Thursday, October 24, 2019

Universities Breed Anger, Ignorance, and Ingratitude

Victor Davis Hanson

In turning out woke and broke graduates, they have a lot to answer for.

"What do widely diverse crises such as declining demography, increasing indebtedness, Generation Z’s indifference to religion and patriotism, static rates of home ownership, and a national epidemic of ignorance about American history and traditions all have in common?
"In a word, 21st-century higher education.
"A pernicious cycle begins even before a student enrolls. A typical college-admission application is loaded with questions to the high-school applicant about gender, equality, and bias rather than about math, language, or science achievements. How have you suffered rather than what you know and wish to learn seems more important for admission. The therapeutic mindset preps the student to consider himself a victim of cosmic forces, past and present, despite belonging to the richest, most leisured, and most technologically advanced generation in history. Without a shred of gratitude, the young student learns to blame his ancestors for what he is told is wrong in his life, without noticing how the dead made sure that almost everything around him would be an improvement over 2,500 years of Western history." . . .

Sorry, Tulsi; Hillary is too far above the law for you.

TULSI GABBARD’S Husband Sends BLISTERING Message To “Queen of Warmongers” Hillary And Friends   . . . "Unfortunately, for America, it’s looking more and more like “Crooked Hillary” Clinton, who spent most of her life under investigation or scrutiny for numerous crimes is testing the waters for a third try at becoming the Democrat Party’s presidential candidate in 2020."

Once again, Hillary’s stepped into it, but as usual, she doesn’t care about the repercussions, she’s been smooth talking her way out of lies for decades. This tweet nails it…

Tulsi can say she has Bobby O'Rourke on her side. Should that ever be an asset.
“ 'That’s not correct. Tulsi is not being groomed by anyone. She’s her own person." . . .

Democrats mission is to give us Trump fatigue...

What about Democrat fatigue? They know not to begin impeachment, but only to drag this all out till the next election to make us yearn for a less controversial President. They will continue to search for reputable critics of this President to voice their dislike for Mr. Trump such as - for one - General Mattis (conveniently egged on by Trump's impulsive tweets), and expect the CNN-enhanced cumulative toll to have the desired result. Pandora's Box is open now and future conservative Republicans can expect to face these same attacks and perhaps nobody but President Pierre Delecto can give us a conflict-free administration. I deeply fear today's Democrat Party, but being eighty years old, I may have to be content with passing this affliction on to our descendents. The Tunnel Dweller.

Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee chairmanship is Pelosi’s big mistake  "Voltaire wrote that "It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."  This is precisely what has brought the intent to destroy Donald Trump upon his head.   He won the 2016 election by speaking to the American people, not the jaded, constrained political class.  His assessment of the public's frustration with the DC establishment was wise and correct.  Hillary Clinton was, and remains, just another authoritarian pol who has nothing but contempt for said people so it should have been no surprise that she lost.  But a huge shock it was, and the Left has yet to accept that electoral outcome.  So, they are still trying to undo those results.  Trump's many successes as president only serve to incite their wrath." . . .
The Republicans should have been pushing back against Schiff's ridiculous "impeachment inquiry" from day one.   Appointing Schiff to head the intel committee was a huge mistake on Pelosi's part.  This is not Kafka's The Trial!  It is the leadership of the Democrat party that should be putting a stop to Schiff's fruitless search for a crime with which to impeach Trump.  . . .

Gaetz vs. Schiff, The Sequel  "Following the attacks that Matt Gaetz endured last week over his attempt to shed some sunlight on Adam Schiff’s “secret” impeachment hearings, the ordinary Republican would have meekly subsided into shamefaced, timid silence.
Matt Gaetz
"But Matt Gaetz is no ordinary Republican. So when Schiff scheduled yet another “impeachment” stunt yesterday, Gaetz gathered together a posse of fellow Republican reps and set out to raid Schiff’s sideshow act.
. . . "Schiff immediately ran like a rabbit. Gaetz and his team attempted to take a look at the “evidence” that Schiff was about to present, but his staffers seized it before they could examine it.  
We can be sure that this exercise would not meet with the approval of Pierre Delecto and other GOP worthies. But turnabout is fair play. Schiff and Pelosi set the parameters for this episode by refusing to go with the time-honored, legally solid route of a formal impeachment in favor of Impeachment by PR stunt. They created the situation, now they can suffer the consequences." . . .
 Why the secrecy, Rep. Schiff?  "House Minority Whip Steve Scalise asks an excellent question: “What is Adam Schiff trying to hide?” Schiff — the point man for impeachment — could at least try to explain why he’s holding all his hearings behind closed doors, with the public getting only leaked, and likely biased, accounts of the testimony. To dramatize the problem Wednesday, 30 House Republicans stormed into the room that was to host Schiff’s next secret hearing. The chairman responded by leaving, postponing the testimony of Defense Department official Laura Cooper."

