Monday, December 23, 2019

De Niro bags it

Peter Skurkiss  "In an hour-long Podcast, Rumble with Michael Moore, two-time Academy Award–winner Robert De Niro said: "I'd like to see a bag of s--- right in his [President Trump's] face like that, and let the picture go all over the world, and that would be the most humiliating thing." 
"Interestingly, no Democrat has yet seen fit to call out De Niro on this.  Nor has any of the NeverTrump conservatives who tut-tut about Trump's supposed crudeness in his tweets.  Silence is a form of consent, and no doubt many of them would like to see De Niro's wish fulfilled. 
"This brings us to another point.  De Niro evidently does not have the mental strength to separate Robert De Niro the actor from the thuggish characters he plays in the movies.  The 76-year-old actor thinks he's some sort of a combination of boxer Jake LaMotta (Raging Bull), gangster Jimmy Conway (Goodfellas), and Al Capone (The Untouchables).  Like Lazy Joe Biden, De Niro actually imagines himself to be a tough guy.  One has to wonder how long that delusion would hold up if De Niro had to confront someone without his bodyguards, lawyers, accountants, and public relations people on call.  
"Most relevant is perhaps this.  Doesn't De Niro realize that he's begging to be treated in the same manner as he calls for the president to be?  He is more likely to have pictures of him with poo thrown in his face sent around the world than is Donald Trump.  If so, one has to wonder what kind of Academy Award–level performance De Niro would give then." . . .

"In a democratic society the press must be accountable for stirring up hate"

In a democratic society the press must be accountable for stirring up hate
Different context, different nation, but rock solid wisdom. TD
Product of the genius of Rich Terrell
The Ruling Class Media and the Battle for 2020

CNN earns fake news label again with an assist from the WaPo  "The desperation of the anti-Trump media to defeat his re-election effort is leading them to sacrifice their credibility and peddle an obvious lie.  In a jaw-dropping moment yesterday on CNN's ironically named Reliable Sources program, Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell made a ludicrous claim: "The economy today is not substantially different from the economy before Trump took office."
"Don't believe me?"   Watch this video with Brian Stelter
. . . 
"I guess it takes a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Princeton University to be able to disregard reality to this extent.  Ms. Rampell apparently has forgotten that that before Trump took office, the "new normal" was economic growth lower than population growth (AKA stagnation), manufacturing jobs that would "never come back" and a growing gap between incomes of the well off and the lower paid.
"None of those is true.  In particular, the lower end of the income scale has prospered to an unprecedented degree:" . . .
Andy Puzder

It’s all but impossible to look at this chart and conclude anything other than that ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ ‘s tax cuts have unequivocally benefitted working class Americans. It’s the kind of benefit that wins elections.

Countering CNN: Actor Pierce Brosnan Credits Trump on Economy, Jobs: 'Step in the Right Direction'  But then, the man is a Hollywood actor, so who can take him seriously?

"Merry Impeachmas" from the WaPo
This is where the media’s bowing and scraping to Democrats and their strategists warps our system. They’re not part of the checks and balances. They have no balance, and they never check the Democrats. The media paint everything Team Chuck & Nancy do as “historic” and “solemn,” and the Republican reaction as “diatribes” and “onslaughts.”
Liberals think Chuck Todd is the "gold standard" of pundits/interviewers.
. . . But on Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh accused Todd of attempting an ineffective coup, as impeachment makes no dent in President Trump's approval ratings....which are actually going up. 

Alyssa Milano and Michelle Wolf; the state of American culture and thought.

