Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The price of electing Democrats: “Operation Gridlock” Locks Down Lansing (MI) To Protest Whitmer’s Shutdown Overreach

Legal Insurrection
“ "the lineup of cars for the protest extended for miles outside of Lansing'”

"Rebellion was bound to happen in Michigan. The governor there is issuing decrees that make no sense and appear to attempt to take from the people all control of their lives.
"This is a losing strategy in America, with our long tradition of freedom and liberty, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer is likely watching her chance to be Joe Biden’s VP disappear as her diktats have enraged the population of her state.
"Yesterday, Mary wrote about the planned “Operation Gridlock” to jam Lansing with vehicles in protest of Whitmer’s overreach.
"The protest was a resounding success, with cars lined up for miles." . . .

"Not to be outdone, the Governor of Michigan has oredered some of the dumbest restrictions like banning people from buying seeds for a garden and gardening supplies. "In a time where people should build gardens and grow their own food that woman in Michigan put an end to it." 

Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

Ann Coulter  "The media are outraged that President Trump is talking about re-opening the country, following their previous position that he sure was taking his sweet time at opening up the country.
"Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's death forecasts from the Wuhan coronavirus have shrunk from 1.7 million Americans in mid-March; to 100,000 to 200,000 two weeks ago, provided there were massive suppression efforts; to -- most recently -- 60,000.
"Every week, it seems, we’re another two weeks away from the “apex.”
. . . 
"By contrast, today the media are absolutely ghoulish in their hope for hydroxychloroquine to fail. The drug is approved for malaria patients, so it’s “safe”; it’s simply not approved specifically to treat the Chinese virus.
"The reason for the media’s hostility to hydroxychloroquine is obvious: Trump expressed enthusiasm for the treatment, so liberals are required to take the opposite position.
"It’s just like the Democrats’ recent infatuation with open borders. Until Trump, nearly every Democrat was for -- or claimed to be for -- border security, deporting criminal aliens and ending the anchor baby scam.
"But as the Times’ Frank Bruni said, Democrats are “defining themselves as antonyms to Trump.” Why else, he wondered, would Democrats push policies like open borders, “which won’t go down well with many of the voters the party needs”?
"Perhaps we could use this liberal neurosis to our advantage. To re-open the country, we need Trump to come out against it."

Governor Whitmer: one heartbeat away from being President?

Joe Biden Confirms One Name He's Considering for Vice President: Michigan's Governor  . . . "Whitmer, who endorsed Biden in March and serves as a co-chairwoman of his national campaign, said last month that she wouldn’t be his running mate,  The Detroit News reported." . . .   Seems doubtful to most, I'm sure.

Thousands Of Vehicles Expected In Lansing, MI, Today At Noon To Protest Radical Governor Whitmer’s Draconian Lockdown Measures  . . . "If you’d like an abortion, a fifth of whiskey or a bag of weed in Michigan, however, you’re in luck. Thanks to Governor Whitmer, not all services and products are off-limits to Michigan residents, only the ones she deems “non-essential.' ” . . .

Gretchen Whitmer Desperately Tries to Justify Her Orwellian Orders and Embarrasses Herself  . . . "Whitmer is clearly trying to sell the idea that her tyrannical hold on Michigan is no big deal but it seems that it definitely is. The petition to initiate a recall election for Whitmer that I reported about on Monday is now approaching 250,000 signatures with more being added by the second.
"Petition or not, it’s pretty obvious that Whitmer is feeling the heat from her own Orwellianism. This shallow attempt at justification either means she has no excuse except for shallow reasoning or she doesn’t care enough to come up with a better reason for stopping people from doing work in their own homes. 
"If she was being considered a candidate for Joe Biden’s running-mate, then I’m pretty sure the powers that be in the DNC are starting to look elsewhere. This is just wackadoo."

