Thursday, July 16, 2020

NY Times: so much for a free press

"What it all shows is that Weiss's letter went right over the heads of the staffers at the Times. Soul searching, as Weiss's letter ought to have called for? There's not going to be any stinkin' soul-searching The Times remains full of itself, everyone else can see there's a problem, and the catty denizens of the Times have every intention of beclowning themselves"

New York Times denizens respond to Bari Weiss resignation over bullying -- with more bullying   "It ought to have been embarrassing for the New York Times to have a top op-ed editor resign with fiery criticism of the paper's stultifying leftism. In the news industry, it's pretty rare for anyone to resign, let alone say what the problem was. 
"That's what happened a couple days ago when Bari Weiss submitted her resignation to the paper, denouncing the far-left atmosphere of cancel-culture bullying, the signs of which have been pretty obvious for years. After all, not too long ago, this bunch forced the Times' op-ed boss out merely for running an opinion piece by an elected Republican senator because the snowflake staffers said it made them feel 'unsafe.' Weiss had had enough and threw in the towel. Thomas Lifson noted that the letter was likely 'historic' in its significance.
"Embarrassed? Not in the least. Not at the Times. In fact, plenty of them bit back and got catty. All because what she she wrote.
Ms. Weiss writes that she herself faced “constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views.” She writes that they “have called me a Nazi and a racist.” She adds that she has learned to “brush off comments about how I’m ‘writing about the Jews again.’” She has too much grace to mention that her writing about Jews included covering the murders at her hometown’s Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Ms. Weiss’s tenure at the Times became an ordeal. Friendly colleagues were “badgered by coworkers,” she told Mr. Sulzberger. “My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly ‘inclusive’ one, while others post ax emojis next to my name.”
"First mean girl out the gate was Hannah Jones, creator of the phony 1619 Project, who had a couple of retweets about Weiss, and now has up this counter-claim to victimhood: . . ."

Reaction to NYT resignation shows the press hates conservatives  
. . . "Forget conservative, you cannot be a centrist at an American newspaper any more.
"Rioters and looters must be called peaceful protesters, black must be capitalized but not white, and any statement of fact by President Donald John Trump must be couched as "without evidence.' " . . .

Since you guys brought up the subject of reparations...

Riot reparations   "I live in a suburb of Los Angeles in the golden state of California.  Like other states, the place I call home has been hit hard by the Wuhan Flu.  Unemployment is high, businesses are closing, and our state’s budget is in freefall. If that weren’t enough, California has accrued millions of dollars in damages from the George Floyd riots.  Now, I’m all for doing my part to help my state recover from this current economic crisis.  But paying for riot repairs?  Not so much.  As a homeschooling mom who walked away from a lucrative career in high-tech to raise and educate my children, I’m not down for this costly revolution.  Instead of cheerfully contributing my husband’s hard-earned wages towards the payment of National Guard troops and cleanup crews, I demand reparations." . . .   

. . . "I’m not sure what they teach in public school these days, but I can tell you that my homeschooled children have been taught that when you make a mess, you clean it up.  In fact, my kids have spent whole school days scrubbing down walls, tidying up rooms, and pulling weeds as part of their home education endeavors.  After all, civilized children learn in a clean and orderly environment -- one that should be as lovely as their penmanship.  I assume it’s the same for government-educated children.  Therefore, as part of reparations, I ask the rioters to pick up a scrub brush in one hand and a bucket in the other and get on with the business of cleaning up their messes.  It seems to me to be the reasonable thing to do.  And while they’re at it, I request that they restore the toppled statues to their proper places so that children -- homeschooled or otherwise -- might enjoy field trips to memorials where they can learn more about their history and forebears." . . .

How property owners harmed by the riots could sue the negligent governments that allowed the damage  "Property owners who have suffered great losses in the course of recent riots and chaos in American cities should be able to sue for just compensation.  It is called inverse condemnation which is the flip-side of eminent domain.  Property rights are a cornerstone of the American system and are protected constitutionally from government overreach.   The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments include Due Process Clauses and the Takings Clause, which are the bedrock of constitutionally protected private property rights, wherein we are not to be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” … “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” . . .
(Emphasis added by TD)

. . . "When elected officials ignore the safeguards necessary for upholding these rights, or even worse, promote antithetical measures, diminution of private property value and erosion of individual rights abounds.
"Devastated property owners should have an avenue of recourse beyond battening down the hatches hoping to ride out the storm.  Justice could mean just compensation through inverse condemnation."   

