Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Is This the End of Recycling?

The Atlantic
Americans are consuming more and more stuff. Now that other countries won’t take our papers and plastics, they’re ending up in the trash.

"After decades of earnest public-information campaigns, Americans are finally recycling. Airports, malls, schools, and office buildings across the country have bins for plastic bottles and aluminum cans and newspapers. In some cities, you can be fined if inspectors discover that you haven’t recycled appropriately.
"But now much of that carefully sorted recycling is ending up in the trash.
"For decades, we were sending the bulk of our recycling to China—tons and tons of it, sent over on ships to be made into goods such as shoes and bags and new plastic products. But last year, the country restricted imports of certain recyclables, including mixed paper—magazines, office paper, junk mail—and most plastics. Waste-management companies across the country are telling towns, cities, and counties that there is no longer a market for their recycling. These municipalities have two choices: pay much higher rates to get rid of recycling, or throw it all away.
"Most are choosing the latter. “We are doing our best to be environmentally responsible, but we can’t afford it,” said Judie Milner, the city manager of Franklin, New Hampshire." . . .

Our Garbage Media in One Story

PowerLine  "We noted here a couple days ago how the New York Times actually appeared to be reporting the truth about congressional Democrats for a change. Well, it didn’t last long, as this progression makes clear. They must have got the memo from Nancy." . . .

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Democrats Are Really Bad People

"You’d think there would be a revolt, that enough Democrats, or at least some, would stand up to Pelosi and Schumer. You’d be wrong. They are in unison; they are one – a hive mind."
Der Schumerglower
Derek Hunter  . . . "The shame that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Murphy, and all the rest should feel (but don’t) must never be forgotten, and they should never be allowed to hide from it. Saving the economy of the United States from collapse is not the venue to insist on “Green” agenda items and payoffs to unions. Yet these piles of human garbage are counting on a few things they know will give them cover in order to play this game of Russian Roulette…with the gun to the heads of Americans." . . .
. . . "Second, they have accomplices in the media willing to lie for them. Since most people simply consume news the way an ant consumes a discarded candy bar, they have no idea they’re being lied to or only told part of the story. That a Rachel Maddow or Margaret Sullivan are demanding networks stop carrying President Trump’s daily Coronavirus Task Force’s briefings won’t register will the public because most of the public has no idea who those people are. And if the briefings disappear, the assumption will be they’ve stopped. They won’t know how progressive activists with press credentials pressured them to aid the Democratic Party, killing the dissemination of information because it made the President look too good, too in command." . . . 

Republicans vs Democrats and their media

This is journalism or propaganda?

Democrats and Schumer surrendering on Senate coronavirus stimulus bill
. . . "Shanghai Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and the Democrats have given way on more than several budget proposals they tried to include in the bill that had nothing to do with the virus." . . .

Democrats kill coronavirus relief package and New York Times editorial board 
blames Republicans   . . . "Well, that's what the New York Times editorial board said. Maybe someone needs to explain it to them.
“The Coronavirus Bailout Stalled. And It’s Mitch McConnell’s Fault,” declares the board's headline. The subhead adds, “Senate Republicans are blocking passage of an economic bailout plan that protects jobs and wages.”
"Democrats put partisan politics ahead of efforts to halt the coronavirus pandemic and prevent the collapse of the U.S. economy. This isn't hard to understand unless you don't want to." . . .
CNN and MSNBC will savor this tonight!
• Nullifies the White House executive orders on federal collective bargaining and codifies taxpayer-funded union official time.
• Requires a labor union representative on every airline’s board of directors.
• Multiemployer pension bailout lacking needed reforms.
• Permanently raises the minimum wage to $15 for any business that receives federal aid for COVID-19.
• Cancels all debt owed by the U.S. Postal Service to the Treasury.
Under the heading “Green New Deal priorities”:• Requires all airlines that receive assistance to offset carbon emissions for domestic flights by 2025.
• Includes a $1 billion “cash for clunkers” airplane program where the Transportation Department buys fuel-inefficient planes from airlines in exchange for agreeing to buy new ones.
• Includes expansive new tax-credit for solar and wind energy.
Much more here including, but not limited to:
• Would allow certain funding to go to sanctuary cities.• Permanent expansion of Obamacare entitlement, “putting the American taxpayer on the hook for endless and unchecked health insurance spending and would remove all incentives for insurers to reduce the cost of health insurance.”

