Sunday, December 6, 2020

President of Soros’ Open Society Foundations resigns, clearing way for potential Biden Cabinet position

Fox News  "The president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard, will resign, opening the way for him to take a possible position in the Biden administration.

"Gaspard, who has served on the Hungarian-born billionaire’s foundation for three years, announced Friday that he will step down at the end of the year, Open Society said.


"Gaspard previously served as U.S. ambassador to South Africa between 2013 and 2016 in the Obama administration. Before that, he served as director of the White House Office of Political Affairs.

"Axios reported that there is speculation he could join the Biden administration, possibly as Labor secretary. He has previous experience with labor unions -- having worked for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU.)

"In a statement, Gaspard said he wishes to re-enter politics to continue “the struggle against oppression everywhere.”

DEN, HARRIS DOUBLE DOWN ON CONTROVERSIAL CABINET PICK NEERA TANDEN   "Soros, a left-wing megadonor, praised Gaspard as a “champion of all rights: whether for workers, for women, or for underserved groups.”

“ 'His dedication to those challenging power is precisely why I invited Patrick to join Open Society,” he said. “I have great admiration for the way he led the Foundations in a world beset by illiberalism, and I applaud him.”

"Biden, along with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have doubled down on their support for controversial director of the Office of Management and Budget nominee, Neera Tanden." . . .

‘You spoiled rotten BRAT’: Candace Owens knocks AOC OUT with some brutal truth about what it REALLY means to ‘work hard’

 Twitchy  "As Twitchy readers know, AOC has spent the last several days whining because people made fun of her for selling REALLY pricey merchandise hating on the rich, and then doubling and tripling down about how hard she worked as a bartender, even claiming

"Republicans only know how to sit around on leather seats.

"Reading that you’d think we’re making this up to roast her but nope, she’s been good enough to roast herself.

"Candace Owens finally had enough of the ‘I work and I slave, and what thanks do I get’ routine from Sandy, and dropped her: .  . . .". .

Keeps going and going: AOC’s continued whining about Repubs not knowing HOW HARD she’s worked just a hot mess of HILARITY

I fear for a nation that chooses such silly leadership. A country gets the leaders it deserves. TD

Age-shaming AOC mocks folks who ‘remember when Hershey bars were 5¢ at the general store’  . . . "Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a combat veteran and retired U.S. Army officer, was among the first to respond.

" 'Between working my family’s hog farm, construction jobs with my dad, and the biscuit line at Hardee’s — not to mention running convoys in a combat zone — I can promise you this conservative Senator knows exactly what it’s like to work a physically demanding job,” she wrote."

. . . "Several other users responded to Ocasio-Cortez as well, including Chris Loesch, husband to conservative author and “The First” host Dana Loesch. . . .

“‘Physically difficult’ … The actual physical laborers you want to have pay for everyone else’s college tuition would like to introduce you to physically difficult jobs. You have no idea what those words mean till you have done hot tar roofing. BTW, why didn’t you buy Obamacare?” he wrote." . .

Nancy Pelosi Babbles Incoherently After Admitting Holding Up the Virus Relief Until She Thought Biden Won


"Maybe House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) will never be voted out, given her district is San Francisco.

"But what she just admitted to is so vile that she certainly deserves to be tossed out on her ear.

"She had claimed for months that she was unwilling to accept a smaller COVID virus relief package. Republicans alleged she was holding off on relief so Americans would suffer more and blame President Donald Trump in the election, despite the fact that it was Nancy Pelosi who was holding it up.

"Now, after the election is over, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, Pelosi’s finally willing to sign onto a smaller deal, now that she thinks Joe Biden has won. “It’s ok now,” she said. “Because now we have a new president.”. . . 

. . . "Trump offered stand alone bills. She still refused. So it was clearly all about helping get Joe Biden in. She was willing to hurt millions of Americans if it helped her hold onto political power. It was President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed that’s gotten us three vaccines with over 94% effective, not Joe Biden. Notice how she doesn’t say that, already trying to swipe that credit from Trump. But I wanted to point out that in addition to her statement being vile and revealing her craven desire for power, it sounds like she’s had a little bit too much liquid at lunch. It’s barely coherent, like Biden. She tries to say “build back better,” Biden’s slogan, but she trips all over her tongue. But it’s a slogan that he apparently lifted from folks who have pushed the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.' ”

The Trump vaccine becomes ready during this next term, presumably Democrat's.  Watch them claim credit, even to the extent of using the term, "Biden vaccine", depending completely on the mal-information of Democrat voters coming from MSNBC-like sources and campus propagandists. TD

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Project Veritas Strips CNN Naked

Liberal politicians and media figures constantly rail against threats to “our democracy,” but there is no greater threat to democracy than a corrupt news media, because it emasculates free speech, which is the single greatest constitutional safeguard for the integrity of our representative republic.

