Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Barbra Streisand's obsession with Trump

Part of the answer is in her liberalism. I have noticed how miserable liberal women can be. Yesterday, former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile in a Fox News segment told RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to go to hell.  . . .
Don Surber  "A day in the life of Barbra Streisand is sad. Sure she has fame and fortune (her net worth is estimated at $400 million) but she is one sad septuagenarian.

"She wrote in Variety, "Every morning I wake up, holding my breath while I turn on my phone to see the latest news. I think to myself, 'It can’t be worse than yesterday.' But when the news loads, I think, 'Ohhhhh, yes, it is worse.'

" 'No wonder doctors report that more people than ever are anxious and depressed."

"That is pathetic. She has so much to look forward to each day. She has a good husband, a good family, and friends around the world. She lives in a mansion on a marvelous estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu.

"Why does she wake up every morning and immediately tune in the news? Why does she reach out each day to find some new reason to hate President Donald John Trump. Why is she so determined to become upset and angry over things that are out of her control?" . . .

No apologies from Denver city council member who endorsed spreading coronavirus at Trump rallies

More thoughts from the "love trumps hate" group.

Monica Showalter  "So let's get this straight here: Leftist pol styling herself as Denver's answer to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatens to spread coronavirus, a deadly disease for many, targeting Trump rallies, and does so using manic low-intelligence, emoji-filled laughter.
"People spend weeks in isolation just based on exposure to prevent its spread to others. Whole economies are going down in East Asia because of it. She knows the disease is extremely contagious as well as deadly for the vulnerable, such as older people and people with compromised immune systems, but since she's none of that, she'll gladly spread it to people whose politics dissent from her own. The Colorado GOP has called on her to resign but she hasn't even apologized.
"This kind of talk is perfectly redolent of the kind of garbage coming out of other democratic socialists these days, such as the Iowa-based creep exposed by undercover investigative reporter James O'Keefe, leading any normal person to conclude: . . .

. . . "But just because she refuses to apologize doesn't mean she isn't trying to run out on her tab, evade consequences, and extricate herself from the inevitable fallout from this sick threat she ought to be arrested for given the weaponization of disease she's threatening." . . .

Maybe in four years, Bernie

Well, he did win big on college campuses, at least

No Lenin, No Trotsky, No Bernie  . . . Today, another almost ancient phenomenon has magically appeared out of the radical mists of what was once considered a 20th-century failed movement.  This marvel is called Bernie Sanders.  With great wonderment, a majority of American folks look upon this old curmudgeon as a Marxist blast from the past.
"The fact that a huge segment of pampered youth, as well as a few die-hard socialists and anarchists about Bernie's age, are "feeling the Bern" has caught most of us off guard, and we don't know whether to take all this as a bad joke or as a truly serious challenge to our way of life. " . . .
. . . "So what would a Bernie Sanders presidency look like?  He certainly would not be bringing in his revolution on the heels of a military takeover like in Russia in 1918, thus he would have to deal with the realities of a constitutional democracy with true divisions of power.  I really doubt that even a minimum of his programs would get through Congress or past the courts, but certainly he would try.
"In the end, Bernie's program will most likely continue to be a dream, an ideal, and perhaps Bernie will end up like Trotsky: a symbol for that pure left-wing revolution that never got its chance." . . .

Leftist heartache at the upscale gym

What Sanders’ Success Tells Us: Authoritarians Are Alive In America   "Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders didn’t run away with the Super Tuesday Democratic primaries, as some thought he would, but the intemperate socialist is still a legitimate contender. While his ascent should be shocking to a nation founded on freedom, it has provided something of a public service, having drawn millions of closeted authoritarians into the open. There they can be identified, and hopefully politically marginalized.

"Much of the Vermont socialist’s popularity is due to his promise of redistributing wealth, from those who have earned it to those he believes need it more than its rightful owners. It’s played well among Democrats, who have played the politics of jealousy for decades. As the Manhattan Contrarian has said, “if you’re the party of free stuff, why shouldn’t the guy who offers the most free stuff win?”
"But Sanders also appeals to another base instinct: The desire to grind a boot on others’ necks and run their lives." . . .  

Mike Bloomberg QUITS 2020 race after disastrous Super Tuesday saying winning is 'impossible' despite spending $1 BILLION for just 44 delegates - and immediately endorses Joe Biden

"The "path forward" in politics usually means "I need an exit ramp".

