Saturday, January 2, 2021

Pro-Sports Suffered Ratings Disaster In 2020 Following Embrace Of Left Wing Politics

American Lookout

2020 was a year of transformation, in many ways, even in the world of sports.

"Rather than rejecting the left wing radicalism of kneeling during the national anthem, pro-sports embraced the whole thing.

"It had a disastrous effect on ratings as millions of Americans simply turned off the TV or changed the channel.

"The year of the coronavirus was a major disaster for professional sports as every league suffered ratings declines, and lost billions in revenue in 2020.

"TV viewership was not off by just a little, either. It was off an average of 50 percent over last year’s numbers. Even though many Americans were stuck at home as their jobs and cities shut down, TV viewership for sports still cratered.

"According to Front Office Sports, one of golf’s big games, the U.S. Open, lost 56 percent of its viewers over 2019. Basketball suffered greatly, as well. The NBA finals were down 49 percent over last year. Tennis’ Open also cratered, losing 45 percent over 2019’s games. But the worst of all was Hockey’s Stanley Cup. The NHL’s big game lost a whopping sixty percent over the 2019 championship series.

"Thus far the NFL is also cratering, being down at least seven percent over last year. It has been so consistently bad this year that advertisers are starting to rise up to demand concessions for their high advertising spending since viewership has been falling each week." . . .

'The US isn't an option anymore': why California's immigrants are heading back to Mexico

 UK Guardian

Years of anti-immigrant policies from the Trump administration have been magnified by insecurities resulting from the pandemic

"California’s most vulnerable immigrants have faced unprecedented challenges this year, with some weighing whether it’s worth staying in the United States altogether.

"Ten months of a pandemic that has disproportionately sickened immigrants and devastated some of the industries that rely on immigrant labor, combined with years of anti-immigrant policies by the Trump administration have exacerbated insecurities for undocumented people and immigrants working low-wage jobs across California.

"For immigrants at the bottom of the economic ladder, it’s never been easy in the US, said Luz Gallegos, the executive director of the immigrant advocacy group Training Occupational Development Educating Communities Legal Center (Todec).

“ 'But California was also always a place where my family – my parents and grandparents – believed they could build a better life,” said Gallegos who was born into a family of immigrant activists and organizers. “It was always a place with potential.”

"Until this year.

“ 'There’s been so much fear and trauma – just layers of trauma,” she said." . . . More...

The morals of a Democrat

What is happening here is not inconsequential.  It is part of a leftist push to change reality.  People who can be taught to deny the evidence of their own eyes can be sold anything.  If a person's sex is not fixed and real, then nothing else is real, either.  The same government that is selling this kind of lie has created the power to force any other fiction down the public's throat.  Andrea Widburg

The House of Representatives goes woke   "One of the most despicable things the wokesters are pushing on America is "non-gendered language."  It's one thing to do away with work-related descriptions that focus unnecessarily on a person's sex.  For example, nobody sane cares if the person chairing a committee is a "chairman" or a "chairwoman."  It's another thing entirely to do away with language that accurately describes a person's biological reality.  A daughter is not a son and vice versa.  Nevertheless, bowing before the radical gender lobby, the Democrat-led House is preparing to do just that.

"According to an announcement from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and James McGovern (D-Mass.), the Rules Committee chairman, the proposed rules for the 117th Congress will mandate that any words acknowledging biological reality will henceforth be forbidden.  The Democrats didn't state matters so bluntly, but that's the import of the announcement." . . .

We are all San Franciscans now.

How the Proposed House Rules Package Continues the Left's 'War on the Family'  . . . "Thanks to the leadership of Chairman McGovern and our Members, Democrats have crafted a package of unprecedented, bold reforms, which will make the House more accountable, transparent and effective in our work to meet the needs of the American people," Pelosi said in a statement. "These future-focused proposals reflect our priorities as a Caucus and as a Country – including crushing the coronavirus, addressing economic disparity, combating the climate crisis, advancing inclusion, and promoting integrity in government.”

