Sunday, July 12, 2020

Cuban Immigrant Warns About the Deadly 'Pill' Americans Are About to Swallow

Beth Baumann
Cuban immigrant Maximo Alvarez issued a stark warning to Americans last week  . . .According to Alvarez, the President of Sunshine Gasoline, the American Dream is at risk of being destroyed by the Left. The tactics that are being used are the same ones he saw in Communist Cuba when he was 11-years-old

" 'We come over here, in my case because my parents chose that I would not be indoctrinated by the communist country, by the totalitarian country, by the totalitarian regime. They don’t educate children. Absolutely not. And this is something that we need to understand. What is happening in our backyard today, I experienced as an 11-year-old. I remember vividly all the promises that a guy named Castro gave, and how 99 percent of the people swallowed the pill," he warned. "It took many years later, after I read somebody named Saul Alinsky, that I realized that all those people were nothing but useful idiots. I remember Castro while in the mountains being interviewed and asked if he was a communist. He went crazy. ...  He was going to save Cuba. I remember how he promised to the farmers, to the wahitos that you’re going to own the land. I remember all the promises that we hear today about free education and free health care and free land."
"Alvarez reminded people that Fidel Castro abolished the police, the military and even took over the Catholic church. The immigrant's dad, however, saw through Castro's words because he experienced the same thing under communist Spain. Alvarez's father saw parallel's between Castro and his home country.
"The businessman explained that the left uses fancy terms and promises to try and indoctrinate others. It's the same tactics he saw in Cuba."
. . . 
" 'So with that, please keep that in mind. And please, people, explain that to our young people who are demonstrating out there. Don’t be useful idiots," he said. "Please understand what’s happening in our country. See what happens to our parents and see what is happening to America today.' "

Hollywood's identity crisis: Actors, writers and producers warn of 'reverse racism' in the film industry which has created a 'toxic' climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man

UK Daily Mail  As the wooden boards are taken down from shopfronts and studio lots grind slowly back to life, Hollywood is basking in an unseasonable heatwave. 
"The famous boulevards shimmer in 40C haze and warm Santa Ana winds fan the Beverly Hills mansions.
"Shaken by #MeToo, paralysed by Covid-19, the $50 billion film industry is finally emerging from a four-month lockdown – only to find a new and very different world, where tension is rising as surely as the thermometer." . . .
The new intolerance: As BLM protests rage, Refuse Fascism demonstrators dump water on Donald Trump's star on LA's Hollywood Walk of Fame
"A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities – racial and sexual – can be given jobs.
"A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as 'more toxic than Chernobyl', with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labelled racist.
"The first sign came with one of the most powerful black directors in Hollywood, Oscar-winning Jordan Peele – the man behind box office hits such as Get Out and Us – stated in public that he did not want to hire a leading man who was white. 
" 'I don't see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie,' Peele said. 'Not that I don't like white dudes. But I've seen that movie before.'
As one studio executive responded privately: 'If a white director said that about hiring a black actor, their career would be over in a heartbeat.' Few doubt it." . . .

In a withering video, black NYPD cop demonstrates the value of those new 'use of force' rules

Monica Showalter   "Is it any wonder police are retiring in droves, given the contempt the cities that depend on them are showing for them? Los Angeles's mayor, Eric Garcetti, has called them "killers." New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio has told of giving his black son 'the talk' about all those racist cops out there, while his daughter has been arrested with a gang of bottle and rock throwers calling to defund the police. Based on the activity of a very few bad cops, they're now all guilty, and big restraints on their use of force to protect communities has now come into effect in New York. Seems that if they left can't quite 'defund' the cops, their second tack is to render the cops defenseless instead.
"Bernie Kerik outlines the scope of the problem here:  Video here
. . . 

. . . "Now, from the groundside, a black NYPD officer has videoed just what  these use-of-force restraints mean in practical terms for cops:" 
Watch this officer's video
. . .
"Seriously, who'd want to enforce the law and maintain the peace under conditions like that? We all know how bad things were when U.S. troops were forced to fight wars in Vietnam and Iraq with "one hand tied behind their backs" as the enemy slaughtered them and hippies spat on returning troops in the airports.
"This is even worse. Any sensible cop would retire while the pension pot is still there in blue cities like these and head out for red country, where rule of law is still a thing. Those who can't will retire at their desks, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, and letting the bad guy get away.
"Don't think the entire public isn't noticing. Minority communities which benefit from LAPD police protection against predators, have rallied for the cops: . . ."

