Sunday, May 10, 2020

UPDATED: Elon Musk threatens to move Tesla out of California over county's stay-at-home order

"Frankly, this is the final straw," Musk said in a seemingly frustrated tweet. "Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependent on how Tesla is treated in the future." "Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA," he added.
MSN "Elon Musk threatened to move Tesla out of California Saturday over a lingering county stay-at-home order preventing the company from restarting business until June 1. On Saturday, the Tesla CEO dangled an impending lawsuit via Twitter, accusing the Alameda County health officer of infringing on Constitutional freedoms.
" 'Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately. The unelected & ignorant 'Interim Health Officer' of Alameda is acting contrary to the Governor, the President, our Constitutional freedoms & just plain common sense," Musk wrote.
"Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) announced on Thursday new guidance allowing factories to reopen in the state but advised that some local governments could still impose limitations. Alameda County has kept measures preventing manufacturers from returning to work, according to TechCrunch.

. . . "Tesla sent a private email to employees Thursday with plans to begin "limited operations" at its Fremont factory in Alameda County, going against the county's stay-at-home orders, according to TechCrunch. The plan reportedly would bring back nearly 30 percent of workers to the Fremont factory as early as Friday.
"Musk threatened more drastic actions Saturday after receiving pushback from the health department, even laying out plans to move the company out of the state." . . .
Hat tip to Harley Standlee, California.

Musk: Tesla will leave California  "Because of the corona pandemic, no Teslas are currently rolling off the assembly line in California. That won’t change that quickly either. CEO Elon Musk is not very enthusiastic about the California rules and announces the withdrawal of the company headquarters." . . .

“ 'California and the Bay Area are demonstrating every day that we can protect public health and reopen our economy at the same time,” Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of the Bay Area Council, said in a statement. “We strongly urge Alameda County public health officials to work with Tesla and other employers in figuring out a plan that can allow them to safely resume operations sooner rather than later. We must send a strong signal to businesses and the millions of workers who have lost their jobs that the Bay Area and California are just as eager to restart our economy and get people back to work as we are to stamp out this pandemic.' ” . . .
Mama, Labor Leader turned CA Assemblywoman. Progressive #Latina Democrat. chair, Appropriations Chair
F*ck Elon Musk

Wait for it; here comes the race card:
And, the deaths from Covid-19 in California are disproportionately Latino. Our communities have been the hardest hit. By far. Maybe that’s why we take the public health officials’ warning and directions so seriously.

Flynn Was Innocent All Along: He Was Pressured to Plead Guilty

The time has come, indeed it is long overdue, to de-politicize our criminal justice system and to forbid it from becoming weaponized by either side for partisan purposes. Dropping the case against General Flynn is an important first step, but it cannot be the last if we are to restore the criminal justice system to its rightful place as a non-partisan institution of justice.
The Jewish Press

"More than a year ago I wrote that it was clear General Michael Flynn should never have pleaded guilty because he did not commit a crime. Even if he lied to the FBI, his lie was not “material.” For a lie to be a crime under federal law, it must be material to the investigation – meaning that the lies pertain to the issues being legitimately investigated. The role of the FBI is to investigate past crimes, not to create new ones. Because the FBI investigators already knew the answer to the question they asked him—whether he had spoken to the Russian Ambassador—their purpose was not to elicit new information relevant to their investigation, but rather to spring a perjury trap on him. When they asked Flynn the question, they had a recording of his conversation with the Russian, of which he was presumably unaware. So his answer was not material to the investigation because they already had the information about which they were inquiring.
"From a legal and policy point of view, encouraging the FBI to misuse its legitimate authority to investigate past crimes, solely to create future crimes is both immoral and illegal. That is why Congress added the word material to its statute.
"Because Flynn’s answers were not material to what the FBI said it was investigating –- a violation of a never-used law, the Logan Act, that prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments — they did not constitute a crime.
"At the time, that argument was mocked by the usual suspects: fair-weather civil libertarians who would have supported the argument if it had been made on behalf of a liberal Democrat but who rejected it when made on behalf of a Trump Republican. They claimed there was no authority supporting this argument, despite the citation of several cases by eminent judges." . . .