We see how Pelosi's party treats major crimes:
Charged with MURDER, STABBING? In NYC, You’re FREE to Go  The latest outrage took place in The Bronx, where 16-year-old Jordon Benjamin allegedly stabbed Amya Hicks in mid-December. Arrested a few days later, he was charged with felony assault and assorted lesser charges. Amya Hicks needed surgery and spent several days in the hospital. Benjamin was less inconvenienced: He only spent a few hours in a holding cell before being released on his recognizance, without having to post bail. 
"It’s bad enough that an alleged knife-wielding thug who slashes neighborhood women got to gallivant out of jail. But the story becomes downright enraging when we learn that Benjamin was already facing manslaughter charges — and the same judge let him out twice.
"On Christmas Eve 2019, young Benjamin and some of his mates allegedly took time out from their holiday festivities to assault Juan Fresnada, a 60-year-old Bronx man. They stomped on him and brained him with a garbage can. Fresnada died, and Benjamin and his crew got away with $1.
"In his brief career, Benjamin is already the beneficiary of multiple aspects of New York state’s criminal-justice “reform” measures, which our progressive leaders and professional activist class have hailed as “monumental” steps to “create a fairer and more humane” system, in the words of Mayor de Blasio." . . .

Shocker: CNN’s Jim Acosta Admits Media Coverage To Change Under Biden…

 Weasel Zippers

"Time to go easy on Joe."

WTF, CNN, you have abdicated your responsibility and protection under the constitution. CNN should be shut down because of the bias, traitorousness, sedition and duplicity exhibited while President Trump has been in office.




"Listen to what is really going on behind the scenes within CNN. New tapes dropping daily!"

Biden Team Disables Chat On Virtual Press Conferences After Reporters Ask Tough Questions

 Daily Wire

"Democrat Joe Biden’s White House transition team has reportedly disabled the chat function on their Zoom virtual press conferences after invited journalists began complaining about the group’s lack of transparency.

"As The Daily Wire reported last week, reporters were becoming “frustrated” with the Biden team — and Joe Biden himself — because the team appeared to have a slate of favored journalists who were always called up on to ask questions during the team’s virtual press conferences.

"The “New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, PBS and Politico” were given the opportunity to ask questions of the team at nearly every press conference, while even mainstream media outlets like The Associated Press were shut out.

“ 'Hey guys, there tons of folks looking to ask questions and since this is being done once a week, could we PLEASE go longer or at least hold more frequent briefings,” a reporter from The Daily Beast said in the chat of a Zoom press conference held last week.

“ 'Any chance you can take a few more questions? There are a lot of folks here with questions,” Zeke Miller from The Associated Press added.

“ 'Is there a point in saying we want to ask questions if you only call on the same small group every week?” another asked.

"The system had a direct impact: Biden’s team rarely had to answer an unexpected question, particularly about touchy subjects, like an ongoing Department of Justice investigation into his son Hunter’s finances and foreign dealings. Biden has yet to answer questions on Hunter’s issues in any substantive way, and even then when questioned by late-night television hosts, not network reporters.

Pelosi Bans 'Offensive' Gender Terms Like 'Mother' & 'Father' in New House Rules

The committee would require Congress to “honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral.”  Democrats have made us a silly society

Jay Greenberg

Democratic House speaker introduces radical new guidelines for Congress

"Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has introduced a radical new set of rules for Congress which includes a ban on "offensive" "gender-focused" terms such as “father, mother, son, and daughter.”

"Pelosi and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) unveiled the rules for the 117th Congress on Friday.

"The elimination of gendered terms is part of a set of “future-focused” proposals, the House Committee on Rules said in a statement.

“ 'This package, which will be introduced and voted on once the new Congress convenes, includes sweeping ethics reforms, increases accountability for the American people, and makes this House of Representatives the most inclusive in history,” the statement reads.

"Speaker Pelosi said she is “pleased to join Chairman Jim McGovern in introducing this visionary rules package."

"The new rules reflect "the views and values of the full range of our historically diverse House Democratic Majority,” she added.' " . . .

We Don’t Need To Accept The 'New Normal' The Left Is Forcing On Us

. . . However, aging doesn’t mean dead. We can buck the historic trend. It’s true that we have forgotten the ideals that once made us great, and replaced the “old normals” of liberty, individual responsibility, equality, and unity with the “new normals” of identity politics, wokeness, cancel culture, and critical race theory." . . .

