Tony Branco |
Shama Tobin . . . "Secondly, when Mishkin and his team were deliberating whether to make the call for Biden or not, the percentage of the votes counted was most likely still about 60% or so. Arizona is not a solid blue state. Trump carried the state in 2016 by a healthy 3.5% margin. Prior to 2010, Arizona had voted Republican candidates nine times in the last previous ten elections. And in 2018, the state elected a Republican governor by a huge margin, 14%. By almost all accounts, Trump would carry the state again.
"The state's results came almost nine days after Fox News's call, with Biden leading by a razor-thin margin, 0.3% (49.40% vs. 49.10%), which is still contested by the Trump campaign. But the Fox News premature call on Arizona for Biden was like a lifeline to the Biden campaign's falling hope on the Election Night. It may have triggered the chain reaction of the Biden campaign to win the election, including the great mystery of the four-hour break of vote counts in Michigan and Wisconsin on the dawn of November 4. What transpired afterward was massive cheating in both states.
"The question is, why did Fox News call it so early? Or, rather, who is Arnon Mishkin?
"Mishkin is a registered Democrat. He voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. This is not to suggest that Mishkin and his team were coordinating with the Biden campaign. However, I am 100% sure that Mishkin voted for Biden and has every desire in his blood that Trump lose in this election.
"Fox News decided to employ a partisan Democrat hack to make a call in a very consequential election. Every conservative has a right to be furious and abandon Fox News. And Fox News can thank Mishkin for the tank in its ratings."