Sunday, February 14, 2021

Seven turncoats

 Their constant reference to our Constitution is a joke; they have no reverence for our founding document, none at all.  Those seven treasonous faux Republicans voted with the pro-violence, anti-law-enforcement crowd.

Patricia McCarthy  "What motivated those Republicans to vote guilty?

"Burr, (NC), Sasse, (NE), Romney, (UT), Collins,(ME), Murkowski, (AK), Cassidy,(LA), Toomey, (PA)

I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.  Aeschylus

"Is it their own moral narcissism as Roger Simon suspects, a misplaced sense of their own moral righteousness?  It can’t be because their constituents wanted them to vote guilty.  They will likely each be censured in their home states for their betrayal.  

"Is it their own insecurity re: their membership in the swamp?  Is it money?  Were they somehow paid for their guilty votes?  That would surprise no one.  

"We’ve long known that Romney’s hatred for Trump ate his brain, destroyed any core values he ever had, if he had them.  Murkowski has never been a reliable conservative nor has Susan Collins.  They are both Democrats in their heart of hearts. Cassidy was a Democrat all his life until 2006, so he too is a fake republican." . . .   

Cartoon Shows What Senators Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney Have in Common (

Federalist Papers

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Democrat lies called out

Trump Defense Team Just Destroyed One of the Most Persistent of Democrat Lies | The Spectator | Truth Conquers All   " . . .Among the things they did was show Democrats if they’re trying to criminalize or impeach based on speech, that Democrats had far more questionable comments ‘inciting’ in the past than President Donald Trump did in his Jan. 6 speech, who said to supporters to act “peacefully and patriotically.” The defense showed the utter hypocrisy of the Democrats using their own words in a terrific video compilation. If one should impeach for such words, then all of them should be impeached. They also showed that if Democrats were trying to demonize or impeach for objecting to or raising questions about the electoral count, that Democrats themselves had done it many times in the past, including Democratic lead impeachment manager, Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had not only done it but had praised the process of doing it, saying it was important to democracy. The defense also juxtaposed the Democrats’ words that seemed to encourage rioting with scenes from the BLM/Antifa riots and brought up the issue of Democrats like Kamala Harris donating to a bail fund to help those arrested during the rioting." . . .

Hillary's years of trashing trump video:

5 Must-Watch Moments From Trump's Impeachment Defense (  "Trump’s lawyers dismantled this argument, piece by piece. They exposed Democrats’ hypocrisy on alleged incitement, highlighted the Democrats’ extensive use of the term “fight” in a political context, revealed how Democrats repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of election results, and demonstrated that the Democrat impeachment managers had selectively edited Trump’s January 6 remarks.

“This case, unfortunately, is about political hatred. It has become very clear that the House Democrats hate Donald Trump. This type of political hatred has no place in our political institutions and certainly no place in the law,” Michael Van Der Veen, one of Trump’s lawyers, argued. “This hatred has led the House managers to manipulate and selectively edit Mr. Trump’s speech and make it falsely appear that he sought to incite the crowd to violently attack the Capitol. He didn’t and we will show you why.' ” ' ' '

. . . "But one of the other things that the defense did was call out one of the House Democrats’ lies, a lie that Democrats have continued now for years, a lie that Joe Biden said was part of the very reason he ran. That was the “very fine people” lie.

"Raskin played a deceptively edited video that claimed that Trump had called Neo-Nazis “very fine people.” He edited out where Trump said, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.” He was talking about folks on the left and free speech purists on the right. It’s a lie that’s been debunked for years. But that didn’t stop Raskin. Raskin also stupidly improperly identified the Charlottesville in question."

Also: "Impeachment manager exhibit incorrectly identifies Charlottesville, VA, as Charlottesville, NC

Are you feeling safer yet?

Frederick County sheriff Chuck Jenkins told "Fox & Friends" host Steve Doocy what this means: "These people are going to roam our streets with impunity[.] ... This is going to be disastrous, dangerous, gonna impact every county, every city, every community in this country and again, this is total lawlessness."

American Thinker  A liberal relative of mine said of Biden's victory that she was overwhelmed with relief.  But she is not likely to experience the life of calm and safety she anticipates with the Democrat party having won the presidency, the Senate, and the House, not to mention control at all levels of the state she lives in: California.

To illustrate the point about safety, take New York City.  A New York Post editorial quotes New York City police commissioner Dermot Shea: "We have made staggering numbers of gun arrests, taking guns off the streets from felons, but when you look, three days later, four days later, those individuals are back on the street committing more gun violence."

The editorial continues by saying that years of often ill conceived criminal justice reform has set up a revolving door that frees even repeat offenders almost instantly.  And "[w]orse, because everyone knows the perp will be back in the neighborhood again — and the no-bail law lets the defense know right away who has talked — witnesses are ever-harder to come by."