Dems plan rules changes for incoming House that weaken rights of GOP minority and eliminate 'gendered terms'  America is becoming the Bay Area with its morals.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Soros-Backed D.A. Sued By L.A. Prosecutors Over Reducing Sentence Enhancements

Neon Nettle

George Gascón announced radical changes earlier this year

The newly installed George Soros-backed District Attorney George Gascón is being sued by The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) of Los Angeles County over his recent order to ban prosecutors from enhanced prison sentences, and declining prosecutions for various crimes.

"Gascón announced radical changes earlier this year, including eliminating cash bail.  
"Soros donated $1.5 million to the California Justice and Safety PAC, which backed Gascón.
"Gascón issued a ban on the death penalty and a prohibition on extended sentences for exacerbating circumstances, such as belonging to a gang or using a gun.
"Ongoing cases were affected by the new rules, like one involving a suspect charged with a double murder, which included that of L.A. Sherrif’s Deputy Gilbert Solano." . . .

How Much Voter Fraud Was There?

Tony Branco

 Power Line  "Voter fraud is a large and growing problem in the United States, and there is good reason to think that it exploded in 2020 on account of (among other things) unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots and deliberately lax controls in many states. John Lott has now produced a statistical analysis that suggests substantial voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Lott’s conclusion is that his analysis suggests a total of more than 55,000 fraudulent votes in those two counties. Lott’s paper is embedded below, and his statistical calculations are laid out in detail. You can evaluate them for yourself.

"Lott’s method is simple and rather elegant: he compares absentee votes in precincts in Fulton County, for example, with adjacent precincts in neighboring counties. He also controls for demographics. Since voting is done at the precinct level, while counting was done at the county level, and since there is no evident reason why precincts across the street from one another should show significantly different results, the approach makes sense." . . .

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof (Oct 13)  . . . "So now that we know voter fraud is a serious issue, what are some solutions to this problem? States like Michigan have Poll Challenger programs, where observers from both parties may be present at voter check-in tables at precincts. They check each voter’s ID against a database of registered voters for that precinct to ensure the person attempting to vote is actually legally qualified to vote in that precinct. If there’s a discrepancy, the poll challenger may officially challenge the ballot. Other states should implement similar programs.

Earl of Taint

"States should sponsor initiatives to remove dead voters and correct the registrations of people registered in multiple states (make them choose just one state). Since many local jurisdictions are reluctant to clean their voter rolls, federal or state oversight with teeth may be necessary.

"Further, voter ID laws, such as the one implemented by North Carolina, but (wrongly) struck down by three liberal judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit— one appointed by Bill Clinton and the other two appointed by President Obama—are needed to ensure there’s no cheating with votes. States should continue to press the issue regardless of recent setbacks by liberal activist judges."...

Suggested New Name For DC Football Team:

Legal Insurrection’s Most-Viewed Posts of 2020

Legal Insurrection

"This was a boom year for Legal Insurrection in many ways, including website traffic. For 2020 we clocked in at 29,977,000 page views, an increase from 21,031,600 in 2019, and 16,793,600 in 2018."

VIDEO: Woman Driver Crashes Car While Flipping the Bird at Trump Supporters  "A woman crashed her car after she leaned out the window to flip off a MAGA corner rally.

"Yes. This woman was driving her car, took her hands off the steering wheel, leaned out the window, and flipped off a bunch of strangers. They were not in her way or bothering her."

Warren rails against oil and gas companies profiting from “pollution,” but it would appear she has no problem at all doing the same thing, even if it’s on a much smaller scale.  Maybe a reporter should ask her at what financial point profiting from pollution becomes unacceptable?  And in what way she thinks it acceptable for her to try to transfer “pollution” profits to her children just as she’s making a national name for herself as a green justice warrior?

Sen. Hirono Walks Out of Hearing After Refusing to Denounce or Criticize Antifa

Hirono is a well-documented nutter who thinks anti-Catholic smears (she attacked a federal judicial nominee for being part of the Knights of Columbus) are totes fine and that religious freedoms are part of “alt-right” ideology (she accused Sen. Sasse of embracing the alt-right).

