Other companies also are working on treatments. The timeline for developing the drug is long, which is why people hope some company can 'take something off the shelf to treat it.Don Surber "Gilead Sciences, a biotech company, developed Remdesivir to treat Ebolae and the Marburg virus infection. It had some success against MERS and SARS. The company hopes this can work against COVID-19.
"Josh Bloom at the American Council on Science and Health reviewed it and said keep your fingers crossed.
"He wrote, "Remdesivir is a fairly potent inhibitor of corona virus replication with no obvious toxicity. It may or may not work as a pill but this is irrelevant at this time since it will probably be given IV. In another study in rhesus monkeys, data indicated that a significant concentration of the drug will be found in the blood and that an adequate quantity of the drug should be delivered to the sites where it is needed.
""Given the properties of Remdesivir as well as the desperate need for a corona virus therapy, I would estimate that the drug has at least a 50% chance of becoming the first drug to treat the virus."
"Repurposing drugs is not uncommon. Viagra was not developed for the purpose what now is its most common use.
"Andrew Joseph at STAT News explained how it works." . . .
A possible COVID-19 treatment
"Gilead Sciences, a biotech company, developed Remdesivir to treat Ebolae and the Marburg virus infection. It had some success against MERS and SARS. The company hopes this can work against COVID-19.
"Josh Bloom at the American Council on Science and Health reviewed it and said keep your fingers crossed.
"He wrote, "Remdesivir is a fairly potent inhibitor of corona virus replication with no obvious toxicity. It may or may not work as a pill but this is irrelevant at this time since it will probably be given IV. In another study in rhesus monkeys, data indicated that a significant concentration of the drug will be found in the blood and that an adequate quantity of the drug should be delivered to the sites where it is needed.
" 'Given the properties of Remdesivir as well as the desperate need for a corona virus therapy, I would estimate that the drug has at least a 50% chance of becoming the first drug to treat the virus.' " . . .