As President Trump says, 'where's the whistleblower?'  
. . . "As the so-called impeachment inquiry gathers information that contradicts the employee's allegations, we ask that you arrange for the Committees to receive public testimony from the employee and all individuals he or she relied upon in formulating the complaint." . . .
. . . "the Committee ought to fully access the sources and credibility of the employee,” Republican Reps. Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and Michael McCaul wrote to Schiff".

House GOPers Cross Schiff’s Star Chamber Borders  . . . "Dozens of angry Republicans breached the border of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s (D-Calif.) secret tribunal on Wednesday. Schiff who is taking pretend security steps to conceal his pretend impeachment inquiry from public scrutiny has prohibited Republicans from attending his publicity stunt hearing." . . .

Schiff: Hearings Are Private To Keep Trump And His Minions In The Dark

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State

Chavez didn't seize power in a military coup. There was no revolution. He wasn't imposed on Venezuelans by the C.I.A. He was the people's choice...  
Townhall   "The left's enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn't only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It's that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes.
"You probably think it's beyond silliness for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to keep promising FREE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! NO PREMIUMS! NO CO-PAYS! ILLEGAL ALIENS, TOO! EVERYBODY GETS A PONY!
"No one could be gullible enough to fall for that.
" I refer you to the economic powerhouse that is Latin America.
"Based on hundreds of years of indigenous people voting for politicians who made similar promises, Latin America has become the dream factory that it is today. That's why Tegucigalpa is practically a byword for "technological innovation," Santiago was the picture of calm sophistication this weekend, and Caracas is the ultimate in modern conveniences. "Perhaps you missed the article in last Saturday's New York Times on what socialism has done for the water system in Venezuela:
" 'The brick shack on the outskirts of Venezuela's capital is crowded with tubs, jugs and buckets. The water they hold must last the family of eight for a week -- but it's not enough for frequent washing or flushing, so the kitchen is filled with greasy pots and the house smells of stale urine.
" 'And none of the water is treated, making diarrhea and vomit a regular occurrence.
" 'We practically live in the bathroom,' said the mother of the family ... [Her daughter] sat nearby, pale and listless, recovering from her latest bout of diarrhea just one month away from childbirth."
"Democrats: We need some of that Latin American magic!
"Twenty years ago, 60 percent of Venezuelans had regular access to safe drinking water. Today, only 30 percent do. How did this happen?
"Answer: Poor Venezuelans voted for it. If we let them in, they'll vote for it here, too. (Except 20 percent, who will be patriotic Americans, i.e. Republicans.)" . . .

Democrat Party Now Selling Official Riot Supplies

Babylon Bee

"U.S.—The official web store of the Democratic Party announced a slew of new products Thursday geared toward helping left-leaning voters incite riots and mob people they disagree with in public places.
"The Democratic National Committee proudly announced the varied offerings, including pitchforks, medieval torches, throwing rocks, and more.
" 'When they go low, we mob them in the streets," said a DNC representative. "And now you can do that with official Democrat gear: high-quality pitchforks perfect for storming Republicans in restaurants, torches you can use to burn down conservatives' homes, and rocks to chuck at pretty much anyone to the right of you."
"Democrats promised a new selection of gear will be added to the shop every week, from homemade explosive devices to spears, and even a miniature trebuchet for launching yourself to tackle any Republican official you see enjoying a quiet meal.
" 'For all your civil discussion needs, make sure to check out the official Democrat store often," the rep added."
Satire, obviously. Obviously?

Beto's 15 minutes of fame are up

Judging by the voices cheering O'Rourke when he enters, I'd guess he is a big favorite of millennial females.

Washington Times  "In the program for an exhibition of his works at a museum in Stockholm in 1968, pop artist Andy Warhol famously predicted “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” The phrase “15 minutes of fame” has since come to describe anyone or anything that’s a short-lived blip on the pop culture or media radar.

