Friday, July 10, 2020

Former NYPD commissioner rips de Blasio and Democrats 'sitting on their hands' as crime surges
Former NYPD commissioner rips de Blasio and Democrats 'sitting on their hands' as crime surges   "Former New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly said Democrats in the city are “sitting on their hands” and staying quiet as crime rages.

"Kelly joined the 77 WABC radio show for a Sunday broadcast and slammed Mayor Bill de Blasio and other Democrats for lack of action.

"“This mayor is atrocious,” he said. “If I had a magic wand I’d remove him. But, unfortunately, what’s waiting in the wings is no better.”

“Crime is raging out of control here in New York City,” he continued. “I don’t see anything that’s going to change the trajectory of that continuing to rise. There are disorderly groups all over the city challenging police officers. … Police are generally backing off … because their political leaders, the mayors … are telling cops to back off.”
"The former commissioner under previous Mayors David Dinkins and Michael Bloomberg added that Democrats have been silent amid protests to rip down statues deemed racist and the overall surging crime in the city.
“It’s such a change from years ago. You just don’t hear anything from [Democrats],” Kelly said. “They’re sitting on their hands. Or they’re being very supportive [of] taking down the statues. ... That’s what they’re interested in. That’s what they’re supporting. Rather than, ‘Hey, let’s get some good old basic law and order.’ What about everyday citizens?”
The city has seen surging violent crime in recent weeks, with 10 shootings and one dead in a nine-hour span over Independence Day weekend.

WSJ Columnist Wrecks Liberal Journalist’s Free Speech Take with One Tweet

Matt Vespa

"It’s quite a sad day when defending free speech is controversial. Should we be shocked? No. We saw this iceberg miles away. The Left has a political correctness code, they like speech codes, safe zones, and will try to cancel those with a differing view. Right now, there is an effort to just erase certain words like “manpower,” “whitelist,” and “blacklist.” These are everyday words with zero racist connotations, and it doesn’t make it so when a mob of lefty crybabies with worthless degrees whine about it. There is a lot of huffing and puffing going on right now because some liberals decided to sign a letter in Harper’s magazine that espoused support for free speech and debate. 
. . . 
Ezra Klein of Vox tweeted:

A lot of debates that sell themselves as being about free speech are actually about power. And there's *a lot* of power in being able to claim, and hold, the mantle of free speech defender.

Kimberley Strassel
Um. In ALL cases, power comes from controlling speech. It’s the “free” part that provides the guard. . . .

Mark Zuckerberg is getting mauled for standing up for basic free speech  
. . . "At a widely noted speech at Georgetown University last fall, Zuckerberg stated that it’s important that “we hold each others’ right to express our views and be heard above our own desire to always get the outcomes we want.”
"He noted that free expression has been central to the worldwide struggle for democracy. And he hailed US Supreme Court ­jurisprudence that has strengthened First Amendment protections. In sum, he said, “I’m here today because I believe we must continue to stand for free expression.”
"Once upon a time, the reaction to such a speech would have been: “We’re glad that a titan of Silicon Valley has absorbed core American values and is attempting, however imperfectly, to apply them to his company.” In 2020, the reaction instead has been: “Let’s get the bastard.' ” . . .

Here Come the Speech Police
. . . "CNN tells us the term "peanut gallery" -- as in "please, no comment from the peanut gallery" -- is racist because it harkens back to the days when poor and black Americans were relegated to back sections of theaters. Now, I hate to be pedantic, but "peanut gallery" isn't "directly rooted" in the nation's history of "chattel slavery." As CNN's own double-bylined story points out, the cliche wasn't used until after the Civil War. For that matter, few of the words and phrases that CNN alleges are problematic are rooted, even in the most tenuous sense, in the transatlantic slave trade." . . .

Bigoted, racist elk statue destroyed in Portland

Al Goodwyn  ..Townhall

What has our education system created?