"Well, that's in one Democrat-run state.  What about California?  According to "Through a series of measures starting back in 2014, the state of California has made it increasingly easy for people to commit property theft and get away with it[.] ... Even in cases where they do manage to catch somebody stealing, it's too often not worth the trouble of taking them down to the station because they'll just be released immediately without bail anyway."  One result of this is that California businesses are shutting down for good." . . . More here

UPDATE: House Impeachment Managers FOLD – Back Off On Witnesses After Trump Legal Team Announces Pelosi Will Be Called In — Closing Arguments Begin!


Tony Branco

Gateway Pundit  "Democrats flipped the script this morning after their case collapsed on Friday against President Trump.

"Democrats now want to change the rules and call in witnesses. This comes after Senator McConnell announced he will vote to acquit. 

"This comes after Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington leaked news on a January 6, 2021 phone call between House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and former President Donald Trump." . . .

. .  . "According to reports the Trump legal team requested to call in Speaker Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to testify before the US Senate. It is well known that Pelosi, Bowser and Mitch McConnell refused to increase security on January 6th for the US Capitol.

"Senator Ted Cruz agreed this morning that the Trump legal team will call in Speaker Pelosi to testify along with Mayor Muriel Bowser.

"Following this announcement, the House Impeachment Managers backed off from calling witnesses.

"They moved on to closing arguments.

"They folded.


Bad week for Democrats of all stripes

"Corruption" is mentioned with no offense intended and in a nice way. TD

 Monica Showalter  "Shouldn't the Democrats be in the catbird seat?  After all, they've "won" the election, including the House, the Senate, and the White House.  Apparently, the country was just itching to become another California.  And the courts, the big state, Hollywood, and the press are all on their side.

"But somehow, even with President Trump silenced, impeached, and out of power, things aren't going so good for Democrats.

"Impeachment is failing.  The verdict will likely come today.  Their aim was "political vengeance," as Trump's attorney said Friday, and the bid fell flat.  Their spin, and lies, and low-grade informercial for themselves in this Senate impeachment trial persuaded no one.  And their bigger aim, which was keeping President Trump from running for office, same as third-world dictators do to their opponents, backfired.  Not only are they likely to see Trump again in 2024, but their vile efforts to shut him down have come back to bite them.  Trump's stature has risen from this attempted railroading, so the effort was a bust.

"It gets worse.  Now two of their fairest-haired boys, their pride and joy, the governors billed as the future of their party, are both going down like the Titanic.

"First, New York's Emmy Award–winning COVID governor, Andrew Cuomo, who not too long ago was hailed as presidential material.  Even the New York Times is covering it:" . . .

Californians Prepare To Take Down Gov. Gavin Newsom Before He Takes Down The State

 The Federalist

. . . “ 'Even if he came up with some policy solutions, at this point I don’t think anybody would believe it,” Dunsmore explained. “He’s been on such a seesaw.” The only way a politician will successfully navigate a situation like the one created by Newsom, Dunsmore said, is by paying attention and by listening “to the people and not the pundits.”

“ 'Don’t discard the preferences of the people you want to represent,” Dunsmore warned. “Don’t tell them how to think. Understand and listen to what’s happening to them. Their opinions are born of the school of hard knocks. They’re living it. And they’re either going to live a dream or a nightmare, and they look to their representatives to lead them towards the dream and not provoke the nightmare and perpetuate the nightmare, and that’s what you’re seeing.”

"Read more of The Federalist’s coverage of and commentary on the Recall Gavin Newsom effort here and here."

Audio Player

Decades Before The Civil War, Lincoln Saw An Approaching Storm. Every American Should Read His Warning

 The Federalist

Beyond their brutality, the young lawyer feared these mobs for the lawlessness they embodied -- and the idle familiarity with which his fellow Americans seemed to accept these incidents.

. . . "This too, was well familiar to Lincoln, who knew the mob will go further and spread deeper, warning, “by instances of the perpetrators of such acts going unpunished, the lawless in spirit, are encouraged to become lawless in practice; and having been used to no restraint, but dread of punishment, they thus become, absolutely unrestrained.”

“ 'On the other hand,” he predicted, “good men, men who love tranquility, who desire to abide by the laws, and enjoy their benefits, who would gladly spill their blood in the defense of their country; seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection; and are not much averse to a change in which they imagine they have nothing to lose.”

"Combined, he warned, these seemingly opposing feelings come to one terrible conclusion: “the strongest bulwark of any Government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed — I mean the attachment of the People.”

"To ensure that the fading “scenes of the revolution are [not] now or ever will be entirely forgotten,” Lincoln prescribed “in history, we hope, they will be read of, and recounted, so long as the Bible shall be read.' ” . . .More...