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of over 30 books, including, most recently, “The Case Against the Democrats Impeaching Trump.” Follow him on Twitter @AlanDersh or Facebook @AlanMDershowitz.

You Were Happy to Be Mom; Six Reasons to Arise and Bless Her

. . . Yet even when our mothers have failed us, we typically have something to be thankful for — and not just virtues that overlap with Dad’s, but qualities that were specific signs of her motherly femininity. What might you say to Mom this year? Consider a few ways you might honor her as mother. At least, here are six specifics for my own mother. Perhaps a few apply for you, and the others could inspire you of your own ways to honor Mom as Mom.  . . .

"This Sunday is not Father’s Day. And Father’s Day is not Parent’s Day. In God’s common kindness, on the second Sunday of May, at least in the United States, we honor mothers.
"Even though we often praise our parents for generic virtues that could be true of either — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control — it is also fitting to give thought to what it means to honor a mother as mother. What makes Mom a good mom (and not a dad)?
"Of course, no earthly mother is perfect. Many, if not most, have obvious flaws, and clearly some are manifestly worse than others. And as great as the stakes are in fatherly failures and fatherlessness, perhaps the absence or failures of mothers prove to be all the more devasting, and difficult to recover from. Why? Because of God’s particular design and distinct calling on mothers as mothers in those earliest days, months, and years of our lives.
"Yet even when our mothers have failed us, we typically have something to be thankful for — and not just virtues that overlap with Dad’s, but qualities that were specific signs of her motherly femininity.
"What might you say to Mom this year? Consider a few ways you might honor her as mother. At least, here are six specifics for my own mother. Perhaps a few apply for you, and the others could inspire you of your own ways to honor Mom as Mom." . . .
 (@davidcmathis) is executive editor for and pastor at Cities Church in Minneapolis/St. Paul. He is a husband, father of four, and author of Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines.

Transcripts Adam Schiff was forced to release show exactly WHY every GOP on his committee called on him to resign

"Man, we are really enjoying how much Adam Schiff is getting dragged with the release of these documents and interviews. Especially when we know he was forced by the ODNI to release certain interviews, like the one Eli Lake is talking about here:
I’ve been going through the interview transcripts that ODNI forced @AdamSchiff to release. It’s now clear why every Republican on his committee in 2019 called for his resignation. He knew the closed door witnesses didn’t support his innuendo and fakery on Russia collusion.
21.6K people are talking about this
"He KNEW it was all a lie and he thought it would never see the light of day.
"He was wrong.
"Innuendo and fakery seem spot on as well.
"It’s only going to get bumpier, Adam. Better buckle up.

Biggest political crime in US history.
The Dems dragged the nation through two years of "collusion"..."Trump is a Russian asset"...when they knew it was all a lie.
And it was all done to try to topple the presidency and undo an eleciton.

Disney no longer sweetly entertains children; now it indoctrinates them. The left sucks all joy out of any room.

. . . "Disney’s hard-left “creative” people are tunneling their messages about intersectionalism, sexual identity, sexual orientation, climate change, feminism, and all the other leftist shibboleths, directly into your children’s brains. And because Disney is always going to be more fun and exciting than you are, you can bet that Disney’s messages will resonate more than yours will."
Andrea Widburg  "As is the case for most Americans living today, I grew up on Disney. I loved the classic princess movies, The Wonderful World of Disney, and the live-action movies of the 1960s and 1970s. When a local television channel syndicated The Mouseketeers in the late 1960s, I watched that too.

