Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hillary Finally Chimes In on Whether or Not She'd Be a 2020 Dems' VP

Clinton voters beg her to run
Beth Baumann  "A few days ago, the Drudge Report claimed to have exclusive information from sources close to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. According to the sources, Bloomberg was considering former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as his running mate. 
"Clinton put the rumors to rest on Tuesday during a visit to the nonprofit health center Mujeres Ayudando Madres, located in the tourist center of Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. Hillary said she would not consider being Bloomberg's vice president.
. . . 
"It's still early in the year. Things could change between now and November. We know that Hillary Clinton has a big ego. She's tried to run for president and failed... twice. The only likelihood that she would be commander in chief would be if she was vice president and some sort of tragedy happened and took out the president. Voters have repeatedly rejected Clinton and all of the skeletons in her closet. But hey, if she runs with Bloomberg, things could get rather interesting."

Hillary Clinton took more cash from Harvey Weinstein than any other Democrat

Contemplate Bernie Sanders if you will

One can only hope that Republicans bring this up in coming debates for Sanders, the presumptive Democratic nominee, because corruption's a big one whenever socialism's around.
Image by J. Scott Kunst of The Shrug
The Sanders plan: You do all the work, he gets all the money, power, and glory
"Fresh from his Democratic primary victories last week, Vermont's Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Democratic Socialist-Democrat-whatever brand will get him elected) on Monday announced his latest government free-stuff giveaway if elected, including -- free child care, free nursery school, free education from birth till whenever, everything...freeeeeeeee!  Whee! " . . .
Why have you never written about how Sanders chose not to work while his young son was being raised in poverty by a single mother? Why not ask him why he chose not to work, take unemployment and run for office 4x while son was living on welfare? Sanders' white male entitlement?
 Bernie Sanders is hiding critical heart health information  . . . "This is a cover-up of information the public ought to expect from a leading candidate for president. It is time for Sanders to end the cover-up. And I am as serious as a heart attack."

Socialism and Corruption: Joined at the hip in south Florida  "Bernie Sanders has said the American dream is more likely to be realized in socialist Venezuela than the United States.
"Maybe he'd like to explain this version of the American dream found in a massive money laundering operation by Venezuelan Chavistas who've been busted for looting their country in order to retire in mansions and condos on Miami Beach: . . ."
. . . "Lastly, socialism sucks the life out of the entire economy leaving the only game in town figuring out ways of swindling the government, in these people's cases, in order to retire on Miami Beach. It was the same with the old Soviets and the late-stage Chinese oligarchs, and now it's going on in real-time from socialist Venezuela.
"Bernie Sanders ought to be answering for this kind of failure of socialism he'd impose on America, but he doesn't even get asked."
Communist Cuba Praises Bernie Sanders On Front Page Of State-Run Newspaper

Fidel Castro left a dark legacy of forced labor camps, religious repression, widespread poverty, firing squads, and the murder of thousands of his own people.
But sure, Bernie, let’s talk about his literacy program.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Farmer in Eastern Washington Invites Bloomberg to Teach Her How Simple Farming Is

PJ Media

"This week, video re-emerged in which Michael Bloomberg said farmers didn't have enough gray matter to work in the tech industry. In response, a farmer in Eastern Washington issued a challenge to Bloomberg: come to my farm and show me how easy it is.
"Alison Viebrock-Steveson has a Facebook page called Blessed Farmgirl, USA. In response to the Bloomberg video, she issued the following response: "But rather than take offense over your comments, I’d like to offer a simple invitation- please come show me how simple farming is because evidently I have way over complicated this whole thing." The statement accompanied a photo of Viebrock-Steveson pointing to a sticker in the cab of her tractor that says "No Farms No Food."
"Bloomberg's full statement, during a talk at the Distinguished Speakers Series at the University of Oxford Saïd Business School:
The agrarian society lasted 3,000 years and we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer. It's a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn. You could learn that. . . .
More here and a hat tip to Jeff Reynolds at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

President Trump versus Coronavirus, Democrats and a corrupt media

If a loved one of yours dies from this virus, many Democrats will rejoice. Faux sorrow and bitter survivors will be on CNN and MSNBC, to name just two. The Tunnel Dweller

Tony Branco

CDC Director Who Caused Panic With Coronavirus Statement While Trump Was In India Is Sister Of Corrupt Deep State Operative
. . . "Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ) spoke out about how the Democrats are trying to exploit the Coronavirus to use it as a tool: . . ."
"The Gateway Pundit has revealed that the brother of the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier is the corrupt disgraced former Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein." . . .