David Limbaugh  

"Project Veritas’ expose of CNN’s behind-the-scenes conference calls shows that the network’s slogan should be “We won’t fully report so you can’t knowledgeably decide.”

"James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, in the ultimate trolling coup of the year, monitored and recorded CNN’s morning conference call with CNN President Jeff Zucker and other company executives and reporters for some two months. O’Keefe has released the first batch of audiotapes from those calls, which confirm the network’s anti-Donald Trump, pro-Joe Biden bias.

"Exposing CNN’s liberal bias is no bombshell, as it is self-evident to any objective viewer, but it is deliciously affirming to hear these legacy media frauds betray their corruption in their own words. There’s no explaining away their admissions of news doctoring in these tapes.

"The recordings prove that the executives not only dictate the network’s editorial slant but also manipulate its news side in deciding what stories will be reported and how they will be presented — to ensure that Trump is portrayed in a negative light and Biden is protected at all costs."

"It would be less objectionable if the network would admit that it has a liberal bias, but it does the opposite: The anchors and reporters hold themselves out as consummate journalists, exemplary professionals committed to giving their viewers information without a partisan filter. Through these tapes, they’ve vindicated our long-standing charge that their mission is to tailor the news to fit their liberal narrative, rather than to fairly report it. These are the same people who sermonize on air and on Twitter daily about the importance of honest journalism and political integrity, and who denigrate so-called conservative networks as hopelessly biased.

. . . 

Records Show Maxine Waters' Campaign Paid Her Daughter Roughly $240,000 During 2020 Race

The Federalist Papers  "Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California funneled about $240,000 to her daughter during the 2020 campaign, according to federal documents.

"Federal Election Commission filings show that during the 2019-2020 campaign cycle, Karen Waters received about $213,000 as of the start of the last reporting period.

"The latest report for the final quarter of the campaign season shows $28,150 paid to Karen Waters. There is a $1,000 payment for “Walker payments”; payments of $900 and $5,000 for “GOTV”; and payments of $8,750 and $12,500,” marked “Slate Mailer Management Fee.”

"The “slate mailer” fees come through money that Waters charges fellow Democrats for them to be endorsed by Waters in mailings sent out to those candidates’ constituents, according to Fox News.

"Prior to the 2019-2020 election cycle, her campaign reportedly paid $750,000 to Karen Waters or her PR firm, Progressive Connections, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

"The report of how Waters spent her campaign cash raised hackles on Twitter." . . .

Trump Continues To Deliver On Promises Made, Orders Withdrawal Of Troops From Somalia

Perhaps we can make a trade with Somalia...

The Federalist Papers  "In his 2016 run for the White House, then-candidate Donald Trump promised to always look out for our troops and if at all possible, avoid needless, costly wars that only serve to put our young men and women in harm’s way for no good reason.

"He also pledged to bring our troops home as quickly and as safely as possible.

"Luckily for the troops and for their friends, families and loved ones back home, Trump held true to that promise during his entire stay in the White House and came through once again with a huge announcement about the status of U.S. troops currently serving in the third-world country of Somalia.

"According to Newsmax, on Friday Trump announced that he is removing a vast majority of U.S. military forces from Somalia. Troops stationed in the area have conducted operations against the Al-Shabaab militant group and have taken part in training Somalian forces.

"The Pentagon report stated that the president “has ordered the Department of Defense and the United States Africa Command to reposition the majority of personnel and assets out of Somalia by early 2021.' ” 

. . "While some* have criticized the withdrawal of troops from terrorist hotbeds like Somalia and Afghanistan, it’s probably safe to say that Trump’s expert military advisers, including America’s military generals, have thought of these scenarios and wouldn’t put troops or Americans in harm’s way unless they had a solid plan.."    *CNN-ish types?

The State Bar of California wants to know if I am a two spirit, cisgender pansexual

 Allan J. Favish  "A current voluntary census of California attorneys, by the State Bar of California, the state's licensing, regulation, and disciplinary agency for lawyers, raises the issue of whether the information obtained will be used to grant preferential treatment to people who identify themselves as something other than their biological sex, and whether people who continue to treat such people according to their biological sex will be punished for doing so." . .

