Friday, July 31, 2020

2019: Woke History Is Making Big Inroads in America's High Schools

Jewish, Armenian, Assyrian, Hellenic and other ethnic groups left out of the proposal are demanding their narratives be included as part of the curriculum. And critics also wonder why many ethnic groups are left out, but the LGBTQ community is included even though it is technically not an ethnicity.

RealClearInvestigations; how bad can it be now?    Like growing numbers of public high school students across the country, many California kids are receiving classroom instruction in how race, class, gender, sexuality and citizenship status are tools of oppression, power and privilege. They are taught about colonialism, state violence, racism, intergenerational trauma, heteropatriarchy and the common thread that links them: “whiteness.” Students are then graded on how well they apply these concepts in writing assignments, performances and community organizing projects.
"At Santa Monica High School, for example, students organize and carry out “a systematized campaign” for social justice that can take the form of a protest, a leaflet, a workshop, play or research project. They demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter by teaching about social justice to middle school students.
"Students at Environmental Charter High School in Lawndale are assigned to write a “breakup letter with a form of oppression,” such as toxic masculinity, heteronormativity, the Eurocentric curriculum or the Dakota Access Pipeline. Students are asked to “persuade their audience of the dehumanizing and damaging effects of their chosen topic.” 
"Students at schools in Anaheim, San Jose, Oakland, and San Francisco are taught how to write a manifesto to school administrators listing “demands” for reforms. Some conduct a grand jury investigation to determine who was responsible for the genocide of the state’s Native Americans. And one class holds a mock trial to determine which party is most responsible for the deaths of millions of native Tainos: Christopher Columbus, the soldiers, the king and queen of Spain, or the entire European system of colonialism.

California’s Woke Hypocrisy

California’s failure to improve conditions for Latinos and blacks was evident even before the lockdowns and recent unrest. What the state’s minorities need is not less policing, or systematic looting of upscale neighborhoods, or steps to reimpose affirmative action, or kneeling politicians; they require policies that empower working-class citizens of all races to ascend into the middle class.
Mike Ramirez
 City Journal by Joel Kotkin
"Leaders offer platitudes and counterproductive policies rather than opportunities and better living standards for the state’s minorities."

"No state wears its multicultural veneer more ostentatiously than California. The Golden State’s leaders believe that they lead a progressive paradise, ushering in what theorists Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca call “a new progressive era.” Others see California as deserving of nationhood; it reflects, as a New York Times columnist put it, “the shared values of our increasingly tolerant and pluralistic society.”

"In response to the brutal killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti announced plans to defund the police—a move applauded by Senator Kamala Harris, a prospective Democratic vice presidential candidate, despite the city’s steep rise in homicides. San Francisco mayor London Breed wants to do the same in her increasingly crime-ridden, disordered city. This follows state attorney general Xavier Becerra’s numerous immigration-related lawsuits against the Trump administration, even as his state has become a sanctuary for illegal immigrants—complete with driver’s licenses for some 1 million and free health care.

"Despite these progressive intentions, Hispanics and African-Americans—some 45 percent of California’s total population—fare worse in the state than almost anywhere nationwide. Based on cost-of-living estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, 28 percent of California’s African-Americans live in poverty, compared with 22 percent nationally. Fully one-third of Latinos, now the state’s largest ethnic group, live in poverty, compared with 21 percent outside the state. “For Latinos,” notes longtime political consultant Mike Madrid, “the California Dream is becoming an unattainable fantasy.' ” . . .

From the comments to the author of this post: 
Joel: Remember that you voted for this. You wrote article after article criticizing the judgment of President Trump (and Republicans in general), and encouraged every one of your readers to vote for liberal Democrats. Your exhortations are one of the reasons that California is a one-party state in substantial and rapid decline. (Personally, after living there for 38 years, I escaped to Texas in 2014. The best decision I ever made.)
So where are we now, Joel? You have in office the politicians that you actively promoted. Spare us the complaints and the recriminations. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
You got the government you wanted, Joel. Good and hard! Enjoy it.

I always thought the author was center-right. I never attributed him to being a mouthpiece for the morons that run California

Here’s a question I have about our next presidential election later this year: In spite of having Trump as president and Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education the left has still made great progress in using our schools to teach white kids to hate themselves for being white and to teach all children to hate white people. If they can do this with conservatives in charge of the federal government what will they do if they get control of the federal government, especially with the left in control of the msm which is simply their Pravda, their propaganda machine?

Physician behind ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ says she was fired, warns attackers she’s hired attorney Lin Wood

As host Tucker Carlson noted, the video’s optimistic message about the treatment of the coronavirus “would hurt the Joe Biden for President campaign and so they pulled it off the internet and banned anyone from sharing it.”
BPR  Dr. Simone Gold, a Los Angeles-based physician and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, said Thursday night she has been fired for expressing her medical opinion.
"Appearing Thursday night on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the doctor who appeared at a press conference Monday with other physicians during a “White Coat Summit” in Washington to tout the use of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 patients, confirmed that she lost her job.
" 'I’m a board-certified emergency physician for 20 years, and in fact, it seems like until five minutes ago I was considered a hero and people would be clapping and glad that I was doing what I was doing, and then the video came out and I was summarily fired for appearing in what was told to me is an embarrassing video,” Gold said." . . .

"Video of the press conference was quickly censored by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google, and the doctors were attacked across the board by the liberal media for pushing “unproven conspiracy theories.”
"In the video, Gold insisted that “the American people have not heard from all of the expertise that’s out there all across our country,” when it comes to treating the virus.
"According to, Dr. Gold is an emergency medicine specialist with more than 31 years of experience in the medical field, and is (or was) affiliated with Centinela Hospital Medical Center." . . .

Trader Joe’s Stands Up To The Cancel Mob: ‘We Do Not Make Decisions Based On Petitions’

The Federalist

"The woke mob, spurred on by Black Lives Matter following George Floyd’s death, has come not only for cities and statues but for people and brands. It came for the Washington Redskins — canceled. It came for police shows — canceled. It came for Aunt Jemima, Rice CrispiesGoyaLady Antebellum — the list never ends. When it recently came for Trader Joe’s, the grocery company responded loud and clear: We don’t bow to the cancel mob.
“ 'A few weeks ago, an online petition was launched calling on us to ‘remove racist packaging from [our] products,’” Trader Joe’s said in a statement last week. “Following were inaccurate reports that the petition prompted us to take action. We want to be clear: we disagree that any of these labels are racist. We do not make decisions based on petitions.”
"The petition, circulating on, demands that the company “remove racist branding and packaging.” It reads, “The grocery chain labels some of its ethnic foods with modifications of ‘Joe’ that belies a narrative of exoticism that perpetuates harmful stereotypes. For example, ‘Trader Ming’s’ is used to brand the chain’s Chinese food, ‘Arabian Joe’ brands Middle Eastern foods, ‘Trader José’ brands Mexican foods, ‘Trader Giotto’s’ is for Italian food, and ‘Trader Joe San’ brands their Japanese cuisine.”
"The petition further bemoans the inception of Trader Joe’s, alleging it was inspired by a “racist book and a controversial theme park attraction” and saying it perpetuates “exoticism.”
"Trader Joe’s isn’t having any of it. " . . .

The New George Wallace: Barack Obama

American Spectator

Ex-president uses John Lewis funeral to play the race card. As once did George Wallace:
"And I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.”
"Fifty-seven years ago, the newly sworn-in Democrat governor of Alabama, George Wallace, delivered those words in his inaugural address.
"In other words: George Wallace, who was a product of a political party that built its political power by supporting every imaginable policy that divided Americans by race, was at it again. Using the momentary pulpit that was a governor’s inaugural to play the race card — again.
"Yesterday there was a new George Wallace. He appeared in an Atlanta church to eulogize the late Democratic Congressman John Lewis, Lewis a certifiable hero of the 1960s civil rights movement.
"There were, in fact, three former presidents there, including George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. But it was former President Barack Obama and Obama alone who chose to use the literal pulpit to divide by race. Among things said by the former president were these gems:
George Wallace may be gone. But we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators. 
We may no longer have to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar in order to cast a ballot, but even as we sit here, there are those in power, who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision — even undermining the postal service in the run-up to an election that’s going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick.
Mr. Nakamura 
"Say what? First, the protests in question have hardly been peaceful. And vandalizing a federal building named for, as Karl Rove has pointed out over in the Wall Street Journal, a Japanese-American named William Kenzo Nakamura is a disgrace. Mr. Nakamura was sent to an internment camp in 1942 when he was 20 — with his family — at the direction of Democrat FDR’s internment policy. Race card playing to the max. Nakamura made a point of enlisting in the U.S. Army anyway, was sent to Europe, and lost his life at the hands of Nazi soldiers as he managed to destroy two enemy machine gun nests. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously.
As Rove quotes Brian Moran, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Washington, those who broke into the Nakamura Courthouse and set a fire and spray-painted it with graffiti “are not protesting anything; they seek only to disrupt and destroy, and through their acts, they dishonor Private Nakamura’s memory and his extraordinary sacrifice for his country.” Exactly.
"Can you imagine if some Republican — Bush 43 in this instance — had stood up at the Lewis funeral and pushed the Republican agenda? Not to mention if he got up and played the race card?
"Yes, you can. All un-shirted hell would have broken loose." . . .

William Kenzo Nakamura Fed Courthouse 
The Democrats Surrender in Portland  . . . “Yes,” the governor acknowledged, “we’ve been very clear that Oregon state police will protect the federal courthouse.” That certainly sounds like a capitulation to us. Youtube has an exegesis by commentator Tim Pool. “It sounds like the Feds are getting everything they’ve asked for — in exchange for nothing,” is the way Mr. Pool puts it." . . .

George W. Bush Has More Class Than the Entire Democratic Party  . . . "Bush barely mentioned the political division between him and Lewis. “John and I had our disagreements of course,” Bush said. “But in the America John Lewis fought for, and the America I believe in, differences of opinion are inevitable elements and evidence of democracy in action.”
"If only Lewis’s opposition to Bush had truly been so noble.
"In addition to boycotting Bush’s inaugurations, Lewis supported impeaching Bush in 2005 over the NSA surveillance program, which pales in comparison to how Bush’s successor, Barack Obama, expanded warrantless surveillance, without Lewis supporting his impeachment. Lewis, like many others, was just another garden-variety partisan who pretty much hated Republicans, and blanketly accused them of being racist. John Lewis most certainly thought little of Bush, likely only viewing him as marginally better than Donald Trump—a man he absurdly compared to segregationist Democrat George Wallace. But Lewis seemed to assign claims of racism to any Republican nominee for president, at least in recent memory." . . .

More than 100 police departments refuse to provide security for Democratic National Convention
Police Chiefs Refuse to Protect Democratic Convention After Pepper Spray Ban, Say It Would 'Ensure Their Safety' . . . "When you rule an unlawful assembly to help break up that crowd, once we deem them unruly, that's a safe manner in doing so. Not having those tools increases the potential for more violence," Morales added, according to WTMJ-TV. "That's a big concern for the law enforcement community within Milwaukee and outside of Milwaukee." . . .

More than 100 police departments refuse to provide security for Democratic National Convention