The Media Lied About A Tragic Poisoning To Vilify Trump

At least some outlets had the decency to correct their error.
We have deleted this tweet and corrected our story because it did not reflect the full nature of the self-medication done with an additive commonly used to clean fish tanks.

The Federalist   "Over the past week President Donald Trump and others have touted the promise of certain anti-malarial drugs to potentially help treat victims of the Chinese virus. Among those drugs is chloroquine.
"This week an elderly couple consumed chloroquine phosphate (not the same thing) contained in a fish tank cleaning product. The husband died, the wife went to the ICU. So what did the media do? What do they always do? They blamed Trump.
"Neither chloroquine nor chloroquine phosphate is something the president suggested people should start to consume on their own, and they aren’t even the same compound. What Trump said, which is true, is that there have been positive studies on chloroquine, and we need to ramp up more testing fast. But that didn’t stop headlines and tweets like this one from Buzzfeed.

A man died after taking chloroquine phosphate, the drug Trump's touted as a potential COVID-19 treatment, via a fish tank additive. His wife is in critical, but stable condition, Banner Health said, imploring people not to self medicate

. . .
 "This latest bit of fictional outrage porn is particularly vile, as Americans need to come together to fight this virus. But just like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats trying to use the outbreak for political gain, the media is using it to smear Trump. The good news is, so far they are failing badly."

Nancy Pelosi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Decision To Hold The Country Hostage; Sen. Cotton video

First this: Pelosi’s Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Mentions ‘Diversity’ 32 Times

1,100-page bill would force all corporations receiving aid to fund 'inclusion initiatives' for at least 5 years

McConnell was absent from early negotiations, providing zero cover while Mnuchin, a former Democrat with a bipartisan reputation as a terrible negotiator, surrendered on the president’s asks. The president himself fluctuated between defensive and tired, giving an Oval Office address that was so poorly received he rebooted his communication strategy.
The Federalist
"This is not an emergency virus bill. It is a Democratic election wish list, at a time hundreds are dying, thousands are losing their businesses, and millions are out of work in the United States." 

"The weekend began with a bipartisan plan. People were hopeful. Outside of Washington, business owners told The Federalist they finally saw light in all the darkness. They thought they’d be able to hire their employees back again. These are employees who have families, mortgages, and lives; people who have never once asked for public assistance and never thought they’d have to.
"The mood in Washington was optimistic as well. “We’re having good bipartisan agreements,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told CNN Saturday, predicting a Monday passage of their plan. “The initial bill Leader [Mitch] McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi because the House still has to pass this, but actually, to my delight and surprise, there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
" 'On Sunday, Schumer met four times with Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin to continue negotiations.
"And then Pelosi came back to town from her week-long vacation and announced the rare, rare bipartisan cooperation the country had seen in the Senate would end with her — and election politics would begin.
" 'Oh, I don’t know about Monday but we are still talking,” she said Sunday evening. “It’s on the Senate side now because that’s their deadline for a vote but we’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it’ll be compatible with that they discussed on the Senate.”
"It was difficult to guess how she’d do this with the House in recess, but on Monday her office miraculously introduced a 1,400-page bill. Miraculous, until it became clear she’d simply unloaded the Democratic Party’s election platform into a bill intended to save Americans from bankruptcy and death in the face of a global pandemic.
" 'The list of unrelated provisions is truly incredible. Pelosi’s emergency virus bill includes “collective bargaining… for federal workers,” a federal “study on climate mitigation efforts,” tax credits for wind and solar energy, and demands that the airlines involved buy carbon credits “to fully offset [their] annual carbon emissions.” It includes “same day [voter] registration,” national early voting and “grants for conducting” election audits." . . .