. . . "Near the end of the Attorney Census, after asking for the racial and ethnic group(s) with which I identify, I am asked:

Which of the following best fits with the gender you identify as?

Select all that apply



Gender Variant/Non-conforming/Non-binary

Two Spirit

Not listed (please specify): ___________

The next question asks:

Which of the following best applies to you?

Select all that apply




Not listed (please specify): ____________

"Here are some screen shots from the state website that's available for viewing only by lawyers, so you can see for yourself:"

. .

Buried lede: WaPo reports Mexican officials terrified of Biden's open-borders-and-amnesty dinner triangle

Monica Showalter   "How's this for a buried lede? This ran in the ninth paragraph of a Washington Post story about presumed president-elect Joe Biden and his coming relations with Mexico:

... Mexican officials have private concerns that any moves to revoke Trump's enforcement mechanisms too quickly could have a dam-bursting effect at their southern border, unleashing pent-up demand from desperate Central Americans.

"Our southern border was a mess, and it's under control now," said a senior Mexican official who spoke on the condition of anonymity for lack of authorization to discuss potential relations with the United States under the Biden administration[.]

"So much for this new era of "restored" comity and normalcy in foreign relations, as Biden, his team, and their press lackeys have promoted.  Already we've seen the fear and pre-emptive triage actions in the Middle East based on fears of a return to the Obama lead-from-behind policy of weakness.  We've also see the fear in East Asia as small Pacific Rim nations and democracy campaigners in places like Hong Kong worry about a rampant China and a naive and ineffectual Jimmy Carter-style Biden administration.

"Now we've got a full blown concern from Mexico that with Biden ringing the dinner trial of amnesty, migrant surges will trash Mexico, as if that country didn't have enough problems as it is.  If you want to start a migrant surge, there probably isn't a better way to do it than to advertise free amnesty at the destination, as Mickey Kaus noted in one of his tweets.

"As for Mexico, too bad.  Biden cares so little about the U.S. that he's happy to trigger a migrant surge in a bid to please far-left activists who hate America anyway.  He doesn't care about how migrant surges drive down U.S. wages, raise U.S. health and education costs, and set Central American nations up for failure as remittance states, something that the World Bank has noted will underdevelop a country." . . . . .  .

LA Boutique Owner Skewers California Progressive Hypocrites with Savage Window Display

Diogenes' Middle Finger

"RS -Fraser Ross, owner of trendy Los Angeles boutique Kitson L.A., had at least $400,000 in damages to his stores during the weeks of rioting and looting loosely disguised as Black Lives Matter protests back in May and June, and he, like countless other retailers in California, has been severely affected by the state’s strict coronavirus lockdowns. Using the platform he has – huge shop windows on Robertson Boulevard in Los Angeles, and social media – he’s calling out the Hypocrites of 2020 and ironically naming people like California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Hunter Biden the “People of the Year.”

One sample here:

"What would a list of Hypocrites of 2020 be without Alyssa Milano: Milano’s window highlighted her hypocrisy in calling 911 to report a “man with a gun” in her backyard, who turned out to be a neighbor shooting squirrels with a BB gun, while at the same time advocating to #DefundThe Police.

"Milano’s window also featured a stuffed squirrel."


Friday, December 4, 2020

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Used To Be Champions of Free Expression - Now, Not So Much

 Victor Davis Hanson   "A half-century ago, progressives used to push limitless free expression, blasting conservatives for their allegedly blinkered traditionalism. They boasted of obliterating once-normal boundaries in art, music and literature to allow nudity, profanity, sexuality and anti-American boilerplate.


"The left is Victorian — increasingly puritanical, regressive and hypersensitive. Even totalitarian censorship and book-burning have weirdly become part of their by-any-means-necessary methods.

"University of California, Berkeley, professor Grace Lavery was so outraged by author Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” that she went beyond the usual calls to ban the book.

"Lavery advocated burning Shrier’s book." . .

“ 'I DO encourage followers to steal Abigail Shrier’s book and burn it on a pyre,” Lavery tweeted last month.

"Did the self-appointed liberal watchdog the American Civil Liberties Union step in to defend free expression?

"No. One ACLU official poured gas on the book-burning fire.

“ 'Stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on,” tweeted Chase Strangio, the ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice." . . .