Watch Live Presser with Trump & Coronavirus Task Force

Much more at the Tunnel Wall

O’Keefe Strikes Again! ‘Socialist’ ABC Reporter Admits Bosses Spike News Important to Voters, ‘Don’t Give Trump Credit’

ABC News Suspends Reporter On Eve Of Project Veritas Exposure
Project Veritas, a conservative watchdog group, plans to release a video Wednesday exposing bias at ABC News, founder James O’Keefe tweeted. Veteran reporter David Wright was suspended Tuesday evening ahead of the project’s release, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation.
The Gateway Pundit


. . . "Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Wednesday of ‘Socialist’ ABC reporter David Wright admitting his bosses spike stories important to voters.
"David Wright is on camera admitting he is an overt Socialist who thinks there’s “too many billionaires.”
"Wright was suspended on Tuesday night before Project Veritas dropped the video of him admitting his network doesn’t cover President Trump fairly.
"Via Project Veritas:
Senior ABC Correspondent David Wright on Hidden Camera: How ‘Bosses Don’t See an Upside’ for Reporting News; ‘The Truth Suffers’; Says ABC Doesn’t ‘Give Trump Credit for What Things He Does Do’; ABC News Producer: New Yorkers Need to ‘Cross the Hudson River’ to Learn Why Voters Back Trump
David Wright, ABC News Political Correspondent: “We Also Don’t Give Him [Trump] Credit for What Things He Does do…I Feel Terrible About it, I Feel That the Truth Suffers, the Voters Are Poorly Informed…Our Bosses Don’t See an Upside in Doing the Job We’re Supposed to do.”
David Wright: “In Television, We Have Lost Any Sense of Context.”
Wright: “We Don’t Hold Him [Trump] to Account. We Also Don’t Give Him Credit for What Things He Does Do.”
Are You a Democrat Socialist? Wright: “Oh yeah. More than that I would consider myself a socialist; like I think there should be national health insurance. I’m totally fine with reigning in corporations, I think they’re too many billionaires, and I think there’s a wealth gap–that’s a problem.”
Wright: “You Can’t Watch ‘Good Morning America’ Without a Disney Princess or a Marvel Avenger Appearing.”
Wright: “We’re in This Awkward Moment…We Have This F**king President, and We Can’t Figure Out How to Challenge Him.”  ...More at the link

College Students Assaulting Trump Supporters Is Why The Voting Age Should Be 30

Trending Views

This video shows a group of college students from Ohio University throwing drinks, screaming, and giving profane gestures to the driver and passengers of a truck that contains Trump supporters. Particularly, the "Gun Girl" Kaitlin Bennett, is in the vehicle and it seems like a small crowd of leftists do not appreciate her stopping by.

"You can hear people yelling "get the f-ck out" as others throw things at the vehicle and the cops don't do much to diffuse the situation. Although, the cop wouldn't be able to do much since he's highly outnumbered and the people throwing a fit are unlikely to listen to a single officer.

"Something is seriously wrong with these students at Ohio University." . . .

What Was Buttigieg Thinking Encouraging a Young Boy to Come Out as Gay at His Campaign Event?

PJ Media
Of all the political stunts involving children, this one is the most offensive I've ever seen. Let's make childhood great again and stop assigning adult sexual obsessions to minors.

 "This is the weirdest video you will see all year, probably (although with Democrats it's fairly certain there will be weirder). For some reason, Democrats think of nine-year-olds as sexual beings who not only need to know more sexual knowledge than debauched Roman emperors by the time they get out of kindergarten, but they also think they should be identifying as "gay" or "trans" or "drag" as early as possible. Pete Buttigieg decided it was a good idea to have a nine-year-old child join him on stage at a campaign event in Denver on Saturday to talk about his sexuality.
"If you didn't think the end was near, think again. Most of us are wishing for an asteroid extinction event at this point. The child sent a question to Buttigieg asking him to help him "be brave like you." Cue endless virtue signaling from clapping weirdos who think it's totally normal that a 9-year-old is thinking about gay sex." . . .
Notice the cheers coming from youthful voices.

Recap: Donald Trump Won the South Carolina Democratic Debate

Tony Branco
PJ Media  "The real winner of Tuesday's chaotic Democratic debate in South Carolina wasn't on stage. Each candidate got a few good lines in, but no one candidate stood out in a way that will shake up the race. Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-USSR) has the momentum and former Vice President Joe Biden is holding out for a win in South Carolina. Biden, the longtime frontrunner, has fallen nearly ten points behind Sanders in national polls one week out from Super Tuesday.
"Biden is likely to prevail in South Carolina, but it remains to be seen if this will reinvigorate his flailing campaign. This debate seemed unusually vicious and chaotic, making Trump look better by comparison.
"While former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-Church of Social Justice) did get a few good digs in at Sanders, candidates took aim at other competitors as well, significantly lowering the heat faced by the frontrunner. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-1/1024th of a Plan) hit hard against former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (D-PILES OF CASH), who uttered a Freudian slip about buying elections!
"Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Someplace Cold) remained her usual staid self but proved largely irrelevant, as did coal-investor-turned-green-activist Tom Steyer.
"The debate perhaps proved most notable for its gaffes. Biden said nearly half the U.S. population died in the past ten years due to gun violence. He also insisted on getting more time to speak and burst out in anger twice when the moderators tried to move on. Indeed, the moderators often let candidates speak longer than their allotted time, for people not named Joe Biden. Perhaps they didn't want Biden to dig himself into too many holes...
"Arguably the most hilarious moment came when we learned that Joe Biden won his election to the U.S. Senate in something like 24 hours. On Monday, the former vice president (and former senator) announced, "I'm a Democratic candidate for United States Senate." During the debate, a moderator referred to him as "Senator Biden.' " . . .

