Obama is famous for endorsing hopeless candidacies that sink. One can only hope that, true to form, the Obama imprimatur here will knock out Campa-Najjar for good in those parts.Monica Showalter "On Monday, President Obama trotted out his highly awaited endorsement list of more than 100 Democrat down-ballot candidates, and based on the media's reaction, it's the holy grail for those Democrats." . . .
First Wave of 2020 Endorsements
. . . "Much of the attention has been on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an openly socialist protege of Bernie Sanders who didn't get one, but that wasn't surprising, given the trouble she's given to the Democrat establishment.
"No, amid all this gushing about getting the Obama imprimatur, the news is that at least one candidate views Obama's unsolicited endorsement as the kiss of death.
"Here's the Times of San Diego:" .
. . .
"Look at all the evidence in his statement:
He didn't solicit the endorsement.He refused to say if he welcomed it.He tried to dilute it by claiming that people of all parties have endorsed him.He tried to say Obama isn't important in any case, because he is "not on the ballot."Sound like a guy who's happy to have that holy grail Obama endorsement?Obviously, he considers that Obama endorsement the kiss of death. And sure enough, his Republican rival is using it as a weapon to dissuade voters from voting for him. So much for the Obama endorsement meaning something.
"Why would that be? Let's unpack this."... More...