AOC, Julián Castro Lead Calls to Boycott Goya Foods after CEO Praises Trump (Update)

National Review

"The CEO of Goya Foods, which says it’s the country’s largest Hispanic-owned food company, has landed in hot water with Democrats after praising President Trump during a visit to the White House Thursday. 
“We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” CEO Robert Unanue said in a Rose Garden speech following a meeting with Trump and other Hispanic business magnates and politicians.
"The hashtags #Goyaway and #BoycottGoya began trending on Twitter, with calls to boycott the brand from Democrats and Latino leaders. 
"Former secretary of housing and urban development Julián Castro said in a tweet that New Jersey–based Goya has been a “staple of so many Latino households for generations” but accused Unanue of “praising a president who villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain.”
“ 'Americans should think twice before buying their products. #Goyaway,” he added. 
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) tweeted, “Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling ‘how to make your own Adobo.’” She later shared a friend’s recipe for Adobo seasoning, which is made by Goya and is a well-known Latino ingredient. 
"The president’s rhetoric on the 2016 campaign trail and his handling of immigration matters, including his efforts to dismantle the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which allows young immigrants who have been in the U.S. since they were children to stay, have hurt his popularity among some Latinos." . . .

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Life under Socialism

"This article is the first of what will be a multi-part series on life under socialism, recounted by people who’ve actually lived under socialism.
"In this initial article, Brad Zinn* interviews Zina Brodovsky*, a naturalized US citizen who lived under Soviet socialism and communism in the former USSR.
"Americans who think socialism sounds like a great way to achieve “fairness” and “social justice” should listen carefully to Zina’s story.  She knows firsthand how the real-life version of socialism works compared to any utopian university-faculty-lounge version.
"This interview consists of three parts, each less than 15 minutes for a total of 39 minutes. You can listen to the whole interview or use the time slider on the video to choose topics of interest from the index of topics below.
"All three parts offer valuable insights, delivered from the heart, but I especially recommend the third part (at 38:15), where Zina delivers a message to her fellow Americans, so many of whom have come to take America’s freedoms for granted and have been seduced by socialism’s false promises.
"Fortunately for Zina, she could escape to America in 1997. But America has been moving visibly leftward toward socialism for more than a half-century. In fact, socialism’s full history in America goes back nearly 200 years and technically twice that far if one counts the 400-year-old socialism failure at the Pilgrims’ Plymouth Colony!
Most importantly for today, socialists and Marxists, whether implicitly or explicitly declared, now have nearly full control of one of our major political parties. Aided (indeed some would say led) by a complicit media, the outlines of a future socialist America are beginning to appear." . . .  Part 1 – Life in the former USSR

00:22  Zina’s recollections of communist indoctrination growing up in Odessa, Ukraine, USSR 02:12  Zina’s first realization that the socialist promise was a lie 03:55 Government involvement in everything 04:45  Socialism’s false promise of “fairness” 05:20 The black market and corruption 06:20 First truths about Stalin era come to light after his death 07:25  Zina’s personal history, KGB intimidation, and emigration to America with her daughter 10:00 Departure via Moscow, more intimidation 11:30  The socialist view of capitalism 12:30  Socialism and the press

BLM Agitator's Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers

What to make of Black Lives Matter? I personally have black friends whose fellowship I cherish and am uplifted by when in their company; they attach deep meaning to Black Lives Matter. 
But how do we regard the other BLM, the Dark Side?  The uplifting side I encounter daily and often on my errands, but the Dark Side I see sitting with the Democrats in Congress and on the news channels like CNN and MSNBC as they magnify their victimhood. TD

BLM Agitator's Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers   "A (Caucasian, by the way) woman in a Black Lives Matter hat posted a video in which she describes a simple method for breaking a car window, cutting the driver's seat belt, and "removing" the driver "if necessary."  It looks as though her idea will work in terms of (1) getting the driver beaten like Reginald Denny or (2) death or serious injury for the perpetrator along with potential felony burglary or murder charges.  While nothing in this article constitutes legal advice, we will see how this individual has advised Black Lives Matter rioters (not "protesters") on how to commit acts that could turn them into roadkill or get them sent to prison for life.  In addition, possession of the tool in question for forcible entry into (rather than escape from) a vehicle could be construed as possession of burglary tools, which can be charged as a felony in some jurisdictions and a misdemeanor in others." . . .