Let's read up on Bernie, shall we?

Clinton says 'nobody likes' Sanders and won't commit to backing him if he's the Democratic nominee    From CNN, aka, the "Clinton News Network"
Image by Ghenghis Gary

"He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done," Clinton says in the film, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it."
Any chance this will be posted in some campus newspaper? 

It’s idiotic to believe Castro was good for the Cuban people or that socialism would be good for the U.S
. . . "Higher education professors will now receive $56 to $68 per month, very similar to the fake Indian running for President, who wants to move towards socialism, who is worth millions and got paid $400,000 for the tough task of teaching one course. I wonder why the cost of education is so high in the U.S and why student debt is so high when Warren only got $400,000 plus benefits for such a tough schedule." . . .

In the South Carolina debate, Sanders cemented his hard Left image  . . . "Bernie is very good at demagoguing. No matter the question, he goes off on his shtick about the need for socialized medicine so everyone can have the “right” to healthcare. What he consistently ignores is that America has the best outcomes in the world. All that the other countries offer is the boast that people can see doctors, not the boast that they can get treated. This is just one of Bernie’s many subtle lies, where he makes ideological statements that are not borne out by the facts." . . .

Bernie Sanders' disastrous answer on '60 Minutes  "Bernie Sanders, the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, was asked over the weekend how much his various plans would cost if implemented. He didn't know" . . .

Two Florida Residents Sue to Keep Bernie off Democratic Primary Ballot Because He’s Not A Democrat  "First Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ticked off people in Florida after he praised former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
"Now two Florida residents, who are registered Democrats, sued to keep Sanders off the Democratic primary ballot since he is an Independent." . . .
The primary takes place on March 17.
"Former circuit court judge Karen Gievers is representing Frank Bach, a retired mailman, and George Brown, a retired social worker. She is married to Bach.
"The suit lists the following as defendants:
  • Florida Democratic Party
  • Democratic National Committee
  • Sanders
  • Secretary of State Laurel Lee
Fidel Castro Fanboy Bernie Faces Democrat Backlash In Florida  . . . "Democrat and #NeverTrump pundits have been unleashing oceans of ink trying to get another Democrat to take down socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). They at least want to get him to moderate his crazy commie worldview and to downplay his disastrous plans for our great nation.  If he doesn’t, they justifiably fear, he will lose to Trump.
"And for them, beating Trump is all that matters."

WATCH: Crowd Goes After Bernie For Defending Communism AGAIN During Debate

Watch it here  "A South Carolina crowd booed socialist Bernie Sanders during a CBS News debate on Tuesday night after he again defended his remarks praising the murderous communist regime in Cuba." . . .

Pete Buttigieg is a slightly less gay version of Obama

Spectator USA  "On Valentine’s Day, Mayor Pete and his hus-bear Chasten managed to once again charm absolutely no one, barring a few lonely, slightly overweight middle-aged women. The couple, who like to cram their twee, G-rated romance down America’s throat at every possible opportunity, shared a photo from their wedding day. ‘With you, my love, I’d go anywhere’, Chasten wrote.
. . . 
"Sadly, those of us in the community know exactly the type of gay who does that, and it explains why gays are quite chilly towards Pete. The lefties call it ‘heteronormativity’, but I just call it corny. The lefty gays don’t see Pete as culturally gay, as one of us, and, in fact, more of an enemy than a friend to them, a sad figure desperately clinging on to a traditional framework they’ve long rejected and decided wasn’t for them."

. . . 
"Now Pete’s public struggles with his identity have presented a new twist. He is, basically, a slightly less gay version of Obama. And he has plenty more in common with the former president. They’re both moody, bitchy academics. Journalists and people with graduate degrees relate to them. They’re both affirmative action candidates, from towns 90 miles apart, raised by communist parents who’d wither and die outside the higher education system. And they are both shooting for the highest office in the land with almost no political experience. Pete has even less experience, and possesses none of the former president’s charisma, intelligence, and oratory skill.' "  . . .

As President, how would he deal with, say, Iran?

