Having given the media an assignment for the long weekend, the redoubtable Kayleigh McEnany closed her folder and walked away. She’s schooling the White House media and, because she’s obviously a good teacher, they might even learn to be actual reporters rather than party hacks.
Andrea Widburg "Kayleigh McEnany is only 32 and has been the White House press secretary for just six weeks, but she’s already proving herself to be one of the best press secretaries in remembered history. This is impressive considering that, in following Sarah Huckabee, she has had big shoes to fill.
"Over and over, when Democrat party operatives disguised journalists try to catch her with “gotcha” questions, McEnany comes back at them with facts. On Friday, McEnany hit the White House press corp with a homework assignment intended to get them to direct some of their questions to Obama.
"McEnany’s gift is that, like Trump himself, she’s a happy warrior. She’s never unprepared, she’s never angry, and she never has the cornered quality of a trapped rat. No matter what the question, she’s got a sunny answer that throws shade on the angry, smug people assembled in the White House press room. With a few exceptions, these people are neither reporters nor journalists as those terms are understood. Instead, they’re political operatives trying to frame a narrative. McEnany understands this and denies them opportunities.
"For those who were paying attention, McEnany was already showing her chops back in 2016. Ignore the obscene rap music that ends this video and just enjoy the way McEnany handles an enraged leftist:
"Most people, though, are like me and try not to waste time watching CNN. We only figured out that McEnany was something special when she fielded a “gotcha” question about her support for Trump. She threw that issue right back at the dishonest media and their habit of playing “mean girl” politics rather than doing actual reporting: