Obama Fired an Inspector General to Cover Up a Sex Scandal and No One Said Boo About It
. . . An investigation by Congress into the illegal firing was met with stonewalling by the Obama White House, and the withholding of documents. The Obama White House also deliberately misled Congress about the reasons for the firing. Walpin was ultimately cleared of the allegations made by the Obama White House.14 Real Obama Scandals That Have Nothing to do with His Wearing a Tan Suit
Obama broke the law to protect a donor and ally who had misused federal grant money and sexually abused three underage girls, then he and his appointees misled and stonewalled Congress in an attempt to cover up his own illegal behavior. Where were the Democrats then? For the most part, they were uninterested—as was the media. If Donald Trump sneezes, they call for an investigation, but real abuses by Obama were virtually ignored. It would be a lot easier to take the Democrats seriously if they had cared about Obama’s corruption even just a little bit.
Once again, it seems necessary to remind the public that the Obama administration was not scandal-free. In fact, Obama was so dogged by scandals there’s a whole book detailing them. But, to prove my point, here’s are just a few of them that have nothing to do with Obama wearing a tan suit: . . .No, 'Obamagate' Isn't a Hoax . . . That's understandable and likely fair. But as Harsanyi says, given Obama's personal knowledge of certain details and Biden's shifting story, it's reasonable to ask what their respective roles were, and how close they got to the misconduct. Let's hope that Mr. Durham's work brings wide-ranging and sorely-needed clarity to this matter. I'll leave you with my comments on Fox News about much of the media's 180 on the importance of covering each twist and turn of the Russia investigation: . . ."