Principal responds after photos of school library books in dumpster cause social media stir

Hat tip to #AreYouAngryYet

Fox9  WHITE BEAR LAKE, Minn. . . . "The photos of the books struck a nerve with community members. After seeing one social media post, Ryan Swanson told FOX 9 he drove out to the school to see for himself.
" 'I was so mad, I just left," he said.
"He says the discarded books appeared to be non-fiction and included topics such as Native American history, the Constitution and World War II. Swanson says he salvaged about 30 books and saw others filling up bins to donate the items." . . .

In Echo of Mao Era, China's Schools Remove Books Deemed Politically Incorrect
A directive from the Ministry of Education last October called on elementary and middle schools to clear out books from their libraries including "illegal" and "inappropriate" works.
Politically Incorrect Books
“Political Correctness started out as a movement that intended to protect minorities from harassment. But it has morphed into an excuse for self-righteous zealots to harass people who supposedly offended minorities, even if the minorities don't actually feel offended.
 Silencing The Song of the South
You could not find a less racist film than Song of the South.  So why was it taken off the market?  One objection was that Uncle Remus spoke in the black vernacular of the time. Ironically, Disney and Joel Chandler Harris were trying to be faithful to the dialect and to preserve it.

There was political correctness in 1930s Germany as well  "On May 10, 1933, more than 25,000 volumes of "un-German" books were burned in the square in front of the State Opera in Berlin. Many other German cities and towns followed suit. The Nazi book burnings symbolically marked the censorship, intolerance, and terror of the Nazi regime. We know what then came next..."

If our founding Fathers are still guilty, why not the Democrat Party?
Sen. Robert Byrd and the KKK  . . . "In his 2005 book, Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields, Byrd recalled how his ability to quickly recruit 150 of his friends to the group impressed a top Klan official who told him, “You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”
"Flattered by the official's observation, Byrd continued his leadership role in the Klan and was eventually elected Exalted Cyclops of the local group.
"In a 1944 letter to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, Byrd wrote,
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”    More here.

George Soros: a man above the law

Remember this when the mobs come for Trump rallies in a few weeks, or for a statue in your town. They are coming for us. What they don’t expect, because they’ve been allowed to run wild and unchecked for two weeks now, is for people to stand up to them and say, “No.”
Epic: Everyday Citizens Show How Easy It Is to Stop a Soros Mob   "Does everyone realize that the mobs will come for us if we don’t stand up to them? If they cannot stand the sight of depictions of historical people, such as statues, paintings or their very names being printed on buildings, it’s only a matter of time before they run out of things to destroy and move on to people.
"What’s going to happen when we try to attend Trump rallies in a few weeks and the mob shows up? Will we cower? Will we run and hide in fear that we will be called racists? Please don’t do that. A group of ordinary citizens just stood up to the mob in one city – and the mob backed down. All it took was two simple things that seem to be lacking in America right now: courage and integrity.
"George Soros backed revolutions that overthrew the governments in several countries while Barack Obama was in the White House. It probably rings a bell. This happened in Egypt, Libya, Syria and a host of African countries that never made the news. Soros later sparked another successful revolution in Ukraine. Snipers positioned in buildings around Kiev Square murdered protesters and police, and 24 hours later a regime was in power that would allow Joe Biden’s son Hunter to get a sweet deal with a Ukrainian gas company.
"Now Soros has set his sights on powerful western nations, and we are going through our own revolutions here. Soros has Black Lives Matter and Antifa doing his bidding here in America, and he’s doing it in the UK and other countries as well." . . .

