Friday, July 10, 2020

Bigoted, racist elk statue destroyed in Portland

Al Goodwyn  ..Townhall

What has our education system created?

Russia Today   Barbara2.0 commented: "The nice & peaceful people of Portland set ablaze an elk statue from 1900. "It has been confirmed this elk fought in Civil War, waving the confederate flag. His name is Sir Bob Elk Badassio Jr. & he was the leader of the evil people. "Justice has been served. "Racism has ended."

Nancy Pelosi on Iconoclasm: What’s the Problem?  . . . "As the list of iconoclasm goes on and on, it becomes clear that “treason” is not at all what motivates these barbarians. It is the hatred of American and Western ideals and principles.
Nothing will be allowed to remain to remind people of actual American history. That’s the insidiousness of Pelosi’s “let’s look forward” demand. Every day is to be day 0 in the new Left-fascist calendar. Even this is so yesterday …
WASHINGTONVILLE – Village police are asking the public for help in finding the vandals who cut down a flagpole at the center of a 9/11 memorial that honors five firefighters from the area who died in the World Trade Center collapse.

Pelosi On Mobs Tearing Down Statues: Eh, ‘People Will Do What They Do’ "Trump needs to play this on a loop with the video of the Founders being ripped down and the flag being burned."
The next statue to go?

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