Obama turned John Lewis's funeral into a sleazy political event

Andrea Widburg  "Sometimes, heroes outlive themselves.  John McCain's reputation would have stood up better to scrutiny had he died a younger man.  The same is true for John Lewis.  In his heyday, he was a brave and honorable civil rights icon.  In his final years, he was an angry, dishonest partisan.  The younger Lewis would have been embarrassed by his funeral; the older Lewis would have reveled in it." . . .
"The eulogy began well enough, with Obama reciting Lewis's childhood in the Jim Crow South, his history-making commitment to the civil rights movement, and his long career at the heart of the American government.  Some might say that Lewis's political career alone, augmented by a eulogy from a black president, proves that the civil rights movement in America was a smashing success, but that's not how Democrats roll.
"Instead, Obama insisted that America is a racist hellhole, and he stopped just short of explicitly stating that Donald Trump is George Wallace, the segregationist governor of Alabama.  He also essentially said that those federal police officers pushing back against violent Antifa terrorists are an army of Bull Connors, the Birmingham commissioner of public safety who used attack dogs and fire hoses against peaceful civil rights marchers: . . .
. . . "Having set the stage, Obama insisted the only way to honor Lewis's legacy was to enact automatic voter registration; re-enfranchise ex-felons; make Election Day a national holiday; give senators to D.C. and Puerto Rico; and, to make all that happen, eliminate the filibuster.
"In the end, Lewis had slipped from a place on the pedestal that he'd earned through bravery and integrity.  I suspect that the elder Lewis would have applauded Obama's demagoguery.  Still, I'd like to think the young Lewis, who valued the vote above anything, would have resented these efforts to disenfranchise half of America — the half that votes for the party that fought to end slavery during the Civil War and that ensured the passage of the Civil Rights Act."
It runs in his family; have you seen excerpts of bitter Michelle sharing her  grudges before graduating classes?

Products of leftist media, schools and George Soros: pliant sheep

Leftist/Violence Nexus
In an article by Ronn Blitzer “DAs backed by Soros, other liberal activists join fray…” (30 July 2020), there now exits a patent nexus and insidious comorbidity between the left and anarchy comforted, financed, and abetted by George Soros.  The history is well known.  Questioning the efficacy of the Electoral College, baseless accusations of the President’s mental competence, and the Russia collusion hoax figure most prominently.  Their obsession to have President Trump impeached by any means necessary is the chief reason for their insurgency.

About those 'peaceful protests'...
. . . Credibility is paramount.  Propagandists know that every story must have at least a kernel of truth.  Progressives appear to be ignoring this axiom.  When MSNBC's Ali Velshi claims, "I want to be clear on how I characterize this.  This is a mostly a protest.  It is not generally speaking unruly," with fires raging behind him, he has no credibility.  Ellen Rosenblum the Oregon Attorney General claims the riots in Portland were “perfectly peaceful. ”When Representative Jerry Nadler claims rioting in Portland is a myth he has destroyed his credibility.  Snopes has done its best to discredit a report that is unfavorable for the "peaceful protesters." . . .

Brit Hume Muses About What a ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protester Looks Like to the Media and It’s Perfect  . . . "Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume, a veteran journalist, has also had enough of the “peaceful protests” spin from the media and took to the Twitter machine recently to give his thoughts on how reporters determine a rioter is a “mostly peaceful” protester.
"The example he used was this video from independent journalist Andy Ngo of a rioter who jumped over a barrier to launch an incendiary device at the courthouse in Portland, which my RedState colleague Nick Arama reported on yesterday:
Hume saw the video, and noted how the mainstream media would still end up characterizing this violent rioter as a “mostly peaceful” protester in spite of his anarchistic actions:. . . "

The Riots in Portland Started in Public School

Marion Smith, executive director of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, blames this preference for totalitarian systems on the "widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago."     
T.R. Clancy . . . "None of this should come as a shock.  The nightly attacks on statues, on a federal courthouse, and on police are the proof of Solomon's injunction, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old[er], he will not depart from it."  Solomon wanted children taught the fear of the Lord; but the principle applies no matter what you teach.
"This is the moment that America's teacher's colleges, and the public-school systems fed by them, have been working toward since the 1960s.  That's when the "education schools began conditioning teachers to peddle impossible social and economic theories to captive human sponges in K-12 classrooms," as described here by Chuck Rogér:
[T]he "evidence-free" education school theory of "social justice" alleges that minority children learn best when encouraged to embrace grievances against middle class whites.  Social justice–indoctrinated teachers instill resentment in "non-dominant" (minority) children and guilt in "dominant" (white) children.  Judging by the abundance of guilt-ridden white Americans, the tactic is working its magic well.     
"It's even worse if you've been to college.
"A 2017 poll suggested that a "majority of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist, communist or fascist nation rather than a capitalistic one."  That makes slightly more sense when you see that only 33% of Millennials "were able to identify the correct definition of socialism.' "  . . .
Is there a better description of what's missing from the souls of those unhinged women shrieking at cops in the front lines of the BLM riots, or the Orc swarms of Antifa kicking a prostrate victim?  Not only do they reject the possibility of their enemies' redemption from America's "original sin of racism," but they're insensible to their own need of redemption and mercy.  They don't know about the much graver Original Sin of Adam that starts all of us out on the wrong side of history.  None of their textbooks mentioned anything about souls.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Portland Fire: Feds 'were not and will not ever' use stations for tactical operations

