Friday, March 27, 2020

President Trump: polarizing, abrasive, bombastic, and loved by many
How a strong anti-Trump Democrat newspaper sees this President: As the coronavirus rages, Americans’ views of President Trump have risen slightly to reach record highs, polls show. But he remains polarizing.
The left publishes anti-Trump screeds against this President and they say he's "polarizing"?
When we hear the term "fake news". this is what such forms of "journalism" are like:
'Morning Joe' repeatedly plays anti-Trump ad with claim rated false by fact-checkers

MSNBC anchor surprised by Trump's high approval ratings: People see him as a leader 'no matter what he says'   "MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell seemed surprised on Wednesday that Americans are viewing President Trump as a leader given the way he has handled the coronavirus pandemic." . . .

MSNBC Host Reveals Her Biggest Fear About the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
. . . "But even with all of this, the response from the Trump White House has been favorable, with 60 percent of Independents and over a quarter of Democrats giving this administration props for their guidelines in fighting the disease and containing the spread. And yes, this was MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell’s biggest fear—not the butcher’s bill from the Wuhan virus; the spike in Trump’s approval ratings. Newsbusters has more:" . . .

Lifelong Democrat Has Change of Heart After Pelosi’s Handling of the Stimulus Bill

After Lifelong Dem Attends NH Trump Rally She Declares “Democrats Have an A**-Kicking Coming in November”  . . . "I want to introduce you to a really brave and amazing lady.
"Her name is Dr. Karlyn Borysenko and she’s a young New Hampshire psychologist who, up until a few nights ago, was a rabid member of the anti-Trump #Resistance:
You see, I was one of those Democrats who considered anyone who voted for Trump a racist. I thought they were horrible (yes, even deplorable) and worked very hard to eliminate their voices from my spaces by unfriending or blocking people who spoke about their support of him, however minor their comments. I watched a lot of MSNBC, was convinced that everything he had done was horrible, that he hated anyone who wasn’t a straight white man, and that he had no redeeming qualities.
"But after attending a New Hampshire Trump rally, she has a whole new outlook." . . .
Let's hope she can stand up under what the left has coming for her.

Analyzing America  "Dr. Karlyn Borysenko said, “I have never voted for someone who was not a democrat in my life.”
"She continued, “That streak will end in November.”
"“The Senate Republicans’ bill put corporations first, not workers & families,” she said in a tweet Monday.
" “Today, @HouseDemocrats will unveil a bill that takes responsibility for the health, wages & well-being of America’s workers: the Take Responsibility for Workers & Families Act.”
"She continued, “I’m beyond angry about what they are doing. This is not about the well-being of workers. This is taking advantage of a crisis. It’s unconscionable. I can’t wait for them to lose.”
“I think the Democrats have an a—kicking coming to them in November, and I think most of them will be utterly shocked when it happens, because they’re existing in an echo chamber that is not reflective of the broader reality,” wrote Borysenko.
"“I hope it’s a wake-up call that causes them to take a long look in the mirror and really ask themselves how they got here. Maybe then they’ll start listening. I tend to doubt it, but I can hope.' ” . . .

Org psychologist. Author. Coach. Speaker.
. Contributor & . Compulsive knitter. Accidental political commentator.

Trump’s Coronavirus Response Is Foiling His Enemies

Conrad Black
The president is already unlimbering the economic guns and starting to spike the dreams of those who hope that the economic consequences of the anti-coronavirus measures will lose the administration its reelection.

"The political aspect of the coronavirus crisis is developing in a familiar way. The president’s enemies in the media have led the propagation of panic in the country, and have been given enough encouragement to do that from the scientific community, some of whose members are enjoying their 15 minutes of world fame a little more than is seemly.
"Trump’s opponents are thus able to swaddle themselves in the legitimacy of science as they hurl their brickbats at the president. As is his custom, the president has given his opponents plenty of ammunition by speaking constantly, leaving a rich trove of contradictory, and in some cases, it turns out after a few days, absurd reflections on the medical and related problems as they unfold.
"As is also the well-established custom, his enemies cannot resist embellishing and fabricating. The claim he had disbanded the pandemic response section of the National Security Council is false, as are suggestions that he has ignored or overruled scientific opinion.
"The assault on the president’s credibility as an enunciator of facts has had some success, partly because there is some reason to question his attention to facts and partly because he is routinely smeared by his media enemies.
"Meantime, the dishonesty of the media is reaffirmed almost daily. The president has made an effort to avoid partisanship and has worked well with Democratic governors, even those with whom he enjoys a relationship of intense reciprocal dislike, including Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gavin Newsom of California, and Jay Inslee of Washington. He has also made a reasonable effort to conduct daily press briefings with civility; those efforts are not always requited, and some of the journalists routinely withhold the respect due the office." . . .

