Saturday, February 27, 2021

Did Wind Power Fall Hard During the Great Texas Storm? Yep. Twice.


PJ Media   "Texas is that rare state that has everything: oil, natural gas, coal, space for wind and solar, rare-earth minerals, great food, good-looking people, and abundant humility.

"Maybe not that last one. And we haven’t had a Super Bowl champion in much too long a time.

"Anyway, Friday morning I pulled electric power generation data by source from the United States Energy Information Administration. EIA is reputable and authoritative, to the extent that any government agency is. Insert shrug emoji if you wish. I mostly trust their data. It’s EIA’s data everyone cites when they, accurately, say the United States reduced carbon emissions faster than other developed nations and ahead of the Paris Accords targets over the past few years. EIA’s data attributes that to the rise of natural gas as a cheap, reliable, and clean power source. So you’ve probably trusted their data too, whether you were aware of it or not.

"Here’s what their Texas energy generation graph of the past week says.

"The beige line at the top is natural gas, the green line in the middle is wind. Take note of what that line does between Feb 15-16 and then again on Feb. 17. Also take note of what the beige line is doing during that second period.

"I’ll add some arrows to point out wind’s lowest generation points": . . .

Biden bombs when comparing Trump to Nazi official  "Joe Biden, who has accused Republicans of being practitioners of the Big Lie, is no slouch either when it comes to telling whoppers.

"And he can get away with it because the biased media fails to hold him accountable for anything, even when he calls Republicans Nazis. They believe him or pretend to.

"Otherwise, some straight-shooting mainstream reporter (if there are any left) might have asked Biden what the hell he was talking about when he compared President Trump, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to Nazi Joseph Goebbels and the Allied World War II firebombing of Dresden, Germany.

"It all may be academic now that Trump is out the door, but it matters.

"But no reporter asked a follow-up question, perhaps because they had no idea what Biden was talking about. Dresden to them probably was some sort of chinaware. Besides, it sounded like more of Biden’s gibberish.

"World War II is not taught much in schools anymore, and only a diminishing number of veterans who fought in it are still with us. So, ignorance about it is understandable.

"It was a war in which the United States defeated Nazi Germany, and fascist Italy and Japan. The U.S. freed Europe from Nazi occupation and made the world safe for democracy, as quaint as that might sound today.

"Biden, prepping for his presidency — and tired of using Hitler as an insult — came up with Goebbels, who was Hitler’s propaganda minister and a master of the Big Lie. . . ."

Regrettable need for a language warning:

Syrian Woman Begs Trump & Americans To Stop Biden From Killing Innocent People…

  Weasel Zippers

"Sorry. Can’t help you. We’re traitors now remember?"

 Tunnel Dweller ➐ on Twitter: "Good job to all the Biden voters out there." / Twitter

Biden Is Blundering Us Into World War 3 - National File   "The Joe Biden administration is blundering America into a World War 3 scenario as tensions rise globally. We are looking at a WW3 in which the regime controlling America does not represent the American people, there is zero national cohesion, and there are no clear objectives except the profit-oriented destabilization goals and petty rivalries of the Oligarchs. Such a war is not winnable for the American government, and could spark a massive bipartisan antiwar movement to challenge the bellicose decisions of the Biden regime." . . .

Woke Is Stupid: Hasbro Neuters Mr. Potato Head, Drops ‘Mister

 Legal Insurrection

UPDATE: Hasbro said it will label the toy as Potato Head, but Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head are not going anywhere. I guess they’re trying to please everyone?

"Well, earlier, the Associated Press reported Mr. Potato Head no longer exists:

Hasbro, the company that makes the potato-shaped plastic toy, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.

Toy makers have been updating their classic brands to appeal to kids today. Barbie has shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes. Thomas the Tank Engine added more girl characters. And American Girl is now selling a boy doll.

Hasbro said Mr. Potato Head, which has been around for about 70 years, needed a modern makeover.

"But then Hasbro tried to save face!" . . .

Friday, February 26, 2021

Jim Acosta Showed up to CPAC and It Went Exactly How You Think

 – RedState

"If there’s one thing CNN’s Jim Acosta loves more than Jim Acosta, it’s getting Jim Acosta attention no matter what form that attention comes in, and Jim Acosta knew exactly what he needed to do in order to get some attention for Jim Acosta…he went to CPAC.