Alyssa Milano’s Call For Abortion Stories Provokes Astonishing Pro-Life Testimonies
"Milano’s tweet reads, “If you’d like to share your personal abortion story on my podcast to help shine a light on the importance of bodily autonomy, please record story on your voice memo app and email it to below address. If you’d like to remain anonymous please say so in your email. #SorryNotSorry”
"Milano retweeted a post from her “Sorry Not Sorry” podcast account, which is below her original tweet. The tweet reads, “Nearly one in four women in the United States will have an abortion by age 45. Do you want to share your story on #SorryNotSorry? /  Email”
"While the post generated a variety of responses, it also caught the attention of pro-life women, including women and men suffering from previous abortions."
Wolf: Abortion Gave Her A God Complex   You recall Wolf's insulting speech against Sarah Huckabee Sanders I'm sure.
"How a man could get past the screechy nails-on-a-chalkboard voice that comes out of this woman’s mouth is beyond me let alone impregnate her.
"We have Alyssa Milano shouting about being an angry premenopausal woman and Michelle Wolf discussing great comedic topics to tickle the funny bone such as period equality and abortion. Oh, yay. Now comes Wolf’s latest on her Netflix comedy special, The Joke Show:
You can feel any way that you want after an abortion,. Get one! See how you feel! You know how my abortion made me feel? Very powerful. You know how people say you can’t play God? I walked out of there being like, ‘Move over, Morgan Freeman. I am God!'”-Michelle Wolf
. . . "Do it, see how you feel! This is what passes for comedy amongst the liberal left. Women discussing period equality and how they felt powerful and God-like after getting that “whoops” from a night of indiscretion taken care of once and for all. Hilarious. So damn funny, my sides are splitting and I nearly wet my pants.
It’s so ironic that Trump could be the guy who ends legal abortion. That dude has been responsible for more abortions than the invention of back alleys. Look, access to abortion is good and important. Some people say abortion is ‘killing a baby.’ It’s not. It’s stopping a baby from happening. It’s like Back to the Future and abortion is the DeLorean.”-Michelle Wolf
Hear Michelle Wolf for yourself.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Adam Schiff; in the mold of a California-shaped Congressman...

...yokefellow of Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Eric Swalwell, Zoe LofgrenTed Lieu, Karen Bass, to name just a few. Oh, and Beto O'rourke, a trans-politician self-identifying as a California Democrat.

Adam Schiff: Psychopath, or guilty conscience?  " . . . Even people who dislike President Trump can pretty naturally recognize that [Carter] Page's constitutional rights on unreasonable searches and seizures was violated.
"Not Schiff, though. All he could emit was stone heartlessness for the man whose good name was ruined by abuses of government power, revealing an utter absence of empathy. At first glance, Schiff came off sounding like a psychopath.
"But notice what he's saying: Page, see, is the bad guy. Schiff's not only showing an astonishing absence of empathy, he's attempting to twist the knife an extra time on the already wounded victim. And so much for all those impeachment pieties from Democrats about the sacredness of 'the Constitution.' Constitutions are only important if they're politically useful to a guy like this. For Schiff, it's more important to stick it to Page." . . .
Judicial Watch Slaps Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee With a Lawsuit
“Adam Schiff abused his power to secretly subpoena and then publish the private phone records, in potential violation of law, of innocent Americans. What else is Mr. Schiff hiding?” Fitton asked in a statement. “Schiff and his Committee ran roughshod over the rule of law in pursuit of the abusive impeachment of President Trump. This lawsuit serves as a reminder that Congressman Schiff and Congress are not above the law.”
Trump, Schiff’s Schpy-gate, and more
That’s why I love Trump, warts and all. This is a guy who wants less government and more individual liberty, aligned with strong national security that has no whiff of colonialism about it. So give me Trump: Give me Trump the bombastic. Give me Trump the wheeler-dealer.  . . .
  . . . "Were you surprised to learn that Adam Schiff obtained phone records for his fellow House member Devin Nunes, as well as for Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani, who is Trump’s personal attorney, and one-time Hill journalist John Solomon?
I wasn’t surprised at all: There is no difference whatsoever between today’s Democrats and classic fascism. (Not Hitlerian fascism, but classic fascism. There’s a difference, as I will explain.)
"Remember that classic fascism is a totalitarian state that has ultimate power over everything. This is different from communism, in which the state has ultimate ownership over everything. The only reason fascism got the bad smell it has now is because Hitler allied it with a lust for world domination and a genocidal hatred for Jews.
"When you subtract world domination and genocidal antisemitism from Nazi fascism, you discover that, in all other ways today’s Democrats match Hitler policy for policy: anti-gun; anti-free speech; total control over youth; environmental obsessions; reverence for Gaia; hostility to traditional Christianity; increasingly violent personal attacks against political opponents; a deep respect for Islam’s muscularity; a partnership between government and big business, which each enriching the other; love of nudity; and on and on and on.
"Please understand that I’m not saying that today’s Leftists are Nazi fascists . . . yet. I do see them capable of moving in that direction, though. After all, American Leftists dream of one world government, which is a form of world domination, and they’re rapidly embracing toxic anti-Semitism. I would not give these people power, ever." . . .

