Tony Branco |
The Trump campaign responded. . . . "What was Beto's Campaign's justification? That Pollack had allegedly been "disruptive" at past events."
Victor Davis Hanson: How Robert O’Rourke Became ‘Beto’ "A great deal of controversy has continued the past few days over Robert Francis O’Rourke’s longtime use of a nickname given to him at birth (albeit temporarily jettisoned while in prep school) — especially in the wake of his recent sensational and unfounded charges that Donald Trump is directly responsible for the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and that white supremacy defines America, past and present, and explains Trump’s culpability.
"The point of the amused contention is not that O’Rourke was given such a nickname at or near birth. Rather, the controversy is over his continued use of the sobriquet for cynical political advantage in a somewhat related manner to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s longtime false cultural appropriation of a Native American identity for careerist purposes. After all, we live in a progressive era in which “cultural appropriation” is a mortal sin and non-minority university students are routinely chastised for wearing clothing or hairstyles associated with minority groups or appearing in dramas playing the roles of characters of a different ethnic background.
"According to the Dallas Morning News, a quite prescient senior O’Rourke once explained why he had given the shortened form of the Spanish “Roberto” to his son as a nickname. And he seemed to imply that such naming was for political reasons in addition to avoiding confusing young Robert with his maternal grandfather of the same first name: . . ."
The Silliness of Being Woke . . . "Because being woke is something that is exclusively a white phenomena- being a white, straight, male makes you the ultimate oppressor- and that badge of courage is white guilt. Just look at those two Democratic candidates: O’Rourke and Swalwell. Both are lily white (despite the “Beto” moniker) and both have professed their guilt for being white. The ultimate virtue signal is, of course, slavery reparations. Reparations are supposedly a means of atonement for slavery where people having nothing to do with slavery make payments to people having nothing to do with slavery. It is the ultimate virtue signal with a monetary price tag." . . .
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