Monday, March 16, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Defeat Trump’s Reelection?

You're talkin' to the next President kid!
Rachel Alexander  "Until the coronavirus outbreak, most conservatives were pretty confident President Donald Trump would get reelected. The economy was doing great, which is a good sign an incumbent president will win reelection. But the coronavirus may change things. We may end up in a recession. 
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"As a result, the extreme measures are hurting the economy and jobs. People are staying at home and avoiding travel and entertainment. Schools are shutting down. Retirees are losing their investments in stocks. Everyone has been affected to some extent. People panicking and overloading on supplies from grocery stores are making life difficult for others who can’t get the essentials like toilet paper. 
. . . "Trump didn’t cause the coronavirus. But he is being blamed for everything in regards to handling it. He’s done an excellent job despite the naysaying from Democrats and the mainstream media. He’s taking drastic action." . . .
. . . "Joe Biden attacked Trump’s handling of the crisis, then turned around and plagiarized Trump’s plan. This comes as no surprise, since Biden has a history of plagiarism. Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for the Trump campaign, said Biden raised the “vile conspiracy theory that the President purposely allowed the coronavirus to spread.” This is dishonest considering how aggressively Trump has moved to prevent that." . . .

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