The Federalist Papers
But yet the man has been above the law:
So what happened dept, this is from 2016: The Take Down of George Soros Has Begun"I've made this article free based on the importance of the material.  We have a limited window to stop Soros and his organizations from spreading more violence in America.  This need supersedes the needs of any one of us.  Please spread this material as far as possible."   Again, 2016. so how's it working out?Again from 2016: Soros Can Face Prison Under U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 115 . . . "George Soros has evil plans to destroy America, don’t let the mainstream media fool you! He is responsible for everything that has been going on for the last few months! He is trying to start the next American Revolution, but we cannot let him. He has to be stopped before he does any permanent damage to this country while he seeks only to further his own personal agenda." . . .
Mr. President, It's Time to Investigate George Soros for Funding Domestic Terrorism
. . . "My fellow Americans, we are at war. We must face it head-on. Evil globalist and socialist elites are out to bring down and destroy America. Their political arm is the Democrat Party. Their propaganda arm is mainstream media and social media. Their funding arm is Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Their brainwashing arm is made up of millions of Marxist public school teachers and college professors. And, as we are now seeing on the streets of U.S. cities, their military arm is Antifa. . . .
. . . This is no amateur hour. This was planned, organized, coordinated and funded by our enemies. Thugs are being bussed and flown into big cities to lead riots. Their weapons have been delivered to protest sites ahead of time. And where did all the violent thugs and hooligans come from? The liberal district attorneys (in many cases, put in place by the funding of George Soros and others like him) let the felons out of prison. Someone will pay for all of this. It's time to take aggressive action and prove who will pay. 
"Here is a plan, Mr. President, to stop the unrest and end the crisis." . . .    

Many Tentacles of George Soros in America in One Eye-Opening Chart

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More Proof Of Paid Protesters: Ad Asking For Protesters To Travel To Protest, List Of Payouts To #Ferguson Protest Organizers

Weasel Zippers  since 2015 without stopping."MORE and OBS, two groups funded by George Soros, advertised money available for people willing to travel to protest (@organizemo is the twitter account of MORE):. . . "
. . . 
"Obviously, as we’ve mentioned before, this is far from a ‘grass roots spontaneous’ protest.
"You can see money paid out to Lisa Fithian, $1,127.75 for ‘visit expenses’.
"For those who do not know, Lisa Fithian is an infamous leftist organizer. She organized at Occupy, but has been used as a training organizer for many years before that. She spent time in Ferguson in 2014 training people to ‘simulate chaos’."
"Also of note, you can see that some people are being paid to travel to other places to protest, you can see the travel to Selma, and to D.C., as well as money paid out for ‘vans’, including to a union for providing the vans. Elizabeth Vega got $2000 for ‘activist trip to Baltimore’.
"There is money paid for protester supplies and protester catering, as well as for video recording of the protests. Some things were not so defined such as $2000 to Taylor Payne for ‘support’.
" '$52,815 is paid to MORE. Money clearly was to go through them to the protesters, according to the protesters during their #cutthechecks protest.
"There are big payouts to Jeff Ordower. Jeff Ordower is a bit like a male Lisa Fithian, he was an organizer for the SEIU and ACORN. He founded MORE and his stated goal is “welcoming co-conspirators in attempts to scale up numbers of radical organizers who can financially support themselves in the work”. He is the white man protesters are complaining to in this clip, when they protested not getting paid. He would appear to be disburser of the checks." . . .

George Soros Donates $220 Million to Radical BLM Groups Including Movement to “End Policing as We Know It”

. . . "In August 2016 the mysterious “DC Leaks” website posted hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society.
"The documents included information on operations in Latin America, Eurasia, Asia, the US, Europe and the World Bank.
"One document revealed Soros paid $650,000 to the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Washington Times accused Soros of giving at least $33 million in one year to the far left groups that emboldened black lives matter activists.
"During the Ferguson riots a Soros-linked organization MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) and OBS (Organization for Black Struggle) advertised for paid protesters in Ferguson." . . .

Bastille Day: The Beginning Of Liberal Madness

Ann Coulter

"This Tuesday, the French celebrated Bastille Day, the mob attack on a Parisian prison that has come to symbolize the French Revolution, a period of massive violence that produced nothing other than a lot of dead Frenchmen. Their revolution was the screech of a mob, much as we are seeing in several of our own cities and towns today. So let’s review this absurdly celebrated event.
"As is common with mob violence the storming of the Bastille was set off by a rumor. People began to whisper that the impotent, indecisive king, Louis XVI, was going to attack the new legislative body, the National Assembly.
— Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! (Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department found that claim was a lie — after multiple millions in property damage and human suffering.)
— Mass protests over police killing an innocent black man in Detroit! (Turns out, Hakim Littleton was firing a gun at them.)
— Althea Bernstein’s face was burned with lighter fluid and a match thrown at her by four “classic Wisconsin frat boys“! ((After initial flood-the-zone coverage, that story sure disappeared fast.)
In need of weapons to defend themselves from the imaginary attack, on the morning of July 14, 1789, about 60,000 French citizens armed with pikes and axes assembled at Les Invalides, a barracks for aging soldiers, to demand weapons and ammunition.
— As Sens. Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio can explain to you, antifa carry rocks, incendiary devices and bicycle locks only to defend themselves from “fascists.”
 More here  