"Acosta placed himself in the middle of the crowd right next to the Fox Nation booth on radio row where people were thickest. This, of course, attracted the attention of a lot of CPAC attendees who have a lot of reasons to not like the guy.

"It wasn’t long before a crowd formed around him and he continued to make his way unopposed through the crowd but not without a “CNN sucks” chant beginning from the people." . . .

CNN's Jim Acosta Gets Schooled After Inadvertently Revealing the Real Reason He Went to CPAC – RedState

But one thing his idiotic “cancel culture” tweet does confirm with us is one of the reasons he was really at CPAC. Not to “report the news” but to make himself the news:

Biden’s Transgender Nominee for HHS Refuses to Answer Question on Gender-Altering Surgeries for Children

 Biden’s Transgender Nominee for HHS Refuses to Answer Question on Gender-Altering Surgeries for Children - American Greatness (  "Joe Biden’s nominee for Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services, “Rachel” Levine, dodged a question by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on whether or not he would support serious gender-altering procedures for minors, including puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery, as reported by Breitbart.

"Senator Paul, who is himself a doctor, asked a length question of Levine, a biological man who was born as Richard Levine, and believes himself to be a woman. Paul pointed out that “American culture is now normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics.”

"Noting that Levine in the past has “supported both allowing minors to be given hormone blockers to prevent them from going through puberty, as well as surgical destruction of a minor’s genitalia,” Paul cited a study from The American College of Pediatricians which reported that “80 to 95 percent of pre-pubertal children with gender dysphoria will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to medical intervention and social affirmation.”

"Paul then directly asked Levine if he believes “that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?” Levine responded with a non-specific answer, simply saying that “transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care that have been developed.” Levine added that, if confirmed, he would “look forward to working with you and your office and coming to your office and discussing the particulars of the standards of care for transgender medicine.”

"Following that answer, Paul simply asked to “let it go into the record that the witness refused to answer the question.”

"In addition to his controversial stance on “transgenderism,” Levine had also faced widespread criticism for his actions while serving as Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Health. In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, when Levine forced nursing homes in the state to accept coronavirus-positive patients, he had taken extra steps to ensure that his own mother was moved out of such a facility and into private care." . . .

That was then: Richard Levine, Pictured with his ex-wife.

Rand Paul’s Rachel Levine Questioning -- The Absurd Criticism | National Review
JUST IN: Rand Paul questions Dr. Rachel Levine on puberty blockers for minors with gender dysphoria.

Good morning. Spot the item that most pertains to CNN's helium-voiced host, Brian Stelter.

 Don Surber: Highlights of the News

Good morning. Spot the item that most pertains to CNN's helium-voiced host, Brian Stelter.  Well, not this one, I can tell you. TD:

"ITEM 9Reuters reported, "C. Arnold McClure chairs the Republican Party in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania -- deep in Trump country -- and wants to punish fellow conservatives who have turned against the former president.
"McClure is among those pushing the state party to censure Pennsylvania’s Republican senator, Pat Toomey, for voting this month to convict Donald Trump, at his second impeachment trial, of inciting the U.S. Capitol riots. McClure will apply the same standard to any Republican candidate in upcoming elections who seeks support in his rural county: Those who have defended Trump will pass 'our first litmus test,' he said. He has a simple question for any who have not: 'What the hell?' "
He is absolutely right.
Not one Democrat denounced the riots this summer that caused billion of dollars in damage.
Toomey is just another fake." . . .

right that Trump's now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before. But what she did not say is that the very same “cages” were built and used in her husband's administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily.


Image by Marcus Aurelius. American Thinker

Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border? 

The claim: Michelle Obama criticized the Trump administration for putting kids in cages, but the cages were built during the Obama administration  . . . "In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that the "cages" predate the Trump administration.

" 'Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017," Johnson said. 

"Kelly asked Johnson about a 2014 photograph of him touring an Arizona facility for migrants along with former Gov. Jan Brewer. The picture is archived on the website for the Arizona Capitol Times.

"That image was also part of another social media meme accusing Michelle Obama of lying about "kids in cages" during her DNC speech. Facebook user Eulalia Maria Jimenez posted it to her page on Aug. 18. Johnson is circled in red in the image.

