Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Atlantic raises eyebrows after urging Biden to simply 'stay alive' to defeat Trump

Fox News  "A piece published in The Atlantic made the argument this week that the "idea" of former Vice President Joe Biden is enough to defeat President Trump in November and that in order to do so, Biden would simply have to "stay alive."
" 'Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal presence," Atlantic contributing writer Alex Wagner wrote on Tuesday in a piece titled "Stay Alive, Joe Biden."
"Wagner suggested that Democratic voters are so eager to oust Trump that Biden's ongoing campaign has less weight than his decades-old familiarity.
" 'Voters seem to have coalesced around Biden for his past -- who they have known him to be for the past four decades in American politics -- rather than for anything in his present. It’s as if Biden exists primarily as an idea, rather than an actual candidate," Wagner wrote. "Democrats have chosen Biden as their vessel for Trump’s defeat, and that choice is the entire point: The vanquishing matters more than anything else."
"She went on to make the case that the coronavirus effect on the 2020 election shouldn't weaken Biden's campaign as long as his team keeps the former vice president "alive in the American imagination.' "

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