"Some (indeed, a lot) of the Disney product was banal, but it never deviated from a certain purity: Be good, be kind, be patriotic (if that was relevant), work hard . . . that kind of stuff. The next generation of Disney movies also promoted that message, whether with classic princess movies (Beauty and the Beast) or a non-romantic “adventure with a friend” film such as Moana.
"Moana’s earth goddess ending, though, hinted at what was to come with Frozen II, which was a visually beautiful, but tedious effort to introduce kids to anti-colonialism, man-deriding feminism, and Gaia worship. Watching that and thinking of the classic Disney movies, one has to wonder "Where on earth does this stuff come from?"
"The answer is surprisingly easy: It comes from the current crop of Disney writers and producers, all of whom were marinated in hard-left college liberal arts programs.
"This post offers two exhibits to prop up this assertion. The first is a cri de cÅ“ur from Itxu Díaz about the horrible changes wrought on Disney’s DuckTales. Díaz is Spanish, so the syntax is a little scrambled, but you’ll quickly get the gist about the push to take an entertaining character who always has an eye for the girls and turn him into a vehicle for pushing homosexuality on small children: . . ."
  • The second example is a Prager U video in which Ben Shapiro explains intersectionality, a terrible idea that was born on college campuses and that indoctrinated college graduates are carrying into corporate America. To illustrate the point, the video plays footage of a Disney writer discussing how important intersectionality is to her work and her messaging. I’ve transcribed the gist of it, but you have to watch this incoherent cultural Marxist speak to appreciate who’s teaching your children: . . .

Here the left does what the left does instinctively:
*Blue-check PhD of Women’s Studies shames Trudeau for referencing #MothersDay because it ‘erases’ LGBTQ families  "You had to know we couldn’t go a full Mother’s Day without some blue-check saying something stupid, right? We’d have been super confused if people who spend their whole lives focused on identity politics actually let this little holiday actually go by without some sort of controversy.
"Or outrage.
"Or some sort of social justice nonsense.
"Thank goodness Doctor of Women’s Studies, Jill Andrew, stepped up to do her part in trying to ruin a day for moms: . . ."


Obama’s carefully released phone call shows an ex-President returning to battle

Fast forward several hundred years, and we have Obama, a president who now stands exposed as having tried to take down his duly elected successor. His walled Kalorama house is the new Avignon. To strengthen his position, Obama, who has kept a low(ish) profile for the past three years, is aggressively reinserting himself into presidential politics. He’s not just touting Joe as a viable candidate; he’s tackling policy.

Andrea Widburg "On Friday, Obama arranged to have leaked a phone call in which he criticized the Justice Department’s decision to dismiss its case against Flynn. He also crudely criticized President Trump’s response to the Wuhan Virus. Several writers, most notably Jonathan Turley (a Democrat who’s getting red-pilled fast), caught Obama’s factual and legal errors. That’s not the worst thing about Obama’s leaked call, though. The worst thing is that he’s deliberately stirring up factionalism, something no previous president has ever done. To a history major, it’s the papacy’s Schism all over again.

"In 1305, the French King, Philip IV, succeeded in getting a Frenchman, Clement V, elected as pope. Clement, who was unpopular in Rome, moved the papacy to Avignon in 1309. For the next 67 years, a series of French popes held court at Avignon. 
"In 1376, Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome. Unhappy Italian cities waged war against the new pope, who responded with ferocity. Eventually, there were two popes, one in Rome and one in Avignon, creating a period known as the Schism or Babylonian Exile, which lasted from 1378 to 1417. It was a nightmare for Catholic Europe because, in an era when the well-being of one's soul was of utmost importance, people did not know to which authority they should look.
"Fast forward several hundred years, and we have Obama, a president who now stands exposed as having tried to take down his duly elected successor. His walled Kalorama house is the new Avignon. To strengthen his position, Obama, who has kept a low(ish) profile for the past three years, is aggressively reinserting himself into presidential politics. He’s not just touting Joe as a viable candidate; he’s tackling policy.
"On Friday, Yahoo reported that it had gained access to a recording of Obama’s conversation with past-administration officials. (“Gained access to” means “deliberately leaked to a friendly media outlet.”) In it, Obama staked out a couple of highly political positions:. . . "

Saturday, May 9, 2020

It Never Ends: Now MSNBC Suggests Vladimir Putin Was Behind DOJ Dropping Case Against Michael Flynn

Documents revealed the FBI had no basis to interview or investigate Flynn. Further, Trump’s phone call with Putin occurred the same day the charges were dropped, yet U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen recommended those charges be dropped a week earlier.

