Thursday, July 16, 2020

Principal responds after photos of school library books in dumpster cause social media stir

Hat tip to #AreYouAngryYet

Fox9  WHITE BEAR LAKE, Minn. . . . "The photos of the books struck a nerve with community members. After seeing one social media post, Ryan Swanson told FOX 9 he drove out to the school to see for himself.
" 'I was so mad, I just left," he said.
"He says the discarded books appeared to be non-fiction and included topics such as Native American history, the Constitution and World War II. Swanson says he salvaged about 30 books and saw others filling up bins to donate the items." . . .

In Echo of Mao Era, China's Schools Remove Books Deemed Politically Incorrect
A directive from the Ministry of Education last October called on elementary and middle schools to clear out books from their libraries including "illegal" and "inappropriate" works.
Politically Incorrect Books
“Political Correctness started out as a movement that intended to protect minorities from harassment. But it has morphed into an excuse for self-righteous zealots to harass people who supposedly offended minorities, even if the minorities don't actually feel offended.
 Silencing The Song of the South
You could not find a less racist film than Song of the South.  So why was it taken off the market?  One objection was that Uncle Remus spoke in the black vernacular of the time. Ironically, Disney and Joel Chandler Harris were trying to be faithful to the dialect and to preserve it.

There was political correctness in 1930s Germany as well  "On May 10, 1933, more than 25,000 volumes of "un-German" books were burned in the square in front of the State Opera in Berlin. Many other German cities and towns followed suit. The Nazi book burnings symbolically marked the censorship, intolerance, and terror of the Nazi regime. We know what then came next..."

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