"Johnson explained the picture was taken during a spike in unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border of the country.

"The photograph you're referring to was a facility in Arizona — I recognize the photograph because Gov. Brewer was with me — and it was during the spike ...  and we had a lot of unaccompanied kids, we had a lot of family units. And under the law, once they're apprehended by the border patrol, within 72 hours, we have to transfer unaccompanied children to (the Department of Health and Human Services). And HHS then puts them in a shelter, and they find placement for them somewhere in the United States." Johnson explained." . . .

Thursday, February 25, 2021

What We’re Reading Today: Biden’s Bad Month, Kids In Cages Woke Coke … And More

 Issues & Insights    "Headlines that caught our eye.


Fauci: Vaccinated people still can’t dine indoors ‘because of the safety of society’ — Washington Times

10 Crazy Examples of Unrelated Waste and Partisan Kick-Backs in New ‘COVID’ Bill — FEE

Biden Era

Neera Tanden’s nomination is sinking, Xavier Becerra’s should sink too — Powerline

An Awful First Month for the Biden Administration — Fox News

Biden’s Attempt to Resurrect Iran Nuclear Deal Off to Bumpy Start — MSN

Actions Don’t Match ‘Unity’ Rhetoric — The Hill

Congressional Democrats bully cable providers to drop Fox, Newsmax, OANN — Washington Times

Biden Takes On Trump’s Migrant Policies and Confusion Reigns at the Border — New York Times

Media Bias

Media Can’t Get Enough of Biden’s ‘Empathy’ — Washington Free Beacon

‘Kids in Cages’ Rhetoric Disappears: WaPo, CBS Report on ‘Shelters,’ ‘Migrant Facilities’ at the Border — Legal Insurrection

Here’s a look at a few more examples of media hypocrisy as “kids in cages” become “shelters” under the loving embrace of Joe Biden — Not the Bee

Nolte: PolitiFact Finally Admits Brian Sicknick Not Killed by Fire Extinguisher — Breitbart

Capitol Protests

Capitol violence marked by security breakdowns, witnesses tell senators in wide-ranging hearing — Just the News

Law enforcement officials lay out evidence Capitol riot was ‘coordinated’ attack — The Hill

Big Tech   Amazon yanks bestselling book about transgender issues from online store without explanation — Just the News

Misc  REPORT: Former Obama Staff Colluded With Iran to Undermine Trump — PJ Media

'Slavery ended over 130 years ago': Former NFL player Herschel Walker says Black Americans shouldn't get reparations

AfterMath; Rich Terrell  "Herschel Walker said during a US House hearing that Black Americans should not receive reparations.

" 'Reparations teach separation," Walker argued. "Slavery ended over 130 years ago."

"The Democratic-led House is poised to create a commission to study reparation proposals. 

"The former NFL player Herschel Walker on Wednesday said Black Americans should not receive reparations for slavery.

"A virtual congressional hearing on the issue was being held for House Resolution 40, sponsored by Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, which would create a commission to study reparation proposals.

"Walker, a standout athlete at the University of Georgia who won the Heisman Trophy in 1982 before launching a long professional football career, questioned the logistical feasibility of reparations and dismissed the idea itself as divisive.

" 'We use Black power to create white guilt," he said early in his opening statement. "My approach is biblical. How can I ask my Heavenly Father to forgive me if I can't forgive my brother?' " . . .

Obama comes out of the woodwork, touts reparations for blacks - American Thinker

. . . "Which happens to be the wokester signature issue of the day, now that the federal government is turning on the money spigots for every cause under the sun.

"Fox pointed out that this wasn't Obama's earlier position on reparations, an idea he opposed during his 2008 election. But instead of saying he'd changed his mind owing to the need to be "on the cutting edge" of fashionable leftist thought, and therefore still relevant, the vacay-happy ex-president declared that only the resentful bitter clingers of this country were responsible for stopping him in his redistribution-of-the-wealth socialist dream. In other words, whitey did it.

"Naturally, he was supercilious and patronizing, demonstrating clearly enough that he hasn't changed a bit: . . ."