The Coronavirus Is Exposing Little Tyrants All Over The Country  . . . "Pandemic or not, this stuff has no place in American society. Petty tyranny of the kind these mayors and local officials are scheming is wholly alien to our customs and way of life, and destructive to the social contract on which our nation is built.
" 'Thankfully, the Department of Justice has taken notice of this fledgling authoritarian streak among the country’s mayors and governors. A DOJ spokesman said Saturday Attorney General William Barr is “monitoring” government regulation of religious services and may take action against local governments as early as this week." . . .

William Frist, M.D., a nationally acclaimed heart and lung transplant surgeon and the former Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate saw it coming years ago.
Back in 2005, Dr. Frist warned: A Storm for Which We Were Unprepared
Any number of unknown viruses for which at present there is neither immunization nor cure are at this moment cooking in Asia and Africa, where they arise in hotbeds of densely intermingled human and animal populations. We are in unexplored territory.
U.S. coronavirus numbers: So far, a less rough week  "Towards the end of last week, deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus in the U.S. were averaging around 1,900. The first two days of this week (April 12 and 13) have seen a decline. The U.S. reported 1,528 deaths from the virus on Sunday and 1,535 yesterday.
"The number of new U.S. cases also decreased. Last week the numbers came in at 30,000 to 34,000. On Sunday, there were 27,421 new reported cases. Yesterday, there were 26,641.
"At the end of yesterday, total reported deaths in the U.S. from the virus stood at 23,640. Even with the improved numbers we’ve seen, the total will probably exceed 30,000 by the end of the week. And with so many new reported cases in the past ten days, we can expect fairly large daily death counts for quite some time thereafter, unless the treatment of new patients has substantially improved (a possibility).
"Not long ago, Italy began to report a diminution of daily deaths and reported new cases. At that point, as I discussed here, the daily death count started coming in at about 75 percent of the previous average. It has lingered at that level for a while now, even as new reported cases have continued to decline (yesterday’s new case number was 3,153, half of what it was in late March).
"Dr. Birx, the administration’s point person in the fight against this pandemic, likes to say that we’re a week or two behind Italy in terms of “flattening the curve.” I don’t know whether this means that our trends, as we descend from the peak, will mirror Italy’s. However, I think the Italian experience (which is similar to Spain’s) is worth noting."

We Never Needed to Flatten the Curve  "The purported rationale for the shutdowns that have crushed our economy and devastated the lives of tens of millions of Americans is the need to “flatten the curve.” We have all seen diagrams like this one many times:"
"The theory behind curve-flattening is not that the virus will mysteriously disappear while we are all hunkered down, and we will emerge when it is safe to come out. That won’t happen. The point of curve-flattening is to prolong the epidemic, making it last longer than it otherwise would, as you can see in the curve-flattening diagrams. That way, more or less the same number will get sick and the same percentage will die, with one exception: our hospitals will not be overwhelmed by a crush of COVID-19 cases, and so ICU rooms and so on will be available for those who need them. That was the point of the shutdowns–to flatten the curve by stretching out the epidemic." . . .

Bitter rift with Bernie? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez undercuts Sanders's Biden endorsement

Monica Showalter  . . . "Now she's really undercut Bernie with this embrace of sex-harassment charges against Biden. Because Bernie now looks like a fool to be supporting Biden, as does President Obama, who also (with a smirk) endorsed Biden. 
"Ocasio-Cortez just pointed out that they endorsed a sex harasser, and an unusually creepy one at that. Coming as it does at a time when Biden is desperately trying to draw the Bernie people into the Democrat tent under his leadership, it's pretty much a call to split and get away from this guy. With Ocasio-Cortez now calling out Biden as a pervert, and 15% of the Bernie-ites already planning to vote for Trump as it is, all it's going to do is justify more Bernie-ites staying home or else casting their votes for a third party if not Trump.
"So much for party unity. Will be fun to watch Bernie answer questions about this one. Better still, it will be party-time as we continue to watch Ocasio-Cortez speak out on the election."

Ex-President Barack Obama — the man responsible for the presidency of Donald J. Trump — has finally emerged from the tomb.