Russia Today   Barbara2.0 commented: "The nice & peaceful people of Portland set ablaze an elk statue from 1900. "It has been confirmed this elk fought in Civil War, waving the confederate flag. His name is Sir Bob Elk Badassio Jr. & he was the leader of the evil people. "Justice has been served. "Racism has ended."

Nancy Pelosi on Iconoclasm: What’s the Problem?  . . . "As the list of iconoclasm goes on and on, it becomes clear that “treason” is not at all what motivates these barbarians. It is the hatred of American and Western ideals and principles.
Nothing will be allowed to remain to remind people of actual American history. That’s the insidiousness of Pelosi’s “let’s look forward” demand. Every day is to be day 0 in the new Left-fascist calendar. Even this is so yesterday …
WASHINGTONVILLE – Village police are asking the public for help in finding the vandals who cut down a flagpole at the center of a 9/11 memorial that honors five firefighters from the area who died in the World Trade Center collapse.

Pelosi On Mobs Tearing Down Statues: Eh, ‘People Will Do What They Do’ "Trump needs to play this on a loop with the video of the Founders being ripped down and the flag being burned."
The next statue to go?

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Bubbling Up of Dissent by the Left From Beneath Their Fascist Cancel Culture

Diogenes Sarcastica™ "It's damaging to our country when people are forced from their jobs, their clubs or their associations with others because they express ideas that bother other people. I know there’s nothing in the law or the Constitution that prevents it from happening. I’m simply saying it’s a bad thing when it does happen, especially when we make it such a common event. The most damaging effect will be to make people fearful about expressing themselves at all. Fortunately, I harbor no such fear. 
"A healthy society has no trouble dealing with the presence of extreme or even absurd ideas as part of the public discourse, because better ideas usually rise to win the day when there’s an open and honest debate. The problem with our present society-takes-care-of-it approach to speech punishing is that the loudest and most aggressive factions get to decide which speech is acceptable. And the political left, those who deny creating this present fascist style stifling atmosphere are getting nervous now that it has turned on them.
"Today, Harper's Magazine printed a letter to be featured in a future issue that I found interesting, considering who signed it. This open letter on open debate is signed by a wide range of notable people (100) including, Gloria Steinem, CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Noam Chomsky, leftist scumbag Matthew Yglesias, David Brooks, my former teacher Wynton Marsalis, J.K. Rowling, Francis Fukuyama, and Salman Rushdie among other artist, journalist and scholarly elite.  It's an interesting read, even with the ridicules attempt to pin censorship on the right, and you may find the entire list of signatures surprising.
"Fear of the mob or true concern?? You decide. Here's The Full TextA Sample below.

. . . We are already paying the price in greater risk aversion among writers, artists, and journalists who fear for their livelihoods if they depart from the consensus, or even lack sufficient zeal in agreement......" 
. . . "The left knows they have unleashed a monster. And the monster is driving the wagon.

"Some of the most influential and important ideas in human history started out as radical, and out-of-the-mainstream. But because people were not afraid to express them, even in the face of sanction, they eventually changed history for the better. Is it no longer possible for that to happen because the Twitter mob won’t stand for it?

"And do mainstream journalists really believe in free expression? Or do they really love limits on free expression, as long as they get to be the enforcers??"
“No sensible person should think that any governor should be able to rule by decree for almost a year, with no accountability at all,” Wszolek said.
Washington Times  "LANSING, Mich. — Organizers said Monday that they will begin collecting voter signatures within days for a veto-proof measure that would repeal a law that has given Gov. Gretchen Whitmer broad emergency powers during the pandemic.
"The ballot committee Unlock Michigan announced its plan after the state elections board approved a summary of the petition. It would rescind a 1945 law that the Democratic governor has cited to close businesses, limit gathering sizes and restrict other activities to curb the coronavirus.
"The group, which has ties to Republicans, needs about 340,000 valid signatures. If enough are gathered within a 180-day period, the repeal legislation could be enacted by the GOP-controlled Legislature and not be vetoed.
"The committee’s website features a video of Karl Manke, the Owosso barber who reopened early in defiance of Whitmer’s stay-at-home order. She later let barbershops open as part of a gradual restart of the state’s economy.
"Unlock Michigan spokesman Fred Wszolek said the governor should not be able to continually stretch her state of emergency declaration - the underpinning for her restrictions. In May, Whitmer prevailed in court when a judge ruled she could use the 1945 law to lengthen the emergency despite not getting a legislative extension under a 1976 law." . . .