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Trump’s Strategic Foresight Is Being Put to the Test

Victor Davis Hanson
Such foresight can also remind the nation never again to outsource key industries to China, and not to listen to those who always predict catastrophe in bleak times, only to later take credit for others’ victories.

"The ancient Greeks believed that true leadership in a crisis came down to what they called pronoia — the Greek word for “strategic foresight.”
. . . 
“Foresight” in crisis means sizing up a nation’s assets and debits, then maximizing advantages and minimizing liabilities. The leader with foresight, especially in times of irrational despair, then charts a rational pathway to victory.
“Foresight” in crisis means sizing up a nation’s assets and debits, then maximizing advantages and minimizing liabilities. The leader with foresight, especially in times of irrational despair, then charts a rational pathway to victory." . . .
. . . 
"During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln knew the overwhelming advantages of the Union could eventually defeat the South, but only if he could hold the nation together through disasters such as the battles of Bull Run and Chancellorsville, and only once he found brilliant generals such as Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant.
. . . 
"Such foresight can also remind the nation never again to outsource key industries to China, and not to listen to those who always predict catastrophe in bleak times, only to later take credit for others’ victories." . . .

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Warns She May Singlehandedly Delay Coronavirus Relief, Force In-Person Vote

Any member who decides not to participate in that voice vote could — as Ocasio-Cortez seems to be planning — force the dreaded, in-person roll call vote.
 Daily Wire  "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Twitter Wednesday to chastize the Senate for a proposed plan to recess immediately after voting to pass a massive, $2 trillion coronavirus relief package, but privately, CNN reports, the Democratic socialist threatened to hold up coronavirus relief herself by forcing her House colleagues to return to Washington, D.C., to vote on the measure in person.
“ 'The Senate might ADJOURN FOR A MONTH after this bill?” Ocasio-Cortez whined on social media, after discovering, from CNN, that the Senate plans to adjourn after passing coronavirus relief Wednesday. “This is completely dangerous and unacceptable. We HAVE to be able to respond to people’s needs. People don’t have this time. Even IF the Senate can even return on the 20th (big IF) that may not be enough time to solve May.” . . .

AOC's handlers are giving this girl a lot to do.

The Atlantic raises eyebrows after urging Biden to simply 'stay alive' to defeat Trump

Fox News  "A piece published in The Atlantic made the argument this week that the "idea" of former Vice President Joe Biden is enough to defeat President Trump in November and that in order to do so, Biden would simply have to "stay alive."
" 'Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal presence," Atlantic contributing writer Alex Wagner wrote on Tuesday in a piece titled "Stay Alive, Joe Biden."
"Wagner suggested that Democratic voters are so eager to oust Trump that Biden's ongoing campaign has less weight than his decades-old familiarity.
" 'Voters seem to have coalesced around Biden for his past -- who they have known him to be for the past four decades in American politics -- rather than for anything in his present. It’s as if Biden exists primarily as an idea, rather than an actual candidate," Wagner wrote. "Democrats have chosen Biden as their vessel for Trump’s defeat, and that choice is the entire point: The vanquishing matters more than anything else."
"She went on to make the case that the coronavirus effect on the 2020 election shouldn't weaken Biden's campaign as long as his team keeps the former vice president "alive in the American imagination.' "

Costco Just Told Hoarders What They Can Do With All Their Excess Toilet Paper

Well, that was their plan all along.

Victoria Taft

. . . "Mocking toilet paper hoarders was encouraged by the likes of Twitter user Jeannie Warner, who said, "Let us all keep up the mockery and ridicule of toilet paper hoarders."
"Behold those amazing toilet paper wigs worn by "post coronavirus males displaying their hunter-gatherer prowess in order to attract mates."
"It actually got a little creepy. "Propagandopolis" noted that it reminded him of the scolds who went after hoarders during WWII using posters like this that said, "Hoarder — shame on you!"
"People publicly mocked others. This person, "Methy Anne," noted that not only the back of this pick up was loaded with toilet paper but it was also driven by a Trump supporter. Someone with the name "Methy" probably should stay in her lane. Just a thought." . . .