St. Louis couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search

. . . "Fox News reports that police secured a search warrant for the McCloskey residence at 8 p.m. Friday. During the search, they allegedly seized the rifle that McCloskey was holding in the video.On June 30, 2020, Breitbart News reported that the McCloskey’s were under investigation.
"The New York Times reported St. Louis Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner said, “I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protestors were met by guns.”
"She added, “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated,” she insisted, saying her office was “currently working with the public and police to investigate these events. Make no mistake: we will not tolerate the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights, and will use the full power of Missouri law to hold people accountable.” . . .

Goya Foods CEO won’t apologize for praising Trump

Who would have ever thought such oppression would take place in America? Where is the outcry against Democrats and their yokefellows? Why are there so many weaselly Republicans afraid not to submit? The ever-malleable "severely conservative" Mitt Romney comes to mind. The Tunnel Dweller

Amanda Prestigiacomo  "On Friday morning, Goya CEO Bob Unanue said he will not be apologizing over his praise of President Donald Trump, which triggered left-wing calls to boycott the businessman’s products.

"“Are you getting a boycott?” Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade asked Unanue. “That’s I heard, because you had the audacity to show up at the president’s invitation and say some positive things about him?”
“ 'Yes, and it’s oppression of speech,” blasted the CEO (video below).
Unanue was recently part of a Hispanic prosperity initiative launched by the Trump administration, this past week. 
(Emphasis added by TD)
“ 'You’re allowed to talk good or talk praise to one president but you’re not — when I was called to be part of this commission to aid in economic and educational prosperity and you make a positive comment, all the sudden that’s not acceptable,” Unanue continued, who has also worked with former President Barack Obama.
"“I’m not apologizing for saying,” he said. “If you’re called by the President of the United States, you’re going to say, ‘No I’m sorry, I’m busy, no thank you?’ I didn’t say that to the Obamas and I didn’t say that to President Trump.”
"Unanue was blasted by left-wing elected Democrats and liberal activists after he thanked Trump for his leadership during a Rose Garden speech on Thursday.
“ 'We are all truly blessed … to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder,” he said. “We have an incredible builder, and we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president.' ” . . .

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks to 'cancel' Goya, America's top Latino-owned food company . . . "After that, he announced that his company would donate a million cans of food to the hungry and homeless in COVID-shutdown relief efforts.  They had already donated 200,000 pounds of food earlier.
The huge food donations to the poor are nothing compared to a few nice words for President Trump, so naturally they're trying to cancel the biggest Latino-owned business in America. 
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the charge for a boycott, seeking to throw 4,000 workers out of jobs, since to her, anyone who doesn't hate Trump or embrace socialism must be targeted for elimination."

Fuzzy Chimp asks AOC: "Did you donate 300,000 pounds of food to organizations, food banks, and soup kitchens in NY and other places to help with COVID-19?
Goya did."

Delete the word"Trump" and replace it with "Republican" or "conservative" and you will see the political future of America.
Not content with getting high on money, fame, and drugs, our 21st century jesters feel the need to boost their egos with the moral superiority high. And while they say nothing about the bankrupt morality of their fellow actors, they barely hide their contempt for white men, traditional values, and Christianity. But not only that, they also love taking their precious leisure time to enlighten us lowly subjects with matters ranging from climate change and race issues to feminism.
  Ethel C. Fenig adds:  . . . "And thanks to their tolerance and inclusion, many of their products carry a kosher symbol on their cans from the Orthodox Union, a large trusted kosher-certifying agency, indicating the ingredients do not contain any food or additives which violate Jewish food consumption laws.
"Incidentally many vegetarians look for the OU symbol on non-meat items for assurance that there are no unlisted meat additives in presumably vegetarian products.
 "But intolerant, close minded Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fellow travelers cannot tolerate diversity of thought."

