RedState . . . "While John 3:16 has been printed on their cups for years, Snyder decided the company should have more Bible verses on its products in order to share more of the messages it has to impart. This now includes Proverbs 24:16 and Luke 6:35.
“It was my uncle Rich who put the Bible verses on the cups and wrappers in the early ‘90s, just before he passed away,” she told the Christian Post. “He had just accepted the Lord and wanted to put that little touch of his faith on our brand. It’s a family business and will always be, and that’s a family touch. In later years, I added verses to the fry boat, coffee, and hot cocoa cups.”
"It’s not just the printing of verses on containers that Snyder is satisfied with. She told The Christian Post that she’s also started an organization called “Army of Love,” which helps those who are in emotional need just like she was when her third marriage was falling apart:" . . .