A dark side of Mayor Bloomberg

American Thinker
Mike Bloomberg did more than tell women a few unfunny jokes  "Now that Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg look to be the last two standing in the Democrat primaries — the communist and the plutocrat — each side is spending overtime digging up dirt on the other.  One of Bernie's supporters found some of the allegations a woman made in a lawsuit she filed in 1998 directly against Michael Bloomberg (as opposed to a lawsuit more generally against his company).
"The lawsuit described a workplace environment in which Bloomberg generally degraded women; demanded that they have sex appeal to work with him; and engaged in repeated, and unwanted, sexual gestures and touching." . . .

Has any candidate ever imploded like Michael Bloomberg?
I survived the Mayor Mike years  . . . "Rudy Giuliani followed the destructive David Dinkins administration which allowed criminal mobs to roam the streets chanting "Death to the Jews" while governed by a mayor who spent as much time watching tennis matches as Obama spent golfing. The three-day riots in crown heights were described by Jewish leaders as the worst "pogrom" in US history.
 "Soon after Rudy Giuliani took office, the city changed very much for the better. He beefed up the NYPD and adopted an aggressive enforcement and deterrence strategy based on the Broken Windows concept. This involved crackdowns on relatively minor offenses such as graffiti, turnstile jumping, and aggressive "squeegeemen" that plagued the city drivers. This principle successfully sent the message that order would be maintained and that the city would be "cleaned up." The crime rates went down, the city became the safest large metropolis in the world and tourists flocked here. Critics of his administration tried to claim that crime had started going down two years before he took office but anyone who has lived here knows that statistics can be manipulated to show any desired result.
"New Yorkers felt safer, businesses came back or were newly established. Broadway and Times Square was completely transformed from a haven for derelicts and perverts to a family friendly tourist attraction. David Letterman once said that the definition of a "New York Minute" was the time it took for a tourist to check into a Times Square Hotel and to be shot dead on the sidewalk. That had a ring of truth before Giuliani but not after." . . .
Before Michael Bloomberg, one could smoke in a bar, restaurants could cook their meals with any kind of fat, and neighborhoods were fairly safe from eminent domain and speculators. With Democrat Mayor DeBlasio, the squeegeemen are back and thanks to Gov, Cuomo and his no bail, catch and release program, thugs are roaming the city freely. New Yorkers have been called "slaves of the state."   Alicia Colon
While in New York - two months before 9-11! - I asked an NYPD officer how Guiliani made such a difference. He said, simply, that Guiliani ordered the police to just start enforcing the laws. That was all it took. TD
SourcesLucianneAmerican Thinker

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bernie and the Redsssss

Cuban Americans Share Some Personal Knowledge Of Castro’s Cuba With Bernie Sanders (Update)  "Since Bernie Sanders decided to look at the bright side of the Cuban revolution a few Cuban Americans have come forward to offer their personal perspectives as people who actually lived under Castro’s regime. Shockingly, their memories of Cuban communism are not, primarily, positive tales of expanded literacy. Miami Herald columnist Fabiola Santiago described her family’s experience after Castro took over: . . ."

Senate Dem On Bernie: Come On, We’re Not Really Gonna Make Him Leader Of The Free World, Are We?  . . . "Menendez was more explicit about his objections to Sanders yesterday when speaking to reporters at a construction site in Hudson County, New Jersey. “I’m sure that the hundreds who died in Castro’s jails,” Menendez said, “the millions who came to the United States and other fleeing elsewhere, and those who are still languishing in Castro’s jails simply because they seek to speak their mind as we are free to do in the United States do not find anything in that regime other than it was a tyrannical regime”: . . ."

And how would the press handle if Joe Biden said this?

Bernie Sanders Promoted Article Saying American Dream ‘More Apt To Be Realized’ In Venezuela  . . . "Sanders has faced criticism — including from fellow Democrats — for his sympathetic opinions of communist regimes.
"The socialist Vermont senator’s repeated defenses of deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro sparked a backlash from both Republicans and Democrats." . . .
Dictator Again: ‘Truth Is Truth’; Fact-Check: Here’s The Real Truth  "Despite widespread backlash over his praise of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during an interview with “60 minutes” Sunday, Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) doubled down on his positive comments on the brutal communist leader’s regime during a townhall with CNN on Monday, declaring, “The truth is the truth.” But a past fact-check by the Washington Post on the claim Sanders continues to push suggests that the socialist senator’s “truth” about Castro’s regime lacks key context and relies on highly questionable data from the dictatorial regime." . . .
"As explained in a Washington Post fact-check of leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s similar claim back in 2016, when Castro came to power, Cuba already had a strong literacy rate. In the areas of education and healthcare, the Post explained, “many other Latin American countries made far more dramatic strides in the past six decades, without the need for a communist dictatorship.' ”