Daily Wire "The media over the past few years has reported a false narrative that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during his 2016 campaign to steal the election.
"That narrative was proven false after a lengthy special counsel investigation found no evidence of such collusion. Media outlets and their Democrat supporters refused to acknowledge that they got the story wrong or that they were biased in their reporting. They are continuing that behavior now that the Department of Justice dropped its charges against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.
"FBI agents, in handwritten notes, questioned what the goal was of their January 24, 2017 interview with Flynn, writing: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”
"Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (fired for lying to the FBI) would later say the interview with Flynn was “very odd” because “it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth.”
"But even though Flynn appears to have been vindicated and the victim of FBI entrapment, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell had a different take: That Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the DOJ’s charges being dropped.
"Seriously." . . .

I'm sure "Pootie-Poot" would agree any publicity is good publicity. TD

Biden Has Become an Albatross for the Democrats

Victor Davis Hanson
Even if Democrats know why Biden must go, they haven’t a clue about when or how.

"Joe Biden is the apparent Democratic presidential nominee. After all, he had a seemingly insurmountable lead in delegates going into the rescheduled August convention in the postponed Democratic primary race.
Biden was winning the nomination largely because he was not the socialist Bernie Sanders, who terrified the Democratic establishment.
"Biden was also not Michael Bloomberg. The multibillionaire former New York City mayor jumped into the race when Biden faltered and Sanders seemed unstoppable. But Bloomberg spent $1 billion only to confirm that he was haughty, a poor debater, and an even worse campaigner. He often appeared to be an apologist for China and seemed clueless about the interior of the United States.
" The least offensive candidate left standing was Biden. Many Democratic primary voters initially had written him off as an inept retread, a blowhard, and an impediment to the leftward, identity-politics trajectory of the newly progressive Democratic Party.
""On the campaign trail, Biden insulted several voters, using insults such as “fat,” “damn liar,” and, weirdly, “lying dog-faced pony soldier.”
"Long ago, he spun tall tales about how in his youth he had taken on a Delaware street gang with a six-foot chain or slammed a bully’s face into a store counter. More recently, he taunted President Trump with tough-guy boasts about taking him behind the proverbial gym and beating him up.
"Biden has been unable to keep his hands off women. Even his supporters cringed when he was seen sniffing the hair, rubbing the shoulders, or whispering into the ears of unsuspecting females, some of them minors. Stranger still, Biden waxed on about his commitment to the #MeToo movement. The handsy Biden has insisted that women who made accusations of sexual harassment must be believed." . . .

So what's an albatross?

He was lynched! Parents of unarmed black jogger, 25, shot and killed by two white men question why the 'vigilantes' haven't been arrested. . .

Was there any influence of a white version of Al Sharpton or Maxine Waters to goad these men, or was it a vestige of Jim Crow that we hoped was long gone? Visiting my long-lost father in the Deep South decades ago, I drove him through his family cemetery. A young black man was walking on the road in the opposite direction, so I veered around him onto the lawn to clear him. My father said "don't go around him - run him off the road. He's not supposed to be in this cemetery!" Shocked to see for myself what I had long heard of, I was thankful he was not driving the car. While believing divorce is discouraged in the Scriptures, I thank God for his grace in removing me from those influences at an early age. The Tunnel Dweller

UK Daily Mail

. . . " 'I saw my son come into the world,' Jones said. 'And seeing him leave the world, it's not something that I'll want to see ever.' 
'She added: 'He was my baby boy that I had on Mother's Day of 1994. He was his sister and brother's keeper... his spirit was good. He was a yes ma'am and no ma'am type of fellow.' 
"Meanwhile, Arbery's (Maud) father, Marcus, stated: 'It was a hate crime. 
" 'My young son wasn't doing nothing - minding his own business, running and working out. And that's a crime? To work out and run and he ain't breaking no law? No. Time out.'
"Video showing the shocking shooting has been shared widely seen it was released Tuesday." . . .  

