Monica Showalter "After continuous suggestions that President Trump was at the root of violence in America's cities, and that the leftists perpetrating it would abate once Joe Biden was elected president, the left remains angry and violent. Electing Joe Biden, if anything, made them more violent.
"This past weekend, the assaults, trashings, garbage fires, and beatings of President Trump's supporters by the mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter stepped up.
"And Joe Biden? The guy who makes "presidential" statements at every turn? The best he could come up with, under pressure, was this, according to Fox News:
"President-elect Biden continues to denounce all acts of violence," Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates said Monday, although he did not name Antifa or Black Lives Matter.
"Likewise, he also condemns the repugnant displays of white supremacy that were made in Washington, DC this weekend," Bates continued, citing a sign displayed at the march that read "Coming for Blacks and Indians first welcome to the New World Order."
"Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said likewise, and House speaker Nancy Pelosi was
completely silent."Biden's sorry excuse for a condemnation is roughly parallel with what Pelosi's Congress did when confronted by repeated statements of anti-Semitism by Rep. Ilhan Omar and forced into a vote about it. Instead of condemn Omar and her introduction of fourth-world anti-Semitic ravings into the national body politic, the kind that are found in hellholes like her native Somalia and places famous for their terrorist production such as Syria and Pakistan, the cowardly Pelosi-led Congress sought instead to spread the blame, making the condemnation against both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, since, see, everyone does it, and Omar suddenly became the victim. Remember this?
"The measure also cited recent death threats against Jewish and Muslim members of Congress and noted that "white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize hate for political gain.' " . . .