Obama finally surrenders and gives Biden his endorsement: Goodwin  "Barack "Obama’s very belated endorsement of Joe Biden is provoking a few laughs as well as serious questions. “Leading from behind,” one GOP stalwart said while a stock-market observer called it a “lagging indicator.”
"Both are true — in more ways than intended. For while the act itself was hardly cutting edge, given that Biden is the only Democrat still running, much of what Obama said made his backing sound like an abject surrender." . . .

Obama Breaks Long Silence on Presidential Race, Endorses Biden . . . "The former president praised Biden’s experience on a wide range of policy issues, including his efforts combating previous health care emergencies.
“ 'Joe helped me manage H1N1 and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we’re seeing now,” Obama said." . . .

Barack Obama’s Endorsement Might Do More Harm Than Good
. . . "Plus, this could turn out to be a net negative for the Democrats. Sanders fans will be disappointed in him, moderates who went with Trump because they saw Hillary as a repeat of Obama will likewise be hesitant to pull the lever for Biden, and Biden will be unable to define himself as anything other than Obama’s Vice President. He is now stuck defending those same policies that led to massive Republican wins during Obama’s presidency." . . .
Nevertheless, She Persisted: Warren Endorses Biden for President  Democrat chickens are coming home to roost; Biden captures the liberal scold vote.

Black Georgia Democrat: Screw Joe Biden. I'm Voting For Trump  . . . "Screw Biden, he’s backing Trump for the 2020 election and the reasons are sound. Trump has led a stellar economy, though one that’s now crippled due to China’s incompetence of controlling a new pneumonia-like virus, COVID-19. But that will be rebuilt in due time, as long as people keep social distancing to slow the spread. Davis also noted Trump’s commitment to criminal justice reform as another." . . . 
Well, let's see if he can convince a CNN-educated electorate committed to a vicious party that knows no bounds nor integrity; a party that cannot be believed under any circumstance.

Obama Snaps GOP Has ‘Massive War Chest, Propaganda Network.’ Cruz Demolishes Him.

"In his second inaugural speech in 2013, Obama stated,”The American people don’t expect government to solve every problem. They don’t expect those of us in this chamber to agree on every issue. But they do expect us to put the nation’s interests before party.”
Not right now."

Daily Wire  "On Tuesday, Barack Obama, who likely more than any other president benefited from a supine media willing to wallow in adulation before him, released a video endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden for president, and in the video, Obama had the audacity to attack Republicans by saying, “The other side has a massive war chest. The other side has a propaganda network with little regard for the truth.”
"Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) took aim and obliterated Obama, firing back this missile on Twitter, “Shorter Obama: ‘Dems only have 8 of the 10 richest American billionaires—including Bloomberg, Bezos & the Google founders—plus Soros & Steyer. And we’ve only got ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT & just about every other newspaper in America. How can we compete on $$ and propaganda?’”
. . . 
"CNN’s Jake Tapper admitted in August 2017: “I don’t want to compare President Obama and President Trump on these issues because they’re different, and the scale isn’t even remotely the same. But President Obama said things that weren’t true and got away with it more for a variety of reasons, and one is the media was much more supportive of him.”
"There are numerous instances of the media bias for Obama, including the infamous interference of CNN’s Candy Crowley during Obama’s 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, when she interjected her own version of the truth to blunt Romney’s attack on Obama and support Obama’s version of events." . . .

2011: Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) on Wednesday said his infamous cry of “You lie!” at President Obama has been vindicated.

If you take on a politician who is the beloved of talk show hosts, society magazines and anti-Republican TV newsreaders you're toast. TD

Barack Obama, his back against the wall, finally endorses Joe Biden

Between his reluctance to endorse Biden and his damning him with faint praise, Obama’s encomiums for his former Veep come across as disingenuous at best, dishonest at worst. However, what does shine through is that Obama genuinely sees a Biden victory as the last hope for a rerun of Obama’s presidency.
And the same intellectuals who adored a skateboarding Democrat named Beto will adoringly follow Obama's recommendation, except, perhaps for those Biden has threatened to beat up. TD

Andrea Widberg  "Since the 2020 Democrat primary began, Joe Biden has been doing everything he can to associate himself with Barack Obama. The one thing missing from these efforts was Barack Obama, who refused to say anything nice about his former Vice President." . . .
. . . "Experience? Well, yes . . . but is Joe’s the experience America wants? Robert Gates, Obama’s defense secretary, wrote in his memoir that Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Joe Biden engaged in a high-tech lynching against Clarence Thomas, while simultaneously demeaning Anita Hill, a black woman. The list of Biden’s “experience” is endless, and none of it is good.
"Honesty? Joe Biden was driven out of the 1988 presidential race because of his dishonesty, an echo of his law school problems. What's also inconsistent with honesty is the corruption that’s benefitted his family for decades, including his dirty dealings with the Chinese government on Hunter’s behalf.
"Humility? This is the man who keeps telling all who will listen that he’s smarter than they are, and who told a voter “you’re full of sh*t” and then threatened to beat him up.
"Empathy and grace? For almost fifty years, Biden has lied about the man who was involved in the car accident that killed Biden’s wife and daughter, calling him a drunk, when it was Mrs. Biden who caused the fatal accident. Defaming an innocent man is the opposite of empathy and grace. In many of his interactions with people less powerful than he is, Biden is a bully.
"And of course, where in that litany of virtues does one put Biden’s creepy obsession with little girls or the fact that he’s credibly accused of sexually assaulting a staffer?
"Obama then dedicates a mere two minutes out of twelve to discuss Joe himself. We learn, among other things, that Joe helped Obama with the slowest, lowest recession recovery in American history; Joe was the one who kept a disease in a far corner of untraveled Africa from coming to America; and Joe will surround himself with experts." . . .

"Liberal Treated With Hydroxychloroquine Hopes He Still Dies Of COVID-19 To Prove Trump Is Stupid"

Babylon Bee

     "NEW YORK, NY—When Jeffrey Walton tested positive for COVID-19, he hoped for a speedy recovery. But since he has been treated with hydroxychloroquine, the experimental treatment President Donald Trump has been touting, he now hopes he dies quickly to help prove that Trump is an idiot.
     "While Trump has been giving people hope that hydroxychloroquine could save lives, his political opponents have called it false hope and claimed Trump has no idea what he’s talking about. Walton, a lifelong Democrat and progressive, had joined in calling Trump “irresponsible” and an “ignoramus” and now has an opportunity to prove it by simply dying. “It’s such an opportunity, I don’t want to pass it up,” Walton said.
     "Doctor Glenn Logan, Walton’s physician, says he’s been up and down. “After we gave him the hydroxychloroquine, he got really excited about the idea of dying to prove Trump is dumb, and his good mood helped his condition, and he started to improve. Because that would only help Trump, his getting healthier made him depressed, which caused his condition to deteriorate. Which made him really happy. Which helped him recover and... Well, it’s been a weird cycle.”
     "Dr. Logan has been warning Walton that there is a chance he could fully recover. Walton is trying to prepare himself for this -- a world where everything isn’t black and white and Trump can be right about some things -- but he insists he’d much rather die."  . . .

The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site,  totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.
The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News. . . .

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Nancy Pelosi and Her Democrats’ Unending SHAME

"Nancy Pelosi is back to her old tricks, dishonest as ever. No plot to destroy this president is too wicked to deploy."

Patricia McCarthy   "There are some truly terrible people in Congress; there always have been some throughout American history. But as the country navigates the course of this mis-modeled and over-hyped COVID-19 pandemic, Nancy Pelosi stands out as a genuine enemy of America. She loathes the president so much she has relinquished any semblance of ethics and her own personal character. Every word she utters is a lie.

