"Corruption" is mentioned with no offense intended and in a nice way. TD
Monica Showalter "Shouldn't the Democrats be in the catbird seat? After all, they've "won" the election, including the House, the Senate, and the White House. Apparently, the country was just itching to become another California. And the courts, the big state, Hollywood, and the press are all on their side.
"But somehow, even with President Trump silenced, impeached, and out of power, things aren't going so good for Democrats.
"Impeachment is failing. The verdict will likely come today. Their aim was "political vengeance," as Trump's attorney said Friday, and the bid fell flat. Their spin, and lies, and low-grade informercial for themselves in this Senate impeachment trial persuaded no one. And their bigger aim, which was keeping President Trump from running for office, same as third-world dictators do to their opponents, backfired. Not only are they likely to see Trump again in 2024, but their vile efforts to shut him down have come back to bite them. Trump's stature has risen from this attempted railroading, so the effort was a bust.
"It gets worse. Now two of their fairest-haired boys, their pride and joy, the governors billed as the future of their party, are both going down like the Titanic.
"First, New York's Emmy Award–winning COVID governor, Andrew Cuomo, who not too long ago was hailed as presidential material. Even the New York Times is covering it:" . . .