Senate Passes Coronavirus Bill, Proving Pelosi Gambled With Americans' Lives and Lost*

"We can only hope that when November comes around and this is all a distant memory, people can summon up the sense of revulsion they must feel now against the morally bankrupt, opportunistic Democrats and vote accordingly.Andrea Widburgbelow
Pelosi Caves  . . . "One can only imagine how bad the Democrats’ polling must have been to cause such a hasty retreat. The Democrats had no one behind them except their most extremist supporters, like the New York Times."

After first lying about her corrupt bill, Pelosi has finally agreed to abandon it
. . . "If the coronavirus had hit America with a Democrat in the White House and a Democrat majority in Congress, by Monday's end, a new law would have
  • raised the federal minimum wage to $15,
  • subsidized student loan debt,
  • provided more funds for PBS,
  • funded the IRS and the Postal Service,
  • mandated race and gender diversity for corporate boards,
  • implemented same-day voter registration, and
  • required airplanes to be carbon neutral in five years,
"as well as a host of other initiatives pandering to social justice, environmental, and union concerns — and all of it would ostensibly have been done to protect American workers from the coronavirus's ravages on the economy." . . .

*Senate Passes Coronavirus Bill, Proving Pelosi Gambled With Americans' Lives and Lost  . . . " 'Don’t treat this bill like a partisan Christmas list," Cruz added. He noted that he'd love to abolish the IRS, but he isn't submitting amendments to every spending bill to get his pet project in there." . . .
. . . "Americans should not soon forget that while Republicans rushed to act, Schumer and Pelosi blocked the bill, wasted precious time, and tried to ram their Christmas wish-list items down the throats of Americans in the middle of a crisis."
CNN still loves you, Democrats.
Image by Timothy Bishop

We know Biden has roaming hands, but how far have they roamed?

Andrea Widburg  "Before you even begin to read this post, remember what Hillary Clinton, the voice of the left in 2015, said about sexual assault allegations: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.” With that fixed in your mind, it’s time to talk about Joe Biden.
"The #MeToo movement in America reached its crescendo in 2017. The diminuendo phase happened soon after, when it seemed as if every Democrat man in America, especially in Hollywood and the media, had been playing fast and loose with women, even while pandering to feminists.
"Up until spring 2019, when he began his presidential run, Joe Biden seemed immune. That was when, Lucy Flores, a Bernie Sanders supporter, claimed that, in 2014, when he was still Vice President, Joe Biden touched her inappropriately and kissed her head at a campaign rally. In other words, she claimed that he did to her what he did to the women and girls in this video: . . .

"Biden denied the accusation. And because Biden seemed like the best hope to beat President Trump, he got a pass. (Recall that, back in 1998, feminist reporter Nina Burleigh said of Clinton, “I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.” Politics before principles....)" . . .   Full article

We'll see if this turns out to be true or if Joe is getting the Kavanaugh treatment. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How Do We Flatten the Curve on Panic?

 Ann Coulter  . . . "Only coronavirus deaths are considered newsworthy.
"We’re told by the “Quarantine Everybody” crowd: Listen to the scientists! Unfortunately, most of the “scientists” they present to us are lawyers. (How did Robert Reich, Donna Shalala and Ron Klain become medical professionals?)
"Also, the scientists disagree.
"Just as, I assume, they did in 1976, when epidemiologists warned of another 1918 Spanish flu pandemic after a few young Army recruits died of swine flu at Fort Dix in New Jersey. Eight months later, the federal government launched a mandatory swine flu vaccination program.
"About a quarter of the country was vaccinated before the program was abruptly shut down. No pandemic had materialized. The virus infected a few people, then vanished. But directly as a result of receiving the vaccine, dozens of Americans died and several hundred acquired Guillain-Barre syndrome." . . .

. . . 

. . . "Playwright Arthur Miller once told a story about a geologist who remarked that life was possible even in the vast American desert. All you needed was water, he said, and the largest reservoir on the globe was located right under the Rockies.
"But how would he get it?
"Simple -- drop a couple of atomic bombs.
"But what about the fallout?
""Oh," said the geologist, "that's not my field."
"Today, the epidemiologists are prepared to nuke the entire American economy to kill a virus.
"What about the jobs, the suicides, the heart attacks, the lost careers, the destruction of America’s wealth?