Out of ammo, Democrats yell 'racism' as Biden's nastiest left-wing cabinet picks go down in flames  . . . "Becerra not only has far left positions but a record as vindictive prosecutor, going after the Little Sisters of the Poor to force them to support abortions against their consciences, to take just one example, and there are many more. He's also got the odor of corruption: His 2008 nomination for U.S. Trade Representative fell apart after news emerged that he lobbied for leniency for a drug trafficker after the latter's rich dad made big donations to the Democratic Party. Pay for play, Xav? He's also an extremely unpleasant person:" . . .

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thank God for the Proud Boys said Ann Coulter-

  Ann Coulter

..."Liberals want their antifa/BLM goons to be free to intimidate, hospitalize and — in at least two cases last year — murder their opponents. That’s why they must criminalize men who protect the innocent."...

"A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, and make no arrests, unless they personally witnessed a felony being committed in front of them.

"So barring a bank suddenly popping up on the sidewalk and an antifa attempting to rob it, I had no official protection from 2,000 violent, mentally disturbed thugs.

"Thank God I had the Proud Boys.

"There had been no warning of the antifa mobilization against me until an hour before the event, when they showed up, with a thousand of them at each entrance to the building where I was to speak.

"Luckily, I’d invited about 20 Proud Boys from northern California chapters to attend my speech. If I hadn’t, I might not have made it to the campus at all. (If antifa had won, at least you would have heard about my visit to Berkeley, because the media would have reported on it triumphantly.)

"The College Republicans had booked a private room for dinner in an Oakland restaurant for earlier that evening, so I invited the Proud Boys to meet me there 45 minutes before the students arrived. We all had to recognize one another, in case they were needed to help deal with any violence during my speech.

"College Republicans are absolutely fantastic, but generally are about as prepared for hand-to-hand combat as I am.

"By contrast, the Proud Boys are brawny, tattooed brutes. Many are ex-military. Some worked security for a living, so my bodyguard planned to use a few of them as auxiliary troops, and the rest would get VIP seats so they could be spread throughout the audience in case of pandemonium.

"As I was taking pictures with the Proud Boys at the restaurant, a freakish transgender in combat boots, fishnet stockings and a man-bun snuck into our private room via a back staircase. It seems that a rainbow-haired waitress had spotted me during the 30 seconds I was passing through the public part of the restaurant, and had called in my location to her antifa pals." . . .

In Oregon, groups of yellow-shirted women posing as Antifa "Moms", there to protect their screaming, menacing young from civilized people, offer their bodies as human shields for the adoration of MSNBC, CNN, and other American Pravda. TD

Members of Moms United for Black Lives Matter stand with arms
linked in Portland, Oregon, as tear gas is fired at rioters on July 29.

Out of ammo, Democrats yell 'racism' as Biden's nastiest left-wing cabinet picks go down in flames -

With nothing out there to defend Tanden, Chu and her pals are crying racism, sexism, any ad hominem claim they can on this nomination whose oversized baggage is just to costly for anyone with a brain to vote for. It's a thin charge. Tanden's flameout is based on her own actions. Same with Becerra and Haaland. The racism charge is cheap but it's apparently all they've got left.

Any chance "Beto" O'Rourke would condemn this incident? Auntie Maxine sure didn't!

 American Thinker   "Remember when patriotism was the last refuge of the scoundrels? At Joe Biden's White House, it's now 'racism,' with a side of 'sexism,' being used as a means to garner Senate support for problematic cabinet picks.

"It's definitely the latest party line on why some extremely nasty cabinet picks of his are going down in flames in obtaining confirmation at the Senate. It's not anything to do with them, it's just all that racism and sexism in that Democrat-controlled Senate that's to blame for the first big fail to come for team Biden.

"According to Politico (Hat tip: Power Line)

Women’s rights activists and allied Democrats are growing increasingly vocal about what they call the unfair targeting of women and people of color nominated by Joe Biden to top posts in his administration.

Their fears had been bubbling for weeks, as Biden’s nominees of color came under sharp attack from conservative groups or saw their nominations delayed or opposed in greater numbers. But the worries burst out into the open over the weekend as Neera Tanden’s nomination to lead the Office of Management and Budget neared defeat at the hands of a Democrat.

“There's a double standard going on,” said Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), head of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. “Her nomination is very significant for us Asian American and Pacific Islanders. I do believe that this double standard has to do with the fact that she would be a pioneer in that position.”

"Oh, really? File under 'preposterous.' " . . .