U.S. Supreme Court: Religious Orgs Can’t Be Forced to Fund Abortion

Alliance Defending Freedom

     "Today, the Supreme Court upheld U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rules that protect the conscience rights of religious and pro-life organizations.
     "This is great news! The Supreme Court made it clear that the government has no business forcing organizations such as Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic religious sisters, or March for Life to cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices in their health insurance plans.
     "And while that might seem like it should be common sense, the Court has had to repeatedly step in to protect the Little Sisters and others from this harmful mandate.
     "In fact, this issue has been at the center of a legal debate for almost eight years.
     "In 2012, under the Obama Administration, HHS mandated that employers be forced to provide their employees with abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception—regardless of their religious or moral convictions. If they refused, they faced heavy financial penalties under the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”
     "It didn’t take long for conscience objectors to challenge that mandate in court.
     "The Supreme Court first dealt major blows to the mandate in 2014 and 2016—in Hobby Lobby Stores v. Burwell and Zubik v. Burwell.
     "In 2017, the Trump Administration issued new HHS rules—consistent with these previous Supreme Court rulings—that were meant to ensure that religious and pro-life organizations can pursue their missions consistently with their beliefs. These new rules freed many conscientious objectors from the abortion-pill mandate.
     "It should have ended there. But, unfortunately, it didn’t.
     "Instead, Pennsylvania, California, and other states filed lawsuits to block the new rules and force religious and pro-life nonprofits to violate their beliefs. Their implausible position is that even though the Affordable Care Act gave HHS discretion to determine what health plans had to cover, and even though that necessarily meant HHS had discretion to exempt churches, HHS lacked discretion to exempt anyone else.
     "States that challenged the HHS rules were unable to find a single individual who was even allegedly harmed by the religious and moral exemptions to the HHS abortion-pill mandate. As ADF Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch points out: “That shows that contraceptives are widely available, and that no compelling reason exists for the government to violate the religious and moral convictions of organizations who don’t wish to provide abortifacients and artificial contraception.”
     "But that didn’t stop some lower courts from ruling in favor of pro-abortion states. So organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor and our client, March for Life Education and Defense Fund, intervened in these lawsuits to defend the new HHS rules." . . .

Friday, July 10, 2020

A Nightmare Campaign of Outright Idiocy

To remind ourselves of the character of the election campaign and to test our resistance to orally and visibly induced nausea, my wife and I on Monday jointly took the pledge to watch part of what was billed as the CNN evening newscast. For 10 minutes, Don Lemon performed with Chris Cuomo as his straight-man, perfect Fredo in a political mafia hit job (“The Godfather”). Cuomo gave no views but Lemon delivered a fluent monologue, building from thin air the purported certainty that President Trump is a racist and has based his campaign for the presidency and his execution of that office on racism.
Conrad Black
No society can tolerate this for long. The arsonists will not burn down society; the society will awaken and banish the arsonists.

     "As we get into high summer, there must be a very large number of Americans now actively considering whether the country is going mad.
     The leading newspaper in the nation’s capital has accused the president of plumbing “new depths of depravity” in a perfectly unexceptionable and soaringly eloquent speech at Mount Rushmore last Friday. Praising the American revolutionary ideal that “all men are created equal” and its reaffirmation by Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War that brought about the abolition of slavery somehow made Donald Trump “dark” and “divisive.” The president deplored academic and national media self-hate and espoused the highest objectives identified and pursued by every admired American leader from Washington and Franklin to Martin Luther King and Ronald Reagan.
     "As the violent crime rate skyrocketed in New York City 10 days ago, the City Council voted to reduce the police budget by $1 billion. Meanwhile, Chicago celebrated the July 4 weekend with 87 people injured and 17 killed by gunfire, including two children, but the city’s mayor rebuked the police chief when he suggested there is room for improvement in city governance.
     "NeverTrumpers like Mitt Romney, who walked in the Black Lives Matter parade last month, express solidarity with the group even when it affirms that it does not accept that all lives matter and it's New York leader, Hawk Newsome, announced on national television, “if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?”
     "The Democratic presidential nominee is a waxwork dummy hiding in his basement. Joe Biden can scarcely utter a correct English sentence and has the haggard countenance of a fatigued nonagenarian. In his few television and internet appearances, the former vice president is ambiguous about defunding the police and continues to regard BLM as a valuable political ally fighting racial inequality, even though in the last month it has revealed itself proudly as a white-hating Marxist urban terrorist organization." . . . More...