Don Lemon: Jesus Was Not Perfect When He Was Here On Earth

Weasel Zippers
This guy…

Thank you, Don Lemon  "The "great one" Mark Levin refers to Don Lemon as the "dumbest broadcaster on television."  Or is that Brian Stelter?  No matter.  Two sides of the same lying media coin.
"On Monday night, in an interview with Terry Crews, Don Lemon (inadvertently) gave up the game.  When Crews challenged Lemon regarding black-on-black crime and the death of a half dozen black children this past week, Lemon stated;
The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality. If you want an All Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including, you know, black communities, then start that movement with that name. 
"All this time, we were told that Black Lives Mattered.  Anyone who disagreed with Black Lives Matter was deemed racist for not advocating for the safety of, ahem, black lives.  It now is clear — thank you Don Lemon — that seemingly not all black lives matter.  Only those who die as a result of police brutality do — or, more particularly, only those deaths that can be leveraged for cultural or political gain."
. . . 
"Black Lives Matter are Marxist-anarchist "community organizers," rubbing raw the sores of discontent.  Their intention is the destruction of western civilization.
"Here is a list of their demands:
  • All black Americans should receive a guaranteed minimum income, health care, schooling, food, real estate, genital mutilation if they want to pretend to be members of the opposite sex, and abortion.
  • Bring an "an end to all jails" as we know them.
  • Disrupt the traditional family.
  • Demand reparations on behalf of foreign nations.
  • Form a "global liberation movement" that will "overturn US imperialism [and] capitalism." . . .
Fox News' Tucker Carlson Attacks Don Lemon: CNN Wants 'Dumb People on TV'
Trump slams Don Lemon as 'dumbest man on television' over debate question
"What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry?" Lemon asked Sen. Amy Klobuchar.
"This is not a journalist. He’s an insecure child-man, looking for attention."

Don Lemon’s Anti-Trump Rant Takes Swing At Melania, Compares To Michelle Obama
Both Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Trump are accomplished women. Mrs. Obama is a lawyer, author, and mother to two daughters, Sasha and Malia. Mrs. Trump, an immigrant from Slovenian, is a successful former fashion model, businesswoman, fluent in five languages, and a mother to son Barron.
Ex-SEAL's hammering of CNN's Don Lemon goes viral  

. . . "After all he's gone through, Mattos wrote in a statement spotlighted by BizPacReview, he's "now returned home to the USA where a CNN host has labeled me as a radicalized right wing terrorist simply because of my gender and the color of my skin."
" 'If CNN does not fire Don Lemon immediately, it only goes to show that they are truly the 'enemy of the people,'" he wrote.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Democrats are coming for Tucker Carlson.

Biden and His Campaign Go After Tucker Carlson, Don’t Realize They’re Handing Him a Gift  "As my RedState colleagues Bonchie and Streiff previously reported, Tucker Carlson is not in the mood to play the left’s hypocritical “civility” games at this critical moment in America’s history.
"He’s also not interested in backing down from the fight against cancel culture, not in the face of left-wing boycott efforts, and not in the face of Democrat mobs who are fauxfended over his pointed criticisms of Sen. Tammy Duckworth’s (D-IL) bizarre and nonsensical comments about President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech and her saying she’s open to listening to radicals who want to cancel our Founding Fathers.
"Duckworth is an Iraq war veteran who lost both legs when her helicopter was shot down in 2004. Carlson suggesting in the aftermath of her comments about the Founding Fathers and Trump’s speech that she and other Democrats who agree with her “hate America” has led to predictable outcry and condemnations by the media, Democrats, and even some of the Usual Suspects on the right.
"The latest entrant into the Outrage Sweepstakes is, of course, the Biden campaign. Spokesman T.J. Ducklo trotted out another variation of the left’s “words are violence” argument by claiming Carlson was engaging in “hate speech masquerading as journalism”:"
. . . 