UK Daily Mail   "Mike Bloomberg dramatically quit the presidential race Wednesday morning after a disastrous Super Tuesday and immediately backed Joe Biden.
The billionaire gained just 44 delegates by 10.11am, the time he announced his departure - but ran up a bill of $1 billion.
"He immediately and whole-heartedly backed Biden, the night's big winner, hinting that his vast fortune is now at the former vice-president's disposal.
"'I've always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it,' he said.
"'After yesterday's vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden. 
"'I've known Joe for a very long time. I know his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country – including gun safety, health care, climate change, and good jobs. 
"'Today I am glad to endorse him – and I will work to make him the next President of the United States.' 
"And Democrats are urging Elizabeth Warren to drop out as well after further pulling votes from both frontrunners Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders without winning any of the more than dozen states that cast their ballots.
"She was reported by NBC News to he holding talks with aides about 'the path forward,' suggesting that she too is on the brink. 
"Warren even managed to come third in her own state of Massachusetts, leaving her campaign in crisis. 
"And in yet another blow to Warren early Wednesday morning, Biden was declared winner in Maine, the last of the 14 Super Tuesday states to declare - and Warren did not even get the 15 per cent threshold to pick up delegates there. " . . .

The winner!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

An Unhinged Donna Brazile to GOP Chairwoman: 'Go to Hell'

Townhall   "Original Post: With Super Tuesday voting underway, former Interim Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Donna Brazile had some harsh words for GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on America’s Newsroom, telling McDaniel to “go to hell:”
"Brazile’s unhinged comments were in response to McDaniel discussing the prospect of a brokered DNC convention, which would likely put Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) at a disadvantage:
“ 'I don’t see anybody getting out soon, and its leaning toward a potential brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those superdelegates have their way on that second vote,” McDaniel told Sandra Smith and Ed Henry. "
"Chairwoman McDaniel’s analysis is not unfounded. Superdelegates are typically establishment figures and party leaders, and vote only on the second ballot if no candidate reaches the first-round threshold. Establishment Democrats do not favor a Sen. Sanders’ nomination, just as they did not in 2016; McDaniel got it exactly right." . . .

. . . “My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”
In other words, Brazile would have made sure that her improper disclosures — which prompted CNN to drop her as an analyst — would not show up in hacked emails published by WikiLeaks. The lesson, apparently, is to pick up the phone or perhaps meet John Podesta in a dark alleyway.
Madison hardly objected. In fact, he said CNN should have expected this kind of thing.
“The one thing folk need to understand at CNN, MSNBC and all of this: When you hire folk who are, as you say, the, you know — their responsibility is to their candidate and their party,” Madison said, “they're going to do whatever they can to win. That's just — that's the nature of the beast.”....   Read more: Washington Post

Biden and Beto bite into Whataburger while discussing campaign strategy


. . . "O'Rourke was among three former presidential contenders to endorse the former vice president at a rally in Dallas on Monday night.
"One senior and one child for here . . ."
"If you want to win in Texas, you've got to win over Whataburger Nation. That might have been the message Beto O'Rourke had for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden when the two took a dinner break at the eatery first in the hearts and minds of Texans.
"O'Rourke was among three former presidential contenders to endorse the former vice president at a rally in Dallas on Monday night.
"With only one day to pound the pavement before the Super Tuesday primary, Beto took Biden to the one spot in Texas that would give him maximum exposure: Whataburger.
"With only one day to pound the pavement before the Super Tuesday primary, Beto took Biden to the one spot in Texas that would give him maximum exposure: Whataburger.
"Seeing what this Whataburger thing is about with @BetoORourke!" Biden tweeted as his campaign live-streamed the visit on Twitter. Biden greeted and took photos with customers. Beto even shared his fries with one." . . .

Notice the large drinks; Biden being the un-Bloomberg.