If Disney Fired Gina Carano, It Should Fire Pedro Pascal

Gina Carano Fired by Disney After Holocaust Tweet While ‘Mandalorian’ Co-Star Pedro Pascal, Who Compared US Migrant Facility to Nazi Concentration Camp, Not Fired (  "The Walt Disney Co. dropped actress and MMA star Gina Carano from its hit Disney+ series The Mandalorian on Thursday, caving to a cancel campaign after the actress compared the current political climate to Nazi Germany on social media. But in what appears to be a corporate double standard, her co-star Pedro Pascal has also conflated current politics with Nazi Germany and remains employed by the studio.

" 'The difference is that while Carano compared current Democratic policies to the Nazis, Pascal likened the Trump administration to Germany’s Third Reich.

" 'In a 2018 tweet, actor Pedro Pascal attempted to smear the Trump administration by comparing the detention of migrant children at the border to Nazi concentration camps. Pascal used the hashtag #ThisIsAmerica while juxtaposing photographs of a Nazi concentration camp dated 1944 and what appears to be a photo of migrant youths in a border facility." . . .

 "Pedro Pascal didn’t mention in his tweet the fact that the Obama-Biden administration built many of the fences, often referred to as “cages,” at U.S. border facilities that were used to detain adults and separate them from children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.

"While Gina Carano has espoused libertarian and right-leaning views on social media, Pascal has promoted his progressive ideology and left-wing politics on Twitter.

"On President Trump’s last day in office, Pascal tweeted “BYE.” When Twitter banned the president earlier last month, the actor expressed his joy." . . .

WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video

 Video: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' (


5 Must-Watch Moments From Team Trump's Impeachment Defense

 5 Must-Watch Moments From Trump's Impeachment Defense (

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WATCH: President Trump&#39;s rhetoric VS the Democrats&#39; rhetoric. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) <a href="">February 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Friday, February 12, 2021

EPIC! Trump's Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of "Fight" Word Like Trump Did!

EPIC! Trump's Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of "Fight" Word Like Trump Did!   The Democrats demonized President Trump for using the word ‘fight’.  Trump’s attorneys responded today with a collage of clips from each of the Democrats in the room using the word ‘fight’.

"This portion of today’s events on Capitol Hill was excellent.  The Democrats claim that because President Trump used the word ‘fight’ in his speech on January 6th in Washington D.C.  However, what every Democrat in that room forgot was that they too had used the word previously in political speech." . . .

Former President Trump’s lawyers on Friday presented a montage showing Trump’s high profile critics promoting and condoning violence, featuring President Joe Biden, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and more.

“ 'Contrast the president’s repeated condemnations of violence with the rhetoric from his opponents,” Trump’s counsel said as the montage began to play, featuring former President Trump reiterating his position as the “president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters.”

Democrats FightFightFight!

The public has had enough of cancel culture and cultural Marxism, and it’s fighting back.

Disney officially cut ties with Carano over an image the actress posted to her Instagram depicting a Jewish woman running from Nazi guards with the caption: . . . “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

Gina Carano To Produce And Star In Upcoming Film For The Daily Wire | The Daily Wire

"Actress Gina Carano is partnering with The Daily Wire to produce and star in an upcoming film exclusively for Daily Wire members.

"Carano and The Daily Wire announced the new partnership on Friday, two days after the actress was ousted from her role in the Disney Star Wars spinoff show “The Mandalorian.” Disney cut the actress on Wednesday in what critics alleged was a politically-motivated hit.

“ 'The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered,” Carano said in a statement Friday. “I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.' ” . . .

The persecution of Gina Carano - spiked (  "Her sacking perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy and intolerance of the woke elites."

. . . "Schwarzenegger’s Holocaust Relativism was arguably more egregious than Carano’s. Hers was at least a little vague. He marshalled a specific event, one of the darkest in human history, and used it to make a showy, viral political point in the here and now. And yet he became the man of the hour while Carano is a witch who must be burned." . . .

Gina Carano’s Mandalorian Firing a New Hollywood Blacklist (  . . . "Trumbo gained some martyrdom when he was hauled to Washington to testify in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. “This is the beginning of the American concentration camp,” he warned. (Fortunately for Trumbo, his antagonists, unlike Carano’s, were not witless enough to confuse hyperbolic Nazi comparisons with anti-Semitism.)" . . .

The Cultural Civil War Begins  "The Powers That Be cancel Morgan Wallen and Gina Carano, and America rallies to them."

Carano refused to follow the cultural Left’s demands that she identify her pronouns on her social media profile, and supposedly that makes her “transphobic.” She expressed doubt, as perhaps most Americans have, that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Carano made fun of the wildly over-the-top COVID restrictions in California, a mainstream enough position that opposition to those restrictions has now fueled a recall election against that state’s governor, Gavin Newsom. She expressed doubt over the integrity of the 2020 election.
The American Spectator | USA News and Politics