Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The demise of media objectivity

American media have come full circle. Newspapers, among the only media in Colonial times, were highly partisan, and truth was not a priority.  Today, newspaper and TV media have returned to that point.
CNN plus some MSNBC
 American Thinker  . . . "In the meantime, objectivity steadily had lost ground, which unquestionably was a contributing factor.  In 2016, the media dropped all pretense of it, for the most part, and have been on a rampage since then.  Several networks such as CNN and MSNBC conduct a virtual 24/7 rant against the president — and with him capitalism, conservatism, Christianity, and other aspects of traditional American culture, no matter the cost in viewership.
"Fortunately, the social media gave people more opportunity to express their own opinions and reach millions, cutting into the media monopoly.
"But as the media giants consolidate, and objectivity shrinks, the same concerns that arose 75 years ago are being revived.
"Those in the media might want to consider the warning from the Hutchins Commission:
No democracy will indefinitely tolerate concentration of private power, irresponsible and strong enough to thwart the democratic aspirations of the people.  If these giant agencies of communication are irresponsible, not even the First Amendment will protect their freedom from government control.  The Amendment will be amended.
"When you hear talk today of curbs on the media, consider this background.  It is largely a self-imposed problem."

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