, more than once, Joe Biden has called “transgender equality” the “civil rights issue of our time.” Because of his efforts and the efforts of the like-minded in the Obama administration, among other perverse -- or “creepy” -- things, boys started usinggirls’ restrooms and locker rooms. Soon afterward, boys started -- and continue -- to take trophies from girls.
"In addition, because of their lust to promote liberal dogma on sex and sexuality, again ignoring sound science, morality, and common sense, the Obama-Biden administration lifted the long-held Combat Exclusion Policy, and U.S. women became eligible for front-line combat operations. In other words, time and again Joe Biden and his ilk -- which includes pretty much every Democrat running for president -- continue to ignore the truth about something as fundamental as the difference between males and females. They turned their wicked ignorance into disastrous policy for the nation. Quite a bit worse than serial hair sniffing, don’t you think?
"Also recall that biblically-ignorant Biden preceded Barack Obama and theSupreme Court in voicing his support for legally redefining marriage. To prove his apostasy, Biden has even officiated at a same-sex “wedding.' ”  . . .

"It’s Okay to Laugh: Hillary Clinton Waiting Her Whole Life to Be President Only to Lose to Donald Trump Is Still Grimly Hilarious"

"Hillary made her millions, and flaunted her corrupt foundation, but not before her White House dreams were shattered by a young punk with a funny name. She'd paid her dues, she was likable enough, and would be ready on day one. It was her time. Until it wasn't." . . .
Free Beacon

"Hillary Clinton spent nearly her entire adult life on a desperate quest for power and money. She stood by as her horny husband achieved both, and longed to escape his crooked shadow, to step into the spotlight on her own, to make history.
"Political success was insufficient. Overcome with rage and class envy — at having so much raw power and prestige yet still having to debase herself before the altar of America's financial elite — she vowed to abandon all shame in her crusade to join their ranks.
"She would take their money: $675,000 from Goldman Sachs, $505,000 from Deutsche Bank, $265,000 from the National Association of Convenience Stores, $250,000 from Drug Chemical and Associated Technologies, 225,500 each from the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, the International Deli-Dairy-Bakery Association, and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. And so on. She would taunt them with her massive endowment.
Added by TD
"Hillary made her millions, and flaunted her corrupt foundation, but not before her White House dreams were shattered by a young punk with a funny name. She'd paid her dues, she was likable enough, and would be ready on day one. It was her time. Until it wasn't. She served diligently and surreptitiously as Secretary of State, scraping by on $210,700 a year, and watched the rookie President Barack Obama pussyfoot his way around the Middle East. She quit her job to get that money. Being president only pays $400,000.
"After eight years, it really was Hillary's turn. " . . .

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Candace Owens Crushes Dishonest Democrat; Ted Lieu. Democrat. California.

Speaking of Ted Lieu. Democrat. California.  . . . "He purposely wanted to give you a cutup similar to what they do to Donald Trump to create a differentiate narrative. That was unbelievably dishonest."

Rush Limbaugh  "RUSH: Now, audio sound bites. I have to tell you there was an exchange yesterday in Washington, Capitol Hill, House Judiciary Committee. C-SPAN has reported that a clip, a confrontation between Candace Owens and Ted Lieu, Democrat, California, has become the most viewed C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing ever, in 24 hours, 4.47 million viewers in less than 24 hours." . . .

. . . The House Judiciary Committee yesterday conducted a hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism. Candace Owens, director of communications for Turning Point USA, was one of those testifying. Congressman Ted Lieu, Democrat, California, was there. He’s a Twitter denizen. He regularly distorted and takes out of context everything conservatives say." . . .
"He’s a dishonest creep, and he did it to Candace Owens yesterday. He played a tape of Candace Owens yesterday totally out of context. He did not play the question she was asked. And in this bite, he’s attempting to convince people that Candace Owens supports white nationalism like Adolf Hitler did — and she ate him for lunch in response. Here’s Ted Lieu up first." . . .

But Owens soon made clear she felt Lieu had intentionally misrepresented her views to drive a false narrative not just against Owens, but also Trump and Republicans in general.  . . . "Turning to her 75-year old grandfather seated behind her, Owens remarked, “My grandfather grew up on a sharecropping farm in the segregated South. He grew up in an America where words like ‘racism’ and ‘white nationalism’ held real meaning.”