 Much more here

2020: The Year In Rebuke - Part Three

Stilton's Place

"Unsurprisingly, we voted for Trump (and against the Democrats). Since this apparently made us fascist members of the Nazi party, we had to reflect on what we were actually voting for:

• To keep the Supreme Court a judicial rather than legislative body.
• To keep racists from gaining even more political power.
• To keep our future votes from being disenfranchised by the addition of new Democrat "states."
• To free Black Americans from their liberal prison plantations by increasing their access to
    education and opportunity.
• To stand in solidarity with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
• To clean up the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ.
• To keep socialism from devouring our economy and work ethic.
• To have legal citizenship actually mean something.
• To improve everyone's access to quality, affordable healthcare.
• To ensure equal rights to all regardless of race, color, faith, or sexual orientation.
• To fight against "cancel culture."
• To protect our cities from those who would burn them down without fear of legal
• To resist the control of all information and speech by giant media conglomerates.
• To support police agencies and the communities which they serve.
• To maintain a viable economy during the pandemic rather than embrace systemic failure.
• To allow political dissent and the free exchange of ideas.
• To drain the Washington swamp.
• To keep our military strong.
• To put America first.

. . . 

"Biden and his gang of retreads from the largely unsuccessful Obama-Biden Administration aren’t running against Trump anymore. So now what?"

 Conrad Black  "There is substantial danger that the approaching Biden Administration will enter office determined to execute a 180-degree policy course change in almost every field, partly out of the spiteful and irrational antagonism that swiftly arose in opposition to Donald Trump, and partly from the perversity, obsolescence, and reactionary contrariety of current Democratic policy thinking. 

"Inevitably, the Democrats suffer from the polyglot composition of the contending factions that now compose that party. The African Americans within the Democrats are more militant than ever: President Trump raised the Republican percentage of African American votes by approximately half, and earned widespread credit for his promotion of Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina’s Enterprise Zone program, which incentivized heavy job-creating investment in disadvantaged areas. This and other Trump policies, especially the drastic reduction in unskilled illegal immigration, effectively eliminated black unemployment for the first time since World War II. 

"As it is now becoming practically impossible for the Democrats to retain their lock on the African American vote—approximately 11 percent of the country’s total—by simply dismissing Republicans as fat-cat, white, country club devotees afflicted by complacent whites’ racial indifference or bigotry, the black Democratic leadership is now reduced, in a phrase from the O.J. Simpson trial, to “dealing the race card off the bottom of the deck.”  

"The charge that Trump is a racist was completely unfounded and debunked by his success in improving the lot of the ethnic minorities, and Trump has shaken the Democratic hold on the African American vote with his charges that the Democrats’ polemical pandering to sentiments of racial anger and even self-pity, while doing nothing to reduce the dependence of many African Americans on the welfare system and drug addiction, or to alleviate the inordinate levels of incarceration of African Americans (and other minorities), are just hypocrisy. " . . .

Sowell or Biden: which has the wisdom to govern a nation?



FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Implied Thomas Sowell Was Racist For Opposing Affirmative Action  . . . "The exchange occurred during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Nominee Robert Bork in 1987. Sowell attended the hearings to testify on behalf of Judge Bork and was given 10 minutes to make a case for his character. It was during this hearing that Democrats, including then Sen. Biden, slandered Bork and failed to confirm him in a 42–58 vote. 

"Biden pushed Sowell on his public opposition to affirmative action, implying that Sowell, a black man, is racist for his opinion on the policy.

“I gather from your comments about MIT and Harvard that you don’t think there’s enough blacks out there who are qualified to fill the number of vacancies, allotted for them in those schools, is that right? My point is, you believe there’s not enough black women and men out there that are the same as white women and men go through Harvard and MIT? You’re saying factually there are not enough?” Biden asked.

"Sowell previously explained that affirmative action sets up many black Americans for failure due to race-based quotas.

“ 'They are systematically mismatched with universities and the admissions process,” Sowell said. “That is if Harvard feels that it must have X percent of blacks. And the pool is such that they can’t get X percent of blacks at the same level as the rest of the Harvard students, they’re going to take those blacks who would have succeeded in some state university and bring them to Harvard where many of them will fail.” . . .