Tucker Carlson Doubles Down On His Tammy Duckworth Criticism and It’s Absolutely Brutal  "Tucker Carlson does not care about your outrage. That’s basically the theme that emerged as he took to the airwaves last night to address the dust up over his recent criticisms of Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
"For background, here is what led Carlson to originally question her love for America.
"This led Duckworth, who apparently had no actual defense at all for what she said, to tweet back at Carlson a reference to her losing two legs in combat. The insinuation was clear. "She’s a  veteran and questioning her motives, even after she tacitly endorsed the canceling of George Washington, is off limits. The media rushed to her defense, including some on the right.
"Carlson was having none of it. He responded and doubled down on his criticism, while also including Ilhan Omar in the discussion after she stumped for tearing down the entire U.S. system yesterday. It’s an absolutely brutal take down." . . .

Kaepernick Scorched After Describing Fourth of July as a ‘Celebration of White Supremacy’

The Kaepernick Effect: Ratings for NFL 2018 season opener lowest since 2009
Mary Chastain
Kaepernick didn’t mind Independence Day before 2016!

"Quarterback Colin Kaepernick confirmed him kneeling during the national anthem is hatred for this country that gave him an opportunity to become a star and millionaire.
"Kaepernick bashed Independence Day, calling it a “celebration of white supremacy.”
What changed? He sent out happy messages on Independence Day when President Barack Obama was in office.
. . . 
"Back in 2016, when Obama was still president, Kaepernick started a storm when he kneeled for the national anthem during the NFL preseason.
"Kaepernick claimed he did it to protest police brutality against blacks, not out of disrespect for the military.
"It sort of caught on, but then Kaepernick claimed the NFL blacklisted him since he hasn’t played since then.
"However, Kaepernick’s name has come back into the news due to the protests and riots across the nation after the death of George Floyd.
"NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell apologized a few weeks ago “for not listening to them earlier and encouraged them to protest peacefully.”
"Kaepernick is worth millions. He has a huge contract with Nike." . . .
But don’t forget this is the man who wore a Che t-shirt. You know, the guy who murdered blacks, gays, and anyone who opposed him. He also praised Fidel Castro." . . .

49ers Kaepernick Complains About U.S. 'Oppression,' Wears Communist Dictator Castro T-Shirt

Biden Admits Obama Was A Failure As President

Issues & Insights "Tweeting Sunday from, presumably, his basement, Joe Biden promised that if elected this fall, “we won’t just rebuild this nation – we’ll transform it.” Did he forget that he was for eight years vice president in the administration whose chief executive said just before the 2008 election that we were “five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”? Apparently, Barack Obama didn’t get the job done.
So it’s up to Biden, or so he supposes. The man who was not only No. 2 for two terms, but was an elected federal lawmaker for 44 years, will have to plug the holes left by Obama.
"It’s up to him to guide the Democratic party through its full transition to the party of the deranged; ram through a soul- and economy-shredding New Green Deal; fan the hate-America flames; encourage the cancel culture; emasculate males; make the federal tax system as punitive as possible; appoint a Black Lives Matter co-founder to a top federal
post; further insulate our institutional elitists who have long lived in a bubble; regulate, regulate, regulate; violate then try to repeal the First and Second Amendments; mainstream The Squad’s lunatic policies and Marxist views; prosecute a war on plastic; and give the country more Venezuela.
"If by hard-left standards, Obama’s was a failed presidency, it also came up short in terms of any constructive work he could have done.
"For instance, the former community organizer, and the “new Kennedy,” oversaw the weakest, slowest economic recovery in America’s post-war history. He frittered away public money on a financial stimulus that had the opposite effect. He widened a racial divide that had been closing for decades. His foreign policy took America from a position of strength to one in which the White House’s “red line” was a backtracking marker, a soft spot that invited bad-faith leaders of other nations to exploit. The national health care program named after him has been a debacle.
"Never missing a chance to lowlight the country that provided him with an opportunity he’d have nowhere else on Earth, Obama said the U.S. was nothing special. His administration overflowed with scandals, from the IRS targeting conservative groups that opposed his policies, to gunwalking weapons to drug traffickers in Mexico and the U.S., to the 2012 attack on an American facility in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were murdered by terrorists, including the ambassador to the country, to Obama’s leading role in the attempted coup of President Donald Trump.
"It’s neither crazy nor racist to say Obama was the worst president of our lifetimes, maybe the worst in our modern era. It’s simply the truth. But that could change. If Biden is elected, he just might even be worse."