The mind of Joe Biden

But you can't beat him doing push-ups.
Rich Terrell
Just as his politic prospects are rising, Joe Biden commits the ultimate gaffe
"With Joe Biden’s South Carolina victory showing that he’s still a viable candidate and with the specter of an unelectable Bernie the Red hovering over the Democrat party, the Democrat Powers That Be seem to have spoken firmly to Buttigieg and Klobuchar, both of whom abruptly dropped out of the race within 36 hours of Super Tuesday. The Democrat party is powerful. The problem is that Joe Biden’s escalating mental confusion may be more powerful still, as demonstrated by his latest, and most spectacular, gaffe." . . .
(The following four paragraphs sound like a non sequitur. They’re not. They’re leading to an important point about Biden’s failing mental state.) . . .
"At this point, Biden’s gaffe’s are legion: He often has no idea where he is, he picks fights with audience members, he insults people, he forgets what office he’s seeking, he gets confused when he tries to pander to black people, he imagines that half the country was killed by guns in the last 13 years – and that’s just the shortlist." . . .

Not just hugs: Biden swam naked in front of female Secret Service agents, walked around residence without a stitch . . . “ 'Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” wrote Kessler. “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.”
"He went on to write in his book, “First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” that because of this habit of stripping down in front of female agents to swim, and because of frequent last-minute trips to Delaware, Secret Service agents considered an assignment to Biden’s security detail to be the second worst assignment in the Secret Service after Hillary Clinton." . . .

The Only Thing Dems Have to Offer Is Fear Itself

Faced with a virus threat from foreign countries, Democrats still oppose a border wall or a travel ban. Democrats are happy for people to poop in the streets of the cities they run, adding used injection needles to the toxic mess, yet they are worried about an aggressive cold virus. Is the Left fearful over public health or simply pushing fear for political gain?
Brian C. Joondeph   "Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 inaugural address contained a phrase, remembered to this day. In the wake of the Great Depression, he told Americans,
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
"Flash forward nearly a hundred years and the American Left is pushing fear as hard as they have ever pushed anything. We have had plenty of scares since the days of FDR, including the overpopulation, acid rain, and Y2K. Some scares have changed names, from global cooling in the 1970s, only to be replaced by global warming, climate change, and now extreme weather.
"Infectious diseases invoke fear as they are a frequent movie theme, from Andromeda Strain to Contagion. We were told to fear the bird flu, SARS, MERS, and Ebola. Now we are to fear Coronavirus.
"Every election year seems to have a disease outbreak, as this tweet chronicles. Academic researchers study how these disease outbreaks influence federal elections. Is the Coronavirus outbreak on the eve of an election just a random coincidence?
"One useful rule of thumb in assessing fear and crisis is to look at those screaming loudest. When the elites who are telling us it’s a crisis actually act like it’s a crisis, then it may be worth listening to them.
"Progressive climate warriors tell us the world will end in (fill in the blank) years, yet they go merrily about their ways, flying in their high carbon footprint private jets, sailing yachts measured in the hundreds of feet, and purchasing multi-million-dollar homes along the ocean coasts. These are the same coasts they say will be under water in (fill in the blank) years due to global warming, polar melting, and rising sea levels." . . .  More...

So much for 'Coexist': Bernie Sanders and other leftists catcall Mike Pence for prayer to halt coronavirus

Monica Showalter  "With their famous reputation for 'tolerance' all out there, leftists, including the presumably vote-seeking Bernie Sanders, are mocking Vice President Mike Pence for beginning his coronavirus task force, a serious group of working government leaders tasked with keeping the infectious disease from spreading through the U.S., with a prayer.

"Here's an excellent description of just how this picture looks: . . ."
Mike Pence and his coronavirus emergency team praying for a solution. We are so screwed.

. . . "This one's interesting in that she views prayer as an either/or proposition - if you pray, you have to have a problem with "science": . . .
. . . "Lincoln also signed off on a National Day of Prayer and Fasting that was passed in Congress 157 years ago today. This is his powerfully worded proclamation:
Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.  . . .

Full article and photos here

President Trump and Coronavirus

Ian Macfarlane
Conrad Black
No matter what ravages the virus causes elsewhere, if it never gets to general municipal shutdowns in the United States, the administration will be able to claim a victory. 