"Oh, that's not my field."

Corporate America Butts Into Women’s Soccer Suit, Shuts Out Truth-Telling

Issues & Insights  . . . "Cue the sponsors’ outrage. Volkswagen, Budweiser and Procter & Gamble protested. Visa demanded a meeting. Deloitte declared itself “deeply offended.” And from Coke: “unacceptable and offensive.”
"Seriously? Since when is pointing out simple facts in a legal brief “unacceptable and offensive?”
"Because the elevated skill and level of competition in men’s play are indeed simple – and
indisputable – facts.
"Put aside the proof point that the U.S. women lost to a 15-and-under boys developmental squad in 2017. After all, when the same happened in Australia, the predictable excuse was that top players were out and the women treated it as a practice.
"But who won isn’t the point – it’s the rationale for the matches: “The Matildas often practice against high school-aged boys because they cannot find enough high-quality female competition to sharpen them for international competition.”
"Got that? Top women pros scrimmage against still-growing adolescent males to stretch toward the mere lads’ power, speed and athleticism – and because there are just too few of them." . . .

From July 2019: Women’s Soccer: Ugly Americans Keep Outdoing Themselves  
 Classless is the best word to describe Megan Rapinoe and her arrogant teammates on the U.S. Women’s Soccer team.
. . . Cue the sponsors’ outrage. Volkswagen, Budweiser and Procter & Gamble protested. Visa demanded a meeting. Deloitte declared itself “deeply offended.” And from Coke:
“unacceptable and offensive.”
     'Seriously? Since when is pointing out simple facts in a legal brief “unacceptable and offensive?”
"Because the elevated skill and level of competition in men’s play are indeed simple – and indisputable – facts.
"Put aside the proof point that the U.S. women lost to a 15-and-under boys developmental squad in 2017. After all, when the same happened in Australia, the predictable excuse was that top players were out and the women treated it as a practice.
"But who won isn’t the point – it’s the rationale for the matches: “The Matildas often practice against high school-aged boys because they cannot find enough high-quality female competition to sharpen them for international competition.”
"Got that? Top women pros scrimmage against still-growing adolescent males to stretch toward the mere lads’ power, speed and athleticism – and because there are just too few of them." . . .

Look at me, world! TV talk shows, here I come!

How do you solve a problem like Pelosi?

"One has to look no further than Pelosi’s daughter, Christine, to know how the family operates. The younger Ms. Pelosi proudly asserted that Rand Paul’s neighbor was right to attack him and Paul lost part of his lung to that attack."  Patricia McCarthy
How do you solve a problem like Pelosi?  . . . "So when it seemed that Sen. Schumer was reaching a deal with the Republicans on a rescue bill for the millions suddenly out of work due to the shutdown of nearly all businesses, she rushed in to ruin the day.  She is a one-woman terminator and there is not one Democrat in Congress who has the guts to stand up to her.  Every one of them cowers rather than invite her wrath.   She must have a little black book with the goods on each of them.  They are cowards all and probably crooks as well.  Surely Adam Schiff fills that bill." . . .

After first lying about her corrupt bill, Pelosi has finally agreed to abandon it . . . "When Bash politely expressed some mild concerns, Pelosi got so flustered that she advanced multiple thoughts without finishing a single one and without explaining coherently why any of her leftist boondoggles deserved to go forward:"... Pelosi's stammering video with Bash. From CNN of all places!

One can only imagine how bad the Democrats’ polling must have been to cause such a hasty retreat.

The Dems are the Virus Threatening America  . . . "Americans want relief from the Chinese Wuhan virus and Pelosi offers them nothing but Green New Deal pork and carve-outs to key Democratic constituencies." . . .

Even a Green New Deal author thinks Nancy Pelosi's emissions demands in coronavirus stimulus are 'ridiculous  . . . “ 'I helped write the #GreenNewDeal and I think this is ridiculous,” Chakrabarti wrote on Twitter. “The tiny little emissions standard increase doesn’t even do anything meaningful to stave off climate change and gives the @GOP leverage to get rid of real help for working people. Solve the problem at hand." . . .

Political Malpractice