Tom Cotton Outlines Nancy Pelosi Emergency Relief Scheme…

Journey to Surrealville: What's really fueling Pelosi's shutdown of America's relief package?

— California's Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and Washington's Gov. Jay Inslee — three lefti-est of lefties — who have nothing but praise these days for President Trump?  How could they betray Democratic moneybags financing sources such as Google and Facebook and even Walmart, which have done so much good as their part of the collective effort?
Political Cartoons by AF Branco
Monica Showalter  "After days of unusual comity between Republicans and Democrats in the coronavirus crisis, the big congressional economic aid package to help hospitals, laid off workers, and battered small businesses all came crashing down as Nancy Pelosi jetted in from vacation, blocking the set-to-go bill over the weekend.  In place of that, she came up with a 1,400-nightmare political goody bag for the left — everything from ballot-harvesting to corporate diversity requirements to greenie airline regulations to a $15 minimum wage and a lot of other horrors — attempting to slip through the entire panoply of laws her party wants to enact but can't get passed.
"It was Pelosi's and other Democrats' doing, all right — just look at how the New York Times changed its headline sequence, first putting out the facts about Democrat road-blocking, then, likely after some Pelosian phone calls, softening the blame, and then declaring the whole thing a bipartisan morass.  Yeah, sure. 
"It's an outrage.  It's a mistake.  It's likely to get them thrown out for good from both the House and Senate come November.  As Roger Simon noted in his excellent piece, they're using a pandemic for political aims, suggesting they have no limits on how far they'll go to use any crisis for political gains.  They'd do the same in a nuclear attack, he points out, because they are that far gone.  Christopher Bedford at the Federalist has an excellent piece, too.
"Not surprisingly, Twitter hashtags such as #PelosiHatesAmericans and #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica are leading trends on Twitter.  It's a sign that this is going to leave a mark on Democrats and isn't going down well.  Nurses need some decent masks right now.  Coronavirus patients need ventilators.  Small businesses need a lifeline.  Airlines and cruise ships need a lifeline, and yes, they are big corporations...that hire hundreds of thousands of workers.  American workers have seen $1,200 checks dangled in front of them...and are now seeing them pulled away from them like Lucy's football.

See the source image
Pelosi Jr.
"Not a biggie to Nancy Pelosi, who, after all, has called thousand-dollar checks to workers "crumbs." . . .

Looks like the Nancy we see on the news is the same Nancy at 
home with her family:
Vile: Nancy Pelosi's daughter Christine endorses felony assault on Rand Paul

. . . The context of the sick tweet, according to Fox News, was someone stating that Sen. Mitt Romney, upon hearing of Paul's illness, decided to self-quarantine after hearing about Paul's misfortune in order to protect his wife, who has a medical condition that leaves her especially vulnerable.

"Instead of cheering Romney, which would have been a reasonable person's response, she decided to go low, lower than a dirt bug or beetle grub, by bringing up the violent 2017 assault on Paul by a hate-crazed neighbor, whose attack left Paul with five broken ribs and the loss of part of his lung — in order to cheer the criminal.  And this, right at the time when Paul is now afflicted by the coronavirus." . . .

Dems on a Death Trip as They Play Politics in a Pandemic

Roger Simon  "The Democrats are as addicted to politics, their version anyway, as a junkie in a homeless camp is to crack or meth.
"It’s as if they mainlined Rahm Emanuel’s neo-Leninist apothegm—“You never let a serious crisis go to waste”—straight to their Vena Cavas and can’t get enough of it.
" 'Now, that includes in a pandemic! What next? Nuclear war? Think of the possibilities! You could ask for almost anything—assuming there’s anybody left to ask.
"But Rahm’s watchwords (echoed recently by Rep. James Clyburn), it’s safe to predict, will prove to be a curse to himself and his party rather than anything to live (or die) by.
"When America’s most famously measured moderate—Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine—is angrily calling you out, you should know you’re in serious trouble!
"But the Dems don’t seem to be listening, at least as of this writing, and remain determined to squeeze every molecule of advantage while the nation and its healthcare professionals suffer. They also risk fully tanking the U.S. economy and affecting the welfare of its citizens for years.
. . . 
Example: Apparently one of the Dems’ demands was that airlines knuckle under to their carbon foot print strictures—this from the paleo-hypocrites who fly around endlessly in private jets. Who could’ve predicted it? (HINT: anyone breathing)
"That the airlines could go bankrupt means little to them (until they need to go some place)." . . .