Leftist commenters had another version entirely

Stunned Democrats didn't know what hit them.
. . . Her grandfather, Owens said, “has also had experiences with the Democrat terrorist organization of that time, the Ku Klux Klan. They would regularly visit his home and they would shoot bullets into it.”
"Owens continued, “there isn’t a single adult today that in good conscience would make the argument that America is a more racist, more white nationalist society than it was when my grandfather was growing up, and yet we are hearing these terms center around today because what they want to say is that brown people need to be scared, which seems to be the narrative that we hear every four years right ahead of a presidential election.”
"The hearing, Owens said, “is not about white nationalism or hate crimes. It is about fear mongering, power and control. It is a preview of a Democrat 2020 election strategy.” According to Owens, “The biggest scandal in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into the belief that we are perpetual victims, all but ensuring our failure. Racial division and class warfare are central to the Democrat party platform. They need blacks to hate whites, the rich to hate the poor. Soon enough it will be the tall hating the short.' ” . . .
By the way, Turning Point is the group that had a member punched by a bully on the Berkeley campus earlier this year. TD

Barr CONFIRMS Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump SPY Operation

Mollie Hemingway via- Socio-Political-Journal  "While it is important that the top law enforcement in the United States publicly acknowledged that the Obama administration and its intelligence agencies surveilled its domestic political opponents* during the heat of a presidential election, it is what he said next that was most startling: that the CIA and other federal agencies in addition to the FBI may have been involved. “I’m not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly,” he said.

"The FBI, which has incredibly friendly relations with the media, has taken the brunt of the public outcry against the anti-Trump operation. That project included the use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants, national security letters, human informants, and strategic leaking to craft a narrative of treasonous collusion with Russia to steal an election from Hillary Clinton. It even included leaks of classified records from former FBI director James Comey, which he said was done for the purpose of launching a special counsel investigation as retaliation for his firing.

"There have always been indications that the operation went far beyond the FBI, however. For example, former CIA director John Brennan, now an MSNBC contributor, separately briefed Sen. Harry Reid, (D-Nev.) about the operation. Reid understood that move was undertaken so he could publicize the Russia investigation to influence the ongoing presidential election campaign.

"Former director of national intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN contributoradmitted to discussions with media outlets about the investigation. The U.S. embassy in London was used contrary to established protocol to funnel hearsay that was used as a pretext to officially launch a wide-ranging investigation against the entire Trump orbit. Clinton-connected officials in the State Department were also used to disseminate unverified gossip and allegations about Trump throughout the federal government." . . .

Both emphases mine, TD

*Under the Obama IRS, Joe the Plumber's Records Were Improperly Searched  "The director of an Ohio human services agency has been suspended for a month without pay and faces review by a county prosecutor for using confidential state databases to find personal information on "Joe the Plumber." She will also face review for using her state e-mail address to help Barack Obama's fundraising by identifying potential contributors and offering her own $2,500 donation." . . .

CNN was right! Don Lemon's black hole does exist!

Black hole picture captured for first time in space breakthrough

"Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, heralding a revolution in our understanding of the universe’s most enigmatic objects." . . .

Lemon's CNN viewers may want to look closely at the above photo for signs of that Malaysian airliner, as he discusses below:

Jon Stewart at The Daily Show has fun with CNN, Lemon, and other sources, including Fox.

Barack Obama: A Lifelong Story of Russian Collusion

Trevor Loudon at the Epoch Times

"Several U.S. presidents have genuinely colluded with Russia or the former Soviet Union, but none more so the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. It’s no exaggeration to say that Obama owes his entire career to Russian collusion.
"In March 2012, President Obama made his famous “off mic” remarks to then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” Medvedev replied, “I understand. I transmit this information to Vladimir.”
"Was this some innocent remark, or was it just as it seems: a friend passing a message to a friend?
"Obama has surrounded himself with pro-Moscow “friends” all his life. Why should he desert his friends just because he was president of the United States of America?
"Just after Obama’s election to the presidency on Nov. 15, 2008, Sam Webb, then chairman of the still pro-Moscow Communist Party USA, told his party comrades: “The left can and should advance its own views and disagree with the Obama administration without being disagreeable. Its tone should be respectful. We are speaking to a friend.' ” . . .

Why Democrats Are Messing with Voting Rights

Veronika Kyrylenko  "The right to vote is a cornerstone right that is essential to a well-functioning democracy.  This idea was enshrined both in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution and is protected by five separate amendments.

