Friday, February 26, 2021

Good morning. Spot the item that most pertains to CNN's helium-voiced host, Brian Stelter.

 Don Surber: Highlights of the News

Good morning. Spot the item that most pertains to CNN's helium-voiced host, Brian Stelter.  Well, not this one, I can tell you. TD:

"ITEM 9Reuters reported, "C. Arnold McClure chairs the Republican Party in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania -- deep in Trump country -- and wants to punish fellow conservatives who have turned against the former president.
"McClure is among those pushing the state party to censure Pennsylvania’s Republican senator, Pat Toomey, for voting this month to convict Donald Trump, at his second impeachment trial, of inciting the U.S. Capitol riots. McClure will apply the same standard to any Republican candidate in upcoming elections who seeks support in his rural county: Those who have defended Trump will pass 'our first litmus test,' he said. He has a simple question for any who have not: 'What the hell?' "
He is absolutely right.
Not one Democrat denounced the riots this summer that caused billion of dollars in damage.
Toomey is just another fake." . . .

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