Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"Perfectly Lubricated weathervane" Mitt Romney Voting To Convict, so Democrats can claim "bipartisan" UPDATED

Weasel Zippers

"Weasel. He’s done. He’s so torn up with jealousy that Trump won and he didn’t."

"Speaking on the Senate floor on Feb. 5, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, announced he would break from his party and vote later that day to convict President Donald Trump of the articles of impeachment. "As it is with each senator, my vote is one of conviction," Romney said. “My vote will likely be in the minority... I was among the senators that said that what the president did was wrong,” he added. Romney's announcement would make him the first Republican to support Trump's removal from office. After the Senate voted last week to bar new witness testimony and subpoenas for documents, Trump’s acquittal has seemed all but assured. The House of Representatives impeached Trump in December on two articles of impeachment--abuse of power and obstruction of Congress."

Romney, the weathervane

Why can't Mitt Romney please just go away and take Hillary with him? Please.

JON HUNTSMAN (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, those are — those are pretty tough words, Wolf.  All I can say is this is a time when this nation wants leadership.  We’ve — we — we’ve been — we’ve been looking for leadership for some time in — in the White House.  We haven’t found it.  This is when the candidates need to show — stand up and show a little bit of leadership.  You can’t be a JON HUNTSMAN (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, those are — those are pretty tough words, Wolf.  All I can say is this is a time when this nation wants leadership.  We’ve — we — we’ve been — we’ve been looking for leadership for some time in — in the White House.  We haven’t found it.  This is when the candidates need to show — stand up and show a little bit of leadership.  You can’t be a perfectly lubricated weathervane on the important issues of the day, whether it’s Libya, whether it’s the debt ceiling, whether it’s the discussion around the Kasich bill in Ohio, where Governor Romney has been missing in action in terms of showing any kind of leadership. on the important issues of the day, whether it’s Libya, whether it’s the debt ceiling, whether it’s the discussion around the Kasich bill in Ohio, where Governor Romney has been missing in action in terms of showing any kind of leadership.

Breitbart's John Nolte has a lower opinion of Romney than that.  . . . "Let’s first dispel with the idea that Romney wrote this op-ed out of some pressing moral need to condemn Trump’s supposed indecency. Decent people don’t contribute to the far-left Washington Post, a news outlet that published a countless number of lies to sabotage Romney, that attacks the children of Republicansthat tells almost as many lies as CNN." . . .

Democrats in Iowa

After Iowa, five reasons for the decline and fall of 'frontrunner' Joe Biden  "Lost in the shuffle of the Democrats' app fiasco in Iowa, the rubber-room swan song of House impeachment manager Adam Schiff, and the childish paper-ripping tantrum of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the candidacy of "frontrunner" Joe Biden looks headed for the dumpster. ' . . .
Biden in fact has always been a sad sack, puffed up by the press and the swamp into being some kind of statesman when the reality was, he was a grubby little Willie Loman or Walter Mitty figure, redolent of the '40s, dreaming of grandeur.

George Soros's connection with the Iowas Caucus problems  Or Mayor Pete

MSNBC’s Matthews: Is It Possible To Give The Nomination To Adam Schiff?

Babylon Bee saw humor in this Three-fer, tweaking CNN, Democrats and ISIS

To do anything less would be racist. TD

CNN To Give ISIS Equal Time To Respond To Trump's State Of The Union

"ATLANTA, GA—In the interest of fairness in broadcasting, CNN has announced the cable news channel will give members of ISIS equal time to respond to President Trump's State of the Union address later this evening.
"Several ISIS representatives will be allowed to give a full address responding to the president's remarks, criticizing him for his border security stance and debunking his claims on the need for a wall along the southern border of the country.
" 'Americans deserve to hear from every perspective, whether that's the bad orange man or these brave freedom fighters," said a CNN spokesperson. "We will give them a fair hearing and see what they have to say. We're confident it will be an informed and interesting perspective, unlike whatever drivel we hear from the orange man."
 '' 'Did we mention he is bad? He is bad," the spokesperson added.
"ISIS has thanked CNN for the opportunity, calling the station "a true friend of democracy.' "

6 Things Democrats Refused to Stand for During State of the Union Address

Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics. Looks good, but I think of Hillary's fireworks display that was canceled
Breitbart  "Tensions were high among Republicans and Democrats on Tuesday night as President Donald Trump delivered the State of the Union address to the American people and members of Congress.
"While they were slow to stand for some things, some Democrats refused to stand at all for a variety of the Trump administration’s accomplishments. In no particular order, here are six moments when many Democrats did not stand during the State of the Union address:" . . .
Democrats Rashida Tlaib, Tim Ryan Storm Out of SOTU Address: ‘It’s All Fake’ "Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) stormed out of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.
“ 'I walked out of that speech. The lies, the bigotry, and the shameless bragging about taking away food stamps that people depend on to live—it was all beneath the dignity of the office he occupies. Shame on this forever impeached president,” Tlaib wrote on Twitter after bolting from the lower chamber." . . .

SOTU: The unspeakable ungraciousness of the Democrats in Congress  . . . "The most egregiously infuriating aspect of the night was the persistent despicable behavior of the Democrats who were in the room.  They acted like small children, infantilized by their hatred of this president and their belief that Americans must be taken care of according to their specifications.  They demeaned themselves with their pathetic behavior at an event like this SOTU speech by refusing to acknowledge any of this president's victories.  A few of the usual suspects walked out during the speech, a feeble attempt to demonstrate their contempt.  They are obviously both angry and embarrassed that their misguided attempt to impeach the president failed.  But they should take their rage out on Reps. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and Pelosi who truly failed them, not the president.  All those Democrats who sat by and watched the Schiff show systematically destroy their own party are to blame for their own demise." . . .

Nancy Pelosi throws a public temper tantrum and other Democrat misbehavior  . . . "As Trump began to speak, Pelosi began to perform a running pantomime behind his back. Rather than listen to Trump's speech, she leafed through the written speech he gave her. She also wriggled around in her chair, sucked her dentures, made disdainful faces, waved to people in the crowd, and generally behaved like an angry 15-year-old girl whose parents have forced her to attend a formal event. It was painful to watch the person who is third in line to the presidency behave in such a childish, rude manner." . . .

Here's what Democrats were chanting in protest during the State of the Union

UK Telegraph

There was much applause during President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union, but for at least a few seconds, Democrats interrupted the fanfare with chants of protest.
"After Trump called on lawmakers to deliver him a piece of legislation to dramatically lower drug prices in order for him to sign it, many Democratic lawmakers stood, held up three fingers and chanted "H.R.3."
"House Resolution 3, named the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act in the late congressman's honor, is a bill that would allow the government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for those covered under Medicare. Affected drugs would include insulin products and 25 of the most expensive brand-name drugs that don't have generic equivalents.
"It passed the House with a 230-192 vote.
"The bill was declared "dead on arrival" in the Senate, and the White House indicated the president would have vetoed the bill if it had landed on his desk, the Washington Post reported in December." . . .

At issue was if other plans would work better"Trump’s advisers had been in discussions with Pelosi’s staff for months over a possible deal, and Trump’s embrace of traditionally Democratic proposals to lower drug prices was a potential wild card in the bill’s fate.
"But Trump backed off the House proposal in recent weeks, saying Congress should focus its efforts on a bipartisan Senate Finance Committee proposal from Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking Democrat Ron Wyden (Ore.) that would cap price increases in Medicare to the rate of inflation and limit seniors’ out-of-pocket costs. That bill is also unlikely to be signed into law — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told the White House he is unwilling to bring up a bill that splits his caucus, and several Republicans have said the measure is akin to imposing price controls, which they have long opposed.

. . . "(The Cummings bill, of course, was anti-free market, making it the equivalent of rent control for medicine.)" . . . Andrea Widburg

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Nancy Pelosi can rip up Trump's State of the Union address, but she can't change his accomplishments
Washington Examiner  "As President Trump concluded his State of the Union address and the cameras began to shift to the congressional audience, a shot of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up the physical copy of Trump’s speech drew attention.
"This moment, though brief, showed how tensions between the president and the Democratic Party are at an all-time high. Trump spent the early minutes of his address praising his own administration’s accomplishments, both economic and cultural, and sharply contrasting them with the failures of the Obama administration. He didn’t mention impeachment, acting almost as if it didn't exist — or like it just didn't matter.
"Pelosi would have had a hard time with her base had she failed to contradict Trump somehow. And so, in order to show how she rejected what he had said, she tore up the speech. She knew she'd been beat. Impeachment failed. The Democratic Party is eating itself over Iowa’s caucus divisions. Trump’s approval is at an all-time high.
"Pelosi can shred Trump’s speech, but she can’t change the results. The results are what voters will remember heading into November."

WOW! After the State Of The Union DEMOCRAT callers into C-SPAN completely destroyed Pelosi, saying they will NEVER vote for the Democrat Party again!😮 @realDonaldTrump #sotu #StateOfTheUnion #NancyPelosi

White House officials tell @finnygo they found it “petty,” “surprising,” and “classless” here.;
Which Democrats will call out Pelosi for shredding the norms?  "Are there no Democrats who have the spine, the decency, or the dignity to call out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for corrupting the norms and the decorum that bestow the sacred body of our House of Representatives?
"Immediately after President Trump concluded his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Pelosi put on a show and tore up what appeared to be her printed version of the president's prepared remarks.
"Never has there been a more explicit show of disrespect during the address than when Republican South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson hissed at President Barack Obama, "You lie!" in 2009. (And I'm counting all the times Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has fallen asleep during the same event.)
"But wait, what I want to know is which Democrats are willing to buck the foremost leader of their party to show that they still have some dignity and honor? Who in the Democratic Party will prove to be the statesman or stateswoman by rebuking Pelosi?
"Which Democrat will prove that valor is still a virtue and demand that Pelosi show some remorse for her actions?
"Is there an elected Democrat out there who still has the honor and courage, or even the basic humanity, to say that enough is enough?"
"This must read absurd, but I only say it because it's the same thing the national media do, except for Republicans. Every Republican in Congress is expected to bend over for a spanking before denouncing the leader of their party (in this case, Trump).
"I don't expect Democrats to do any of this. But the mental exercise is fun."

Hilarious: Dean Obeidallah Suggest Iowa Chaos Could Be Due To Russians

First Adam Schiff, now Dean Obeidallah: The Russians are coming!

Weasel Zippers
(DeanObeidallah))) @DeanObeidallah
If you think Trump or his Russian BFF Vladimir Putin are behind the
it's only reasonable given we know both Trump and Russia hate American democracy. But as of now there's no proof either were behind it.

Rush Limbaugh's shocking cancer diagnosis sparks flurry of nasty tweets with some even saying they don't care if the conservative radio host dies

UK Daily Mail 

 "Rush Limbaugh's shocking cancer diagnosis has sparked a flurry of nasty tweets about the conservative radio host and Republican kingmaker.

"The 69-year-old broke the news of his advanced lung cancer during his radio program on Monday, telling listeners he was taking some time off to determine the best course of treatment for himself.
"While his supporters were quick to send over their well wishes, some of the controversial radio host's critics were less than supportive about his declining health. 
"Some appeared to celebrate his cancer diagnosis while others pointed out his prior controversial beliefs about the U.S. health care system. " . . .

Project Veritas: Expose2020 PART 5: Warren Staffer ‘No One Gives a F**k About a Pronoun!’

Rush Limbaugh's cancer: vitriol from the left, but Tulsi shows class

Independent Sentinel: Rush’s illness proves once again the hate comes from the left "On Monday, we were given the terrible news that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.
"There was an outpouring of prayers and support for the man who pioneered talk radio.
"There was also pure hatred from most on the tolerant, civil left." . . .
"A 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, the congresswoman from Hawaii, weighed in to wish Limbaugh “God’s love.”
To Rush Limbaugh: I and my family send our love and best wishes to you and your loved ones at this difficult moment in your life. May your hearts and minds be filled with and strengthened by God's love.
"CNN's Brian Stelter’s thread was filled with despicable people, and the thread is still up. He hasn’t commented and the people continue to wish harm to come to Rush."

The Most Egregious Series of 'Corrupt Acts' Ever

Jack Cashill
Johnny Chung described the state of affairs a bit more colorfully. “The White House is like a subway,” he told the Thompson committee. “You have to put in coins to open the gates.” Chung admitted to funneling $100,000 from the Chinese Military to the Democratic National Committee.

"The century-long attempt to kill capitalism in America gained a dramatic head of steam in the 1960s with the rapid ascendency of progressivism, a Marxist movement that would quietly seize control of the Democratic Party over the last half-century.  
Which was something different. For most of America’s 244-year history, the dominant political parties that evolved had a common goal constantly working to improve the country they both loved.  In the 1860s, a Republican president went to war to end slavery.  A century later, a Democratic president launched another well-intentioned war, a war on poverty.  Democrats and Republicans alike largely saw their country as a force for good, both at home and abroad.  Beginning in the 1960s, that widely- shared view began to show cracks as the progressive movement began tightening its grip on the modern Democratic Party.  Democrat icons of the 1960s -- Adlai Stevenson, Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Sam Nunn, Hubert Humphrey and JFK, to name a few -- were genuine patriots who loved their country, a sentiment that was shared by a large majority of that era’s rank and file Democrats.  Such is no longer the case. Here are four ways Democrats are looking to end the idea of America altogether:
. . . 
"Democrats like Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi were in Congress for all of this. Schiff was there for the tail end. If they were really concerned about acts that “endangered U.S. national security” they would have moved to impeach the traitor themselves."