Biden Vows: If Elected, I'll Force Those Catholic Nuns to Violate Their Beliefs on Contraception Again

Guy Benson
     "Following Wednesday's 7-2 Supreme Court decision upholding the Trump administration's move to exempt religious organizations and conscientious objectors from the Obama administration's birth control mandate regulation, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden expressed disappointment in the ruling and vowed to re-impose the coercive measure on groups like the litigants in the case, a group of Catholic nuns who minister to the poor. John McCormack reports:
     "Joe Biden issued a statement Wednesday evening in which he said he is “disappointed in today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision” in the case Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania. I will restore the Obama-Biden policy that existed before the [2014 Supreme Court] Hobby Lobby ruling,” Biden said. The Supreme Court’s Little Sisters decision upheld the Trump administration’s rule exempting conscientious objectors from Obamacare’s birth-control and abortifacient mandate, but the decision did not address whether the mandate is itself a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act [RFRA].
. . . 

. . . "Indeed, more than 500 scholars and religious leaders signed an open letter that argued the 'so-called accommodation changes nothing of moral substance and fails to remove the assault on religious liberty and the rights of conscience which gave rise to the controversy. It is certainly no compromise,'" McCormack writes. Interestingly, Joe Biden reportedly opposed Obamacare's birth control mandate before the Obama administration imposed it by fiat (Congress did not include it as a provision in the controversial legislation itself), and was later condemned by Catholic bishops for endorsing the empty "compromise." But Biden has been yanked leftward on these issues, abandoning his lifelong "principled" opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion out of political necessity.'  "

. . .

Trump Was Right All Along: The Fake News Media Really Is The Enemy Of The People

The Federalist
When you encounter an entity that repeatedly lies to you, slanders you, mocks you, and hides things from you, should you conclude it is anything but your enemy? 

Firework smoke still lingered in the sky over Mount Rushmore as journalists began their daily routine of story-spinning, as if their very lives depended on headlines reflecting the exact opposite of true events. President Donald Trump’s pro-America speech, dripping with unity and patriotism, was decried in legacy media as diabolical.

. . . "CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who frequently spars with the president while grandstanding in the press briefing room, capitalized on the phrase while playing the martyr, publishing a book called “The Enemy of the People” last year. Ironically, Acosta used the same words to characterize Trump’s rhetoric about the press as the press used to slander Trump: dark and dangerous.
“ 'What may have begun as something of a reality TV-style parlor trick has mutated into a full-blown assault on the American free press,” Acosta argued, saying of the president’s “enemy of the people” remark, “It was a dark and dangerous tweet that may well define much of his presidency.” Plenty of others have echoed Acosta’s sentiment.
"In short, Trump delivers a unifying speech, and the media lies, calling it dark and divisive. Trump exposes the media for its lies, and the press calls his rhetoric dark and divisive. The cycle has repeated itself over and over again.
"While the press’s most recent Fourth of July smear was blatantly partisan and anti-American, it’s worth noting that this wasn’t an isolated instance of media misspeak. Bad-faith actors in the press have proved time and again that they are indeed the enemy of the people." . . .
This is the same media that has spent the last six weeks stirring up strife over the death of George Floyd and lying about the resulting chaos. While rioters and looters desecrated major cities across the United States, many journalists downplayed the violence and tried to convince Americans most of the actors were simply peaceful protesters.
“I want to be clear in how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not, generally speaking, unruly,” said one MSNBC reporter as buildings burned down behind him.