You are looking into a bare, white room, its walls covered with empty book shelves. It reminds us of one of the darkest days of German intellectual history. On the 10th of May 1933 the main event of an organized burning of books took place on the Bebelplatz. Not only in Berlin, but also in many other German towns hordes of National Socialist students looted libraries.

Barack Obama Insults Every African-American Man Who Voted for Donald Trump

Michael Austin  "Former President Barack Obama thinks more black men voted for President Donald Trump this year because they’re “susceptible” to a “macho style” candidate.

"During an interview Tuesday with Peter Hamby, the host of Snapchat’s “Good Luck America,” Obama was asked why so many African-American men decided to vote for Trump in the 2020 election.

"The Democrat’s response was an incredibly simplistic analysis of his fellow black Americans, the type of stereotyping that the left would normally consider to be blatantly racist.

"According to a news release this week from the Republican National Committee, 12 percent of African-Americans voted for Trump this year, which is up from 8 percent in 2016 and the highest percentage for a GOP presidential candidate since 1996. He did particularly well among black men, with 19 percent backing him compared with 13 percent in 2016." . . .

Counting"every vote"...If this video isn't a smoking gun, then what is?

When Democrats chant "COUNT EVERY VOTE", see what they mean?

Does a surveillance video prove Georgia election fraud?  "Georgia’s Fulton County, the most populous in the state, claimed it needed to stop absentee ballot overnight on November 3-4 because of a burst pipe. That was a lie. There was no burst pipe, and the counting didn’t stop. At a hearing on Thursday, surveillance footage emerged showing that the ballots being secretly counted came from suitcases hidden under a table." . . .

. . . "Here’s what seems to have happened: In Fulton County, Georgia, the people who planned to add fake ballots to Biden’s vote count on election night had an overall good plan. First, announce that a burst pipe required everybody to vacate the building until morning and, second, count fake votes.

"The planners missed two details. First, they forgot to make sure the government’s documents supported the “burst pipe” narrative. Text messages emerged showing that nothing had burst. Instead, there was a quickly contained slow leak that didn’t even generate a work order.

"Second, they forgot that the State Farm Arena, where the counting took place, has surveillance cameras all over. On Wednesday, intrepid volunteers obtained the videos from the surveillance cameras in the room in which the count took place and, by doing so, may have discovered the election fraud smoking gun.

"In the video below, at a hearing about election fraud in Georgia on Thursday, a volunteer narrates the video showing surveillance footage of the same room from four different angles:"

. . . "Outside of Hollywood movies, plans this complex seldom work. There are simply too many moving parts and, therefore, too many opportunities for mistakes. Forgetting about the surveillance cameras was a mistake and it is to be hoped that every intelligent American who is not a partisan media hack – i.e., members of the public, politicians, and judges alike -- understands that we’re seeing something better than a smoking gun. In those surveillance videos, we’re actually watching in real time the gun being used to commit the biggest crime in American history."

'Smoking Gun' Video Produced During State Senate Election Fraud Hearing in Georgia Has People Talking   "We’ve been hearing a lot of testimony about voter fraud and irregularities.

"But today at the Georgia state senate hearing, people got a glimpse of voter fraud allegedly being carried out on the screen in front of them." . . .

. . . "Her name is R "uby Freeman. And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.  "Her T-shirt says “Lady Ruby” and her purse says, “LaRuby” which is her company. "This was not a very smart move.Her company is called “LaRuby’s Unique Treasures.”  It’s on her LinkedIn page!"

Accusations of racism begin in

Team Trump Says Video Is 'Smoking Gun' Evidence of Election Fraud, Ballot-Stuffing in Georgia  . . . "Stephen Fowler of NPR says that the man in the blue jacket that can be seen in the video is “an official monitor from the secretary of state’s office who was there watching the vote counting.” According to Fowler, “While some partisan monitors left, it wasn’t unsupervised.”

"But, according to Jacki Pick, an attorney working with Trump’s legal team, even though “two Republican field organizers had been sent” there to observe the vote counting, “At no time  were they permitted to observe in any meaningful way.”

"Pick explains that the four election workers remained behind and continued counting and tabulating “well into the night,” even though GOP workers said in sworn affidavits that a poll worker had declared at 10 p.m. that counting had concluded for the evening and would not resume until the following morning

"According to Pick, the poll workers that stayed behind continued “counting, unobserved, unsupervised, not in public view—as [Georgia] statute requires—until about 1:00 in the morning,” Pick said.

"GOP poll workers learned that counting continued from news crews." . . .

Weasel Zippers has this Twitter post