Monday, March 23, 2020

Tom Cotton Unleashes a Brutal Thread Showing Exactly What Democrats Are Doing

RedState  "With Democrats choosing to filibuster the Wuhan virus relief bill, the Senate is now left in limbo. Because of the games Democrats have played, it will require unanimous consent to even bring it up for a vote again before the end of the week. In other words, lives are about to be lost because the left wants to shove a bunch of unrelated, partisan junk into an emergency funding bill to try to snipe at President Trump.
"Just how bad is Pelosi’s new bill? T0m Cotton lays out a brutal thread showing just how insane their demands are." . . .
"Families and businesses need help now to survive the China virus pandemic. But @SpeakerPelosi walked away from negotiations to write her own bill, full of absurd provisions completely unrelated to the crisis at hand. Here’s what Speaker Pelosi is demanding while Americans suffer: . . ."Read the full article
(see Democrats Decide Getting the Orange Man Is More Important than Saving Lives)

Democrats Once Again Defeat Procedural Vote on Coronavirus Bill  . . . "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi drafted her own bill, which is over 1400 pages last I saw on Twitter.

It is filled with pork that has nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic. I will have a post on it." . . . Full article

Senior GOP Sources: Pelosi and Schumer Making Non-Coronavirus-Related Demands While Holding Up Relief Bill

Guy Benson  "I'd call this unbelievable, but is it?  On Sunday evening, Senate Democrats filibustered a bill designed to provide immediate relief to American workers and businesses, in the midst of a global pandemic and its resulting economic stoppage.  The upper chamber worked through the weekend to hammer out a legislative outline, on a bipartisan basis.  Ideas from both parties were put into the plan, leading to an agreement in principle on a broad framework.  Then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived back in town and announced that she would torpedo the bill, then her Senate counterparts abandoned it. 

"They blamed a "slush fund" for corporations.  Republicans dispute this claim -- but even setting it aside, the bulk of the bill was bipartisan (Schumer himself hailed the bipartisanship over the weekend) and contained: (1) Direct checks to American workers, (2) hundreds of billions in loans to small businesses, and (3) aid to hospitals.  Yet the hastily-cobbled-together Democratic talking points pretended as if these consensus provisions had been gutted in favor of a secret corporate giveaway, with no safeguards or strings.  This was a fabrication and a wild mischaracterization of reality:. . . 

As previously reported, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came back to Washington D.C. last night after a week long recess and blew up days of emergency relief work done by the Senate. She wants to write her own far left bill and now we know what will be in it. 
 All Hell Broke Loose: Why Schumer Blocked Collins From Speaking on Wuhan Coronavirus Bailout Bill Today  "Folks, this was done to tank the markets. This was done to resist President Trump. This was done to screw over the American worker. The Senate has a $1.6 trillion Wuhan coronavirus bailout package that Democrats co-wrote. They filibustered it on Sunday night. We all know why they’re doing this. This isn’t a secret. The Dow Jones is down some 600 points as we speak and now, they’re trying to logroll stuff that is unrelated to this pandemic. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said this move is to shift the economic agenda more to the progressive Left’s vision. Guy wrote up the laundry list the left wants right now. And now, as Cortney wrote, they blocked the bailout package again. They hope to have a deal by the end of the day (via Politico): . . .