KPTV  . . . "To further clarify their role, Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who is also the city of Portland Fire Commissioner has “directed that no PF&R station will be used by law enforcement of any kind, to include Portland Police, for any tactical operations until further notice.”
"Previously, the Portland Police Rapid Response Team officers have used the fire stations for staging and deployment, according to the statement. This is no longer allowed.
"In response to PF&R new direction, Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell issued the following statement:" . . .
Portland fire commissioner bans all law enforcement agencies from using fire stations as staging area

Portland Fire Commissioner Bans Police From Staging At Fire Stations  "Portland, OR – Portland Fire and Rescue has banned all law enforcement agencies from using any of its 31 stations to prepare for tactical operations.
"The directive was given by Portland Fire Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who demanded on July 18 that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler hand command of the city’s police force over to her if he wasn’t going to force officers to scale back their responses to the nightly riots that have been plaguing the city for nearly two months, Willamette Week reported.
“ 'Mayor Wheeler, if you can’t control the police, give me the Portland Police Bureau,” Hardesty declared in her letter to the mayor, according to Willamette Week.
“ 'You are putting our community in danger. You are putting my staff in danger. We need you to be better,” she wrote.
"Wheeler reject her request and opted to retain oversight of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB).
“ 'I will continue to serve as police commissioner through this time of transformation,” Wheeler said in a statement on Monday, according to Willamette Week. “And I will continue to work with elected leaders from the county and the state to ensure that we are examining the criminal justice system as a whole.' ” . . .
. . . "Turner said he has invited elected officials to stand at the front during the protests and no one, including Hardesty, has accepted the invite." . . .

Here Ms. Hardesty shows the class that one does not expect from Democrats:

Portland commissioner apologizes after claiming police 'saboteurs' were starting fires, infiltrating crowds  "Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty on Wednesday alleged that police “saboteurs” and “provocateurs” are the ones starting fires after infiltrating crowds of demonstrators who’ve dominated the streets for more than 50 consecutive nights.
"But Hardesty later apologized after the unsubstantiated claim was quickly shot down by the city's police union.
" 'I want people to know that I do not believe there’s any protesters in Portland that are setting fires, that are creating crisis. I absolutely believe it’s police action, and they’re sending saboteurs and provocateurs into peaceful crowds so they justify their inhumane treatment of people who are standing up for their rights,” Hardesty said in an online briefing hosted by the Portland-based Western States Center.
"Portland Police Association President Daryl Turner slammed Hardesty’s “outlandish accusation,” demanding that she “immediately produce evidence.” He also said the city commissioner was guilty of hijacking the protests about racial justice in the wake of the death of George Floyd only to seize power." . . .

One Cheer for John Kasich; If Kasich can pull potential Republican defectors to Biden, why not ask for his help?

The Nation  "Some Democrats and progressives, including Nation columnist Elie Mystal, are upset that former representative and Ohio governor John Kasich, a Republican, will be speaking at the Democratic convention in August. For most of his political career, Kasich was anathema to Democrats and liberals. It isn’t clear if he’ll officially endorse Joe Biden, but his presence at the convention is a very public repudiation of Trump.
"Democrats should embrace Kasich’s support for Biden, in whatever form it takes. Despite polls showing Biden widening his lead against Trump in most swing states, his victory is hardly assured, especially with Trump and the GOP doubling down on voter suppression. If Kasich can help persuade some Republicans in swing states, including Ohio, to vote for Biden, that could help defeat Trump." . . .