"Fast-forward 50 years, and that “future” is now. The latest manifestation of Warhol’s prediction is one Robert F. “Beto” O’Rourke. The former Texas Democratic congressman’s 15 minutes of fame were up last November after he lost a U.S. Senate race to Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, but apparently, no one thought to tell him.
"Mr. O’Rourke didn’t need to find a real job after losing the Senate contest (in which he became a liberal media darling for nearly upsetting Mr. Cruz, whom they loathe) because he’s married to the daughter of a billionaire, so this “1 percenter” by marriage instead opted to fail upward.
"Despite serving three terms in the House that were at best undistinguished, Mr. O’Rourke surveyed a weak Democratic presidential field for 2020 and concluded that his closer-than-expected Senate contest entitled him to serious consideration for the party’s nomination for president." . . .
But it was a conservative website that had the best riposte for Mr. O’Rourke’s risible proposal. It has produced for sale a T-shirt that reads, “Nobody needs an AR-15? Nobody needs a whiny liberal either, yet here you are.” 

What if Senator Delicto had been our Secretary of State?

Yet if Romney was our only choice to run against Bernie or any other Democrat, I'd have no choice but to vote for him as was the case in 2016.

Senator Pierre Delecto ends the career of Senator Mitt Romney  . . . "The good news for non-quisling Republicans is that this should end the career of Pierre/Mitt to be the next John McCain as the go-to-guy whenever the Democrats and the media need a "Republican" to attack President Trump and conservatives.  Pierre/Mitt is now a joke, a buffoon.  The Dems and media may use Mitt, but nobody has any respect for him.  Who now cares what Mitt or Pierre says?
"It is difficult to believe that Mitt beat Newt Gingrich in the 2012 primaries, and we got stuck with him and Paul Ryan."
Image by Scott Kunst of The Shrug via American Thinker
Leftist heroes of the Week? Hillary, Schiff, and Mitt
What does one say about Mitt Romney's descent into elitist madness?  A fake Twitter account!  It's as though he were in middle school.  Those of us who supported his bid for the presidency in 2012 are shocked and horrified by his childish attempt to take Trump down, to see him impeached.  What became of this man we all believed to be above reproach?  He wanted to be Trump's secretary of state.  That did not happen, so it seems he is bitter and has regressed to schoolyard bullying.  
The Meaning Behind Mitt Romney's Secret Twitter Name "Pierre Delecto"
. . . " 'Total speculation: it's a pun based on 'in pari delicto.' 'In pari' is replaced by 'Pierre' because Romney did his mission in France and speaks French, and 'delicto' (offense) is replaced with 'delecto' (delight)," one user wrote. "This explanation is also super dorky, and thus likely correct."
"We can definitely see it." . . .

Kamala Harris drops a few notches

CNN President Jeff Zucker Pushes Kamala Harris’ Demand to Take Down Trump’s Twitter Account  . . .  "Zucker on Harris: “She is Also Retooling Her Struggling Campaign.' ”

File under 'Dumb': Kamala Harris asserts she knows Rudy Giuliani committed crimes, but has no idea what  "Pearls, suits and heels aside, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris may appear to be smart, but reality shows she's actually very dumb.
"How else to explain this one from softball political interviewer, Anderson Cooper of CNN?" . . .
‘I, I, I Don’t Know’: Anderson Cooper Stumps Kamala Harris With A Single, Simple Question  "CNN’s Anderson Cooper stumped Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris on Friday night when he asked her what specific laws President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has broken." . . .      How ignorant must a Democrat be to get stumped by CNN?

Hillary: ‘I Probably Came Off As Too Serious’ In 2016 Election

Ah, so that was the reason.

Daily Caller  . . . "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that she “probably came off as too serious” during the 2016 election.
"Clinton joined daughter Chelsea Clinton on “The View” to discuss the book they co-authored, “The Book of Gutsy Women,” which was published Oct. 1. The book tells the stories of women who have inspired the Clinton women – “women with the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done.' ”

Democrats loved to use the word "lynching" yet Joe Biden apologizes when footage of him blasting 1998 Clinton impeachment as a 'partisan lynching' is unearthed

'So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!' he tweeted. 
UK Daily Mail  "Joe Biden has apologized for using the word 'lynching' when describing the impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998.
"His apology comes after the former Vice President lambasted President Donald Trump for also using the exact same word as he described his current impeachment process.
" 'This wasn't the right word to use and I'm sorry about that,' Biden wrote in a tweet late on Tuesday night.

"Biden used the word during a 1998 CNN interview as he defended then President Clinton on-air. 
"But the former VP went on to imply that unlike him, the current President used the word to 'deliberately' evoke racist connotations.  
" 'Trump on the other hand chose his words deliberately today in his use of the word lynching and continues to stoke racial divides in this country daily,' Biden implored.
"Biden is now coming under fire for his double standard after he earlier described Donald Trump as 'despicable' for comparing the impeachment inquiry to 'a lynching'. " . . .