An honorable Senator Kennedy said on the floor what many of us are thinking.
"Do you know what the American people are thinking right now? They’re thinking that the brain is an amazing organ. It starts working in a mother’s womb, and it doesn’t stop working until you get elected to Congress," Kennedy quipped. "Do you know what the American people are thinking right now, Mr. President? They’re thinking that this country was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by a bunch of idiots. Do you know what the American people are thinking right now, Mr. President? They’re thinking why do the members of the United States Senate continue to double down on stupid?". . . 

. . . "I’d like to see Senate Democrats tell New York City doctors and nurses, who are literally overrun as we speak, that they’re filibustering hospital funding and more masks because they want to argue with the airlines over their carbon footprint? I’d like to see Senate Democrats tell small business employees in their states who are literally being laid off every day that they’re filibustering relief that will keep people on the payroll because Democrats’ special interest friends want to squeeze employers while they’re vulnerable." . . .

Where's Joe: Biden still missing days after that promise of daily briefings

Monica Showalter  "Where's Joe Biden? 
"After promising us he'd play pretend-president with daily briefings about the coronavirus crisis, blasting yet also plagiarizing President Trump, who's showing himself to be a stellar crisis president, Biden's now weirdly missing from any public appearances.
"Which doesn't exactly sound like the captain you'd want in a storm. The latest excuse coming from his team is that it's all due to "lighting issues" which presumably might make his Hollywood smile look less bright to voters on camera. 
"Biden's team has leaked to reporters that their man was back home in Wilmington trying to get the lighting right for his big cavalcade of upcoming play-president events, and well, they're still working on it. He didn't have any problems with lighting before, the twitterati pointed out, and the argument has brought out tweets of his luxury digs in Delaware, highlighting that public office has made Biden a very rich man indeed. Biden's last lost-in-space speech came against a black backdrop and two flags, and was, according to some " . . .reports, in any case done at his house." . . . 

On Sunday, Jake Tapper stood in for America’s biased media conglomerate

Now Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus and spreading misinformation about the Trump Administration's efforts to protect the American people.
Andrea Widburg  "Once upon a time, Jake Tapper, although leaning left, was a reasonably balanced reporter. The Trump years, however, have destroyed his ability to separate fact from opinion. Now, he’s as bad as any other mainstream media reporter. And if you doubt that statement, you only need to look at his conduct on Sunday, when he allowed himself to be used twice as a conduit for incorrect, left-leaning material.
"It started early in the morning when Tapper interviewed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the avatar of the modern Democrat Party, about New York’s shortage of masks and ventilators. During the interview, Ocasio-Cortez repeated the Politico lie that President Trump called coronavirus a “hoax.” As the video shows, though, what Trump said was that the hoax was the media’s politicized attacks against him through the vehicle of the coronavirus, just as they attacked him about Russia and Ukraine.
"When Ocasio-Cortez repeated this debunked lie, Tapper sat there, blinking like moronically, saying nothing:

Shame on you, Jake:
AOC just repeated the lie that President Trump called coronavirus a "hoax." This is not true, and has been debunked by numerous fact checking sources. This would've been a great time for a fact check,
@jaketapper ...
"Politico published an article claiming President Donald Trump called the novel coronavirus a “hoax” at his Feb. 28 campaign rally in South Carolina.
. . . 
“Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,'” reads the headline.
"Verdict: False
"Trump referred to the alleged “politicizing” of the coronavirus by Democrats as “their new hoax.” He did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax. Throughout the speech, Trump reiterates his administration is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously.
"Fact Check:
"Politico appears to misconstrue the subject of the president’s statement, claiming that Trump “tried to cast the global outbreak of the coronavirus as a liberal conspiracy intended to undermine his first term.” But an examination of the video and transcript show Trump actually described Democratic complaints about his handling of the virus threat as “their new hoax.”
“ 'We have exposed the far left’s corruption and defeated their sinister schemes and let’s see what happens in the coming months,” Trump said during the rally. “Let’s watch. Let’s just watch. Very dishonest people. Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it.' ” . . .

Dana Milbank, a Washington Post syndicated columnist, outright claimed Trump called the disease a "hoax."