Ben Shapiro rips Kasich over reports he will speak at DNC: 'Did he ever stop running for president?'
The AP reported that, according to a person with direct knowledge of the plans, the former 2016 Republican presidential candidate is among a handful of high-profile GOP members likely to become more active in supporting Biden in the fall.
What Kasich Gives Biden  . . . "The last time a partisan defector at a political convention significantly boosted a nominee was in 2004, when Democratic Senator Zell Miller gave the keynote address on behalf of George W. Bush." . . .

John Kasich's ego-driven grift marches on   . . . "Kasich spent his waning days as Ohio’s governor vetoing pro-life and pro-gun bills before turning his anti-conservatism into a CNN gig. All along the way, he teased himself as a potential 2020 primary opponent for Trump. He would have been a threat to nothing but the turning of conservatives' stomachs when they'd have to watch him hit the campaign trail again." . . .

Pelosi endorses Omar

Ziva Dahl "As if we needed any more evidence of the Democratic Party’s capitulation to the anti-Israel Left, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has endorsed for re-election the notorious anti-Semite and Israel hater Rep. Ilhan Omar, rejecting Omar’s four challengers, including Antone Melton-Meaux, a popular black pro-Israel progressive.
"Minnesota’s 5th district, one of the safest Democratic seats in the country, is holding its primary on August 11.  “Ilhan is a valued and important member of our Caucus,” said Pelosi in her endorsement statement. “In her first term, Ilhan has already established herself as a leader on a host of issues – from child nutrition to housing to U.S.-Africa relations.”
"This is the Ilhan Omar whose slurs about Jewish dual loyalty and money buying influence (“It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.”) were ranked among the top ten anti-Semitic incidents of 2019 by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
"In March 2019, in response to the uproar, even in her own party, about Omar’s hateful comments, Pelosi passed a watered-down, non-binding House resolution condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, but failing to call out Omar by name.  And she kept Omar on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, attributing the congresswoman’s Jew-hatred to a “language problem.” . . .
"Ilhan Omar has a problem with American Jews, whom she libels with well-recognized anti-Semitic tropes.  She also has a problem with Israel -- the only country in its region that embraces the values the Democratic Party claims to champion.  She accuses the Jewish state of  “hypnotizing the world” and supports the campaign to eliminate it.
"But Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t have a problem with Ilhan Omar.  She had the power to get rid of Omar in the same way the Republicans got rid of Steve King (R-IA) for his racist and sexist remarks. Instead, she did the opposite.  Why?  This shrewd politician raised a finger to see which way the wind is blowing in her party… and it’s not with Israel."

Jews Need to Jexit from Democrat-Left Racist Poison  . . . "All Americans, particularly Jews, the people who introduced liberal enlightened values to the world, should be ashamed of embracing any of the values of this Democrat-left party — especially its racism.  It has been a poison on the American soul since its inception.  Now, 170 years later, its poison is as noxious and deep in all areas of American life.  Its new variation of raw, crude, virulent segregation/separatist racism is one of its most evil brews infecting our beautiful country."
Arutz Sheva: House Speaker backs controversial Minnesota representative, while pro-Israel donors back rival Democrat.  
. . . "Antone Melton-Meaux, one of four challengers to Omar in the Aug. 11 primary, has fundraised nationally in part by rebuking Omar for her Israel policies. Omar is one of two Democrats in the House who back the boycott Israel movement." . . .

Antone Melton-Meaux seeks to unseat Ilhan Omar in CD5
“I'm the proud son of two parents that understood the power of hard work, perseverance and community. My father actually integrated his high school in Mercer County, Kentucky in the 1950s, went on and served our country in the military, receiving a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star,” he said, explaining that his father used GI Bill money to attend the University of Kentucky. “He was the first African American electrical engineer in the history of that school. Then, he went on to have a very long distinguished career designing aircraft engines for General Electric.
. . . In 2018, I started to pay more attention to Congresswoman Omar after she made some really hurtful comments towards the Jewish community and towards Israel, a community that's important just as any other in our neighborhoods here."