Schiff’s Subpoenas Reveal New Escalation of Partisan Warfare  . . . "Had Trump ordered federal law enforcement to subpoena Schiff’s phone records, you can bet that the congressman and his Democratic colleagues would have said such behavior posed “an existential threat” to the entire Congress, and we would have seen a third article of impeachment making precisely that claim.
"Put aside for a minute the question of whether Schiff’s behavior violated the rights of those whose phone calls he revealed, or whether it violated Trump’s attorney-client privilege. Three other aspects of this matter are worth thinking about."

Don’t Count On Romney

The American Conservative
In order to take a principled stand, it helps if the politician in question has principles. Romney doesn’t, and it is strange that so many journalists and columnists keep pretending otherwise. Romney was in so many respects Trump’s forerunner as the shameless panderer and political contortionist who told Republican voters whatever they wanted to hear in order to get their support. Romney does not “speak for principle” because he has no principles to speak of.

"David Ignatius must be kidding:
Who might deliver us from this national train wreck? Who could restore a sense of balance to the Senate trial so that, whatever its outcome, it doesn’t feed Trump’s false narrative of victimization and populist rage? There’s one obvious answer: Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee and custodian of what remains of his party’s moral and political balance.
"Counting on Mitt Romney for political courage and moral leadership is always a bad bet. Romney has a very safe seat in Utah, so in theory he could afford to take risks, but taking political risks is exactly what Romney never does. He is a consummate opportunist, and he has spent the last decade and a half pandering to anyone and everyone to advance his political career. Romney is not the politician you’re looking for if you want someone who will take a principled stand on, well, anything. If he is the “custodian” of the GOP’s “moral and political balance,” they are truly lost.
"Ignatius continues:
History is knocking on Romney’s door. This is his moment to step away from a president who holds him in contempt and to speak for principle — by insisting that the Senate conduct an actual trial and weigh the House’s allegations that Trump abused power and obstructed Congress.
"It should tell us a lot about Romney that he has not done much of anything to “step away” from Trump before now. Despite a half-hearted op-ed that expressed his willingness to dissent from the administration’s line, he has been a reliable yes vote for the president’s agenda. Support the war on Yemen? Romney was all for it. Send more weapons to the Saudis and the UAE? Romney was on board. " . . .
"A well-oiled weather vane"

NYT: Impeachment rightfully gives losers tyranny over winners

Bookworm Room

At the NYT, hard Leftist Michelle Goldberg explains that impeachment offsets the tyranny of the Electoral College, giving losers their rightful victory.

. . . "Before I get to the opinion piece, though, do I need to remind you that presidential elections in America are governed by the Electoral College? Since I know that my readers have a high level of intelligence and knowledge, I almost certainly don’t need to offer that reminder. Nevertheless, I think it’s easier to understand how horrific the NYT opinion piece is if you remind yourself about the constitutional background.
"If you want to read about it at the source, the Electoral College is right there in the Constitution, at Article II, Section 1, Clause. The whole point of the Electoral College is to ensure that America is not a direct democracy but is, in fact, a representative democracy, including representative votes for the president. The Founders deliberately put all sorts of layers between voters and their government.
"For starters, we don’t run the country on a giant town hall basis, which would be the most direct democracy of all, with every single action of the United States being put to all the voters. Instead, we elect representatives who carry out the will of the people who placed them in office." . . .

Free enterprise: Trump lets us choose our light bulbs

OK, NOW we have grounds to impeach this guy!