"She knows damn well that the president was on top of this virus crisis while she and her fellow anti-Americans were gleefully and despicably embroiled in their attempt to remove the president from office. Not one of the principals in this fiasco – Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, or the rest of them gave a single thought to the potential threat of the disease emanating from China. There is no record of any of them even mentioning it until the economic shutdown brought it to their attention. But for calling Trump 'xenophobic' when he banned flights from China, none of them registered the virus as dangerous to the U.S. Once it became clear it was a serious threat, they all got on board to blame it on the president, to spread the lie that he was late to recognize it and is thus to blame, as Barbra Streisand put it, for 20k deaths. What abhorrent nonsense. Pelosi is the de facto leader of a liars' club. And just as when the same bunch went after then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, there is not one bit of truth to their accusations and they all know it. This is how malevolent Pelosi and her disciples are. No plot to destroy this president is too wicked to employ.

"Pelosi and her fellow ghouls conference-called on Monday during which she called the president’s “failure” to provide testing, masks and gloves “sinful.” Whew! That takes a level of chutzpah even most members of Congress would eschew. Most know they dropped the ball due to impeachment. But to fabricate a narrative so provably false takes a mind and soul wholly without scruples. And like the rest of the left, she and her partners in prevarication are all in on the wholesale destruction of the American economy as long as it takes President Trump down too. That is how unprincipled they are, the lot of them.

"Trump has handled this pandemic far better than most world leaders which is why the Pelosi-Schiff-ites hate him so. Because he is not one of them, not a member of their club, they naturally assumed he would be incompetent, not up to the task at hand – running the United States. As it turned out, he is the most competent man we’ve had in that office in decades. He has beat them at their devious games over and over again and they never see their defeat coming. . . ."

This article continues here.

Tony Branco

Brutal Trump-de-Force at the Coronavirus Hearing Leaves Media Screaming 'Pull the Plug!'

Trump knows that millions of Americans appreciate this in-your-face message to the media. How the media will respond after this is anyone's guess.
Victoria Taft  "Donald Trump absolutely lit up his own Coronavirus Task Force press briefing with a more than six-minute, tour-de-force media takedown that had CNN and MSNBC sputtering and reaching for the plug.
"Trump said hello and turned the media briefing over to the NIH's Dr. Anthony Fauci to clarify his words uttered on CNN on shutting down the country earlier to prevent more deaths.
"Then, Trump took over and it was ON. He listed the timeline of his response to the coronavirus and presented a video of incorrect statements by the press on COVID-19.
It was more than the Trumpiest of Trump updates, it was a Trump-de-Force:
"The video looked like a professional ad:
"MSNBC and CNN, which usually begin taking the updates only after Trump has spoken, stayed with for Fauci and, when Trump began bagging on the media, bugged out early:
"CNN reported that Trump was lying: . . .More...

Michelle Obama’s odds to be Biden’s vice president surge as Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar fade

Then it will be racist to oppose Biden. TD

TDaul Bedard  "Former first lady Michelle Obama is back in play big time as a favorite to be Joe Biden’s running mate.
"As Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday made a surprise endorsement of Biden in a warm and humorous video chat, the focus turned to Biden’s pick for vice president and gambling markets charted by saw a surge of support for Obama.
" 'Michelle Obama has been the most backed person in the market, accounting for almost 32% of all bets,” the firm said.
"Spokesman Pete Watt told us, “Following Biden’s announcement that his VP would be female, plenty of names are being thrown into the ring, and the latest to attract a significant amount of attention is the former FLOTUS, Michelle Obama.”
"He added, “Although her odds of +2500 [25-1] indicate that she remains an outsider with just an implied chance of 3.85%, you can expect to see that figure shoot up if she continues to receive bets at the same rate.”
"The betting analysis site also showed that former favorites, Sens. Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar, have begun to fade as interest in Obama has surged.
Obama has ruled out a run, but Democrats are increasingly excited that a newly united Biden-Obama ticket would be the ticket to beating President Trump.
"In the Oddschecker analysis, headlined “2020 US Election Odds: Michelle Obama Backed To Be Joe Biden's Vice President,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s odds of being picked by Biden are also rising, to 6-1. She has had on-and-off fights with Trump over the administration’s response to the coronavirus."