Monday, June 15, 2020

Is it time to establish France-style no-go zones in United States cities? CNN and MSNBC love it

American Thinker   Video commentary
Police assigned to the dangerous areas of inner cities are very much like the soldiers I treated when they returned from active duty in Iraq. Many of these soldiers had PTSD, both from the dangers they had to endure, and from the loss of friends in their units. 
Toon added by TD
"The riot, or as some put it " the rebellion," that followed George Floyd's death in Minneapolis has raised an important question: Is it possible for a police force dedicated to public order to carry out their duties when working with communities who see them as an invading army and respond with appropriate hostility?
"The no-go zones of Europe are areas in which the police do not set foot unless compelled by extraordinary circumstances, usually in the case of fire, when they escort firefighters.  Unlike the nascent areas like CHAZ in the U.S., these areas are defined by the central government. They are settled predominantly by immigrants or children of immigrants. For all practical purposes, order has been turned over, both officially by the government, to the local imams and neighborhood gangs. Most of the people are unemployed, deriving their income from government support or the drug trade. The rates of murder and other crimes are high. They have almost no identification with the national culture, little interest in education or in finding qualifications for employment." . . .

African Woman Obliterates Dems for Kente Cloth Photo Op, Says They Treat Africans Like Children

"Democrats have a penchant for pandering, but rarely are they held accountable for their outlandish behavior.
"They make their rounds with minority voters during election years, and are known to curiously change their speaking patterns when speaking to mostly black audiences, but when the voting is over, they quickly return to taking black voters for granted." .  .  .
"The images were so disturbing that renowned African pro-life advocate Obianuju Ekeocha chimed in via a video message on Twitter.
"Ekeocha was notably peeved, and called out Democrats for their shamelessness.
“ 'I had to say something about the American politicians shameless and ignorantly using the Kente fabric as a prop in their virtue signaling,” she tweeted, warning, “I’m usually more mild mannered than this so please forgive me, I’m upset.” . . .

‘You’re Not A Journalist, You’re An Activist’: Jenna Ellis Fires Back At Brian Stelter Over Trump CNN Threat

Daily Caller

Campaign legal advisor Jenna Ellis got into a heated discussion Sunday with CNN host Brian Stelter over President Donald Trump’s demand for a retraction from the network.
"Ellis joined Stelter on “Reliable Sources” to talk about Trump’s comments about media and the letter his campaign sent to CNN demanding a retraction over a recent poll. 
"Citing the fact that not all of the respondents to the poll were registered voters, Ellis referred to it as “junk.” CNN had defended the poll, arguing that all of those who responded to the question about a head-to-head matchup between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden were registered voters.
"Stelter then brought up the president’s tweet suggesting that Americans change their cable providers if they had service from Comcast — which he referred to as “concast” — asking whether Ellis thought it was appropriate for him to use his platform in that way." . . .

CNN's Brian Stelter goes on the attack, only to have his prey turn on him  
"Brian Stelter, aged 34, rotund, and squeaky, went from creating a college blog about TV and cable news to working as a media reporter at the New York Times right out of college to becoming the host of CNN's (ahem) Reliable Sources and a chief media correspondent.  He's had that last gig for seven years.
"Stelter thinks he's a journalist.  However, when he had senior Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis on his Sunday show and tried to humiliate her for daring to support Trump's entirely accurate attacks against the drive-by media, Ellis called Stelter out for what he is: an activist rather than a journalist.
"Before diving into the Ellis beat-down on Stelter, it's worth remembering that Stelter does not report on the news.  Instead, he serves as a conduit for the Democrat party.  The human potato is a press agent with a byline." . . .

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Don't forget the Alamo

Biden: Even More Contemptible Than Usual

Power Line Blog  "In a normal news cycle, this would be a significant story, and Joe Biden would be subject to universal condemnation. That is, if we lived in the world pre-2016.
"The headline: “Biden Warns Trump Will ‘Steal This Election,’ Predicts Military May Have To Remove Trump From White House.”
Joe Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive 2020 presidential nominee, told “The Daily Show” Wednesday that he expects President Donald Trump to try to “steal” the presidential election and expressed hope that the United States military would remove Donald Trump from the White House if he refused to vacate.
"There could be some projection going on here. The Democrats are hoping to steal the election by sending out millions upon millions of mail-in ballots to people who are deceased, have moved away or are ineligible to vote, knowing that law-abiding Republicans who come across them won’t send in fraudulent ballots, but Democrats will.
Biden did express hope, though, that if Trump resisted an unfavorable election outcome that the United States military would conspire to forcibly eject him from the White House.
"This is sheer fantasy. It is ridiculous to assert that President Trump may refuse to vacate the White House if he loses November’s election, and until now, no presidential candidate of either party would have floated such a scurrilous suggestion. But for the Democrats, there are no longer any boundaries. They are desperate for power and will devastate our country and destroy our democracy to get it."