Trump Admin to End War on Incandescent Light Bulbs

 . . ."Trump Administration Blocks Energy Efficiency Rule for Light Bulbs
"In announcing the move, the secretary of energy, Dan Brouillette, who is a former auto lobbyist, said the administration had chosen “to protect consumer choice by ensuring that the American people do not pay the price for unnecessary overregulation from the federal government.” The new rule was unnecessary, he said, because innovation and technology are already “increasing the efficiency and affordability of light bulbs without federal government intervention.”
"The rule, which would have gone into effect on Jan. 1, was required under a law passed in 2007 during the administration of President George W. Bush.
"Noah Horowitz, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s center for energy efficiency standards, assailed the move, saying the administration had “just thumbed its nose at Congress, America’s families and businesses, and the environment.”…
"The light bulb rollback is part of a multipronged effort by the Trump administration to weaken a broad array of rules designed to fight climate change, many of which were passed under the Obama administration."
"Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette talked about the change on Twitter:
Innovation and technology are driving progress and increasing the efficiency and affordability of lightbulbs, without federal government intervention. The American people will continue to have a choice on how they light their home.

Trump rewriting the “Impeachment” script; , , , "the political dogfight of his life"

Legal Insurrection

"I do not believe the impeachment vote against President Donald Trump is going to harm him historically or politically. In fact, the move by the Democrats plays into a script Americans seem to love.
"Early in 2016, I predicted Trump was likely to win because he was an entertainer; therefore, he didn’t have to spend much time introducing himself to the American public. He could, instead, focus on his policies.
"But beyond that, I believe he prepared himself by presenting himself as the rebellious anti-hero type who upends the “norms,” overcomes huge obstacles, wins a significant victory for the country he loves, and gets the girl. Therefore, his “norm” is challenging “the norms.” . . .
. . . "The Iceman role in this analogy is clearly taken by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. He gave a rebuke of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat caucus that was so chilling that the next Congress will be worried about global cooling.
"In the Trump campaign sequel, Pelosi may have given the Republican Party a national issue to tie all the congressional races together. As House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy notes, a new Congress can expunge the impeachment that just occurred." . . .

How to conduct a successful climate change strike

Thomas J. Piccone  "Recent efforts to organize a climate change "strike" have brought together countless thousands of young people, supposedly across 4,500 locations in 150 countries, to demand that action be taken to address climate change.  The total number of people involved has been estimated to be several million.  After all of the protesting, it has been admitted that the entire activity has accomplished essentially nothing.  There is a better way to conduct a climate change strike so that it is more successful, even if it does not produce the same level of media coverage.
The genuine way to conduct a climate strike is to do nothing.  This sounds like a surrender and an attitude of apathy.  However, what I mean is not that everyone simply continue their daily life and routine as though there were no problem to be faced.  That is never what is meant by a strike.  What I mean is that the way to conduct a serious climate strike is really to do absolutely nothing.  Let me give some details to help the climate change striker to have a measurable effect on reducing fossil fuel usage and the production of carbon dioxide during the strike, and also to have a real impact on the world.
"On the day(s) of the climate strike, it is best not to get out of bed at all.  Any physical activity by humans results in the emission of more carbon dioxide anyway, which is counterproductive.  It is best not to eat or drink anything, because large amounts of energy are used in the production of food and water, and these must be kept to a minimum.  In this case, zero is probably an unattainable goal, but it is necessary to aim low.
"Next, the climate change striker should not turn on any lights or use a phone or computer or television or any other electrical device or appliance." . . .

ACLU calls for tampons in men's rooms in order to achieve 'menstrual equity'

Fox News  "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is calling for men's restrooms to include tampons in order to prevent discrimination against "every person who menstruates."
" 'While free menstrual products are not uniformly provided in women’s restrooms, they are almost never available in men’s restrooms, even for pay," the group said in a statement Tuesday.
" 'Men’s restrooms are also less likely to have a place to dispose of these products conveniently, privately, and hygienically."
The left-leaning legal group argued that it wasn't a "full or accurate portrayal" to say that women are the only ones who "menstruate, get pregnant, or breast feed [sic]."
" 'Menstrual stigma and period poverty can hit trans and non-binary people particularly hard," the post read.
"The group linked to a legislative toolkit in which it advocated for regulation of menstrual products in public restrooms. The group also favors menstrual products in public shelters and schools.
" 'Menstrual equity is a basic equity issue," the report read. "Just as we have regulated the provision of toilet paper and paper towels in public restrooms, so too should we do the same for menstrual products.' " . . .
"This wasn't the first time the ACLU made a head-turning comment about gender. On "International Men's Day," the group declared that men could both get their periods and give birth." . . .

Do-Nothing Dems: Mitch McConnell Pushes 11 Federal Judge Nominees Amid Democrat Impeachment

Elections matter, both bad and good. The bad is these elected politicians laughing as their party tries to destroy a man and his family.

Analyzing America  "Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, continued to show support and deliver on President Trump’s behalf and pushed 11 federal judge nominees, while House Democrats were focused on impeaching President Trump.
"McConnell “forced a deal with Democrats to expedite 11 federal district judge nominations,” on Wednesday, while the country as a whole was focused on the partisan impeachment push in the House.
via CNN:
McConnell’s thrust is emblematic of what he sees as his crowning achievement. So far, he has led the charge changing the landscape of the federal courts across the country with a record number of appellate court judges — currently at 50 — and Supreme Court nominees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
. . .
McConnell had scheduled procedural votes on nominees coming roughly every two hours. Two votes were held Wednesday before the agreement was reached to speed things along with 11 consecutive votes in the late afternoon. Final votes to confirm the nominees have not yet been scheduled.
“ 'In less than three years, President Trump has appointed and the Republican Senate has confirmed 50 circuit judges,” McConnell tweeted last week. “That is already the most in any president’s whole first term since 1980”:" . . .

The next election: Biden: ‘Yes’ Willing To Sacrifice 100,000s Of Blue-Collar Jobs For Green New Deal Policies

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Robert De Niro Says He Wants to 'See a Bag of S--t' In Trump's Face

PJ Media  "Trump-hater Robert De Niro has struck again. In a conversation with Michael Moore -- another radical-leftist hack -- the once-respected actor said that Trump needs to be "confronted and humiliated." And worse.
" 'They have to stand up to him," De Niro said about the Democratic presidential candidates, and more specifically about the person who ends up being that party's nominee. "They don't have to do it in an obvious physical way, but they have to have the formidability to confront him and to put him in his place because the people have to see that, to see him be humiliated."
"According to The Hill, De Niro then added that he wants to "see a bag of sh*t right in [Trump's] face.' " . . .

De Niro: The religions and political views of the influentials.  . . . "His mother was raised Presbyterian but quickly confirmed that she was an atheist upon adulthood. De Niro’s parents did not want him baptized into the Catholic Church, but during their divorce, he stayed with his devoutly Catholic grandparents who had him baptized in secret. It’s safe to say that if De Niro is anything, he’s a Catholic, but he doesn’t seem to practice and he doesn’t want to talk about it." . . .

De Niro fmr. assistant’s shocking claim: He harassed, made sexist comments  
"Hollywood actor Robert De Niro isn’t just a foulmouthed anti-Trump zealot — he’s also allegedly a sexist, misogynist, and abusive pig who privately refers to women as “b*****s” and “c**ts” and who spent over a decade harassing, berating, and bullying his former female assistant.
"These and other stunning allegations were laid out in a counter-lawsuit filed Thursday in Manhattan Federal Court by the actor’s former female assistant, Chase Robinson.
"Included with the suit was the following shocking, profanity-laced voicemail from 2012 that De Niro left for Robinson in which he called her a “spoiled f**king brat” and threatened to fire her."   Well...was she? 
. . . "De Niro isn’t the only vehemently anti-Trump actor with a habit of leaving bad-tempered voicemails.
“ 'De Niro communicated in a hostile, abusive, and intimidating manner with Ms. Robinson,” the lawsuit reads, according to the New York Daily News.
“ 'He attacked her in gender terms, calling her a ‘b***h’ and a ‘brat.’ In speaking to Ms. Robinson, he called his female business partner a ‘c**t’ and referred to his executive assistants as ‘the girls.’ De Niro would unleash tirades against Ms. Robinson — often while he was intoxicated — in which he denigrated, berated, bullied, and hurled expletives at her.' ” . . .