"But every single right comes with responsibilities, and the greater the right, the greater the responsibilities.  The outcomes of elections shape a political course for the nation and fundamentally affect the lives of every American.  That is why it is so troubling to hear Democrats' fallacious propositions to alter voting rights.
"Their main idea is to expand voting rights to new population groups.  Recently, they proposed to grant voting rights to 16-year-olds.  "I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16," speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said.  "I think it's really important to capture kids when they're in high school, when they're interested in all of this, when they're learning about government, to be able to vote."  Oh, sure, Nancy — you would like to capture them, all right.
"Have you ever wondered what the reason is for a long list of age-related legal restrictions?  All of them are based on the stages of physical and psychological development of a person, including the natural development of the human brain.  Undoubtedly, there are lots of smart teenagers out there scoring sky-high on SATs and ACTs.  The fact is, it doesn't matter when it comes to good judgment — it is something they can't excel in yet, because the rational part of the brain isn't fully developed until age 25 or so." . . .

Britain's Version Of 'Medicare For All' Is Struggling With Long Waits For Care; Isn't Central planning great?

Because of such hurdles and the risks of challenging them, countless great ideas have likely died in socialist countries while the defeated whispered, "Why bother?"  We are all likely worse off because of it.  Imagine where our world would be if the creative potential of the millions who toiled under socialist regimes in the 20th century had been unleashed. Chad Savage, M.D.


"Nearly a quarter of a million British patients have been waiting more than six months to receive planned medical treatment from the National Health Service, according to a recent report from the Royal College of Surgeons. More than 36,000 have been in treatment queues for nine months or more.
"Long waits for care are endemic to government-run, single-payer systems like the NHS. Yet some U.S. lawmakers want to import that model from across the pond. That would be a massive blunder.
"Consider how long it takes to get care at the emergency room in Britain. Government data show that hospitals in England only saw 84.2% of patients within four hours in February. That's well below the country's goal of treating 95% of patients within four hours -- a target the NHS hasn't hit since 2015.
"Now, instead of cutting wait times, the NHS is looking to scrap the goal.
"Wait times for cancer treatment -- where timeliness can be a matter of life and death -- are also far too lengthy. According to January NHS England data, almost 25% of cancer patients didn't start treatment on time despite an urgent referral by their primary care doctor. That's the worst performance since records began in 2009.
"And keep in mind that "on time" for the NHS is already 62 days after referral.
"Unsurprisingly, British cancer patients fare worse than those in the United States. Only 81% of breast cancer patients in the United Kingdom live at least five years after diagnosis, compared to 89% in the United States. Just 83% of patients in the United Kingdom live five years after a prostate cancer diagnosis, versus 97% here in America."

Central planning destroys health care innovation   . . . "Being one of the doctors creating a new type of medical practice is unquestionably a difficult endeavor, but however challenging, I can't help but think how utterly impossible it would have been under a socialized health care system.  Under such a system, a doctor who wants to develop a new practice, innovative service, or a fancy new widget that could help patients wouldn't be able to do so relying on passion, talent, and hard work alone.  In a socialized model, innovation exists only if permission can be secured from that system's army of slow-moving, often uninvolved government bureaucrats and central planners, because individuals do not own the means of production in socialist systems." . . .

The demise of media objectivity

American media have come full circle. Newspapers, among the only media in Colonial times, were highly partisan, and truth was not a priority.  Today, newspaper and TV media have returned to that point.
CNN plus some MSNBC
 American Thinker  . . . "In the meantime, objectivity steadily had lost ground, which unquestionably was a contributing factor.  In 2016, the media dropped all pretense of it, for the most part, and have been on a rampage since then.  Several networks such as CNN and MSNBC conduct a virtual 24/7 rant against the president — and with him capitalism, conservatism, Christianity, and other aspects of traditional American culture, no matter the cost in viewership.
"Fortunately, the social media gave people more opportunity to express their own opinions and reach millions, cutting into the media monopoly.
"But as the media giants consolidate, and objectivity shrinks, the same concerns that arose 75 years ago are being revived.
"Those in the media might want to consider the warning from the Hutchins Commission:
No democracy will indefinitely tolerate concentration of private power, irresponsible and strong enough to thwart the democratic aspirations of the people.  If these giant agencies of communication are irresponsible, not even the First Amendment will protect their freedom from government control.  The Amendment will be amended.
"When you hear talk today of curbs on the media, consider this background.  It is largely a self-imposed problem."