The left publishes anti-Trump screeds against this President and they say he's "polarizing"?
When we hear the term "fake news". this is what such forms of "journalism" are like:
'Morning Joe' repeatedly plays anti-Trump ad with claim rated false by fact-checkers
MSNBC anchor surprised by Trump's high approval ratings: People see him as a leader 'no matter what he says' "MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell seemed surprised on Wednesday that Americans are viewing President Trump as a leader given the way he has handled the coronavirus pandemic." . . .
MSNBC Host Reveals Her Biggest Fear About the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
. . . "But even with all of this, the response from the Trump White House has been favorable, with 60 percent of Independents and over a quarter of Democrats giving this administration props for their guidelines in fighting the disease and containing the spread. And yes, this was MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell’s biggest fear—not the butcher’s bill from the Wuhan virus; the spike in Trump’s approval ratings. Newsbusters has more:" . . .