"The attempt to hang coronavirus around the neck of the president is a movement that has gone from a standing start to neck-snapping speed, as opportunities to discredit Donald Trump in the American media generally do.
"He was criticized for acting early in restricting access from potentially vulnerable countries, and after for having short-changing the relevant government agencies, even though that didn’t happen. Even the brickbat-wielding Washington Post has had to make the point that, in fact, Trump increased the allocations to public health and disease control authorities. 
"The more civilized antagonists of the president start by acknowledging that many people who become infected will not even be aware of it, and among those that are diagnosed the mortality rate is around 3 percent. Given the sources for these comforting assurances, I suspect their motives are not so much to placate concern as to lower the threshold at which it may be asserted that the administration is responsible for unnecessary deaths.  
"We are already seeing the beginning of a process reminiscent of the media treatment of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-1981. “America Held Hostage” was the subtitle of ABC News’ special 11:30 p.m. features news program, and each day was an extension of American humiliation. The incidences of the virus will naturally be announced every day, with the implication that they were avoidable, and the numbers of fatalities will be presented with the implicit message that if the federal government had been more prudent, they would not have occurred. 
"When precautions taken are fully effective, the authority is usually derided for imagining a crisis and wasting money on it; when the best of precautions cannot stop a problem from happening completely, the authorities were “negligent.” The death watch has already been mounted, and any assurance from the president or his spokespeople that everything is under control and that the country is ready is dismissed out of hand as overconfidence and an effort to use boastfulness to inspire complacency. Thereafter, any incidences of the virus are cited to puncture the supposed complacency of the regime. " . . .  More...

Why the left calls good people racist (UPDATED)

And how did the CBC come up with the phony headline and story? The author himself wrote how in his piece: from Media Matters for America, a left-wing site that each day distorts or lies about what conservatives say. The author never bothered to listen to my broadcast. He took what Media Matters wrote and recycled it.
Tony Branco
Dennis Prager  "A few weeks ago, I devoted my column to an article about me published in Newsweek under the headline “Conservative Radio Host Ridicules Anne Frank.” As the full context of my comments in the video made clear, it was a lie.
"To its credit, after its editor was notified of this fact, Newsweek changed the headline and made revisions to the article and issued a correction.
"Since then, two more smears have been spread about me, one by an official at Purdue University and the other by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the major source of news in Canada.
"The Jan. 21, 2020, issue of The Exponent, the Purdue University student newspaper, published the following in a story about John Gates, Purdue’s newly appointed vice provost for diversity and inclusion: “John Gates has seen quite distinct viewpoints at Purdue, even in his first week at Purdue in early 2019. When he attended a Turning Point event that Dennis Prager spoke at, he noted that he was one of three black people in the room.
"“‘His central thesis was as follows: Diversity is bad. Every dollar spent on diversity is a dollar wasted,’ Gates said. ‘He said slavery was not bad. In fact, every civilized nation was founded in slavery, and that blacks should just be happy to be in this country. And he got a rousing ovation.'”
""A vice provost of Purdue University quoted me as saying, “slavery was not bad.”
"Needless to say, I never said anything remotely like that."
. . . 
                'Readers can fight back by contacting the president of Purdue, Mitch Daniels, at Contacts from Purdue alumni would be particularly helpful. And readers can contact the CBC through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or an email to its ombudsman: . . .

UPDATE: Does America Suffer from an 'Emotional Illness' on Race?

. . . "One witness, civil rights activist Diane Nash, delusionally claimed that America "was founded on genocide," which was an "extremely fundamental institution in our history."  She went on to state that "we look on the value of lives of Europeans and white Americans and Australians and maybe Israelis as much more valuable than the lives of people who are Asian, African, and Latin American."
"First, as an American Jew, I take issue with the loose use of the term "genocide" to describe America's founding.  The Holocaust was a genocide; Rwandans faced a genocide, as did the Armenians.  But even if you agree with Ms. Nash, what occurred 300 years ago in the Americas is not something that was foundational to our founding and is not enshrined in our Constitution today.  Today, our history books — until now, with the New York Times attempting to rewrite history with its 1619 Project — accurately portray what was done to American Indians and slaves.  Despite Nash's claims otherwise, we do in fact acknowledge our historical mistakes." . . .

Monday, March 2, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Amy Klobuchar QUITS presidential race the day before Super Tuesday and says she will endorse Joe Biden

UK Daily Mail  "Amy Klobuchar quit the presidential race Monday - and will throw her endorsement behind Joe Biden.
"The Minnesota senator quit on the eve of Super Tuesday, making her the third to leave the race in 36 hours, following billionaire Tom Steyer and former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg.
"She is the first of the three to indicate that she will endorse a rival. 
"This is a developing story, check back for updates "