         — At least we haven’t seen any masses of people shouting and cursing at law enforcement officers.
"Much worse was in store for de Launay. The Bastille commander was triumphantly paraded through the streets, where the people cut him with swords and bayonets until he was finally hacked to death, whereupon the charming Parisians continued to mutilate his dead body. A cook was given the honor of cutting off de Launay’s head, getting down on his hands and knees in the gutter and sawing it off with a pocketknife.
"De Launay’s head, along with that of another city official, were stuck on pikes and waltzed through the streets of Paris for more celebratory jeering.
        — News this week: White Indianapolis woman’s Facebook page flooded with mocking messages from BLM supporters after she was murdered for saying “All Lives Matter.
       — Also this week, Savannah Chavez’s tribute to her fallen police officer father, killed in an ambush on Saturday, was bombarded with sneering tweets from BLM supporters.
"In reaction to the storming of the Bastille, Alexander Hamilton politely warned the Marquis de Lafayette, hero of the American Revolution:  “I dread the vehement character of your people whom I fear you may find it more easy to bring on, than to keep within Proper bounds, after you have put them in motion.”
Lafayette didn’t listen. Three years later, he was fleeing France for his life. I hope the Democrats have a better plan."

Antifa Terrorists Arrested On Federal Charges After Weekend Of Carnage In Portland

'Boycott, Meet Boomerang': One VA Man Just Beat Liberals At Their Own Cancel Culture Games Over Goya Foods

Matt Vespa "Goya Foods is now problematic. Its CEO has just betrayed Hispanic people everywhere because…he praised President Trump. No, I’m not kidding. Some idiots are now boycotting. Some morons have been caught tossing their Goya Foods in the trash while also voicing their concern about food banks. Uh, why not just donate that food you’re not going to use? But play stupid games and win stupid prizes is common for left-wingers. They’re abjectly stupid people. Here’s what set off the meltdown (via WaPo): . . ."
Don't let anyone ever try to argue CNN doesn't cheer or express aid and comfort to cancel culture
This Mexican-American cookbook author and food blogger counts herself among the many Latinos who say they won't buy Goya products after Goya CEO Robert Unanue appeared in the White House Rose Garden and praised President Donald Trump.

. . . "But cancel culture is not real or something, right? Well, one Virginia man fought back against this nonsense, raising over $100,000 to purchase and donate Goya Foods to charity. As The Hill’s Joe Concha noted, “boycott, meet boomerang” (via The Hill):" . . .

. . . The GoFundMe page, created by Casey Harper, has raised more than $115,000 since it was first launched on Sunday. The page, which calls on patrons to “support Trump & feed the hungry,” initially had a goal of $10,000.
“What if we rise up to say no to cancel culture AND feed the hungry at the same time?” the page reads, while detailing some of the backlash Goya has faced over the past few days over comments CEO Robert Unanue recently made lauding Trump at a White House event earlier this month.

‘Intellectual Curiosity … Is Now A Liability’: Bari Weiss Writes Scathing Resignation Letter From The NYT Amid Its Woke ‘Civil War’

Daily Caller  . . . "The former NYT writer brought up Cotton’s op-ed in her resignation letter, pointing out that “op-eds that would have easily been published just two years ago would now get an editor or a writer in serious trouble, if not fired.”
"She also noted that “Twitter is not on the masthead of” the NYT, but said she feels it “has become its ultimate editor.”
“ 'As the ethics and mores of that platform have become those of the paper, the paper itself has increasingly become a kind of performance space,” according to Weiss. “Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions… What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity.”
"Weiss wrote that she still feels that many at the publication don’t agree with views the NYT is pushing, but have been “cowed by those who do.' ” 
“The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people,” according to Weiss. “This is a galaxy in which, to choose just a few recent examples, the Soviet space program is lauded for its ‘diversity’; the doxxing of teenagers in the name of justice is condoned; and the worst caste systems in human history includes the United States alongside Nazi Germany.”
“America is a great country that deserves a great newspaper.”