But many were quick to pull receipts from Biden's past and point out that he made the same lynching comparison back in October 1998 in an interview on CNN speaking about impeaching Bill Clinton.

Apparently Every Democrat In Existence Used The Term “Lynching” To Defend The Clintons  . . . "Of course, a little digging has turned up the reality that Democrats have used the term “lynch” in its various forms (lynch mob, lynching, etc.) many times. It’s pretty laughable just how prevalent their use of the word has been throughout the years. Worse, they did so specifically decrying impeachment, the very thing Trump is decrying. You can’t make this stuff up.

"Check it out." . . .
Flashback: Enjoy these videos of Democrats calling Bill Clinton’s impeachment a lynching  . . . "We know we’ve heard the word “lynching” before — both 2020 candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker called Jussie Smollet’s “assault” a modern-day lynching.
"But the Daily Caller has noted that the word had been used quite a bit during President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial; have a look: . . ."

Dems form lynch mob, the GOP holds the rope
As for the Democrats, we will simply share an ancient piece of Southern wisdom handed down the generations: “Ain’t never been a lynch town amounted to nothin’.”  We’ll find the same is true of political parties.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mitt Romney about to become "corpus Delecto"?

Not Keith Olbermann
Mitt Romney Caught with Secret ‘Pierre Delecto’ Twitter Account to Champion Himself  . . . "Everything about this story says so much about Mitt Romney: his pettiness, his insecurity, his lack of character, honesty, and decency, starting with how it all unraveled: Romney doing business with the establishment media — in this case, the far-left Atlantic and activist-reporter, McKay Coppins, who was originally hired at BuzzFeed to destroy Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.
"Back in 2011, Coppins was the affirmative-action hire of all affirmative-action hires. Determined to win Barack Obama a second term, BuzzFeed knew it needed a left-wing Mormon (or a “media-approved Mormon,” as I dubbed him at the time) on the team, someone who could trash Romney without being called a religious bigot." . . . 
From the UK Daily Mail: Mitt Romney has secret Twitter account with alter-ego name 'Pierre Delecto' where he promoted his 2012 presidential campaign, nagged unflattering reporters and called Donald Trump's Syria pullout 'awful'
. . . "It was revealed Sunday evening by Slate that the 72-year-old Utah senator goes by the name Pierre Delecto, with the handle @qaws9876, on his undercover Twitter account that he admittedly uses to act as a 'lurker' on the social media site.  
"In an interview with The Atlantic published Sunday, Romney gave some clues to his alter ego account, that lead Slate to be able to track down the Pierre Delecto account." . . .
Dave Granlund
The newly rebellious senator has become an outspoken dissident in Trump’s Republican Party, just in time for the president’s impeachment trial.  “ 'That’s kind of what he does,” Romney said with a shrug, and then got up to retrieve an iPad from his desk. He explained that he uses a secret Twitter account—“What do they call me, a lurker?”—to keep tabs on the political conversation. “I won’t give you the name of it,” he said, but “I’m following 668 people.” Swiping at his tablet, he recited some of the accounts he follows, including journalists, late-night comedians (“What’s his name, the big redhead from Boston?”), and athletes. Trump was not among them. “He tweets so much,” Romney said, comparing the president to one of his nieces who overshares on Instagram. “I love her, but it’s like, Ah, it’s too much.” (After this story was published, Slate identified a Twitter account using the name Pierre Delecto that seemed to match the senator’s description of his lurker account. When I spoke to Romney on the phone Sunday night, his only response was, “C'est moi.”)" . . .

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: 'Socialist' Democrats 'Are Addicted to Power' and Will 'Never Let It Go'

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: ‘Socialist’ Democrats ‘Are Addicted to Power’ and Will ‘Never Let It Go’  "Ronna Romney McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee, has warned that Democrats have a socialist agenda and are addicted to power. McDaniel spoke to Fox & Friends on Tuesday about the RNC’s new ‘Victims of Socialism’ campaign.’
“Well, when you say socialism a lot of people in this country don’t understand what that means and so when you hear it firsthand from people from Venezuela or Cuba who have dealt with socialism, who’ve been driven from their countries, who have dealt with the poverty and the instability it brings to their government, I think it really resonates,” McDaniel said.
“ 'We’ve launched so we can hear their stories firsthand. And it is very powerful.”
"Following a clip of a video promoting the ‘Victims of Socialism’ campaign, Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy asked if any Democratic presidential candidates were featured in it.
“ 'We actually have in the video a man named Warner, who’s a former mayor,” McDaniel said." . . .