Tammy Duckworth hits back at Tucker Carlson: 'Walk a mile in my legs'

MSN  "Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) on Monday night hit back at Fox News host Tucker Carlson after he criticized her for supporting a "national dialogue" on removing memorials to George Washington." . . .
. . . Duckworth, a combat veteran, lost her legs in 2004 after insurgents shot down a Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting.
Carlson called out Duckworth Monday while giving a monologue on his Fox News show "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
"He was hitting Duckworth for comments she made in an interview on CNN over the weekend in which she said the U.S. should have a "national dialogue" on removing monuments honoring Washington, who owned slaves. She has previously said she supports changing the names of military bases named after Confederate leaders.
""You're not supposed to criticize Tammy Duckworth in any way because she once served in the military," Carlson said. "Most people just ignore her. But when Duckworth does speak in public, you're reminded what a deeply silly and unimpressive person she is."
" 'It's long been considered out of bounds to question a person's patriotism. It's a very strong charge, and we try not ever to make it. But in the face of all of this, the conclusion can't be avoided. These people actually hate America. There's no longer a question about that," Carlson claimed." . . .

You thought MSNBC was bad before, wait for this.

New head of news at NBC-Universal openly promises to discriminate against Caucasians
Those of us who seek refuge in old shows better record them before they are banned as well
"After just over a month in his new job as head of the newly formed NBC-Universal News Group, combining NBC News, MSNBC, CNBC, and all streaming operations, Cesar Conde is making news himself. In a video and memo to the approximately 3000 employees he supervises, Conde announced a goal of 50% of employees being female, and 50% “people of color,” an expression commonly taken to mean non-Caucasians.  
"Since Caucasians account for more than 76% of the United States population according to the Census Bureau, this amounts to a vow of racial discrimination.
"Ben Smith of the New York Times tweets out the memo:"
. . . "Conde is a corporate climber, sporting a Harvard BA and an MBA from the Wharton School of Finance, having been head of Univision before becomng chairman of Telemundo (owned by NBC-Universal), and then moving to his current job. He has no background in the news business himself."

Ungrateful Omar seeks 'dismantling' of U.S. political and economic system

Tony Branco
Monica Showalter  "Mogadishu-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has found something new to be ungrateful for:
"The entire U.S. political and economic system, which she now calls upon to be cancelled:
“As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” Omar said. “We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”
"According to the Daily Caller:
Omar held an event Tuesday in her home state of Minnesota with members of the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus. Omar tweeted earlier Tuesday that the purpose of the event was to address “racism in policing” in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.
"So abolishing the police is not enough - although it certainly looks like she's got some rather impressive bodyguard police protection herself - the entire economic and political system of her adopted country has got to go, too in the country that embraced her as a supposedly pitiful Somali refugee who grew up in part in a Kenyan refugeee camp. Instead of look on the United States in awe, as normal immigrants do, she stands in judgment, and the U.S. is just not good enough.
"Nope, tear it down, like they did it back in Mogadishu. She'd the U.S. to engage in some cultural appropriation, a Somalification of the United States in order to achieve perfect equality among nations, or perhaps to feel more at home:" . . .