Unlike the sickening response of Maxine Waters to the beating of truck driver Reginald Denny when she did not denounce the attack (On the contrary, she all but endorsed it!); she called it an insurrection! Instead, everyone should be enraged by these two men and what they did. I hope they suffer the maximum penalty, and if they somehow are let out early, it would be disgusting to see anyone embrace these men as Waters did those who tried to beat Reginald Denny to death. 
Please let us all condemn what was done to Ahmaud Arbery and may God bring comfort and meaning to his family. TD

Newsom order sending mail-in ballots to all California voters sparks concerns

Fox News  "The order by the Democratic governor sparked pushback from Republicans, who have opposed the expansion of mail-in ballots out of fear it would lead to voter fraud -- and raised the prospect of a legal challenge.
"The Republican National Committee said it is reviewing its legal options "to ensure the integrity of the election.”
"California Republicans have pointed to problems in the state with voter rolls and a “motor voter” program to register new voters that led to hundreds of thousands of discrepancies -- although the errors reviewed did not allow anyone to vote who shouldn’t have been allowed to.
" 'To mail out millions of ballots to voter rolls have proven to contain alarming errors throughout the state is not a task that these Democrats can adequately manage or safely execute," Jessica Millan Patterson, chairman of the California Republican Party, said in a statement." . . .

Democrats who love ballot-harvesting should love mail-in ballots
The Stupidity of Ballot Harvesting and How It Steals Elections  . . . "Ballot harvesting is the process where organized workers or volunteers--people you don't know--collect absentee ballots from voters and drop them off at a polling place or election office. Nothing can go wrong there; right? 
"Some are so hungry to have voters participate in the process that they are willing to lower the bar for how ballots end up at the election office.  They are so anxious to do this that they will sanctify any hare-brained scheme to raise the voter count.  They forget we live in a free country where it is the right of everyone who meets the requirements to vote or not to vote.  Not voting is a statement and a right of every citizen. 
. . . "Orange County, California -- which was a Republican stronghold for a long time -- had 250,000 harvested ballots turned in on election day.   The Republicans have no infrastructure to pursue testing as to how or whether this process was manipulated or fraud was part of the process." . . .

Flynn should sue and settle for $10 million

Judicial Watch said, "We commend the heroic work of General Flynn’s legal team, led by Sidney Powell, which exposed the criminal conduct by FBI and DOJ officials behind Flynn’s illicit prosecution. This corruption, as we have exposed from the get-go, is the tip of the iceberg. The required next step for justice is the prosecution of the coup cabal who tried to destroy General Flynn and overthrow our president."
Don Surber

"Obama and his posse of henchman from his thug administration framed an innocent man -- Lieutenant General Michael Flynn -- in the hope of flipping him to incriminate President Donald John Trump. To get justice and make himself whole again, General Flynn and his lawyer, Sidney Powell, need to use an old liberal trick called sue and settle.

"Ballotpedia's definition is, "Sue and settle (sometimes hyphenated as sue-and-settle) is a term used to describe cases in which a federal agency is sued by an interested party, declines to defend itself in court, and negotiates a settlement with the plaintiff in a non-adversarial process. Through sue and settle, outside groups sue an agency in order to reach a settlement on terms favorable to the regulatory goals of both. These settlements may require the agency to issue a rule on a particular subject or within a certain timeline.

" 'Sue and settle practices have frequently occurred in response to environmental lawsuits involving the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Scott Pruitt, former EPA administrator under President Donald Trump (R), issued a directive in October 2017 that ended the practice of sue and settle at the EPA."

"Flynn and Powell can sue for, oh, $100 million and President Trump could agree to an out-of-court settlement of $10 million. He can claim to save taxpayers $90 million while General Flynn sails away with $7 million after paying a contingency fee to Powell." . . .

Here his defense counsel speaks on the Mueller investigation of President Trump:
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell