Sunday, April 19, 2020

WHO Are You? A Pattern of Deceit at the World Health Organization

Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics
American Greatness.  
Our relationship with China, and with WHO, are two key areas that must come under rigorous review. The former made the world sick. The latter did nothing to stop it.

"President Trump has announced the United States will pause funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) to review the organization’s role in handling the COVID-19 outbreak. He’s right to do so. Here’s why.
"The World Health Organization exists, at least on paper, to address global health challenges precisely like the one we are currently facing. Except here’s the problem: they utterly failed at identifying the disease early, alerting the world to the global threat, and in doing anything to stop it.
"In fact, their reluctance to challenge Chinese authoritarianism actually made the situation worse. But what can you expect from an organization that has been failing at its primary mission—and is rife with corruption—for years?

WHO’s Failure to Identify and Respond to COVID-19

"In every possible way, the WHO failed to track, identify, and prepare for COVID-19, despite ample opportunity and evidence. They were helped along by the duplicity and outright lies of the Chinese government, whose false claims the WHO took at face value.
"Beijing informed the WHO about “pneumonia of unknown cause” on December 31, three weeks after doctors started noticing cases. According to the Wall Street Journal, China’s own doctors suspected it was highly contagious among humans—and at least one WHO doctor said the organization suspected the same." . . .
Taiwan’s government—which has handled the COVID-19 outbreak remarkably well, considering their proximity to the virus’ ground zero—also warned the WHO that the virus was contagious among humans in late December.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Let's all join Team Joe!

PowerLine  "The Biden campaign has committed one of the biggest blunders since Michael Dukakis rode in that tank. No, I don’t mean running with dementia in the first place: rather it is the “Team Joe” avatar where you can upload your own photo and slogan for the campaign. People are having lots of fun with this. We’re only including a few here. I am sure someone—maybe even Joe in his few lucid moments—is wondering whose dumb idea this was. Either that or it is genius, as it provides an alternative to the coronavirus for diverting amusement under martial law. And there was also this: Obama endorsed Joe Biden at last, showing that Obama still knows how to vote “present.”

Nearly Every National Women's Group That Condemned Kavanaugh Remains Silent on Biden Allegation

Michael Austin  "Left-wing women’s groups claim to fight for women’s rights. In reality, they only want to push their leftist agendas.
"When Christine Blasey Ford came forward with her unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh, women’s groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, the Women’s March and the American Civil Liberties Union were immediately willing to condemn the then-Supreme Court nominee.
"Now that soon-to-be Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden is facing similar accusations, these organizations are nowhere to be found.
"The difference? Attacking Biden hurts them politically.
"Back when Democrats were accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault, they had very little real evidence." . . .

In case you were wondering if leftists have any ounce of sincerity, just look at the New York Times. The New York Times attacked Brett Kavanaugh. The publication, among others, found him guilty with no trial. But what about Joe Biden? The paper is giving him a pass. Despite there being a credible witness and multiple other complaints, the New York Times is not supporting Tara Reade. Instead, there is silence coming from CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and other sources that claim to stand for women's rights.

How the Obamas could win eight more years in the White House

However unlikely, it’s the smart play. How could the Republicans ever counter it?

NY Post  "As the president of the United States shelters in place with the White House press corps, and Joe Biden gibbers senselessly into the GoPro camera in his Delaware basement, this fall’s national election has been thrown into a cocked tricorn by the coronavirus. Many of Donald Trump’s retail-politicking strengths — the huge rallies, his command of crowds — have been neutralized, and while he still has control of the narrative from his bully pulpit in the West Wing, the national media remains dead set against him, and puts the worst possible spin on every word he speaks.
"Meanwhile, Biden and his wandering hands are safely confined to quarters instead of out on the campaign trail, which shields the Democrats from more possible fallout over not only his past behavior but his full-throated endorsement of Communist China throughout his career. The donkey party is thus free to market the cardboard-cutout version of its candidate, having finally accomplished their mission of running a generic Democrat against Orange Man Bad, without ever having to expose him to the general public.
"No wonder there’s talk on the Left of canceling the conventions and running an all-mail election. The further away the country stays from reopening, the better their chances."
. . . 
"Currently, Michelle is in talks to possibly endorse Biden via a video and is said to be lending her name to a campaign fundraiser as early as next week, according to The Hill. “If she engages, God help Donald Trump, because she’s tough as nails and enormously popular,” former Democratic Party chairman of South Carolina Dick Harpootlian told the outlet. With her husband finally having endorsed Biden last week, the stage is now set.
"Here’s how it would work:" . . .

Imagine you are a leftist, contemplating your Hate-Trump Club mission statement:

Nancy Pelosi and anger management
Patricia McCarthy
"We are the left.
"The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction.  He must be demolished.  He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
"The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1.  We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds  of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends.  As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president.  They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose:  George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
. . .

Read all thirteen articles here

First Barack, next Michelle giving Joe some love and respect

"What might Joe be promising Michelle in exchange for her coveted endorsement? He's got to be promising something, and we all know she has extravagant tastes."

Funny how that Michelle Obama 'endorsement' for Joe Biden requires 'talks'
"If Joe Biden were a good candidate, doesn't it seem as though it would be a breeze for any Democrat to endorse him?
"He's not a normal candidate, at least when it comes to the Obamas.
"Michelle Obama is in "talks" with the Biden team on all the conditions necessary to obtain her endorsement.
"According to Fox News:
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s team is speaking with former first lady Michelle Obama about winning her endorsement and having her play a role in his campaign, according to a report.Former President Obama endorsed Biden last week soon after Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race and Biden emerged as the apparent Democratic nominee."We know what pretty much everyone in America does: Michelle Obama is probably the most beloved member of the Democratic Party and her support is a big deal," a Biden aide told The Hill. "Any future announcement would reflect the incredible impact her voice has."
"Hear that? Talks.
"'Talks' as in Paris peace talks, something people who don't like each other do to enact a ceasefire.
"It's probably not that strong a loathing between the Obamas and the Bidens, but it sure has such a flavor.
"What happens if Biden doesn't agree to the Mooch's terms, for one? That coveted Michelle Obama endorsement might not be so forthcoming."    . . .

Corey Lewandowski Says There’s A Big Problem With Obama’s Biden Endorsement
. . . “ 'When there are no candidates left to endorse you pick the only guy left standing, by the way he also happened to stand as your vice president for 8 years, you didn’t endorse him when he needed you the most and now all of sudden you think your endorsement is going to matter,” said Lewandowski.' . . .   Video

The Great Toilet-Paper Panic

Youtube  "It started with an unsubstantiated rumor. “You can laugh now,” said Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show in 1973, “but there is an acute shortage of toilet paper.” There wasn’t— but it didn’t matter. The broadcast sent America into a mass panic. Millions of shoppers swarmed into grocery stores to begin hoarding toilet paper. The Scott Paper Company insisted that the shortage was being artificially induced, and urged people to stop panic-buying the product. Nevertheless, for four months, toilet paper—absent from the selves—was bartered, traded, and even sold on the black market. Out of nowhere, a shortage was born. Read more:"

Georgia Democrat State Rep Endorses President Trump, Credits Work For Black Community

The Lid
“A philosopher once said, ‘One courageous man in the crowd is a majority.’ I’ve got the courage to express my convictions, I believe that Donald Trump is the best person to lead this country going forward.”

"Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones (D) broke with his party on Tuesday by endorsing President Trump’s reelection bid, citing the president’s handling of the economy and support for historically black colleges.
“ 'There are a lot of African-Americans who clearly see and appreciate he’s doing something that’s never been done before. When you look at the unemployment rates among black Americans before the pandemic, they were at historic lows. That’s just a fact.”
. . .  
A Democratic Georgia state representative officially endorsed President Donald Trump, making him the first state-elected Democrat in Georgia to do so.
Bucking his party, state Rep. Vernon Jones on Tuesday endorsed Trump for the 2020 presidential election, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The Democratic lawmaker not only cited Trump’s efforts to grow the U.S. economy, but also his work to help the African-American community.
“It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign,” Jones said Tuesday. More
"So a Democrat that understands that his party has offered little more than words for the Black community vs. Trump and his actions that have actually helped them. Does anyone want to tell me what Obama did for the Black Community in all of his 8 years?" . . .More...

Friday, April 17, 2020

Political Elite Plays Its Last Card

Conrad Black

Joe Biden is just a muddled amalgam of 40 years at the public trough, an arthritic wheelhorse in a machine that has broken down.

"Every day, the battle lines are drawn more clearly for what promises to be a memorable election. The Democrats infamously lumbered the president with an investigation into his relations with Russia that they knew to be unfounded. Then they attempted a completely spurious impeachment proceeding (with no believable evidence that he had committed the alleged offenses which, in any case, were not impeachable).
"And now, in response to a fortuitous virus pandemic, they purport to require President Trump to commit political suicide by shutting down the economy for so long that the soon-to-be 30 million unemployed will turn him out on election day.
"It is another phantasmagorical expedition of a desperate political elite playing its last card, but it is an engrossing spectacle.
"The Democrats’ war plan is emerging. It is the last stand of a party that has fought the most tenacious tooth-and-nail extension of a tight election in American political history.
"It seemed darkest after the Russian investigation and impeachment had floundered to their pitiful ends, and their chosen candidate stumbled badly while they were in danger of nominating a raving, though democratic, Marxist. Michael Bloomberg could only buy five delegates in American Samoa in a five-month, $937 million campaign extravaganza. Yet, somehow, the Democratic Party elders resurrected their lost leader, former Vice President Joe Biden, and carried him to the finish line in an impressive display of professional organization and party discipline.

