Friday, April 17, 2020

Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE As President Is Proven Right AGAIN, Leftists Look INSANE

"Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE As President Is Proven Right AGAIN, Leftists Look INSANE. Democrats and the media have consistently tried to make Trump look bad during the crisis but it just keeps backfiring. Trump recently tweeted that NYC never needed the ventilators they demanded nor the hospital beds, and he was right. Yet the media and the left had slammed Trump heavily over NYC not getting the ventilators they requested. When it turned out that Andrew Cuomo was stockpiling ventilators media ran as fast as they could to cover for him claiming that the claims were false or by changing the context to accuse Trump of lying. None of these work, instead the left ends up looking like lairs as they tweet unhinged claims and demands of second impeachment. It needs to stop but of course, it won't Its an election year."

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