The American leftist mindset; who are the leaders of these sheep

World Gone Mad Week at Legal Insurrection
"Try to imagine how Democrats and the media would have reacted if armed Tea Party members took over part of an American city.
"Local leaders do nothing.
"It’s out of control.
. . . 
"The left is trying to shut down dissent.
"Everything is canceled.
"The effort to erase history is disturbing.
Don Lemon wonders 'how can you not be racist' if raised in US  . . . "It depends on the nutrients in the soil," he continued. "So, if you grew up in America, you came out of American soil, considering the history of this country ... change the thinking here, how can you not be racist? How can you not have racial blind spots? How can you not see that the factory reset in America is whiteness?' ” . . .
Apparently Lemon has listened to too many of Michelle Obama's commencement speeches.
Rolling Stone Editor's Key Observation About the George Floyd Unrest Will Probably Infuriate the Left  . . . "Matt Taibbi is no conservative. He's a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, but he's commented on the hysteria that has engulfed the Left, especially with the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense. In a lengthy post, Taibbi torched the media for being afraid to confront the terror campaign that's engulfed the nation's newsrooms. He also said if anything that's been exposed during the unrest over the officer-involved fatality of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25 that sparked nationwide riots, it's that the American Left has gone totally insane and the liberal media is destroying itself." . . .

Seattle Anarchists Release List of Demands: Free Health Care, Free College and Abolish Police They're a separate nation now. Create their own benefits.

Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell has had enough of the Democratic Party. "This is why I stopped drinking the Democrat Kool-Aid. I can’t take this hypocrisy anymore. It’s ridiculous, . . . "Most of them seem to forget, however, that it was the Republican Party that pushed for freeing black slaves, which lead our nation to the American Civil War. It was President Abraham Lincoln – a Republican – that delivered the Emancipation Proclamation. It was the Republican Party that championed the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that created desegregation in schools. Democrats were against all of those things yet they are somehow put on a pedestal as if they have always advanced the needs of African Americans. 

Winston Churchill's picture mysteriously vanishes from Google amid rising tensions

"Searches for ‘British prime minister’ and ‘World War 2 generals’ called up photos of everyone else but the legendary British prime minister — just after his statue in London was defiled. The images were eventually restored."

"The picture of Winston Churchill suspiciously vanished from Google search results on Saturday just as the legendary British prime minister was under siege from racial justice protesters in the United Kingdom. The images reappeared about 12 hours later on Sunday, with Google saying it was an unintentional “updating issue.”
"On Saturday, a Google search for “World War 2 generals” brought up photos of every wartime leader, including Adolf Hitler, but no picture of Churchill." . . .

Michelle Obama Tells Protesters To Take Things Further And ‘Mobilize,’ ‘Couple Every Protest With Plans And Policies’

It seems just not in this woman to build up or encourage people she influences.

Analyzing America

"Michelle Obama called for 2020 graduates to couple their protests with organizing, mobilizing and voting, according to The Hill
"During a commencement address on June 7, Michelle Obama spoke about widespread demonstrations to fight police brutality and racism.
" 'You deserve this celebration. Congratulations,” she said during the start of the address, which was streamed on YouTube. “This is an important time of transition. In light of the current state of our country, I struggle to find the right words of wisdom for you today.”

“ 'So I am here today to talk to you, not as the former first lady but as a real-life person, a mother, a mentor, a citizen concerned about your future and the future of our country because right now, all that superficial stuff of titles and positions, all of that has been stripped away,” she continued. “A lot of us are reckoning with the most basic essence of who we are.”
"She noted that the country’s “foundation has been shaken.”
" 'Not just by a pandemic that stole too many of our loved ones, upended our daily lives and sent tens of millions into unemployment but also by the rumbling of the age-old fault lines that our country was built on, the lines of race and power that are now once again so nakedly exposed for all of us to grapple with,” she said." . . .

Is this what you mean, Michelle? Armed Texans placed themselves at the Alamo Cenotaph Saturday afternoon in advance of George Floyd protests in San Antonio, Texas. . . . “ 'This Is Texas Freedom Force,” warned that “the Brown Berets and Black Lives Matter” would be rallying at a park close to the Alamo. The nonprofit organization describes its mission as “Protectors Of All Things Texas.”
The group posted on Facebook: “Given the incident that took place Thursday night (Cenotaph Vandalized) and the fact that PD did not protect that site, it is up to Texans to watch over our most valuable historical monument and ensure its safety.”

Goodbye to American culture, freedom and security in your lives

Starbucks Announces New ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirts for Employees  . . . "If you’re a BLM barista at one of over 14,000 U.S. cafes, I’ve got great news.
"No longer will you be politically oppressed while making that venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato with sugar-free syrup, an extra shot, light ice, and no whip.
"Starbucks is planting a metaphorical pole so you can let your flag fly." . . .