Whatever Sticks
"Then the coronavirus epidemic miraculously appeared, just when all hope seemed lost . . ."

The Democrats will be left hoping for a flare-up of the disease and advocating policies certain to prolong economic misery. They have been outmaneuvered, though that is not obvious because of the indignity of the president’s bear-baiting sessions with his media enemies.

Schiff and the Dems Hit a New Low

Trending Politics  "While the president and his administration are working tirelessly to get critical medical supplies and life-saving equipment to doctors, nurses, hospitals and patients amidst a global pandemic, guess what Democrats are doing?  

"Its leadership is drafting bills to assemble yet another Congressional committee, on taxpayers dime, to investigate the president and his response to the national crisis. You read that right. Instead of working shoulder to shoulder with our commander in chief to save lives and resuscitate our shut down economy, serial liar and conspiracy theorist Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and others on the left are plotting against the leader of the free world and members of Donald Trump's administration tasked with responding to the complex crisis.  
"As if investigating the president nonstop for the past 3 1/2 years and subjecting the nation to an extremely divisive 22-month special counsel probe and subsequent impeachment scam -- based on hearsay by partisan bureaucrats -- weren't enough. Apparently not, as the chief architect behind the debunked Russia collusion conspiracy and impeachment stunt, Schiff, has been sowing more lies, accusing the president of being slow to address the pandemic, with "catastrophic consequences."  
" After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes," the House Intelligence Committee chairman tweeted recently. "Once we've recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic."
"Translation: Democrats are exploiting the deadly pandemic by using it as a weapon to bludgeon the president during an election year in an underhanded attempt to derail his administration -- once again.  
"A new low -- even for hateful Democrats still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  " . . . More...   Here's one Republican vote for Schiff and the Democrats

"Lawless Adam Schiff Rocked With Lawsuit" . . . "Judicial Watch: (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it today filed a lawsuit against Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the House Intelligence Committee for the controversial subpoenas issued for phone records, including those of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer. The phone records led to the publication of the private phone records of Giuliani, Congressman Devon Nunes, journalist John Solomon, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow, attorney Victoria Toensing, and other American citizens."Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit under the public’s common-law right of public access to examine government records after it received no response to a December 6, 2019, records request (Judicial Watch v Adam Schiff and U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (No. 1:19-cv-03790)):

Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE As President Is Proven Right AGAIN, Leftists Look INSANE

"Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE As President Is Proven Right AGAIN, Leftists Look INSANE. Democrats and the media have consistently tried to make Trump look bad during the crisis but it just keeps backfiring. Trump recently tweeted that NYC never needed the ventilators they demanded nor the hospital beds, and he was right. Yet the media and the left had slammed Trump heavily over NYC not getting the ventilators they requested. When it turned out that Andrew Cuomo was stockpiling ventilators media ran as fast as they could to cover for him claiming that the claims were false or by changing the context to accuse Trump of lying. None of these work, instead the left ends up looking like lairs as they tweet unhinged claims and demands of second impeachment. It needs to stop but of course, it won't Its an election year."

Trump’s Biggest Mistake During the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Claiming ‘Total Authority’ Over States Reopening

PJ Media   "No response to a pandemic can go perfectly, but overall, President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has gone quite well, despite the media’s attempt to persuade you otherwise. Despite the regulatory conundrum that slowed down testing early on, the federal government’s response to the outbreak has been unprecedented. Before there had even been a confirmed coronavirus death in the United States, President Trump had set up a task force, instituted screening at airports, and banned travel with China. Before the coronavirus was even a main topic of discussion for the public, the NIH was already working on developing a vaccine. Rather than waiting months to declare a national emergency (like Barack Obama did with H1N1) Trump made his national emergency declaration two days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic.
"But Trump did make a rather bad misstep this week when he claimed to have "total" authority over the country reopening.
 'When somebody is president of the United States, your authority is total," he said.
"President Trump has certain powers during a national emergency declaration and he has the power to let the emergency declaration expire. He can ease federal government recommendations for social distancing, but the various shutdowns were implemented by each state and local government, and the states and local governments have to lift them." . . .