But that is now: this was then:
An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement."
Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution  "As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st century cultural revolution, here's a running list of the ongoing insanity."
. . . "For as long as the nation continues to go mad, purging books, movies, statues and history in its own cultural revolution launched by woke elites, The Federalist will be chronicling its destruction, updating this list with each new event in its collapse. The Federalist will also be keeping tally of those fired from lack of allegiance to the new woke overlords found here." . . . Here some of the memes listed in this article:

Petition Circulates To Remove Ghandi Statue

Meghan Markle’s Best Friend Fired From TV Gig After ‘Generic Call To Action’ On Race

Lady Antebellum Changes Name Because ‘Antebellum’ Is Offensive

Episode Of ‘Fawlty Towers’ Censored

Shows Depicting Police Get Cancelled

The Mob Comes For ‘Paws Patrol’

UCLA Professor Fired For Refusing Special Treatment For Black Students

Seattle Occupiers Running The ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ Demand Anarchy And Segregation  Read their list of demands here.

Re: Re: Re: The Disturbing Campaign against Tucker Carlson

Disney and T-Mobile Drop Tucker Carlson Over BLM Remarks, #IStandWithTuckerCarlson Trends in Defiance


Rich writes: “You could subject a lot of prime-time hosts on other networks to such fine-grained interrogation and they’d be found wanting, yet for some reason there’s no campaign to get compliant advertisers to ruin their TV careers, and no mobs show up at their homes.”
"There are plenty of valid criticisms to make of Tucker Carlson as a practitioner of the forensic arts. But if Tucker had always behaved with perfect intellectual probity and had treated his opponents and their arguments with absolutely perfect charity, the same people would be trying to destroy him, using the same tactics and the same arguments, for the same two reasons: The minor reason is that they think that this will help them to hold political power, and the major reason is that they enjoy hurting people and will take any opportunity to do so.
"To be clear: They do not desire to hurt people because they hate them — they hate them because they desire to hurt people. What we call “cancel culture” is very little more than free-floating sadism in search of a target. Nobody gets up in the morning hating Justine Sacco or some obscure data analyst nobody’s ever heard of. Sadists get up in the morning wanting to hurt people as a form of recreation, and they find targets, and construct reasons to hate those targets, retrofitting the moral justification onto the sadism, because sadism with self-righteousness is much more enjoyable than sadism on its own — it’s bacon and eggs. These are people who don’t get enough of a kick out of pulling the wings off of flies but who don’t have the stomach to torture stray cats or cannibalize hitchhikers or whatever it is that more ambitious sadists did before there was Twitter. . .

. . . And yet the lines can get fuzzy: Should we remove George Washington and Thomas Jefferson from our currency because they owned slaves? (Just for good measure, statues of Christopher Columbus were also toppled in Richmond and other cities.)
"But if this surging wave of national introspection has claimed victims both worthy and absurd, it has also triggered some accountability and apologies." . . .

America is Gone with the Wind

Townhall  "The United States of America will never be the same. It will be a much worse place to live and work.  Amid a three-month pandemic there has been a three-week cultural revolution, ignited by the brutal death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, that has changed our country forever.
"Our country is a great experiment, a diverse nation of 50 states united by a founding document that enshrines God-given rights that people in other countries can only dream of realizing. The United States has become not only the world’s only superpower but also a country that has been a beacon of hope and freedom to the world.
"Unfortunately, evil forces are succeeding in permanently changing our great country. It was difficult enough for the nation to withstand its first national economic shutdown, but the troubles were multiplied when the nation witnessed the gruesome killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.
. . . 
"Before relinquishing their hold on the area, the protesters have stated that their list of 30 demands must be met. The list includes “the abolishment of imprisonment,” and the “abolition” of the Seattle Police Department. Instead of removing these anarchists from her city, the mayor of Seattle views the protesters as patriots who are having a “block party” and a “summer of love.' ” . . . 

Serial kneeling of America

Advocates of kneeling seem to forget that an “Ad Nauseam Strategy” works for a very limited period of time, then (particularly if associated with Macarena…) and ends up as ridiculous and annoying propaganda.
Joanna Rosamond  "In the past, protest was associated with getting up and standing up for one´s rights, but ever since the left decided that the world looks better upside down, some demonstrators drop to their knees. As much as abuse of power, not to mention killing of an unarmed individual, should and must cause outrage, indignation can´t be selective because it will end up shapeshifting into race-, religion- or sex-oriented hypocrisy.
Look at me!
"A 66 year-old veteran, Dale Farhner died on May 12, 2020, 48 hours after “an altercation” with Veterans Affairs Police left him comatose, with a brain hemorrhage . Doesn´t this tragedy and the heinous act that caused it deserve more than a whisper from the mainstream media?
"Lt. Col. Allen West asks a pertinent question: “Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?” and observes:
“ 'But the most vital issue in America right now is to stop enabling elected officials and the rule of the mob to determine who and what is essential — and whose lives matter.”
"Among the serial kneelers there are ingrates like Colin Kaepernick who protests the anthem of a country that gave him opportunities and wealth no other country would. There are pleasers like L.A Mayor Eric Garcetti, who emphasizes: “I wore a mask when I took a knee.”  And the clueless ones in desperate need of a doctrine. But the most pathetic of all the subgroups are the weak-kneed knights, like National Guard troops kneeling before the crowd" . . .

. . . "Whoever opted to transform an unreflective mass genuflection into an equally thoughtless ideology must have dreamt about serial kneeling of America." . . .